8 The Canadian Statesman, ±owmanvlle, Màirch 19i197 Thne Newcastle -Independtent Edîtors: Jack and Hazel Crago Ï2 '%ewcasdeé Scocial a i Mr. and Mrs. Frobiicb and family, Whitby were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goschl. Take a Break Club ladies met this week at the New- castle Cummunîty Bowling Lanes. There were twenty-five in attendance and they did enjo their bowling. Te Monday Ladies Euchre Club met at the home of Mrs. Rachel Dennis un March 10. Sorry to have omitted the P.U.C. Manager's wife's name last week. Mrs. Jenkins accompanied ber busband to the convention at the Royal York. Mrs. H. Goscbl entertained ber friends tu a Tupperware party at her home recently. On Friday, March 14, The Horseless Carriagemen pre- sented their twenty-sixth an- nual Barbershop Harmony Show at Eastdale Collegiate. Even tbough the driving was hazardous, we noticed many of our Newcastle friends in the audience. Altbuugb the quartet 'The Daybreak Express' fruin Indianapolis failed tu arrive, the Easy Four from Windsor certainiy pro- vided great entertainment. Mrs. Kate Sleep, Coldwater, is visiting witb Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Powell and family. 1Mrs. D.R. Coulter, Downs- view, was a Saturday supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cragu.« Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sher- man, Lisa and Donald, Downs- view and Mr. andMrs. Floyd Coulter and Kevin, Toronto were Sunday visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell,, Lake Shore. Mr. Gary Johnson is en=yig a holiday in Brua. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred, Lake Shore, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred, Oshawa, and Mr.. and Mrs. Reg Woodbam, Toronto bave returned from a two week,,holiday in Fiorida. Wile there, tbey visited Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stapletun, New Port Rickev. and Mr. and -rson Mrs. Charles Alldred atLak- ln.They enjoyed lovely weatber in Florida and missed a couple of storms here. Miss Cathy Wright and Miss Dale Powell, Toronto, were at their respective homes for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell and Mr. _and Mrs. Seldon Parker, _Oakwood, celebrated Mrs. Parker's brthday at dinner in Peterborough on Sunday. -1 Saturday night dinner guests with Mr. and 'Mrs. George Kimbail were Mr. and Mrs. Vance Cooper, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs., Ernest Bowen, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Maguire, Gouderham, visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bryant recently and belped to celebrate their grandson, Kevin's birthday. Mrs. D.R. Coulter, Downs- view isspedng a week's holiday witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell, Lake Shore. On Monday, March 10, Unit One of the U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. Joan Goschl. Ten members and twu visitors were in attendance. Unit leader, Mrs. Marjorie Caswel conducted the business period, during wbich balîs of string were handed out to thuse interested in knitting band- ages which will be sent to Angola. Good used ltbing is tu be collected. Children's lotbing is in special need for the' Christopher Robin Home near, Pickering. These can be left with Mrs. Edna Darling. Christmas' cards (pictures only) are also requested. The worsbip period, the theme being Easter, was presented by Mesdames Ruthb Perrin, Joan Goschl, Enla Jose and Evelyn Northrup. Mrs. Char- lotte Rickard very capably gave a resume and showed slides of their trip 10 South Afi7ica last year. It was very interesting indeed. A social bour was then enjoyed. Unit Tbree of the U.C.W. also met un Monday, March Telephone 9M 10. These ladies met at the home of their leader, Mrs. Leslie Campbell. During the business portion of the meet- ing, it was planned tbat a cook book project be undertaken. It is hoped that recipes will be submitted by ail ladies of the U.C.W. Catering to a hockey banquet on April 5 was also discussed. Unit Three mem- bers are knitting string' band- ages for lepers in Angola. The highligbt of the evening was making home-mrade ice- cream, for wbicb Mr. Camp- bell volunteered some belp. No doubt, it made a deliclous lunch witb whicb to close the meeting At ,the Newcastle United Church on Sunday, Marcb 16, Rev. Thomas Smith's sermon was titled 'Cild-like not Chiidisb'.