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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1976, Section 2, p. 7

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Ore-Yeor-OId on March l2th l.Tanya Marguerite Clemens appears tà be looking forward to her first birthday on March l2th, 1976. Her parents are Barryand Dar'-,ne Clemens, Hampton. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Laverne Clemens, and Mr. and Mrs. David Hall, Hampton. Her great grandfather is Mr. Aibin Clemens, Strathaven Nursing Home, Bowmanville. Provinciaùl Cou@rt February24, 1976 Judge R. B. Baxter presided with Assistant Crown Attorn- ey P. Coath and duty counsel D. Barber. Martin Murphy, R. R., 1, Gilmore, pleaded 'guilty' to driving after consuming over .08. He was observed south- bound on highway 35 weaving in and out of his own lane. *THRU THE *GARAGE DOORS? !I The 'basic' Homeawner policy daes flot caver vehicle damage ta the building by anoccupant - other Homeowners Palicies DO caver such damage. There are ather differences in var- ious Homeowner Palicies which the James Insurance Agency Limited wiIl gladly explain ta you. James InsaIurance AgEnicu Limited 1DOUGLAS S. JAMES 24 KING ST. E., BOX 100 BOWMANVILLE, ON - OFFICE 623-4406 RES. 623-5023 - Tests were .16. l'ne crown asked for a year's license suspension. 11e was represent- ed by M. B. Kelly. The fine was $175. and costs, in default 10 days. H1e was prohibited from driving for one year. Wm. Minard, 20 Division St. Bowmanville, was charged January 24, with driving after consuming over .08. H1e plead- ed 'guilty'. Const. Ricard received a complaint from a citizen of a taxi driver being intoxicated. Tests were .14 and .13. The fine was $150 and costs, in default 10 days. H1e was prohibited from driving for six months. H1e was given 2 months to pay. Darryl Heenan, 16, pleaded guilty' to taking an emer- gency light from Courtice Secondary School on Febru- ary 6 to the value of $80. t has been recovered. Randal Wayne James, 18, was charged along with Heenan of having in his possession an emergency light and pleaded guilty'. An officer searched his house and found it on top of the furnace. 11e knew the light had been stolen. They were put on probation for two years and if in no further trouble during that period will be given a conditional discharge. Mark Steven White, Scarboro, pleade d 'guilty' to a November 22 charge of diving after consuming over .08. H1e pleaded 'guilty' to a further charge of failing to report an accident at the Mill St. ramp onto 401. H1e went through two guide posts. H1e was apprehended at Whitby. Tests were .12 and .10. On the first charge the fine was $100. and costs, in default 10 days and no driving for three months. And the fine on the second charge was $20. and to make restitution to the De- pari UIhnI t JJi iEwayb in tig amount of $40. Douglas Tighe, 25, Bowman ville, represented by D ATTENTION FARMERS!1 WHY PAY' MORE?9 SAVE ON PREMIUM QUALITY :a GAS -.DIESEL FUEL 'I ...MbTOR OIL Prampt Delivery I .~ - Please Cail Coqect DX OIL wHITBY 668-3381 Do You Need Money?9 $2,OOO -$509OOO - st, 2nd or 3rd Mortgages -Cut Your Payments in Half -Consoidate Ail Your Loans -Pay Off an Existing Mortgage -Combine 2 Mortgages into One -Purchase or Improve Property Any Worthwhile Purpose Farms -Com mercîal - Residential Tel. 705-743-2501 Great Northern Financial Corp. -SAME DAY APPROVALS - Barber, who appeared De- cember 23 and pleaded 'guilty' to dangerous use of a firearm May 1974, dune 1975 driving with over .08, August 1975 driving while disqualified, October 1975 criminal negli- gence but to lesser offense dangerous driving, was to-day up for sentence following a pre sentence report. His counsel stated ail offenses involved alcohol. He has been attending A.A. and trying to rehabilitate himself. He was fined $150. and costs, in default 10 days on the over .08 charge and prohibited fromn driving for six months. H1e was given one month to pay. On the other three charges hie was placed on suspended sentence for two years, to report to probation offîcer once a month. He is to wholly abstain from alcohol and attend AA once a week. He will make restitution for the window at the police station in the amount of $31.82. If there is any indication hie is playing with probation, hie will be brought back and sentenced. Lance Burns, 26, 12 Frank St., Bowmanville, charged January 23 did drive after consuming over .08, pleaded 'guilty'. He was checked on Liberty St. S. Tests were .19 and .17. The fine was $200. and costs, in default 10 days. No driving for three months. Given one month to pay. Tom Pflanzer, 18, R. R. 2, Bowmanville, pleaded 'guilty' to having care and control December 26, after consuming over .08. The, vehicle was found in a ditch. Tests were . 