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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Feb 1976, p. 13

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Februarv il 1976 13 FFOR CLASSIFIEDI Tues. 2no AGN EW - Robent and Manie (Kennedy) are pleased to announce the binfh of their daughfer Joce y n Anne Manie, 7 1bs 4 ozs. on Febnuary 3, 1976 at Memorial Hospital, Tren- ton, Ontario. A sisten for Brendon. 6-1 ARNOLD - Syd and Jean (Flintoff) happily announce the arrivai of th eir son David Robent, 9 lbs. Il ozs. on January1 25, 1976 at Bowman- ville Memonial Hospital. Gandparents -are Mn. and Mrs. Morley Fiintoff of Bow- manville and reat gra nd- mother is Mns. ý.G. F reeman of R.R. 6, Bowmanviile. Thanks to Dr. Hubbard and staff. 6-1 BEST - Ron and. Joyce, David and Jo-Anne arefhrii- led f0 announce the arrivai of Jayne Rachel, 6 ibs., 3 ozs., af 2:05 p.m. and Lynda Heather 7 lbs., 10 ozs., at 2: 11 p.m. on January 31, 1976, af North York Genenal Hospital. Proud g randpanents are Mn. and Mns. Wm. Grundy, Toronto and Mn. and Mrs. Horace Besf, Orono, and gneat-grand- mother Mrs. Arthur Tennant, Orono. 6-ix GOODWIN - William and Judy (nee Stacey) are proud to announce the safe arrivai of their son, Bradley William, bonn on Januany 27, 1976. Gnandpanents are Mn. and Mns. Sid Sfacey and Mn. and Mns. Herb Goodwin. 6-1 KOOY - Art and Chnis are pnoud fo announce the arrivai of Danny's brother Adam Andrew, 6 lbs. 5 ozs., Febru- ary 5, 1976. Proud g randpan- ents are Mn. and M ns. Fred Kooy and Mn. and Mns. Aif Samelis. Speciai thanks to Dr. ,-jpear and Dr. Quinn. 6-1 SNOWDEN - Michael is veny happy fo announce the safe arrivai of his baby sisten Terri-Anne, who anived Feb- nuany 5, 1976 af Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville, weighing in at 8 lbs. 61/2 ozs. Pnoud parents are Randy and Sheila . Terri is the f inst g rand- daug hter for Mn. and Mns. Sam Seymour and Mn., and Mrs. Bert Snowden. Great grandpanents are Mn. &Mns. Lloyd Snowden, Mns. Kafe Seymour 'and Mns. Evelyn Grant, ail of Bowmanvil le. Thanksgoestoail the maternn ity staff and special fhanks f0 Dr. John Rundie. TAMBLYN - Bill and Marie aiong with Janne, Nancy, David and Cindy are happy to announce the arriva i of Thomas Fnederick on Sunday, Febnuany 8, 1976 at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Pankin and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Allen :ire happy f0 announce the riaaemenf of thein children -Jebbie Lynn Parkin to David John Allen, alil0f Bowman- ville. Maniage to fake place Sent. 11, 1976. 6-1 Mns. Kitheen Stoneburg wishes to announce the forth-' coming marriage of hen, daughfen Dale Brenda to Glen Roy son Of Mn. and Mns. Ross Jackman, ail of Bowmanvilie. The marriage wili fake place, Saturda y,Meay 22, 1976 at Sf. Paul's United Chunch at 5:30 p.m. 61 LYON-GARDNER -- Mn, and Mrs. John Lyo are pieased to announce then m ariage of thein son Terny Michael ta Bridg et May, dau ghter of Mn. and Mrs. William Gardner, ail of Oshawa on Januany 23, 1976. A-1 JACKMAN '- At'Bowman- ville, Saturday, Febnuany 7, 1976, Lily Heani, in hen 89,th yean, wife of the late Fred Jackman, dean mother of Raymond, Florence (Mrs. Joseph Kiipafick), Ford, Doris (Mns. Leiand Milison), BettIy (Mrs. Bey. Fogg), ail of Bowmanvilie, Anvilla (Mns. Kenneth Jones) Cobourg, Ce- cil, Peterborough. Service was heid. in the Morris Funenral Chapel, Bowmanville on Tuesday affernoon. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. 