The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviile, October 1, 1975 13 Provincic September 30, 1975. Juage R.B. Baxter presided wifh Acfting Crown Attorney T. Hlowe1Ilis and duf y councel K. Van Nesf. Bruce Martin 30, 134 High ~t. Bowmanviile, pieaded -guilty' to driving affer con- suming over .08. Const. Moly- neaux saw him June 21, Ilwstbound on King Sf. drîvîng i,, ýy siowiy and weaving. -men sf0pped hehad an odori of alcohol. Tests were .20. A i possession of liquor chargei was wifhdrawn by consent.i The fine was $250 and cosfs in 0i Court, cefault 20 days. He was prohîbited from driving for 3 months. Given one month to Pay. Bench warrent to be issue for Thos. Rochford, bench warrants in discretion for Wm. Ayres and Raymond Thompson. Ronald J. Cochrana, 37, 513 Ortona, Oshawa, was charged July 24 with driving after consuming over .08. Ie plead-. ed 'guilty'. Const. Martin received information regard- ing a vehicle driving in a questionable manner and as a resuit he was stopped. Tests Dykstraî's WEEK ,QUALITY END .,e.ucatesn C IN OUR FRESH MEAT DEPARTMENT, WE ëÂRRY ONLY GRADE A TOP QUALITY BEEF OR PORK FRESH Pork - Tenderloin lb.d FRESH Pork - Liver Wnole Sliced W7*lb. MAPLE LEAF OR LAZY MAPLE BREAKFAST BACON 99lb MARGARET'S ARNOLDS HONEY DIP OR BUITTER-ROLLS "-C AZED (ae2c Donuts(Se2> (Save 20c) 9 Pkg. of 9 P DEEP CUT SPECIALS!! SI INIIT LIQUID A Lrg. DETEGENT(Save 36c) 9 ç32 oz. MONARCIR POUCH PACK (Save47c) CAKE MIX Asst. Flavors $ 1.00 Mix or Match pkgs* 'F-AtT. PURE (Save20c) a 8 z APPLE JUICE 'btl. AYLMER (Save 51c)Am 48 oz. TOMATO JUICE Yu tins9TV MISS MEW Asst. Flavors CAT FOOD (Sav-6e) 6 9z V?ýOZEN FOOD SPECIAL 'vCAIN'S FANCYl2z KERNL CON q~ pkg. SUMITTOASTMIASTER- WHITE SLICED Ice'Cream BREAD Asst. $119 à%24 oz. Flavors *a½%gai. ;CloavesI' ' 73-7 Kng t. . HME F UALITY Brown les FIy and WaIk Up to Join Guides "Waverly Gardens" In Bowmanville Buillby Marianna Developments Your Guarantee of Quality Construction HOMES FROM $47,985 931/4% DOWN Features include: Clean bepenaabmv Electric Heat *Large family kitçhen *Finished family room *Completely broadloomed 11/2 baths *Fireplaces Fully oddedlots -Completely serviced Open for Inspection This Weekend and Daily 10OA.M. to 7 P.M. ALSO Open House at Newcastle Saturday & Sunday 1-4: 30 p.m. Choice of 2 Del uxe Models to Choose From. MARIANNA DEVELOPMENTS Bui t by Division of Veltri & Son Limited Weil known for qua lity construction and superior workmanshlp. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS ng ,owmanv lie Direct Toronto Lino 923-9174 43-ff were .16 and .15. The fine was $150 and costs in default 10 days. He was prohibited from driving for 3 months. Given one month to pay. Michael J. Lafontaine, 509 Hubert St. Oshawa, age 24, had 3 charges read out: He pleaded 'guilty' to ail charges. On July 25 whilst ability was impaired by alcohol or drug did drive. At same time without reasonable excuse failed to take breath test. And he also failed to have owner- ship changed. Const. Schu- macher had occasion to inves- tigate a motorcycle com- plaint, Lafontaine wswest- bon nKing Si. ine01 ssof the sp eed i i1e had difficul ty speaking and there was an odor Of alcohol. H1e was belligerent. lie had to be forcibly put into the cruiser. He attempted to kick out the windows of the cruiser and his boots were taken off. H1e refused to answer ques- tions and do any physical tests. H1e gave vulgar and obscene language to the of- ficers. On the tirst charge the fine was $200 and costs in default 15 days. No driving for tlh-'- months. Second charge Five members of the 4th Bowmanvîlle Brownie Pack (Salvation Army) flew and walked up to the 51h Bowmanville Guide Company last Tuesday evening. Front row, from left; Mary-Jean Brownlee, Diane Jones, Darlene Konopacki, Mary-Anne Vanstone and Donna Smith; back row, White Owl Marlene Woolcott, Blue Owl Kim Nicholis and Brown OwI Barbara Reid. brought a fine of $100 and costs in default 10 days consecutive and the third charge $20 and costs, in default 2 days consecutive. In view of ouf- standing fines in another court he was not given time to pay. H1e eiected to take the jail terra. Patrick McCullagh 165 Cos- humn Ave. Apt. 602, Toronto, charged April 27 with driving after consumîng over .08 pieaded 'nof guilty' at a hearing July 29. t was on 401. Tests were .18 and .17. There was sufficient evîdence to convict himand he was found 'guilty' as charged. The fine was $175 and costs in default 15 days. 11e was prohibited from driving for 3 months. 