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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Feb 1976, Section 2, p. 6

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6 The Caniadian Statesman, BowI-anviile, February 18, 1976 Section Two Celebrates First Birtliday le-" t ui ibg oject. BOWMANVILLE W-1. Éowmanviile Women's In- stîtute met Feb. 6th in Trinity Szun1day School room with a ýod attendance. President ýrs. Downecy weicomied everyone and introduced one visitor. The meeting opened wiith sin;ýing "O'Canlada, The Ode and repeated The Coiect". The secretary rend t he minutes of the last meeting and were approved alathe Treasurer's report wns given. Corresponidence was read including a letter firm Mrs. Mluske, F.W.I.O. President, thanking the In- stitute for their work in the r 1976 arand oaskiing for fa year6 and outliing fork c-operation in our work eseilyta try to get ,new mlenbers. A ca)rd of thanks ,.as read too. W1e were e1ad to h.1ave Mrs. Flintoff wîth us < again a-id she expressed thaniks for flowers, cards and visits she had while in thie hospital.1 it was decided to send an application for delegate ta the convention in Waterloo in May. Mrs.' Twjist; and Mrs. Blair were on.tle'nomirnating tcommrittee and. Mrs. fliitoff was added ta it. Next mïonth on March l4th, we will have our pot luck dinner at 12:30 p. when we are asked to a ke ur special donation ta the Trensury. Mrs. Wiseman gave the recom- miendation of the Finance Comnmittee and it was accept- ed. Roil caîl was well nnswer- ed with the namne of a Queen of some country, past or present., Mrs. Blair was in charge of the program on "Citizenship Iand World Affairs". We sang "Land of Our Birth". Mrs. Blair then gave the imatto "The importance of the Queen ta) Canada" and said, in North America we believe that Democracy is the best systemn and in Canada we prefer n Limited Moarchy toan Republic. Demnocracy means -Sovereignty of the people", and Sovereignty means autharity. The people, ho w- ever are diie y race, religion, culture and ecanomic coniditons, and they cannot form unity in authorîty., They theref are choase one persan ta net for ail people, and that Spersan is called aur sý,overeign; a King ar n ýQueen, neutral in politics, trained for the position, re- spected and reignqn by loyal- ty, not by force. The iden of mnonarchy developed gradu ai- ly.jWhen the Rom-an Emitre feU Erope was overru b Barbarian tribes until two National States - Britain and France were formed. France and Britain had their differ- ences of opinion -and many' changes took place with a vnriety of kings and leaders of Britain before Queen Victoria came ta the throne. Aithough she was only 18, she had been trained from) early childhood for ber position. She showed wsdom and strength of character and charm. She sent Lard Durham ta, Canada in 1840 and he advised the union of Colonies. Britain and her colonies would divide the Contrai of A ffirs, but Britain through., the Governor Gener- ais would be respansibie for' defence, trade and foreign affairs. For ten years under the guidance of British Gaver- nors, paliticai parties were develo ,ped, progress en- couraged and an attempt wns, ýa de I tao train 'leaders for oloni 1 ieadership. la 1849 thriey MiVnte Un Julylst Prie tegnited their-Lfîst 186-iCanada became a Domn- in.fter thirty years, a erand celebration toak place for Queen Victoria's Diamnand Jubilee ln 1897. Throughi the holocniust of twa worid wars and a de- Mrs. Dowaey thaniked Mrs. Blairfor lher informative paper and expressed her amazement that God Snve the Queea is sa seldom sing a t meetings anymore ta whîch ail ladies agreed nn.d regret this ta be the case. We had a short discussion ta, p in for the area canvention which will ble heid in Trinity oni May llth'. The meeting cae and we formed a fren.dlly cýircie fora' cup of tea aind tea biscuiits served by Mrs. Blair's graup. Mrs. Bain and, Mrs. Wood were coaivenars. MAPLE GROVE CUB NEWS Tùe wînners ai, the Bo3wling on Januairy l4th were: Lare one; Lee Quinnrey 181 points. Lane two, Todd Barclay 177 points. Lane three, Iani Soutter, and Scott Zealand were, tied with 209 points. On Saturday, January l7th we ail had fun totpagganing at, Enniskiilen UaonServation Area. 