6-1 Jim, Gloria and family, Shirley, Ron and family invite friends, neighbours and rela- tives ta open houise ai, 19 Sunnicresf Blvd. in honour of their parents, Mary and Alex Grant's 5th wedding anniver- sary, Saturday, F ebruany 21sf, 1976 from 2-5, 7-9 p.m. Best Wishes only. 6-2 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jebson invite thein friends and rela- tives to an open house in honor of thein golden wedding anni- versary. If will be held on Saturday, Febnuany l4th at their home in Beaverton fnom 2 - 4 p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m. Best wishes only. 5-2 ARNOT Denise LeMay, aged 27, wife 0of William Annotf, at-Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, on Wednes- day, Febnuany 4th,- 1976. Rested at the Jones McClure Funeral Home, Georgetown, with funeral mass at the Sacned Heart Church, on Satunday. 6-1 BARNARD - At Bowman- ville, Thunsday, February 5, 1976, Jane Barnard, beloved wife of Fred Barnard, R.R, 1, Orono, dear mothen of John, California, and' Edna (Mrs. Peter Williams), R.R. 1, Orono. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville on Friday monning. Cremat ion. 6-1 DUN BAR, Josep h - Suddenly at his residence on Moniday, February 9, 1976, Joseph Dunbar of Beech St., Bewdley in his 67th year. Hutband of Donna Wamsley, faf hen of Dennis, Grace, ýAustin, Joan, Jay, May, Mrs. 'Norman Luxton Jr. (Fay). Rested at Northcuft Elliott Funeral Home. Funeral Service, i a.m. Friday morning. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemefery. 6-1 McMAHON, 'Lillian E. - At Memorial'Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Wed,, Feb. 4, 1976, Lillian Kellar, in her 92nd year. Wife of the late Albert McMahon. Dear mother of Mrs. A. Masters (Grace), Bowmanviile, Percy, Scarbo- nough. Sisten of Mabel Kellar, Kinmr..jnf. Rested at the- Nont~uttElliotf Funeral ,-Home.* Complete funeral ser- vice 1:30 o',clock, Friday atternoon. Inferment Bow- manville Cemetery. 6-1w PARKER - Af Bowmanville Hospital, Friday, Febnuary 6th, 1976, Bert Parker, in his 8Oth year, beloved husband of E. W. (Dot) Tait, dear father of Lionel, Bowmanville, NelI '(Mrs. Fred Yates), R.R. 3, Newcastle, and the late Jack. Service was heid in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman. ville, on Sunday atternoon. Interment Bowmanville gemetery. 6-1 VAN BELL DAILY Deliv Oshawa -s. Phone 62 HUGHES- In loving memory of a dear mother and gran- mother Lois Hughes who pass ed away Feb. 14, 1967. T here is a family who misses you And finds time larngsinceyou are gone We think of you daily But try f0 be brave and content We breathe a sigh of regret For you were ours, we remember Althoughlsome forget. - Lvinlynemembered bv -iuge i dgrandchil ren Lois, Murray, Albert, Madge and great grandchild- nen. 6-1 GRAY - Cherised memories of a dear father and grand- father, Ernest Victor, who p assed away January 1975. Those whom we love go out of sight, But neyer out of mind; They are cherished in the hearts 0f those they leave behind. Loving and kind in ail his ways, Upright and just in ail his days; Sincere and true in heart and mind, Beautiful memories he left behind. -Always remembered and sadly missed by children and grandchildren, Lisa, Tracey, Jim and Dorot hy. 6-1 x HUBBARD - In ioving me- mory of a dean mother and grandmother Mrs. (Benja- min) Pearl Hubbard who passed away February l7th, 1973. There's nothing s0 treasured, And nothing so rare, As the love that a mothen and sons can shane,, Through joy and thnough 1laug hter Throug hvsorrow and fears, They deeop a closenessthat Gnows through the years, This love that they shane Doesn'f need to be spoken,, lt's a wonderfui bond that can Neyer be broken. -dLovîngiy remembered and sadiy missed by sons and gnandchildnen. 6-1 VIRTUE - In memnory of a dean brother Milton Roy Virtue who passed away February 16, 1975. He ieft us quietiy, His thoughts unknown, But leff us a mnemony We are pnoud to own. - Sadly missed by Ruby, Ina and Archie. 