Members of the Willowdahe ,ý,sem and Mineral Club cord- ially invite the public to be their guests at the first Gem and Mineral Show. Tbis exhi- bition will be held at Eanl Haigli Secondary Schooh, 100 Princess Avenue, Willowdale, Ontario on Satunday, 22 March 1975 opening: 10 a.m. - closing: 8 p.m. and on Sunday, 23 Mancb 1975 opening: 12 noon, closing:6 p.m. On display wihh be private collec- tions of rocks, minerals and fossils fromn many p arts of the world. Some members of the club are showing micro- mounts, unmounted cab- ochons and faceted stones. Other members will show original band-cnafted jewehh- eny, and stili more wil dem;onstrate thein ability with gem-cutting and faceting machines. In the write-up of the Mandzuk-Cbnistl wedding, tbe name of Miss Joan Cbistl, one of the bridesmaids, and an aunt of the bride, was regret- fuIllyomitted. T h Kinsmen Club of St. Thomas beld ifs firsf Fanm- ens' Night at the Sheridan Inn, recently. Farmers' Night was organized mainly fhnougb the ,jj 4f;î7Faith teaches An essential requisite of each successive Revela- tion has been ta renew the divine ordinances, that in man's spiritual maturity, he can be- corne one in knowledge, faith and love. For futher information please write, P.O. Box 36, Bowmanville, Ont. efforts of Kinsman Ralpi Whyte R.R. 8, St. Tbomas, a former resident of Bowman- ville., Registration at St. Josepb's Scbool on Monday, March 17, totalled 36. The public bealfi nurse was'la attendance. Twe kindergartea tea chers, Miss M. Gorman and Mrs. Yvonne Osborne gave the scbool readiness test. Mn. R. Gut- teridge was quite pleased witl tbe response. If any cbihdrn missed registration, pleasE contact the school. Activities at the Robert McLaugblin G&.ery for Mar, 24 -27 include: 24 - LifE drawing Class, 9:30 a.m.; 24 Doceafs' Briefing, 1 :30 p.m.; 25 - Creative Stitcheny Chass« es, 10:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.; 20 - Meet the Artist-Wînstoî McNamee, 8:O00p.m.; 25 - May il William Blair Bruce Retro- spective; 25 - May il Athur A, Drummund Exhibition, 25 Art Rentai, 7:00 p.m.-9:0i p.m.; 26 - Art Rental, 1:3( p.m.-3:30 p.m.; 26 - Youth Art Class, 7:00 p.m. and at the Wbitby Station, Manch 20-26: 20 - 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Children'ý Spring Break Art Class 8 p.m, Old Masters Series 4th lecture - Reinstatement; 21- 7:30 p.m. Design Concepts Lectures an sides: S. Hogbin; 22-23 il1 a.m. to 5 p.m. Workshoî Design Concepts: Stephen Hogbin; 24 - Galery chosed. 7:30tol10p.m. Life class; 25 10Oa.m. to 2p.m. Tues. Group 2 to 10 p.m. Antist in Res.; 26 5:30 p.m. Guitar classes 8 to 1C p.m. Japanese Brusb. Fnriday is the first day of spring, and the stant of the Winter Break. Have a gooi: holiday, nliay the weatben bc great and Happy Baster. Mns. Patrick (Laurelvn) Higgias from Lahr Germany The Bowmanville Penltecostal Church '75 Liberty St. S. Pastor: Revý, D. Rogers Phone 623-5182 SUNDAY SERVICES 9:55 a.m. - Sunday School 11: 00 a. m. - Morning Worship 7: 00 p. m. - Evening Service Tuesday - 7:30 - Vouth Meeting Wednesday - 7:30 - Bible Study AFriendly Famnily ChurchI St. PauI's United Churcka Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., B.D. Organist - Gerald K. Burgess g SUNDAY, MARCH 23 il A.M. HOLY COMMUNION New Members wilI be received by Transfer of Membership 7:30 P. M. ""THE CRUCIFIXION"r by Stainer wilI be presented by the Sr. Choir SUNDAY, MARCH 30 8: 00 A.M. Easter Sunrise Service followed by Family Pancake Breakfast Served by the Men of the Church 11: 00 A.M. - Easter Service Sunday, March 23rd, 1975 SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 10:00 a.m. - Aduit, in Upper Room 10:00 a.m. -Classes forall ages, 9and up 11:-00 a. m. - Nursery Baby Care, Tôddlers and Kindergarten 11. 15a. m. -Primary Dept., ageS 4toe8 11A.M.