î The Sacrament of Baptism was adminîstered tu Paula Kathleen, daugbter of Wýýalter and Donna Bryant. Special attendants for the christening were the baby's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Bryant from Vauxhali, Aberta and Mrs. Celîna Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brit- ton, Pontypool, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce. Mrs. Howard Pearce and Ronald were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Rowe. Mrs. Ma y Scott, Pontypool is visi ting for a week witb bier sister Mr. and Mrs. Abert Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Walton, Brampton, visited bier parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce recently. Sympatby is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Zory Lesnick on the death of bis uncle, Mr. William Lesnick, Iroquois Falls., , Mrs. Ben Hoogkamp and Mrs. Zory Lesnick attended a Horticulture Meeting in Bow- manville Library on March 16. Representatives of ten Horti- culture Societies were pre- sent. Further discussion and plans were made about what should be displayed at the Internationa lPioug bing Match in September. The bost society, Bowmanville, served lunch. Mrs. William Storks and bier sister, Mrs. Raye Friedlander Toronto bave returned from a holiday with Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Bone, Columbus, Georgia. Even thougb they bad a cold speli in the weather,, peacb trees were out and azaleas were bloomîng. Misses Candy Storks and Linda Williams, Toronto visi- ted Mr. and Mrs. William Storks on the week-end. Last ,weeký, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade visited Mr. and Mrs. Matthewýs in Fergus and attended a 'uneral service in New Hamburg. Whiie the Wades were in Kitchener, tbey visited Rev. and Mrs. Pike. Rev. Pike was a former minister of the Newtonville charge. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoar have returned from a week's holiday in Rome and Italy. Misses Heather and Fran- ces Hoar, Toronto, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoar. Misses Mary Grace and Ruth Paterson, Toronto, spent the week-end with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Murray, Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jose and Mr., and Mrs. George Buckley attended the Ontario 87-4201I Gladtioli Council Conference at Humber College in Toronto on Sunday. Other members of the Newcastle Horticulture Socle- y, namel y Mrs. Zory Les- nick, Mrs. Ben Hoogkamp, Mrs. Mike Bassett, Mrs. Emerson Fisher, Mrs. Lewis Carke, Mrs. Gerald Gibson, Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson, Mrs. 1. Farrow and Miss Berniece Miligan, spent Saturday at Sir Sandford Fleming College, Peterborough. About five speakers parttcipated in this 'Day of Gardening', giving information on the planting of seeds, sbrubs and trees. The noun meal at Rock Haven was enjoyed immenseiy. Each member brougbt home two acorns and two magnolia seeds, su we look forward to oak trees in the village. On Tbursday, March 13, the Newcastle Lionettes met in the Centen.nial Room of the Newcastle Community Hall. The room was suitably decor- ated with sbamrocks and green candies decorated the tables for the buffet supper. Eacb member took a guest and the Bewdley Club was invited to instaîl the officers. The new President is Mrs. Mabs Barr; Vice-President, Betty Adams; Treasurer, Jean Rickard and Secretary is Mrs. Kay Stephenson. Af ter a penny sale was conducted, a few tables of cards were played.* Mrs. Seldon Parker, Oak- wood, a p ast president, was also a welcome vlisitor. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hoimes, Napanee and the Chiasson's from Trenton visited Mr. George Coutts, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Delvin, Belleville, called on ber sis- ters, Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson and Mrs. Clinton Burley on Monday. (on, Tuesday, March 11, the Fellowship Club of St. Geor- ge' s Anglican Cburcb held a card party at the Parisb Hall. There were fîve tables of euchre, two of bridge and one of cribbage. Prizes were awarded to the following: Euchre, Ladies' Higb, Mary Garrod;, Ladies' Low. Madel- iene Buckiey; Men's, High, Clarence Bell; Men's, Low, Ray -Goode. In Cribbage, the high prizes went to Jackie De- Jong and Grace Gaines while the low prizes were awarded to Betty Brown and Alfred Garrod. The bigh prizes in bridge wenît 10 Rene Roberts and Jean Rickard, wbiie the low went to Frances Wright and Mrs. Harry Jose. Mrs. Walter Murphy won the lucky chair prze and Miss Jean Perrin hadd the lucky saucer. Mr Alfred Garrod had the prize for the ciosest birthday to March II, and Mr. and Mrs. Harr Jose won the prize for the ciosest anniversary. The next card game will be April 8. Mr. larve Brîtton returned home from Oshawa General Hospital on Friday but Mon- day, bis condition wiorsened and be was taken to Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvîlle. On Saturday night, relatives gathered a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred -Garrod, to celebrate Mr. Garrod's birth- day. Congratulations! Mrs. Rene Roberts visited witb ber daugbter, Mrs. John James and family, Toronto. On Monday, Marcb 10, members of the Newcastle Lions Club visited Pickering Lions at the Ajax Country Club. On Wednesday, Marcb 12, the Newcastle Lions beld their regular meeting. This took the form of a Father and Son or Daughter Banquet la the Centennial Room of the New- castle Community Hall.,The Anglican Cburcb Womnen catered for this dinner. About forty young peuple enjuyed' the evening. Mr. Stanley Dunn, Bowmanville, was guest speaker, telling of service clubs' work witb the young of the community. On Sunday, Marcb 16, Rev. Robt. Hayne assisted by pianist, Mrs. Meachin, con- ducted the service at South- aven Nursing Hume. Mrs. G-nldys Belsey and Mr.GCwen a three-day stay at Camp Tawingo. Chaperones who accumpanied the cbildren in- cluded Mr. Munru, Mr. Dupuis, Mr. Noble, Mr. Love- kmn, Mrs. Kent, Mrs. Kidd, Mrs. Zulauf, Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Potter, Mr. Hopkins, Mr. Caswell and Robin Duetta. Patients in huspital Ibhis week include Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wood, Alex Pattersun, Vernon Caiberry, Ron Luwry Jean Jaynes and Pa*meLa Abbott. NEW SCUGOG ARENA Scugog Township council on March 10 at Port P erry approved construction of a single pad $750,000 arena on a 47 acre piece of land already owned by the township on the 7tb concession of ward 1. The arena committee was asked to maise $200,000 of that amount, with the balance uf money coming from $75,000 of the money 'of the lot levy fund from developers, $75,000 la community centres grant, another' $75,000 from 1976 taxes and balance to be borrowed. If all goes well, the construction will start eariy la 1976. 1 Word was received that Mrs. Margaret McManus, Consecon, was buried last Wednesday, March 12, Sym- patby is extended to the relatives bere. HOCKEY NEWS Newcastle Minor Pee Wees On Tuesday,, March 11, Newcastle travelled to Stouff- ville for the third game in their best of five series. Stouffviile took the lead in the series by virtue of a 3-1 win. Stouffville's third goal was scored into the empty net. Newcastle's only goal was scored by David Araujo. On Tbursday, Marcb 13, in Newcastle the locals put it all together to defeat Stouffville 3-2. After taking a 3-1 lead in the third period, Stouffville closed the 2aD to 3-2. but a major penalty late in the period took away any chance for Stouffvill e to even the score. The line of Wade, Hopkins and Wagar took care of Newcastle, with eacb mem- ber picking up a goal. The defense of Dwyer, Knelangen, Goulab, Forth and Goaltender Woodbeck turned in a strong game. On Saturday, Marcb 15, the