6-1 McKEE - In ioving memroy of a dean fathen, Samuel McKee, who passed away February 12, 1950. TMme takes away the edge, of grief, But memory turns back eveny leaf. -Lovingly remembened by sons and daughtens. 6-1 McQUADE - ln ioving mem- ony of a dean Mother and Grandmothen, Annie McQuade, who passed away Februany 16, 1974. "A littie tribufe small and tender .! Just to say we do nemem ber". - Sadiy missed by Ruth and family. -lx -ie-- very to ... a Would like fa express my 'lnvile Appaqecktonand sincere ianviThlanks" tf0 my relatives, 23-4441 friends and neighbours for 43.ff flowers, gifts, cards and get weli wishes,' white I was a ~,atient in Pont Hope and Since 1912 îstrict Hospital. 6-1x F Iowers by JACKMAN ... .. .say it best! PHONE 623-3365 162 King St. E., Bowmanviîle 45-ff CARNATION ~ For AIl Your Flower Needs S TOP 1IN ANO SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARD TO BEAT Carnation Flower Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 Durham County'sOldest Funerai Service. MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night K__erving this district for 96 years. Your thoughtfuîness for others is aur first concern. We wiIP arrange for charitable foundations donations (such as Heant ai- Cancer Society) to be acknowîedged anywhere in Canadawith the appropniate acknowledgemnent card present on the samne day, with the other tibutes. This is part of our service to the community. i TaKe this opponTunITy To express my thanks and sin- cere appreciation f0 Dr. Ferguson and Mrs. Clark and hen entire staff for the excellent ca ie I eceived during my confinement due f0 a faîl. Thanks for cards received, those who inquired and those who visifed me. Maude Dale Sunsef Lodge 6-1 x i wish fa take this opport un- ity to say thank you fan the wonderful cane in Memorial Hospital. Special fhanks to Drs. Sylvester and Long, amfbulanée drivers, nurses and staff on Eme g ency, X-Ray department, Intensive Cane Unit, toalal nurses 'and staff on finst floon, f0 my family, friends, and neighbons for their visits, dards and phone cails. i wouid like ta hhak WyneBarry and Ted Bnock wh eped wifh chores while in hospital and since com ing home. 11 Russ Cochrane The family of the late Dave Bothwell Sr. wlsh fa express thein sincere appreciation for the many acts 0of kindness !shown during fathen's stay at the Memonial Hospital. A speciai fhank you ta Dr. John Rundle and Dr. Long and nurses af Memoial Hospital. To Reverend D. Harriss for his comforting wonds in the ioss of a dean fat hen and ta fhe Morris Funenal Chapel fon fheir thoughtf ui assistance. To relatives, friends, and neigh- bons for fiowers, cards and donations ta Heant and Crnip- pied Childnen. The Bothwell famiiy. s We wish to thank Ontario Street neighbons, friends for flowers, cards and acts of kindness shown us in the passîng of a loving father, grand father and great- grandfather. Son Norman Bothwell and wife Gladys, Grandsons Joseph and wife Betty Peter and wife Sheila Michael and wife Jane Granddaughters Patricia and Susan Great-granddaug hters Aimee and Robin 6-1 x The family of the late Verna Adams wish to express their sincere thanks and apprecia- tion f0 ail those friends who tried to brighten herdays by visits, flowers, glîts, kind deeds and cards during her iengthy illness, bath at home and wile in Memorial Hospi- tal, Bowmanville. A very special thank you to Dr. Sylvester, the nurses and staff on the medical floor for their love and understanding care given to her, also visîts from other nurses with whom she used to work. Special thanks to Rev. Rogers and congrega- tion of Pentecostal Church for their concern and prayers. For Rev. Roger's message of comfort and hope f rom Gd's inspired word delivened at Mother's funeral, and our loved one's last message to us, capably played and sang