-WORSHIP SERVICE Reception of New Members EASTER SUNDAY, MARCH 30 HOLY COMMUNION 7 A.M. - SUNRISE SERVICE Conducted by C. E. Committee A warm welcome awaits you at Trinity. Hi-C Pancake Breakfast, e ta 9:30 Easter Sunday morning, March 30. Adults, $1.00; chilIdren under 12, 50 cents. Jack &JiII Auction Sale, April 12 at Pethick's Auction Shed, Haydon. Anyone having articles ta donate please cail 623-7252 or 623-5483 for pickup. Proceeds for "MEALS ON WHEELS". I I HOLY WEEK SERVICES- Wednesday, March 26 - Lenten Service - 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 27 - Special Passover Meal - 6:30 p.m. Frlday, March 28 - Three Hours' Good Friday Meditation 12: 00 noon ta 3: 00 p. m. Noon day.prayers each day - 12:30 p.m. ta 1:00 p.m. ..Christ Jesus, wha, being in the form of God, counted it flot a prize ta be equal ta God, but emptied himself, and took upon him the form of a servant . . . and he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted cin... that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow ..." A warmn welcome tothose new residents of this community who wish ta make St. John's. their church home. items of Interest Phone 623-3303 is visiting lber parents Mr. and - Mrs. Jack Welsb, Barbara St.t meeting the other 9 in a Howell movement at last Brid Club, ield atEIim mate E eCee, the wînners were lst Mn. and Mrs. D. Orme (59 per h cent), tied for second, Mn. and N o5Ava a Mrs. A.M. Tbompson, Mrs. L. i-Langs and Mns. J.A. Thomp- On Monday evenîng, March son, (56.9 per cent) 4th Mns. H. l7th,,the Bowmanville Preston s Goddard and Mrs. N.Oshorne the Mover Major Atoms (54.2 per cent) advanced into the O.M.H.A. h Thomas J. Park, eider son Major Atom finals by virtue of o of David and the late Helen a 3-2 victory over the very s Park, was recently elected to tough Whitby-Brooklin Ma- e the Board of Directors of The jors. Bowmanville now meets d Children's Aid Society of the the winner of the Markham- t-Durham Region. He is, pre- Lindsay series, presently h sently, the principal of Kath- deadlocked at two games leen Rowe Memorial Sebool, api ece, to determîne the 1975 e in Whitby. Campionship. In the March l4tb issue of O hurdy ac h -t the Wingfoot Clan, Goodyear, the first game ofthe Brookln- Bowmanville Plant, announc- Whitby and Bowmaaville ecd the followîng moves. E.F. semi-final was played in the Nickerson to development Darlington Arena with the technician, process develop- visitors defeating the Toros by ment, D.A. Rudman to super- a 3-1 mangin. Bowmanville vison, personnel departmeat, opened the game's scoring n JM. Bruce to. supenvison, when Joe Nihill found the y' preparation division, range, assisted on the play by Tefollowing retinements linemates, Rick Erwin and have been announced by John Klompmaker. This was Goodyear,Bowmîariville plant. the only scoring play of the 10Francis Thompson, 33 years first period. From this point ;0 service, L. Millsoh, 32 years on, it was downhill for the 't and Clarence Bell 30 years . Toros as tbey showed very Te itofwnes nte little hustle. The visitors Thelis ofwinersin he scored twice in the middle Penny Fair bas been posted in pno n nei h hr o th inerspill G if bpad aIl their margin of victory. Steve winreilb oiid Skene was in net for Bowman- 1. Mr. and Mns. Gerald Mar- ville and bis team-mates d jerrison, David and Susan, offered little or no protection 0 Barrie spent tbe week-end in the defensivë zone, and bad p witb Mr. and Mrs. Artbur it not been for Skene, the score n Marjerrison, Flett Street. would bave been embarras- 1. Secretary of State J. Hugb sing to say the least. Faulkner announced Marcb On Suaday, tbe Toros travel- 2 ist tbat the Art Gallery of led to Brooklin for the second -Ontario, in Toronto, will game of the series and 0 receive a $4 million grant surprised the host club by from the National Museums Of banding tbem a 3-1 defeat to Canada to complete the se- even the series. Captain Bill d cond stage of its building Hogartb led the Toros to e prgram.l victory, picking up two goals, anno.