11 and .10. The fine was $50. and costs, in default 3 days. 11e was prohibited from driving for 3 months. He was warned if hie drives, hie can go to jail. He was given 2 weeks to pay. Douglas T. Walton, 511 Cannonberry Ct. Oshawa, was charged December 22 with driving after consuming over .08. H1e pleaded 'guilty'. H1e was observed westbound on 401 crossing over the centre line. Tests were .19 and .18. The fine was $200. and costs in default 10 days. H1e was prohibited from driving for 3 months. Gîven one week to pay. Michael Ostopowich, 20, 1481 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa, was charged October 19 with driving after being disqualif- ied. H1e pleaded 'guilty'. The Business Direct ory Accountancy WM. J. H. COGGINS Charfered Accounfant 115 Liberty Street South Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 D. V. SNODDON -14 Frank Street Bookkeeping and Tax Service Business: 623-4597 Residence: 623-7308 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 67 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 HAAR, CHAPMAN & FLETT Chartered Accountants Suite 202, 54 Centre St. N. Oshawa, 728-7363 133 Church St., Bowmanville 623-68 Chiropractic ne~ LAURENCE A. GREY n- Doctor of Chiropractic 270 King St. East Bowmanville Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office:, 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment Dental1 DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D. D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East .ProfgýsionaI BIdg. Office Hours: Weekdays 9 -5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy -623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D. D. S. 222 King St. E., Suife 106 Professional BIdg. Bowmanville Office Hours: CLOSED WEDNESDAY A FT E RNOON DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S, 75 King St. E., Bowmanvî lie Office Hours: Mon., Tues., and Thurs., 9 'fil 5 Wednesday -9'tiI 2 Friday -9'fil 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Office Phone 62.3-5790 PATRICK G. DEEGAN, D.T. Denture Therapy Clinic 33 King Sf. E. Bowmanville Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:30 'til 5:00 Wednesda y8: 30'ti 1 12: 00 Saturday- By appointment only. Phone 623-4473 fine was $200. and costs, in default 10 days. H1e was given 4 weeks to pay. Bench warrants were issued for Kevin Dennis, George Fudge and Jas. LeBlanc. .Keith Chas. Lemon, 53, Fergus, was charged March 26, 1975 with driving while ability-was impaired. He was also charged with failing to give a breath sample. H1e pleaded 'guilty' to both charges. Const. Schumacher had occasion to arrest him following a complaint from a service station. 11e was weav- ing from side to side on King St. W. Three previous convictions were read out. The first charge brought a fine $300. and costs, in default 20 days and prohibited from driving for one year. On the second charge the fine was $75. and costs, in default 5 days consecutive., Fred Hodgson, 42, 177 King St. E. Bowmanville, repre- sent'ed by D. Barber, pleaded 'guilty' to five charges laid November 22, drove after consuming over .08, failed to provide proof of insurance, drove while disqualified, Dec. 15 drove while disqualified, no license plates on the car. Const. VanDyke arr estedhim after receiving a caîl to an accident. Tests were .22 and .20. Total fines amounted to $245. and costs, with 5-days in default on first charge and consecutive days added on utof by E.P. Chant The, United States of Amen- ica ishaving a lot of fun this yean. They've got a presi- dential race, their bicenten- niai, and, of course, they aren't holding the Olympics. What more could any nation ask for? Presidentially, it's going to be some race. For the Republicans, eithen Ronald Reagan or Genry Ford will start in the blocks. Reagan has moved from movie star to governor of Californiia to presidential candidate (inp the pimraries, that is). Gerry Ford has moved from Con- gressman to Vice-President to President and he onily had to get elected to the former. The two big questions in the Republican race are (a) If he wins the Republican can- didacy, wilI Reagan's Vice-, Presidential running mate really be Mickey Ro oney? and (b) Will Gerry Ford be able to keep from slipping off the stage during ail his speeches? The answen to the last each charge. 11e.;.as prohibit- ed from drivýng for 3 months. 