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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Feb 1976, p. 8

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8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Februarv 25 1976 spOu 1nq F LASHBACK - 25 YEARS AGO - Oshawa Curling Club had the distinct honor of winning the Ontario Silver Tankard Cup, -and the Governor - General's trophy on the same day, at the Victoria Coding Club in Toronto. On the Gov. Gen's. team, h abers are Bill Minett, Rev. Father J. C. P< 'eyma, Johnny Morrison, Bob Walker, Ross ï ike, Geo Campbell, Gord Henderson and AI V 'bster. Alternate Eldon Kerr. FLASHBACK-10 YEARS AGO - Canton N.Y. - Senior, wing AI Woodlock, Bowmanville, is completing his final college hockey season with the Larries at St. Lawrence University. LOCKE'S ELECTRONS - are proud to announce that John Stainton has signed as manager again this year. John also brings with him Jack Parker and Clint Ferguson as coaches. Gym practices start Tuesday, March 2nd at 7 p.m. in the Senior Public School, Queen Street. All interested players are asked to bring running shoes and gloves. SPONSORS - are needed to purchase a set of sweaters for various teams in the Recreation girls softball, bays soccer and hockey leagues. It would be greatly appreciated if your firm could sponsor one of the teams. For further information contact George Kennett at 623- 3379. VOLLEYBALL - the girl's teams from Kirby Centennial School won the championship on Saturday, February 14th in the Western Area Junior Volleyball Tournament, held at Clarke High School. To take the trophy they defeated Hampton, Ontario Street, Elgin Street, Enniskillen, New- castle and Orono Public Schools. Team members are Nicole Winterhelt, Shelly Smirle, Karen Langford, Nicky Battams, Frances Goschi, Robin Munro, Megan Hurst, Susie Cancelliere, Elaine Falls, Debbie Ripley, and coach Mrs. L. Adams. Con0e atulations! NEWCASTLE - Arena, will celebrate its 25th anniversary on Thursday, February 26th. We offer congratulations and best wishes. Don't forget to mark March 27th and 28th on your calendar for the Annual Newcastle Figure Skating Carnival. BOWMANVILLE - Figure Skating Club will hold their carnival on Friday evening April 30th and Saturday afternoon, May lst with the theme "Four Seasons". THE CURLING - rink of Rich Vesey, Doug Munday, Dick Howson and Paul Patte earned a tie for sxth place in the 10 rink round robin Ontario Curling Championship held last week in Peterborough. We'll be hearing more of this foursome in the curling world. CANADIAN FORESTERS Team Standings Luffman 38, 20,088; Hall 36, 20,369; Pollard 30, 20,860; Rogers 28, 19,946; VanGoor 28, 19868; Prout 25, 19,350; Shetler 23, 19,350; Duguay 21, 19,553; Ward 19, 19,322; G. Smith 18, 19,562; B. Smith 15, 19,072, Ladies High Triple M. Pollard .............. 676 Men's High Triple Milt Dakin .............. 730 Ladies High Single E. Waterfall .............289 Men's High Single P. Buina............... . 303 T A Hockin Pee Wee Bs Lose Three Games Sit..Marys Cernent Juvs Take \Two-Gam e',Lead i Playoffs vwith- Gapnoaque St Mary's Cement Juveniles won two play off games against Gananoque with a score of 5-2 at the Harnpton Arena on Feb. 18th and 7-3 in Gananoque oh Feb. 20th. The Bowmanville team had won by, default in the first round of playoffs against a tear frornMarkhan. In.the first period of the opening game against Gan- anoque, John Conboy scored the first goal for the Juveniles with the assist going to Gerald Brunt. The second goal was put in by Tom Nowlan, assisted by Jordy Bowden and Joe Burns. The teams each received one minor penalty in the first period. G ananoque caught up in the second period with two goals. Peter Mangan scored the first goal for the team, assisted by Bruce Burt. Fred Crouch scored the second goal that tied the score, assisted by Rick Knowles and Larry Heybson. Four minor penal- ties went to Bowmanville and Gananoque received three during the period. The