ûFacemea'made the the first one coming la the first with Marvin Gelber, Presi- mates Barry Cullen and Brian dent of the Gallery's Board of Ruddy. Brooklin-Wbitby tied Trustees; Dr. George the score in the second only to Ignatieff, Chairman of the bave Hogartb notcb the win- Board of Trustees, National ner two minutes later, tbe Museums 'of Canada; and assists goiag to -Ruddy and Bernard Ostry, Secretary- Rick Erwin. General, National Museums of Rod Plain fired the insur- The195aegienalRe ance goal late. in tbe second, unoT he "Mad Meidetlands- on a beautiful passing play by unio ofthe'Ma Milans",Ed Osborne and Cbris Dyck. will be beld at Brancb 67 There was no more scoring in R.C.L. 12 York St.,, North, the game, with botb clubs Lindsay, on Saturday, May 10. having several good scoring Program for the day begins opportunities, conly to be with an, Early Bird reception, nulified by ecllent goal- registration, a short business tending at each end of the meeting., parade, unveîling rink. Ken Woodard was in goal and dedîcation of the frtéTrsadwsspr memorial, March Past, dia- fogre Trosand ws super ner, films of former reunions, The stage was set for the a dance, and concluding the final game played la the days events with a 50-50 draw. Darlington Sports Centre on Sounds lîke a great day. Plan Monday aight. Barry Cullen now to attend. was the scoring leader ia this contest scoring two goals. Hisf ELIZA ETTHIILLE first goal came in the finst On Tuesday afternoon the period, the assists going to United Church Women Unit Il inemates Bill Hogarth and met at Mr. and Mârs. Ken Bia Ruddy. The visitors tied rew's, hoit. Wrs. Tre w ~-the score- la the first period < 1îs pesidet presided. Mrs. H. on a Power play. Weite had the devotionial part of the meeting. The minutes were read by the secretary ira n s forthTostr uperwa n por Mrs. H. QuantrilL. Tbe menu planned. A financial report G am e was given. The cook books are 4 u i e selling well. Mrs. White had a TeH.. ooTrnpt program on the customs, of Minor Bantams snapped out of different religions. This was a yuu continuation of 1last month'ls tbeir losing slump by puting i1 program. We also bad a very ail together and coming up înteresting discussion on this with four consecutive wins topic. Lunch was served. ast week.t On Tuesday evening the Tusa1ib h oo nominating committee fr tbe came from a four goal deficitr Women's Institute met at Mr. te, defeat Suniderlanid 5-4 ini an 1 and Mrs. C. Mercer's home. exciting game wbicb saw Jody É Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Durward, Ross bang in the game winaer Sunderland, visited witb Mr. with oaly one second left' on and Mrs. C. Beatty recently. the dlock. Other two marks- Mr. Jîm Muldrew bas ne- turned from Australia wbere _ bie bas been for some time. u&M r Church services were hehd .' as usual. Mrs. Maurice Davis t? had the Lenten tbought. Rev. Bartlett spoke on, "The Deci- sion is for Now, Not Tomor- 1fý row. " The choir sang. A e Confirmation will be beld next Sunday, Palm Sunday. Don't have moved4mi forget tbe men's club concertV this week. A ministe's party fo On Monday, Marcb 10, Bowmanville's Hampton Gar- dens Minor Peewees travelled to Ajax and defeated the host team by a close 2 to 1 score. Tbe first period was score- less, with both teams having good chances but good goal- tending kept both teams off the scoresbeet. The Bowmanville boys opened the scoring halfway tbrougb the second period when Mark Abbott scored, assisted by Kevin Tink and Tim Almond. The second perîod ended 1 to 0 for Bowmanville. With only three minutes left in the third period don Janack scored, assisted by Doug Dilling to run the score to 2 to 0. With only five seconds lef t in the game, the boys let an Ajax player walk right in and spoil the goaltender's shutout . The game ended 2 to 1 for Bowmanville. The Hampton Gardens crew played without Paul Dadson and teve Siggins. Play in King Clancy Thursday evening the local boys travelled to the Chart- wood Arena in Agincourt to play their first exhibition game in the King Clancy Series. Their opposition was Hy- mark Drugs and the Gardens crew came away 5 to 2 winners. Tbe Toronto team scored after only six seconds. Kent Wilcox tied it up with Kevin Tink and Brentt Crossey assistimg. Hymark scored two minutes later to go ahead 2 to 1 but only a minute later Doug Dilling tied it again assisted by Mar'k Abbott and don danack.' The locals then went ahead for the first time Jon Janack scoring