fifth anîd deciding game was played at Stouffville. Stouff- ville took a 1-0 lead with 28 seconds. rem aining in the first period. This lead stood up until the third period wben New- castle scored to send the game into overtime on a goal by Dwyer with help from Ed Knelangen. Tbe overtime period was ahl Stouffville as tbey scored tbree goals includ- ing the final goal into an empty net. Our congratula- tions to the Stouffville team for a fine series and the best of luck! The Knigbts of Columbus Bantam Ail Stars played Wed., March 12 at Newcastle, againist Stirling, the final score being Stirling 4, New- castle 1. Stirling beat the Newcastle team 3 straight. Eastmans Gulf Minor Bantams Newcastle 2 Port Perry 2 Monday, March loth, New- castle bosted to Port Perry. It was again an exciting game, once again ending in a tie, wbich was the thîrd time in a row. Scoring for Newcastle was Mark Berney 2, with assists going to Philip Dost 1 and Donald Rowley 1. Newcastle 2 Port Perry 4 Newcastle travelled to Port Perry on Marcb lStb,. It was a fast - skating, bard - bitting game. scoring for Newcastle was Pbilip Dost 1, Donald Rowley 1, wth assists going to Mark Berney 1, Tom Dwyer and Donald Rowley. In the Newcastle Town League the champions are Elmhurst team wbo defeated Regional Reclaimers 2-0 on Sunday, March 16. On Saturday, Marcb 15, Stedman's Midget B's tied Bewdley 1-1., Dale Milison got the only goal but ail the teama ~ ~~ooç1game. This is the las< game of& thei r rund robin tournamnënt. Coach Laverne Martin in- forms us that the Atom 2 Hockey team won the seventh and final game of the play-offs Wednesday nigbt with a 6-0 victory over Uxbridge. No trophy was . awarded at this time but will be at a later date. Youth 125 and Over C. Flynn 140-199, K. Jenkins 166-171, B. Forget 130-146, C. Metrailler 139, K. Wade 147, S. Clark 135, J. Boyd 140-178, J. Wind 165-148, M. Zegil 133, K. Soutbern 195-184, R. Nicholson 170-167, A. Rowe 202-181, J. Kent 134, V. Kidd 125, S. Smith 138, K. O'Boyle 135-222, L. Kozak 134, K. Gilmer 131,> R. Metrailler 134, B. Hayman 125-167, W. Kean 126, J. Forget 142-197, G. Schmid 125-133, C. Ton 178, T. Wind 141-158. Ladies 200 and Over E. Moore 201, M. Zegil 262-231, E. Perrin 238-205, 1. Patton 218-220, A. Langstatt 204-213, J. Carroîll2N5,, P. Breen 297-203, D. Kelly 212- 201, N. Williams 223, C. Duquay 203, B. Major 233-205, V. Watson 236, D. Partridge 203, H. Couroux 213-220, S. Foster 226-204-224, A. Buckley BILAL ASSOCIATE STORE (FORMERLYOSHAWA BUILDALL) SAME PEOPLE!! SAME OWNER!! LU MBER I Pick your own 1in our conveniei self-serve indoor lumber sectiai Choose fromn spruce, pine, bas wood, mahogany, mouldings. CEDAR CONSTRUCTION GRADE FOR DECKS, FENCI PICNIC TABLES, PATIO R09 1 x 4 - 13.3c Foot 1 x 6 - 20.4c Foot 1 x 8 - 30.6c Foot 2 x 4 - 18.9c Foot SAME POLICIES!! 4 X 4 - 49CFoot 2 x 6 - 36.7c Foot 2 x 8 -49.Oc Foot Plus Many Other Widths In Stock Fir, Plywood at Low EVERYDAY Prices Good One Select Standard Select Tongue Side Sheathing Sheathing a-id Groove 1/411 ~$ 750 _________ ________ ________ 5-1 " ___________ $ 6.75 $ 5.20 ________ /8$ 9.50 _________ $ 56 ________ 1/2" $10.80 S 9.15 $ 7.60 _ ______ /81$12.75 $10.60 $ 9.00 $ 9.65 3/4"< $139$12.45 $10.90 $10.95 HERY I ASSOCIATE STORE Coming b.....0. Another Henry Buidafil Store to Serve You, Whitby -, 223 Brock Street North 100 Bond St. West jw_,ý COURTICE SELF-SERVE STORE IIARGEXBloor St. East Store Hours- LUMBERLAND COURTICE 8:00tou6:001 Mon., Tuec., Wed. s:0 ooto6: 00 Mon. - Fr1. 