Juveniles scored three goals in the final period, with Tom Nowlan breaking the tie assisted by Gerald Brunt. John Conboy scored next with an assist by Joey Burns. The final goal of the game was scored by Gerald Brunt and assisted by John Conboy. Bowmanville was given two penalties in the last period, both minors, and Gananoque took two. WinSecond Game 7-3 In the second game of the series, Bowmanville's Juven- iles went to Gananoque on Feb. 20, winning the garne with a score of 7-3. Joey Burns scored the first goal assisted by Jordy Bow- den and Gary Nemis, giving the lead to Bowmanville. Then Gerald Brunt scored with assists by John Hogarth and Rick Scott. Tom Nowlan scored the final goal of the period for Bowmanville, assisted by Kim Rasmussen. Pat Funneil scored for Gananoque in thesfirst period assisted by Dick Kirby and Steve Dowdy. Gananoque received six minor penalties and Bowman- ville took two in the first period. In the second period, Gan- anoque almost caught up, scoring two goals before the Juveniles were able to put another one in the net. Fred Crouch scored the first Gan- anoque goal assisted by Pat Funneil and Dick Kirby. Steve Dickson scored their next goal assisted by Peter Mangan and Pat Funnell. Terry Sarginson scored the only Bowmanville goal of the second period, assisted by Brian Martin and Steve Hogarth. He L.Wood Mino Win Opener, Tie Un Playoffs with In Gananoque on Feb. 18th, scoring, assisted by H.L. Wood Minor Bantams MacDonald and Dale] won 4-2 and took a one game In the second, Gan lead in their best of five series. tied the game just be In the first period, Bowman- Toros took the lead on ville got the only goal on a by Rick Simpson assi passing play with Pete Keene Carl Chambers an BRUCE and ELEANOR COLWELL are pleased to invite you to the re-opening of D&R Sportu and Si Shô 85 King St. W. be sure to fill out a coupon for one of several vaJuable Door Prizes by: Cooper - C.C.M. Adidas e- Jlinek Sports Spalding - Winwell Murray Cole Agencies Bowmanvi GRAND OPENINC Fni. and Sot., Feb. 2 and 28 Fri. 9to 9 --Sat. 9 to 6 Bowranville received seven penalties and Ganan- oque took six minors in the second period. In the third period, Terry Sarginson scored the first goal for Bowmanville with an assi t froh Steve Hogarth. Thei John Conboy scored assisted by Gerald Brunt and Gary Nemis. Brian Martin scored the final goal of the gamelwith an assist by Terry Sarginson, bringing the final score to 7-3 for Bowmanville. Bowrnanville had five minor penalties in the final period, with Gananoque receiving il minors, one misconduct and anothe, game misconduct penalty. 1 The neit scheduled game in, the five game series will be held Feb, 25-n Hampton at 7:30. Tonrght's game is the third in the series and could be the final one if Bowmanville wins. If Gananoque wins, the next game will be held on Saturday, Feb. 28 at 8 p.m. in Gananoque and the final gamne in the series is planned for Feb. 29 back in the Bowman- ville arena. The Bowranville Juveniles would appreciate any support that they could get from the town they represent. If you are free on any of the nights that the Juveniles are playing core out and watch them in thesefinalesames of the series. ra 2nd Game Gananoque Randy Jones. Brent ulemens scorea Broome. for Bowmanville assisted by nanoque Stan Greenham and Randy fore ,the MacDonad, making the score n a goal 31 for Bowmanville. isted by In the third period, Ganan- d Neil oque fought back and scored at the seven minute mark. Rick Simpson scored to give Bowmanville an insurance marker assisted by Garf McQuaid and Neil Jones, for his second goal of the game. Neil Jones also received his second assist in the game. In an'exciting, wide-open second game in the series agàinst Gananoque, the H.L. Wood Minor Bantams tied 5-5 after a 10 minute overtime period. In the first period the only goal was scored by Ganan- oque. In the second, however, the Toros came back with Rick Simpson scoring un- assisted. Although they were shorthanded, Bowmanville