from Mark Abbott. It stayed 3 to 2 until the last couple of minuteswhen don danack scored again assistedI by Doug Dilling and rj Abbott. then -Kevi j ,veilsh ers Win, in Week men were Murray Ruddy, Greg Brunt, Bill Wright, Paul Cascagnette, Ruddy, Ross and Reid ail drew assists. Wednesday, the Minor Ban- tams handed Hillcrest of the M.T.H.L. a 5-2 drubbing behind the two goal perfor- mances of Paul Cascagnette and John Stewart. Scoring the single tally was Paul Reid. Joy Ross had three assists, Ken Cowle two and Wayde Preston and Steve Frank each picked up singles. Sunderland came to Bow- manville Saturday for a re- turn encounter and were despatched 4-2 by the cbarg- ing Baby Buils. Murray Rud- dy led the cbarge as be potted tbree goals. Ken Cowle netted tbe other. Steve Frank was the chief playmaker of the day as he assisted on every goal. He was foiled la his attempt for a goal on rare, penalty shot which had the Sunderland goalie make a fine play to thwart hlm. Cowle also contri- buted two assists and Ruddy one whicb saw the line of Cowle, Ruddy and Frank score eleven out of a possible twelve points. Paul Reid got credit for an assist on Ruddy's tirst marker. The Transporters made it four in a row Sunday evening as they posted a 3-2 win over Wbitby in a well played gamne. Scoring for Bowmanville were Paul Reid, Paul Cascagnette and Ken Cowle witb Jody Ro)ss adding two assîsts wbile Greg Brunt, Steve Frank and ]Reid Elrew singles. Tbe goaltending duo of Mike Buttonsbaw and Kevin Gibson came tbrough with some excellent net minding wbven the need arose. The Toros play Don iýlis of the M.T.H.L. this coiming F'riday in another King Clancy match at the Chartwell Arena' in Agincourt. from Randy Lake and Steve Siggins. Final score 5 to 2 for Bowmanville. YELVERTON On Thursday evening Grandview representative Miss Arden Coulter partici- pated in the finals of the Victoria Countv Public Speak- ing Contest. Six finalists each in the Junior and Senior division competed for the annual trophy and smaller individual trophy. Ardcn's humnorous rendition of hier version of "Commercials", although it didn't win top honors, xvas îîndouhtedly the most enthusiastic and mirth provokine of the 12 perform- ers. It was unfortunate (1) that only a handful of parents, teachers and a few interested folk were preseât to hear these finals; (2) that the contest was. held in the gymnasium of the Central School in Lindsay where, the accoustics were terrible-. The Cbairlady's voice, wbo )initro- duced the speakers etc. If - Ice -to O.É*H.A. Fin s There was no more scoring froi notcbiag the equahizer. until the final period. when the jvi Woodard was in goal and Toros sconed two goals, the again had to come up with first one coming off the stick, several key saves fo eara the of Cullen, assisted by Hogarth victory. The whole team had and Mike Stocker. Rod Plain to come up with a full effort to fired the game winner, assist- ,jliminate this very, scrappy ed by Ed Osborne. With 4:39 Whitby-Brookl team. This remaining la the very exciting weekend, the Toros trave to game, the Whitby-Brookklin Brampton to take part in the squad fired their second Lions International Tourna- powen-play goal. Superb goal- nient with teams from acnoss tending and fine defensive Canada and the U.S. taking work prevented the visitos part. Gardens PeesStretch Winning Streak to Seven couldn't be heard haîf way back - which made it more difficult for the competitors. It is unfortunate 'that when 50 much dependisin later life on one's ability to express tbem- selves in public that more empliasis is not placed upon this aspect o education in our modemn system in elemen- tary scboolî. Belated co(ngratulations to, Mr. and X!rs. Alvin Mitchell of Balyduff, Who were honored by friends and relatives on Saturday ntigbt on the occasion of their 4'Oth wedding anniver- sary. Tlit, actual date of their marriage was Feb. 23, 1935 we understaýnd. Several couples from Yelýverton wxere present to extend, congratulations on the auspicious occasion. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Wilsoni spent last weekend witb r and Mrs. Jim Beggs and Crystal Lyn in Blind River. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hurren babysat "Bonnie and CIyde" in their absence. 'lie first woodchuck of the seýson to be observed at Malc1ýonia was on Tuesday of this week as he took a brief forway to check on the advent of A local couple have left for a miotor trip to Florida. More details later. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Don Brown who observed their l2th anniversary with a weekend in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gilmer and Mr. and Mrs. Honnie Jackson arrived home from a holiday at Freeport in the Bahamas, Saturday, and re- Sort a most enjoyable weeks oliday. Forgot to mention that Mrs. Allan G undry of Barrie spent, a few days recently withMr. and Mrs. Terry Malcolm and the new grandson Todd. Mr. Oram Moore is enterng- a Toronto Hospital on Monday for tests to im jrove the arthritic condition from which he is currently suffering. We join Oram's many friends in wishing hlim improved health. Miss Candy Malcolm is looking forward to a weeks skiing at the Laurentians this S~piIClbain Our Granda e I air mu 19-a22 * V--ýALUES * VALUES * VALUES r* FREE Balloons for the Cide Wed., Thurs., Fri. Evening and Saturday * FREE Blirthday Cake Fri. Evening and Saturday *-FREE Draws for 15 Merchandise Pnizes *FREE Draw for Side of Red Brand Beef Entry Forms Available In Ail Stores The Oshawa Legion Pipe Band WilI be Performing Wednesday Evening. Look for Our each Evening -i 77n OSHAWA JOHN ST, MIDTOWN CITY___ KING ST. I The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 19, 1975 5 weekÎ with other Sanford Carl Down. is progressing Flemingstudents in conjunc- favorably since surgery and tion witb school'activities. join in wishing him a speedy Pleased to hear that Mr. recovery. The Baha'i* World Faith On Friday, March 21, this Baha'i Community wiIl joîn members of the Baha'i Faith throughout the world in celebrating NAW-RUZ, the Baha'i New Year. The Baha'i Faith originated in Iran (Persia) in 1844, and- has a calendar of its own, based on the solar year and consists of nineteen months, each with nineteen days. The year is equalized by four intercalary days preceding the last Baha'i month which coincides with the vernal equinox. Prior to NAW-RUZ, Baha'is the worlld over observes a nineteen-day fasting from sunrise to sunset each day to refresh and invigorate their spiritual lives. They celebrate this New Year at the advent of sprïng, a tirne which Mankind naturally associated with renewal and rebirth. On the Baha'i calendar, this is year 132. The Baha'i Faith began in 1844 (Christian calendar) when the BAB, the Prophet- Herald of the religion, proclaimed Hirnself the Forerunner of the "Prornised One of al Ages". Baha'is believe that Baha'u'llah means "The Glory of God", is, the Prophet of God for this day and, that H1e has corne to usher in a new era in human developrnent when ail people of the world will be united. Some principles upon which this unity will be based aIe; the need for world governrnent. the elirnînation of ail preju- dices, recognition of the equality of men and women, the need for an auxiliary language, unity between science and religion and universal cornpulsory education for child- ren. For further information, please write P-O- Box 36, Bowmanville, Ont. ST- JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH (Temperance and Queen Sts.> PALM SUNDAY Sunday,March23 8: 00 a.m. - Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. - Morning Prayer 7:30 p.m. - Special Youth Worship Service featuring youth groups from many local churches and Father James Wilson of St. Joseph's R.C. Church. WINTER BREAK MATURE TE'SATPROGRAM The Visual Arts Centre Cream of Barley Mill, Simpson Ave., Bowmanville, Ontario is presenting a Water Colour Workshop for teenagers with Orono artist Maureen Remiington to' be held Monday March 24 to Thursday Mardi 27 inclusive Fee for the four day programi is $15.00ý Enrolment limited to 15 To Register: witk eBox 52, Bowmianville, Ont. of phone, Neil Newton 263-8472 or Maureen Remington 983-5379