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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1975, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 24, 1975 DOUGMOFFATT M.PP Durham East Sand Fran, Terry and Jim much TePce Wo d 44aptne, HAYDON Mr. and Mrs. Russsell Anderson and Bill, Port Hope, were Saturday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewins. The Andersons and the Trewins visited tbeir mother, Mrs. Mildred Anderson at Port Perry Hospital. Sorry to bear Mrs. Andersor. is a patient there. She is wished, a seedy recOvery. Mr. and Mrs. . J. Hobbs, Enniskillen, were Tuesday evening callers at Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Grabam's. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Strenge, Mississauga, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ashton, Oshawa, were Wednesday supper r uests of the Ross Ashton famiiy. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Miller, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp; Mr. Russell Ormiston, Enniskillen; called on Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Allan Ashton-accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Michael Strenge, of Mississauga to Calîfornia for their Christmas holidays., Messrs. Bihl Potts and, William Trewin are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Debert Potts, Cornwall. Tom Jones accom- -Ni Ni Ltke JAcw c k. ýREKKER & BOWMANVILLE ARIEA Christmas H'7o'li d ay Garbage collection for Thursdlay, December 25th (Christmas Day),willbe picked up on Monday, December 29th with the regular Monday's collection. Garbage collection for Friday, Dec.- 26th (Boxing DayY will be pickedi up on Tuesday, Dec. 3th with the regular Tuesda y col lection. Garbage for Thursday, Jan. lst (New Year's Day) will be picked up on Friday, Jan. 2nd with the regular Friday Ail garbage to be placed at the curb by 7:00 a. m. J. DUNHAM DireCtor Public Works panied them to Brockville tc visit his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mason. -Miss Mary Potts, Toronto, spent t he weekend at bher home.', Mrs. John Jones and Teresa Jones, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Jones and Susan, Bow- manville, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Jones visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jones and saw the new baby, at Scarborougb on Sunday. Teresa Jones returned borne baving spent a few days witb ber grandparents.' Mrs. J. Potts visited bier mother, Mrs. W. Martin at Hiilsdale Manor, Osbawa, on Sunday. Mr. anîd Mrs. John Potts, visited relatives at Colling- wood last week. Mrs. Irene Tabb, May, Lilly and James and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Cowling had a pre-Christ_ mas dinner with Shirley Table, Oshawa.. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Potts, Charlene and Christopber, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cam- eron, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, and Mrs. H. Crossman gave Mrs. Leslie Grabam a surpri 'se birtbday party on Wednesday evening. Wîth a birthday cake and candies, Grandma received several lovely presents and birthday cards, also a lovely poinsettia. Several homes in the vill- age, will be having family gatherings on Christmas Day. 1 wish to take tbis opportun- ity, to wisb the Editor and staff of the Canadian States- man, "Season's Greetings" and to ail the reader's of tbis column. LON G 'SA ULT Mr. and Mrs. Joe Leavens and Linda, Haydon were Sunday luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker. Miss Rutb, Baker spent Saturday night with Miss Linda Leavens, Haydon. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hayes, Bowmanviile wkere Thursday luncheon guests of Mrs .G. Kovacs and Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and- boys were Sunday afternoon visitors of the G. Kovacs. SMr. and Mrs. F. O. Smith, Bowmanvile were Sunday supper guests of Miss Grace Smitb. 