did a great job of fore-check- ing with Rick Simpson steal- ing the puck from a Gahan- oque defenceman and beat their goalie to give Bowman- ville the lead 2-1. The second period ended with Gananoque scoring two quick goals at the 10 and i minute mark to take the lead 3-2. In the third, the Toros tied the game early in the periqd on a goal by Steve Braun assisted by Brent Clemens. At the six minute mark Ganan- oque took the lead 4-3. Not long after, however, Carl Cham- bers deflected a shot from Neii Jones into the Gananoque net. This ended the third period 4-4 putting the game into a 10 minute overtime period. In the exciting overtime lle period, Gananoque took the lead and was ahead 5-4. 94 Then, with only a minute and a Ghaif remaining Stan Green- han scored on a hard shot from the point, with Rick Simpson drawing the assist. The next game that Bow- manville plays in the series is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 26 at 7:30 in Gananoque. Bowmanville will play Gan- anoque at home in the Bowmanville Arena on Satur- day, Feb. 28 at 4 p.m. Our team needs everybody out to support them in their quest for the All Ontario title. May Split Tennis Program Profits Recreation Director Bud Fanning is to give further consideration to a prosai from the Tyrone Athletic Association to split the profits of operating a Tennis program at the Darlington Arena dur- ingthe coming summer. The pograni, held success- fully last year, would this year be entirely organized by the Tyrone Association who pro- -__j poserather than a daily fee for the arena being charged, that profits from the program be split two-thirds to the arena and one-third to the associa- tion. Chairman of the Tyrone Association, Bernie Heming, suggested to the community services committee Feb. 16th that if the membership in the program is the same as last, year, or even better; a split of some $2,000 for the arena and $1,000 for the association could be realized. port Darlington Junior CU's Ousted f rom Playoff Action By Lindsay on rFfriday Night Legion Ladies Team Standings Joan Sutcliffe 13 points, 19,758 pinfall; Mary Gray 13, 19,555; Diane Howarth 9, 19,355; Nyhl Sheehan 7, 18,415. High Single 1 Diane Howarth..........264 High Tripfe Mary Bates ........ . .659 Top 10 Averages Joan Sutcliffe 226, NyhI Sheehan 215, Diane Howarth On Fri.; Feb. 13 the Hockin Realtors travelled to Stouffi ville only to be defeated 3-1. Stouffviile oDened the scoring in the first period then Mark Mathews assisted by Allen and Brock tied the game 17 seconds before the end of period one.. In the second period, Stouff- ville went ahead again with one goal and added stili another oal in the third, rnaking te final score 3-1. Bowmanville was penalized seven times in the game compared to two for the opponents. n Sunday, the Hockin 202, Anne Plazek 201, Mary Gray 201, Virginia Fairey 199, Denise Annaert 198, Irene Whitney 191, Mary Bates 188, Bernice Partner 186. by David Goheen The Port Darlington Marina Hotel Junior "Cs" came within a centimeter of tying the game last Friday night. The goal didn't count, and the Eagles will have to wait until next year to avenge their defeat in Lindsay on Friday. Bowmanville won their first game of the series Wednes- day, February 18, 8 to 3 but lost the series Friday night 3 to 2. Farlier, they had lost the first two games of the best of five'series. Last Wednesday Steve Doyle and Gary Hogaboom opened the scoring for the Muskies in Lindsay. The Eagles found their scoring punch when John Wood opened the scoring from Nick Vanseggelen and Brian Simpson. Brian Simpson tied the game with Ted Puk and John Wood assisting. Brian Simpson then-put the Eagles ahead in a goal with assist to Ted Puk. In the second, Mike Hapley tied the game for the Muskies. Gary Cox put the Eagles, ahead with assists to Ted Puk and Brian Sirnpson. The Eagles had other scor- ing opportunities but were unable to get the puck into the net. In the third, the Eagles put on the power. Ted Puk scored