11e was given 5 weeks to pay. The judge told him 'leniiency has been shown and you were_ told to cut out dniving. If you come back again the axe will fall'. the Mouths of Babes Seto7 question is probably "Yes." Nixon off the U.S.A.'s hands Mr. Ford isn't as much of a .(they have plans to make him klutz as hie is made out to be into, a professional ping-pong (the' only place hie reaîîy player).. Russia, in the best stumbled was into' the White spirit of detente, is sending House). men to the moon which they The lesser of two ev . .. er. will then proceed to paint red, The opposition is the Demo-* white, and blue. cratic party. The race is What is Canada sending? Kend-esaanadH- Weil, we're giving a lot, but bet JHumphrey is mîssing too. we're getting something in Alil that's left is the favourite, return. For half of our oil former Georgia governor, supply, the United States will Jimmy Carter (the ahl-Ameni- give us back the Stanley Cup can name), Frank Udall (and you thought the External (who?), and the guy with the Afirs department 'couldn't best namne in either contest, wheel and deal!) whose name sounds like "a tree for sale, Birch Bayh (the last name is pronounced "buy"). A the American electionl1s Accden bably won't be too exciting. 0 Betty Ford seldom sings or îep r wears Republican T-shirts on R p r foreign excursions and Jimmy Twotw rfiacdes Carter's wife calîs herself ae eotwntrffch accdet Mrs. Carter. Oh î lma re rpre uigteps we'l eta sanaiwel ye week by Division 16, Durham we'llgeta cadl o îvn Regional Police. tIngs moe nup.tina The first collision, involving vin a more tenation al vehicles operated by Walter vrepn, stn tons on areth Wood of 445 Oshawa Blvd. are pligto paytehoaeoNorth, Oshawa and Ross Hall thei mig hyUniedhSita y0 of 115 Concession West, Bow- On July 4. Great Britain is avleourdThsay sending them Northern Ire- about 4:5 .m land, Rhodesia is senclin - Th Hall vehicle, a '67 Chev, ther l-ak oplaton A gn was northbound on Silver theai blak opion , rgen- Street when, on arriving at the tirn ifo kseindPreint Church Street intersection, it Pa ero ( oake), ad a collided wîth the .eastbound Hundreds of Winners eyin4 Two The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvîlle. March 3, 1976 -7 Wood vehicle, a '75 Toyota Pickup. 'Wood is charged with a stop sgn violation through investi- gation by Const. Sam Hawry- chuck who estimnates damage to the Wood vehicle at $700 and the Hall vechicle at_$300.* Two vehîcles sustained $600 damage each Monday morn- ing when in collision at the intersection of Scugog Street and Regional Road 57. A '69 Chev operated by Robert Peary of R.R. 1, Bowmanville, was southbound on 57 and turned east onto Scugog, across the path of a northbound GM Pickup open- ated by Donald A. Page of R.R. 4, Bowmanville. The resulting 7:50 a.m. collision lef t both drivers with minor injuries, investigation- by Const. Rickard bringing a charge of careless driving against Peary. covery. I LONGSAL Mn. and Mrs. John Baker and boys were Sunday supper guests of Mn. and Mns. George Tozer, Oshawa. Mn. Micheal Baker and girl friend, Burlington wene Satur- day callers of Mn. and Mrs. G. Baker. Miss Grace Smith visited friends in Oakville on Sunday. Club 50 meets Tuesday evening, March 9 at the homne of Mrs. Robent Cameëron. Mrs. Ted, Hall, Dunsford was a Wednesday luncheon guest of her parents Mn. and Mrs. G. Baker. Sorry to report Mrs. Gabriel Kovacs is a patient in Mem- ona Hositalwi-th pneumon- ia. Hope for a speedy ne- INSTANT Maxwell 10 OZ$ 2-.85 Houise CoffeeJA Pineapple Juice SUNUUlICK-WV, .FL OZ. SU. Orange Drink Concentrate 79' GAINSBURGER Beef Dog Food2 I'.e PLAYIEX (REGULAR OR SUPER> Deodorant Tampons OF L'K 9 Vegetable Oïl 32-FL9 9 oz. 811. QUAKER STATE SUPER BLEND 1OW30 Motor Oi TIN 79e EL-EN HANDLE BAG PACK 2V ,x 36"115 mi) Plastic Garbage Bags DE TERU EN T Lux Liquid PK f89, 1 i o , 99eO PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. THRU SAT MAR. 3-6. WE RESERVE THE RIGHI TO LIMIT GUANTITIES. THIS WFEK PLAY DARK BLUE BINGO CARDS, CHIECK BROWN BINGO CABUS. 7PRODUCE 0F U.S.A.9M Florida Oranges2 :ooz. $ PRODUCE OF USA CANADA NO. 1 GRADE 2SIZ Celery Stalks SE39 2 FOR 29e: 100OZ.3< ENJOY CANADIAN APPLES' CONTROLLEO AIMOSPHERE CANADA FANCY GRADE ,Mcl1ntosh Apples CANADA NO.1 GRADE Cello Carrots 3 LB. 69e BAG 2-L .9< BAG £.~> 77 King St. East, Bowmanvîlle NLEWHOUSES, HILTS Chartered Accountants . . Newhouses, C.A. Hilts, B.A. C.A. 728-9448 187 King St. East Oshawa, Ont. MAI 48-FLO aIN47 PRODUCE OF MEXICO, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE SWEET Green Peppers PRODUCE 0F U.S. Cello Spinach

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