by (sister-in-law) Helen Mc Don- ald - "l'Il Meet You in the Morning, Just inside the Eastern Gate." For kind and thoughtful service rendered by Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. Thanks to friends for flowers, cards and many g enerous donations f0 the Canad ian Cancer Society, to the Church and to the Gideons, in memory of our loved one. And f0 the ladies of the Church for the lovely lunch served in the lower auditorium of the Church. Truly aIl appreciated by the family., Henry and Brian Adams Bruce and Diane Adams Joan and Bruce Thertel 1 I wish f0 extend my thanks to, ail the, nurses on 6th floor, Ward 6 for the kindnesses shown to me while a patient in Oshawa Hospital. Ada Cooney 6-1 x i wouid like f0 express my sincere thanks to relatives anc friends for cards, gifts anc fiowers ser,1ý to me wh-ile in Memoriai Hospital, Bowman- ville. Special fhanks ta Drs. Hubband, Singal and Sylve- ster, nurses and staff 0f the 3nd floon. Richard Dennis 6-ix Many thanks for your acts of kindness and sympafhy. If helps to know thene are many friends who undenstand and cane. The famliy of the late Mac Short' i wish ta express my sincere thanks to fri ends and nei g h. bouns, Dr. Mac Kenzie, tfhe Newcastle United Chunch Women, Newtonville Women's Institute for floral fibutes and the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 178 for the wneafh of poppies, and othen acts of k ndness shown to me on the Ioss of mny fathen Jesse Abert Allen, Rev. H. Robent Hayne for his comforfing wonds and the Morris Funerai Chapel ton thein thoughtful assistance and kindness. Isabel Allen A special "thank you" to everyone who, was instrument- al in putting on the fine Retirement Dinner, and for the lovely gifts. Your kindness will long be appreciated. Mary Cann The Annual Oid Timers Baskefbali game willbe heid at Courtice Secondany School, Friday, Feb. 13 at 7:30 p.m. AIl past membens of Senior Basketball feams are wel- comed back f0 play in fthe game and I0 enjoy fthe dance that foi lows. 6,1 BINGO N EWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tues., Feb. l7th Early Bird Games 7:30 Regulan Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Prizes PLUS-$500 JACKPOT Sponsoned b y NEWCASTLE LIONS 6-1 Newcastle Sodial Planning Council meeting on February l9th, 8 p.m., af Newcastle Village Hall. Ail welcome. 6-2 Shaw's Commun ity, invites you ta a euchre and 500 d ard panty at the school on Febru- any 21sf at 8 p.m. ,Admission $1. 6-2 Dance in Kendal Orang e H ail, Satunday, Februany 21. pnsored by Orange Lodge. VUusic by Couple's Club Orche- sfra. Everyone welcome. 6-2 HERITAGE DAY February 16,ý 1971 Childnen's Craft Proqrar, 4 p.m. Ages 6- 12 Free, ail welcome. BOWMAN V ILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Temperance St. 623-7322 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel Newcastle Country Strings FRIDAY- SATURDAY February 13 - 14 Dancing 9 - 1 F6 M1 NEW andused tires, summen and winten. Darlington Auto Centre. Phone 623-6900. 5-2 ANTIQUE CLOCKS' -REPAIRED- Parts availabie.for most anti- que dlocks, 'pocket watches and modern watches and dlocks.' 6- Our repains are done with - Moder up-to-date equipment, and quaiified Swiss tnained -watchmater. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 6- ,DANCE BOWMANVI LLE LIONSCENTRE Feb. 14, 1976 TED KOSS ORCHESTRA $5.00 Couple Dancing 9-1 Limnited Tickets Available 6-1 MAONSTER BINGO' New Stanting Time TH U RDAY- 7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minon Softbali JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHA WA 50-t. WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21-tý Club Annnene Dance and Banquet Hall available for your gnoup's tund raising activities. Book, y ur nexf yean's dates now, while c'ioice dates are stili available. Contact Don- Armstrong af 576-5522 on 576-6599. 