the opening goal for the stanza from John Wood. Mike Roberge then scored from Rory Gibbs. Rory Gibbs scored the final two goals. The assists on the first were by Ted Puk, Gary Cox and John Wood and Joe Humenick on the second goal. This was a sign of better things to come for the Eagles. In the Friday contest, the Eagles again travelled to Lindsay. The Muskies came out strong as they took the play away from the Eagies at every move. If it had not been for Don Sturrock in the Eagles' net, the Muskies' three break-aways could have ended in goals. The Eagles tried to get on tracks but the team couldn't get anything sustained going. In the second, Steve Peters scored, and Steven Richard- son made the count 2 to 0. In the third, the Eagles "came back and tied the game on goals by Ted Puk from John Wood and Doug Tamblyn from Al Emard and Joe Humenick. Steve Richardson finished the Eagles off on his goal with minutes remaining in the game. Bowmanville tried to take the gamre and almost did if it had been a centimeter more. This scribe would like to thank everyone who has made these articles possible, the Management, the team, and the staff at the Statesman. Bowmanville has the nucleous of an exciting team for next season, and with the Midgets and Juveniles who can play next season, it should be a powerful squad. Hats-off to the sponsor Erv GUi for his support throughout the season. the season. To our four year old Leap Year baby, Boyd Knox, here is a happy birthday from all the fans. Newt'ville Star'ville Bowling Team Standings Sweet Peppers 42, Cabbage Heads 39, Carrot Tops 36, Celery Hearts21. High Single Gail Milison............ 260 High Triple Cindy Cowle .........694 Cind Cowe........69 Realtors played in Uxbridge and were defeated 4-2 in an exciting game of hockey, with good goal tending from both teams. Chris DeSousa guard- ed the Hockin net. Uxbridge scored three goals in the first period and one in the second to take a 4-0 lead. Bowmanville came alive in the third period on a goal by Brad Clemens from Weish and less than a minute laterSteve LaVigne made his mark unassisted, but time ran out on the Realtors with the final score 4-2. Mondaynight at Darlington Sports Centre, the Reaitors suffered their third defeat in a week, at the hands of the undefeated Whitby team. Whitby chalked up two goals in the first period followed by a gotald by Dana Peebles asssted 4y Clemens and Welsh. The onfly. scoring in the second period came from Clemens assisted by Welsh and Potter. The Bowmanville team continued to work hard andin the third eriod took the lead on a goal by, LaVigne assisted by Allen. Whtby tied the game 3-3 then went ahead with another goal while La- Vigne was in the penalty box for interference. With one second left in the game Whitby scored in the empty net to make the final taliy 5-3. The Bowmanville team ed an outstanding game ,ndrian Choun turned in a good performance for the -ockin Realtors. a 200 Games Gail Millson 260, 216; Olive Henderson 258, 230; Ma2lene Stacey 256, Cindy Cowle 240, 232, 222; Karen Carter 233, Anne Todd 222, Peggy Millson 218, Joyce Stacey 213, Bernice Henderson 213, Blanche Jones We*'re, Feeling the 3e ruck and jtomobane Daily Rental Cars utornobile 'LeasingAvailable "The Hom À OId- a hioned 166 King St. E. Telephone 623-3396 H pitolity" HOOPER'STROPHY CENTRE TROPHIES-AWARD RIBBONS-GIFT AWARDS CLUB BADGES - PLASTIC SIGNS DESK SETS - PEWTER MUGS - LAPEL PINS PLAQUES - METAL SIGNS - NAME TAGS SPECIAL CLUBend SCHOOL DISCOUNTS on Trophies and Engraving. VISIT OUR SHOWROOM MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED ,RON and DAN HOOPER 19 Kingst. E. Phone 416-623-5747 Bowmanville We're Overstocked in Used Cars. We have in stock an excellent selection of one owner Used Cars 2-Doors, 4-Doors, Station Wagons, 4 Cylinder, 6 Cylinder, 8 Cylinder Models. Come In To-Day and See: Weldon Brown - Cedric Russell - Cliff Moore or Stew Preston 77 .».- . . %ff a 2 a

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