1Mr. Trevor Murphy spent tbe weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Don Stephenson and boys, Newcastle and then al were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphy. Some of tbe Club 50 ladies met at the home of Mrs. Chas. Penwarden Wednesday night and packed the Christmas boxes for the Senior Citizens. The Season's Greetings to everyone and may pence and conteih'ment reign in the hearts of ail through the coming years. Mr. and Mrs. M. Carley, Joe and Becky, left Sunday morn- ing for a month, in Florida. BLACKSTOCK With Christmas rapidly ap- proaching, I would like to take this opportunity to wish the Editor and staff a ver y merry Christmas and a healthy and bappy New Year. The samne wish goes to the many, faîthful readers of this columa. Thank you to ail the regular contribu- tors of news items for this Blackstock News because without you there would be no such coiumn. Thank you also to ail those who send in their subscri ptions through me. Merry Cristmas to ai i. - Joyce Kelly Best wîshes for a speedy recovery to Mr. Carl Wright who underwent hip surgery * DRIED * FRESH R " TROPICAL " GREEN PLANTS IL 3 STORES: ighway No. 2 King St. e., Christmas Day Birthday N Christa Noel Alldread on the left wifl be four-years-old on Christmas Day and ail she wants for a gift is a Happy Birthday cake. She was born the same year as Prime Minister Trudeau's son, Justin. Her sister Heather Margaret will be two on Feb. l6th, 1976. They are thç children of Gilbert and Carolyn Alldread, Newtonville. very Merry Christmas and much happiness in 1976. Many thanks are extended to those who submitted news items during 1975. Items If you should get lost wben looking for a certain bouse on Loyers Lane in Bowmanville in the future, blame it on Newcastle Town Council. Council Mondayapproved a recommendation of its com- mittee of the wbole to have the residences on the street be- tween Liberty and Centre Streets renumbered. ~We'dI ike to join Mlin on 9 he eho rus -)o fgood wishes Wo ,you during this holiday season! SN. J. Allin 14 and Son 94MEAT MARKET14 19 King E. Bowmanville hast week in a Toronto bospital. Another operation on the other hip is scbeduled for Thiursday. On Wednesday Mrs. Erika Keizebrink took her Cart- wright Central Public School Band and Junior Choir to the Port Perry Community Nurs- iCg Home and presented a Cristmas Program for the residents there. During the program, Mrs. Keizebrink, accompanied by Mrs. L.. McLaugblin thrilled everyone present with bier solo, "O Holy Night. " The Senior Citizens' Christ- mas card party was held on Tuesilay. t was a buge success with 24 tables of cards. There were Christmas decorations, special prizes and a delicious Christmas, lunch. Winners of the cards were: 1. Susie Harris with an unbelievably high score of 103; 2. Pearl Day - 93; 3. Elva VanCamp - 87; 4. Bert Gibson and Percy VanCmpbotb with 80; 6. Bill ahff - 79; William Moore won the low p rize. 'r, > FROM THE STAFF 38 King E. Cliffcrest Ciez NESI.LETON Sincere symnpathy is extend- ed to Mn. and Mrs. Arthur MeCohi on the death of Mrs. McColls sister-in-law, Mrs. Stanley Hutchinson, Bobcay- geon, folowing a lengtby illness on Thunsday, Decem- ber 18. The funeral service was conducted on Saturday. Mn. James Hutchinson. R.R. Peterborough, spent a week recentiy with bis daugb- ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. A. McColh and Cindy. On Sunday of hast week, Mr. and Mrs. McColl, Cindy and frîend, were evening dinner guests, of their daughter, Susan and husband, Mr. and Mrs., John Elliott, Peter- borough. Bill Irvine and Mathew Jones, Bowmanvihle were Wednesday visitons witb Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. Your correspondent expres- ses a wish that pence and happiness may reign through- out the worhd. To the editor and' staff and to everyone a F ýaner -s Bowmanville Here's hoping Santa has something special for you in his bag of gifts! Have a very mcerry Christm as, friends! GEORGS -AND STAFF 12 King St. E. - Bowmanville TO'THE CITIZENS 0F NEWCASTLE May this messa ge convey to aIl, our best wishes f or a Christmnas that will long be remembere d, andbring you His Worship Mayor Garnet B. Rickard War i- nnand Membe rs of Town Council Wa d 1AnnCowman, Local Councillor -H. Bruce Tink, Regional Councillor Ward 2 D.W. Allun, Local Councillor I .M. Hobbs, Regional Councillor Wa rd 3 -Kirk Entwisle, Local Councillor à K.EE. LyalRegional Councilo ~ The f ollowing places of business SwiII be OPEN Saturday,,, Dec., 27th 9 for your shopping convenlience: Beaver Lumber Gould Photo Ellis Shoes Stedman 's Breslin's Ladies' Wear . Bobette Salon-of Beauty Marr's Jewellery and Gif t Shop McGregor I.D.A. Drugs Locke TV 9 Bowmanville Sports Cycle and'Toys' Dykstra's Delicatessen Food Market George,-1's Men's and, Boys' Wear Mary C Shoppe9 Bowmanville PetShop DELOITTE, HASKINS& SELLS Chartered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES Bell Canada BuiIdini OSHAWA CENTRE, OSHAWA Partners: Josef Adam, B.Sc. (Econ.> C.A. Gordon F. Sedgewick, C.A. Burt R. Waters, F.C.A. Phone 728-7527- 839-7764

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