48-tf Euchre Party, Kendal Orange Hall, Friday, Feb., 13, admission .5b cents. Time 8:15 - m. 50-50 Draw. Prizes. tadies bring lunch. 6-1 x Hard-T ime Valentine Dance, Sat., Feb. l4th, Ponty- pool Communify Centre. Ben- efit Dance for S r. Men's Baill Team, Gary Warner's Music Unlimited. Couple - $5.00. Refreshments. 6-1 x Valentine Dance, Solina Comrnunity Hall, Saturday, February 14. Ray Avery's Orchestra. 6-1 Horse dnawn sieigh rides by the houn by appointment. Phone 728-8090.' 3-6 SATU RDAY, FEBRUARY l4th. St. Va Ientine's Day DANCE 9 p.m. - 1a.m. SATU RDAY FEBRUARY 2lst B. C.L. presents "Firehouse" from Caîifo'rnia and Me. D.J. Advance tickets $3.00 No tickets held on Iast day. 9 p.m. -l1a.m. SATU RDAY FEBRUARY 28th Graffiti Night Limrbo and Jive Contests .Prizes Pnize for best dressed couple. Pnize for "Brylcream" Kid 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. SUN DAY FEBRUARY 29th Teen Dance 7 p.m. -l11p.m. Our Mn. D. J. wifh four- channel sound and light ongan.. Any age-welcome. No Bar. mii aackiog 0f shoes and oCher nepains-not picked up by Februany 28, 1976 will be disposed of. This does not include shoes cunrentiy left for nepains. "We are nid going ouf 0f repairs". BOWMANVI'LLE PET SHOP 34 King St. West. Bowmanville 6-2 Kut 'n' KunI Beauty Shop attention Senior Citizens- 10 percent off ail hain-do's (pei-ms, colons, etc.) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday only. Open 6 days a week. Thuns. and Fnl. evenings by appoint- ment. "Appointment not ai- ways necessany". Cal 623-5019, 71 King Sf. E.' 3-6 Oshawa TV Antenna s &Towers ROTORS INSTALLED U HF - VHF.- Colored AeriaîIs Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired R EPAIRS, Workmanshi p Guaranteed AIU priced to SAVE you Monevk Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf FILM POC ESSING CIL DR EN'S W PHOTOS Cmenas and Photographic Supplies 78 King St. W., Bowmanvj île 623-2404 51-10 3000 BAL ES of goodhay, $1-~ 2000 bales of straw, 85 cern N. H. E levator used 4000 baIE $850. 1-655-3450, 723-1752. 6- 1970 MOTO-SKI, 24 HAI MS-18, $325. Phone 1-983-9551 6- tSCRAP paper, 50c a bund DStafesman Office,'66 King .W. QUANTITY of good quali fstraw, one set of bob sle!gF good condition. Phone 21 2082.1 USED piano, bestoffer. Pho 728-1675. WHITE birch, firepiace woc Phone 1-786-2459. 5- COMPRESSORS, genenatoî electricmatons, gnindens, dr presses, heavy duty, pow tools, etc., Saws shanpened. '. seli, buy and trade. Op Satundays. Ace Machiner 859A Nelson St., Oshaw Phone 723-0933. 46 GRAI N fed beef sides, 90 cen a lb. Leland Payne, Newfo ville, phone 786-2512. 44- Picture Frames Ail Standard sizes an Custom made frames. Ah original oul paîntings an pnints. 579-225'3 or 72à.5719 OSHAWA ART HOUSE 53-595 Wentworf h St. E. - Oshawa 12 noon - 10 6- Cross Country Skis Veny high qualify, multi iaminated with hickory edges Brand new. Aiso boots, poles and bindingE ava'ilable. Very good package prices, 579-2253 or 728-5719 53-595 Wentworth Sf. East Oshawa 12 noon - 10 p.m. 6-ý iNSTALL AN ~ FURNACE' BO ILE R HUMIDIFIER H EATE R I AIR CONDITIONE AIR CLEANER Financing Available FURNACES CLEANED PARTS AND2SERVICE POLICY CA LL HARVEY PARTNER Your ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES, Onono 983-5206, - Zenith 1462 24 Hour Service 48-t OISHAW A SCREENED SAND GRAvEL & STONE LIMESTONE PROOUCTS ALL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS TOPSOIL & DIRT FILL. DEIVE RED OR REMOVED TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR RENT SNOW REMOVAL 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAV 2. CHEST freezer, 20 cu. f., in good condition. Phone 623- 3672. 