11e was given one week to pay. John B. Madigan, 35, R.R.3 Brighton, pleaded 'guilty' to a July 16 charge of driving af ter consuming over .08 Consf. Mackey observed a slow moving vehicle northbound with wheels over the centre line, it later swerved into southbound lane and back into northbound. This was on highway 35. Tests were .18 and .17. The fine was $250 and costs, in default 20 days. H-e was prohibited f rom driving for 3 months. Wayne Minshail, 31, R.R.l Nestieton, charged Juiy 26 with-havii-ig thecaeunid control after consumning over .08 pieaded 'guilty'. Const. Burke and Corp. Nimigon were despatched to Caesarea where a car had hit a tree. Mr. Minshall was in the car and gave the officer the keys. Tests were .19 and .17. The fine was $200 and co'sts, in default 15 days. H1e was prohibited f rom driving for 3 months. Given one month to pay. Kari Sarochan, 40, Lot 35, conc. 7 Hamilton Township, pleaded 'guilty' to driving after consuming over .08 on August 22. H-e was driving east on rcgional road 22. Tests were .22 and .20. The fine was $2t00 and costs in default 15 days. No driving for 3 months. Daniel Young 21 1362 King St. W. Toronto, Dfleaded guilty' to a charge laid May 18 of driving while disqualified, also a charge; did intend to mislead a police officer. The vehicle was stopped as a result of a speeding violation and hie gave a false name. The ticket was issued and no one came to court. The notice was sent to another party and when it came to light, if was discovered accused was driv- ing and that is public mischief, Public mischief that impli- cates someone else is serious. A fine of $75 and costs, in detauit 10 days was levied on the first charge. License suspension wiil be automatic for a further 6 months. The second charge was aiso a $75. fine and costs, in defaulf 10 days consecutive. H1e was givenone week to pay. Bradley Jas. Mimner 18, Bowmanvilie, charged June 28 with having marijuana in his possession pleaded 'guilty'. Officer Simcock saw a pas- senger throw something out of the window of a car and analysis showed if was mari- juana. The fine was $100 and costs, in default 10 days. H1e was given one month to pay. Fred Jansen 46, 1.1.5, Bowmanviile, represenfed by T. Kelly, was found 'guilty' of consuming an aicoholic bever- age on July 30. Const Mackey sotbudon MWaverly Rond try to pass another car, then swerve back. 11e drove over the 401 overpass on the wrong side of the lane. The fine was $100 and costs in default 10 days. H1e was given 2 weeks to pay. Roy A. Powell, 2244A King- ston Rd. Scarboro, was charged May 21 with causing a disturbance at Ontario St. Public School. H-e pieaded 'guilty'. Const. Molyneaux was caiied. Powell asked to see the principle and when told he wouid have to wait, he started t0 svwear. He refused to ]eave. Language was foui and obscene. He is presently serving 9 months for break and enter in Metro. The crown said 'no excuse for this kind of conduct,' H1e gave no reason f;~) Over-Size and Tait Modeis Available at Sim ilar Savings Snowmobie Suits, Reg. 14.95 NOW Children's-Sizes 8-18 Reg. $19.95 Aduit Sizes Reg. $29.95 $995> NOW! NOW At G EOGEUSMen's &Boys" 42 King St. E. 623-3211 Bowmanvi lie why hie wanted to see the principle. The fine was $75 and costs, in default 7 days consecutive to sentence now being served. Gregory Bogie 25, 275 Went- worth St. Apt. 713, Oshawa, was charged with trespass in Township of Scugog. H1e piead- ed 'guiity'. H1e went f0 a residence where a party was beîng heid and was asked to leave. Some damage was done but restitution has been made. The fine was $25 and costs, in default 2 days. Ronald Lockyer, 17, 6 Alon- na St. Bowmanville, was found 'guilty' of taking 3 cans of lacquer at Canadian Tire Store Juiy 15. H1e had intended f0 pay but when hie found how easy it was to leave the premises hie ieft. H1e is remorseful. Duty counsel asked for a condîtional dis- charge. The judge said 'every- one is aware of the danger, it is not a matter for a conditionai discharge.' The fine was $50 and costs, in defauit 5 days. H1e was also put on probation for 2 years. Wayne Langstaff 18 11.1.1 Newtonvilln and represented by Mr. Michaeîs,' pieaded 'guîlty' to taking two cars without the owners' consent in Aprtl and June. Hie was put on probation foi- 2 years, hýe 15 not ha sa criminal record. H1e is to report to probation officer once a month. Patrick Saunders. West Beach, Bowmanviiie, charged May 17 with taking a battery, pleaded- 'guilty'. Const. Schumacher received a cail that a battery had been taken during the night. The crown asked for an intermittent jail terni, The judge saîd 'there comes a time whlen they need encouragement and if you have enough patience they grow out of a certain attitude. If