'i'nere sure was lots- of snaw. At present the boys are ail busy working on their birdhouses. The winners will be picked at aur Father and Son Banquet on March 6ýth. The following boys have earned and receiv- ed their badges. Pet Keepers Badges ta Ricky, Wernik, Dannay Van Hemmen, Andy Davey, Douglas Bakker, Scott Mlis, Lee Quinfiey, Todd Barclay, Keith, Galagher, Scott Zealand, Jerry Bugg. Swrnming Badge - Chris Vai encourt. Toy Makers Badge, Jimmy Bugg. Skiers Badge, Ian Sautter. Teamý Badge, Stanley Zealand. Con- gratulations toalal. Our Pine Wood Derby races on January 24th in Orono were fun for ail the, boys andtei fathiers. The winners in speed were; first, John Chamberlain car 105, second, Andy Davey, car.103, third, Steven Barch- ard car 112, fourth, Lloyd Yenik car 110, fifth, *Daany Van Hemmen car 109, sixth, Douglas Bakker car 111. Design winners first, Lee Quinaey car 97, second, Iani Soutter car 96, third, Stacey Zealand car 92, fourth, Billy Van Battel car 106, fifth. Scott Zeaiand car 99, sixth, Jerry Bugg car 98. Good iuck in the finals boys. Our chief mechan- ics were; Mr. Soutter, Mr. Van Bottel, and Mr. Davey, their help was very much appreciated. On Saturday, February 7th we ail went ta Orono for the Pine Wood Derby Finals. The only boy who pinced la the finals was Lee Quîaney. He tnok fourth place in design. Nice showing Lee. When the boys were Ai finish ed, racing their cars, it was the Leaders turn., There were 48 leaders who made a car. In speed it wns the Akela from Mapje Grave who placed first, and in design it was the Akela from 3rd BowmaaviIle who placed first. Babao from Mapie Grave placed fourth in design. Nice shawing for Map le Grave.' On Suaday, February 8th1 we were ail invited ta the Ennis- killea Conservation Area for sieigh riding, taboggaaînrg and skating by thýe Mapip G rave Sundny Schooil. It was crawd- cd but we ail had fun. Their invitation wns much appreci- ated. AUl Cubs and Leaders extend a warm welcome ta Kirby Crosby for jaining the Brotherhod of Scoutiag. Support Scouting in yaur area. Yours la Scoutiag, Akela, Andy Van Hemrme. 12"12 -nlge rd groOvje design erisures prof essioflal OÔkingresults' Cartofl çontains 1 64 P liiWIUS %'" Thick panel' 4' x Lauafl MeahOganY 4x 8prefinished, plnkexMidtOfle STOÏR-EHUS M.,Oý NDAY, uEsDAYÎ WEDNESDAY, THURSDAy FRIDAY 9.opm SATUPRDAY 8:30 a.m, to 5 pm. ~.J' FROM Pîne Open-Frame Shutters ConDrstruý,cd of kiin dried clear pine and ready-to-finî,ýsh- to suit your decor. The opený frame panelettes have 2 removeable,' sprring-loaded steel bars ta altow mounting glass,-fabric, etc. Ideal for indoor accent windows or use ypur imagination ta create other decorative accents. Rustic Mod Shelving Blrackets, standards land shelves are made of Iauan mahogany and finished in a rich, dark walnut colour. They are quick and easy ta instailýfor attractive storage space anywhere you need it.. Shelves 18"x24" 47 8 ,x60, 110x24" 5o,?x72" 3" Wide S tandards: 36".....27 48"L .......20 60,L .......33 157, i 2"x2411 4731 212"x481 397 S12"x60 4 97 12,,x72"ý S14"x48" 9'/4"x71/ê"xl 1/21, Reversible Bracket .. 246 KÎiNG ST1REET EASTT-ee - - - wo62-8 FJeDeier ith Alil Orders Over $20o 2-38 I T' Wecansav yo moey on y r 2"X 4" in 92112 if Or 96e as, a\,aij. able. o ces tj ý,_i

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