6-1 x Fuller Brush Prod ucts, CONTACT Clarence.Bel 137 Liberty Street North Phone 623-5939 Asa lesman in Darlington Township. 1i-if Swimming Pool 1Sacrifice Leading Manufacturer and distributor has above ground alumnînumn pools left over fromi 1975 season, 1/2 price, guaran- teed installation and terms. Caîl Credit Manager, collect, Mississauga 416-625-8819 days or evenings, 5-tf PADDY'S Marketf now haý new furnîture, appliances, T.V.s and stereos and alsç used furniture and appliances Will accept trade-ins. Paddy's. Market, Hampton, phone 263 22.11. 33-tf USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Ma r ket, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf WH ITE'S T.V. TOWERS Towers, UHF,VHF Aeriaîs, Rotors & Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guara ntee mIIUII '70 PONTIAC Launentian, 2- door handitop, 350, automatic, 576-606 owrniieage, certified. Phone E. WHITE '65 PONTIAC Panisiennne, COU RTICE 4-door sedan in good condition. 30 tf $275 as is or best offen. Phone __________ 623-4289. 6-1 x Scandinavian 1970 VOLKSWAGEN Bug, mce cmlete;q good condition, nebuili engine, piec; liinci 8 tnack stereo, best offen oven it; bnand new $600. Phone 623-5585. neasonable.6- 4-ff 1969 DODGE Charger, 318, dDry mags, as is. $700. or best offen. nals Phone 579-2095. TEAK Wood, Danish, bednooi dininaroom. 91 roomn; wall unit furnitune, veny Phone 1-247-4377. Bagged Shavii DeliverE Truickload QC CUSTOM LUII MILLWORK Box 430, Boîtoi Phor 857-1882 - POPULAR PIANO LESSONS 623-2697 1960 G.M.C. 5 ton tow truck. Best offer. Phone 623-2871. 1 6 - 1 '72 CHEV. BelAire, 2-door hardtop. $2000. Phone 623-2012. red in >uantities MBER AND LIMITED on, Ontario me -962-1627 GENDRON baby carniage in good condition. Converts to a stroller. $30. Caîl 623-2210. 6-1 x SPY and Deliclous apples. Roy OrchaErds. Phone 263-8430. 6-2 PING PONG table, old radio and g ramaphone, snowmobile sleig h. Phone 623-3980. 6-1 RED brand beef. 85c per lb. per side. Phone 263-2649. 6-1 DAVENPORT, arrov. back chair, hall tree, wicker bar stoàls, portable bar, hi-fi set, office desk, noll-away beds, apartment size spin washer, apartmnent size wringer wash- en, spin dryer, occasional chairs, also other good used furniture. Towne Used Furni- tune, 19 Temperance, St., Bowmanville. 6-i 25 UNIFORMS, size 16-18, dresses and pant suits, good condition. Phone 987-5291. 6-1 x HAY, first or second cutting. Certified seed barley - 6 rowed, smooth, awned - Trent and Vanier. Phone 416-986- 4456. 6-2x 1-1973 ELAN twin, 1-1971 Olympic 399. Phone 987-4352. R 6-1 LIVINGROOM-set, includes four big chairs, round coffee table, and an oval side table. ('-o d condition. Phone 423-7228. 6-1 CQLD STORAGE APPLES Macilntosh, Deliclous andSpy bFrank Hiemstra R.R. 1, Enniskillen 263-2260 2-tf SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY '69 VOLVO, certified. Phone 623-7746 after 5 p.m. 6-1 1970 OLDS Delta Royale, 2 door hardtop, bucket seatfs, console, p.s. and p.b., vinyl roof, good condition, $1525. Phone 623-2265. 6-1 '66 FORD custom 500, auto- ,matic, $250. or best offer. Phone 263-2524. 6-1 GAS SAVER. 1974 Pinto Runabout 4 cyl1., 4 speed, 40 m iles to gai1. Excellent condition. Best offer over $2050.00 Phone 623-5585 6-1 1968' PONTIAC Parisienne- Station Wagon, V-8, power sfeering, brakes and rear window. As is $295..Phone 623-4218 after five., 6-1 '73 OL DSMAOBIL E Cutlass 'S', four speed, air. Phone 623-3178. 6-2 1961 CHEVY 12 ton pickup. Radio and wooden cap. Good runner. Best offer. Orono 983-9462. 5-3x 75 PONTIAC LeMans, sport-' coupe, V-8 automnafic, P.S. and P.B., sport mimros, Landau noof, 13,000 miles, excellent condition. Phone' Orono 983-5593 affer six. 6-2 1966 PONTIAC V-8 automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, ciood tires. Uncetfied, as is $250. Phone 623-4646. 