8: 00 to 9: 00 Thurs., Fri. 8: 00 to 5: 00 Sat. 8:00 tu 5:00 Sat. We Are Now Carrying . . .AL.L.WE.ATHE.. COATS * Sizes 8to 18 BON E-PALE BLU E NAVY LADIES' WEAR 33 Temperance St. 623-7333 >Bowmanvi lie ltir>ý--I, 10 1Q7r, Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm and Mount of Olives lie prayed. In family. the process of making a NEST ETONMrs. Milton Fisher and Mrs. momentous decision we see N S L T NLawrence Malcolm attended Jesus' agony, His oeis, Friends regret that Mr. mained for evening dinner. the Ladies' Auxiliary meeting His trust and His courage. Larmen I-yland was taken, by Mr. and Mrs. Jo hn Buchan,, of Port Perry Hospital onl There, our reconciliation ambulance, to Port Perry Carolyn and Douglas, Lind-. Monday . was advanced a great deal. Hospital, on Saturday. Mr. say, were Sunday afternoon Congratulations to Mr. and Here is the heart of the gospel. oram Moore will be, a patient and evening supper guests of Mrs. Don Frew and Mr. and In Gethsemane Jesus Pcted in Sunnybrook Hospital for bier mother, Mrs. Ivan Proutt. Mrs. Victor Malcolm who decisivel oietore 1 three weeks where hie is In the afternoon they visited have each gained a new relationshi p. The cffip He undergoing tssadrci- Miss Ruth Proutt in Port grandchild recently. accepted led to the Cross. lHe ing medicto.Improved Perry Hospital, Her friends Sunday Services paîd the price of sin. The love health s wished for both ýof regret that. Ruth fell on In the United Church Rever- He showed, the amazing these gentlemen. Saturday and injured bier leg. end Victor Parsons chose g race, we sbould acc ept Mrs. Maurice Mr. 0fo "The Darkest Hour" as the gumbly and gratefully. The spet wek dgeto Barry Malcolm, o theme for bis message read- darkest hour for Jesus spet wekrecently witb bier Guelph University, spent the ing Mark 14: 27-42. Getbse- became His finest. So it car- daugbter and husband, Mr. weekend at bis home. mane is a very special p lace in for us. and Mrs. Eric Price in On Wednesday evening Mr. the story of the Lord Jesus. The choir sang "Ten Thous- Kingston. and Mrs. Howard a ycolm There, on the siopes of the and Angl" on Monday of last week, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Egerton hosted a1m mm mu m m m mmucemW-PAmm m-m mmmmu-m Tupperware Party wben Mrs. Anne Clevendon, of Cambray, was the sales' representative' uLet Us H eIp Yo0%u Mrs. Lawrence Cooledge* returned home, on Thursday after spending ten days witÈ W*1With Y %our «Laundry! Mr. and Ms.arry Morris, at .N W R M Y U Seeley'sBa.I uR Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- ers, wbo bave spent the past two emo~nth nFlor i Gr- LEN ÏRAE HO£ïMEj Their daughter Mrs. Wilfred I 1T V ?. V A FQN Vine, R.R. Nestleton, and*A UYE..U~ E.LiUi~JTU1.L grandson, Jeff Cbapman, of* North Bay, wbo flew down Marcb 5, came back witb h of Lindsay, were Sunday * DELUXE callers with the Bowers.I Mr. Clifford Sedman, of I Witby, spent Sunday wit- Mrand Mrs. Balfour Moore. LAUNDRY. COMPOUND Mrs R W Jckonand Mr . I Alan Jackson of Caesarea, (A DETERGENT WITHOUT FILLERS) visited on Sunday witb bier daughter, Miss Marilyn Jack- BIODEGRADABLE-NO ENZYMES son in Oshawa. In the evenine tbey were dinner guests of Mr.I and Mrs. Harley Jackson.I The Group Committee of the Scouts, of Cartwright, spon- IS IEl aaa4 é 1 day nigbt. Music was suppliedi 80 NORMAL WASHLOADS by Gerald Elliott of Pickering. I CONCENTRATED-USE ONLY 1/4 CUP On account of the pre-EasterI bolida>' break a number of local folk were away and the Iý1l12=1 turn-out was most disappoin- ..* , Mr n r.Alan Cawker IF you are now using TIDE, CH FER, ALL, PUNCH, ofiOpawaent s ndram ODAA , ADRVOXDLorA TC O E Cawker. O D AJX A ,DJE X D Lo RI PW R The Sam Cawkers spent an and change to our DAIRI- BRITE Laundry Compound you evening over the weekend will1 enjoy an average savings of approximately, $4. 00 on wîth their son, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cawker and family, at each 10# box you purcha8e. Savings based on normal use- Mill1brook. Winners at the Women's age of above produets at current prices. Institute card party were * AVAILABLE FROM YOUR GLEN RAE HOME DELIVERY Ladies - First- Rhoda Larmer, Second- Muriel I SALESMAN, CUT YOUR LAUNDRY COSTS NOWI Hoskin, Third - Bernice Gib- g * son; Men - First- George If iS Heaslip, Second- Norman II Robrer, Third - Roy Werry. .Miss Dianne Mairs is spend- Mr., and Mrs. Marwood McKee visited Saturday after IlaeSpotYu ûay lbEse elCmag noon with bier sister, Mrs. Ed *Pes upr orRtr lbEse elCmag Lawson and Bruce. and re- Mu m muuMmumumm M m u m u m MMMMË m E