Saunders realizes hie is on dangerous ground, hie may reform.' The judge prefers to reform him without jail and this is the last chance and hopes hie has common sense to know where he is going and if you come back you wîl be sent f0 reformatory. Vour proba- tion wili continue on present oîders. James M. Saunders, West Beach, Bowmanville, a cousin of the above and in company %vifh him did take the battery from a car May 17. H1e pleaded 'guiity.' Two charges laid July 18, one of havîng ltcense plates knowing them f0 have been obtained by an indictabie offense and the second charge did drive after consuming over .08. H1e was on King St. W. at 50-75 miles an hour, weaving back and forth. Tests were .19 and .20. A fourth charge of 'faiiing to appear in court August sth was read out' The crown said 'these are serious charges and asked for a jail termi.' The judge toid Saunders one can be too kind.' For failing to appear lie was given 30 days. On the theft charge it was 15 days to run concurrent. On the consuming charge the fine was $100 and costs, in defaulf 7 days f0 run consecutiveiy. He was prohibifed fromn driving for 3 months. For having license plates, lie was given 7 days to run concurrent. WRONG NAIME An error occurred in last week's provincial court news in the paragraph per- faining to bench warrants. The report included the name Gary Therfeil but we have been advised since that if should have been Terry Therteil. Olymrpic Size Pol for BHS? W îth, prtsent facilities for swimming in the winter time iilled f0 capacity. a proposai from Newcastle's social plan- ning council was forwarded last week f0 the Northumber- land and Newcastle Board of Education recommending the building of an Otympîc-sîzed has extensive space to a.c- cominodate such a facility and since the Board of Education owns the site, no new property would have to be acquired. In the original plans for the 32 King St. West high school, a site for a pool was included and plumbing leads were instailed during construction in 1972. The plans also cail for the bulig of squash courts, and hoth facilities would be avail- able for the use of area residents after school hours, 1The report does not predict what the cost of constructing the facilities would be, but it states that there would be a substantial sum available from lot levies, though the Ontario Municipal Board would have to approve the scheme first. A provincial government grant of $75,000 would be available to defray the costs. IO9TH BIWFITIDA, Mrs. Ted Sainîel of Bowý%- manville has done a remarkable job of assem- bling riaterial foi, the Ilober-t Mcilatghlin (Gallery, Oshîawa, featuring the his- tory of te Ontario Regi- ment t R.C.A.C.) on its 109th bîrthday. Nlany of the paint- ings wieîe donc by-Canadian' artists ln ltaly during campaigns in which the reg- inietît participatud. The exhibition %ýiIl continue until Wicker basket arrangement of Dried Flowers und Mums $1 0.00 East: 623-4441 West: 579-1118 North: 728-5159 VAN BELLE Just ca Il one of ouir Flower Shops for Delivery 623-2921 -AilSafie Âfter Rice Lake Crash The pilot of a single engine Cessna float plane and is Port Hope family passengers are apparenfly safe and unin- jured flollowing fthe crash of the plane at Rice Lake Sunday at noon. The plane, valued af $20,000 is lisfed as a -write off while Pilot Tom Parks and bis passengers, Port Hope, Den- tist Gary Hamilton, wife Susan and chiidren Luke, 5, and Joselyn, 6, were taken f0 Port Hope Hospital but not seriously injured. The plane was. reporfed f0 have been making a landing on the lake when if was eut off by a boat, affempted f0 fake off again, barely missing some wires and frees and then crashing into the lake, ieff wing first, some 50 feet from the shore at Bewdley. Three other Port Hope men, Bob Nelson, Paf Quinn and AI Rogers, who were ouf for a Sunday morning ride on their motorcycles swam the 50 feef to the plane and rescued the party. Bowma nvillie Marianna Developments a 9c-[ 6 lnew wtodep tiomeg cùtQ[ilag e b- o Look for JSL Signs Corne, See and Compare Save At Least 11O.0O by driving, a few extra miles te wvÉrig eiougqt to paoq 60A ouft gag îOâa geah. $2,000 down to qualified buyers will move you into a beautiful single home with extra large lots to choose from Some lots feature trees and year-round runriing streams. Clearance Ail Birds, Canmaries Maies -Reg. $15,~ 00 $25.00O NOW' Fema les -Reg. $7050 $15.00 NO WT Budg les Reg. $600) $iO.50 NOW Button Quail Reg. NOW $2»00) Ail Birds Must Go! THE PET SHOP Piedfrom: 144,900 Trade-Ins Considered rInformation, Caîl 705-932-2132 IRWIN, SARGENT & LOWES LIMITED -1 Priced For 1