5-3 71 CHEVI/2 ton, 47,800 miles, 6 cyl., standard, new fines, in 9pood shape. As is. Black and Decker Skil saw with blades, 91/4", heavy duty. Phone 263-2113. 6-3 1973 DATSUN 1600, 4 doon, vinyl roof, no nust, 26,000 miles, 4 speed, cerfified, new mankers, $1,395. Phone 623-4135. 6-1ix '69 CFIE V EL LE StaT0rnWagon, 307, nons Weil, $500, Phone 623-3060. 5-3x ONE 1966 International Line Truck. This unit is equipped with a King Tel- E- Lec hydrau- lic boom system compiete with augen and fibregias buckef with top cntro 1sý. Asking pnice is $9,500.00Oas itis not centified. For funthen information, contact the Bow- manville Public Utîlities Com- mission. at 19 King, Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario. Telephone No. 416-623-4451. 6-2 -_ Mr FREES removal of fresh, dead or disabled large animais. There Mill be a $5 charge on small calves and pigs. Cal Margwill Fur Farm, Hamp- ton, 263-2721. 46-tf CHILD'S wooden sied with steel runners, in aood condi- tion, only $5.00. 623-7490. 6-P ONE boy's size 14 Simpson Sears snowmabile suit in very good condition. $10.00 Cal 623-2358. 6-1 WHITE figure skates for sale size 3, $7.00. Good condition. 723-1390. 6-1 FREE large double laundry tubs- must supply your awn delivery. 987-5259. 6-1 CHROME sandwich grill with waffle plates, off on switch, wooden handles, good condi- tion. $5.00. 623-7011. 6-1 TWO used tires C78-14. Five dollars each. Phone 263-8820. 6-1 HAND made fea cosy. $2.75. 623-3945. 6-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS, AIl Claims against the estate of SIDPNEY ROY JACKMAN, late of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Munici ality of Durham, Re- tined F lorist, deceased, who died on or about the 22nd day of September, 1975 must bel filed with the undersigned personal nepresentative on or before March 15th, 1976: thereafter theý undersigned wilildistribute the assets of the said Estate having reard only ta the dlaims then filed. (The deceased resided at 63 Lambs' Lane, Bowmanville, Ontario). Eunice Mary Heard and John Herbent Living, Execu- tors,' by L.C. Mason, Q.C. Barristen &Solicitor, Box 129, 135 Wellington Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. LIC 3K9. 6-3 ESTA TEOF ET.H E L MA Y MARL NG Creditorsan othens ha,1 ing dlaims ,agaîisf the Estafe of Ethel May Marlig, late f R.R. 1, Bowmanville,- Ontarlo,, deceased, who died on or about the 28fh day of Decemn- ber, 1975 are hereby notif ied f0 send their fully certf ied state: ments fo the undernamed on or before the 1sf day of Manch, 1976, affen which date the estate will be distribufed 'having regard only to the dlaims of which the Executor then' has notice DATED at Town of New- castle, this 2nd day of Febru- ary, 1976. William John Cooper Execufor for the Es ate of Ethel May Maling, by his sol icitors Lovekin and Cureatz, Barristers and So[icitors, Box 9, Newicastle, Ontario.- 5-3 PASTURE wanted - 20 to 30 acres. Good fences anfd waten for yearlings - no bull. Ron Jacob, 1-986-5050 affen 3:30 p.m. 6-ix PUREBRED Yorkshire boars for sale. Servîceabie age. Phone Tom Pleasance 263-2719. 6-1 EQIJESTRIAN TRAINING CEr4TRE LARGE INDOOR ARENA BOARDING instruction ini Equitation Jumping Dressage Schooiing of Hunters & Jumpers Hunters & Jumpers Bouglst & SOld RR 3 BOWMANVILLE 623-.7336 Advertising, serves b' informing. ili -Md EAR PIERCING SERVICE Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. Regular Price $12.00 NOW $10.00 with studs Special 10 per cent reduction on first purchase of earrings with the release form. Phone 623-5747 For Appoint ment 45-tf ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removal 90 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 y d d. LE ý CIL

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