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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Mar 1976, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 10, 1976 Discuss New Look Ski Bindinqs ENNISKILLEN Sun. morning's brisk March wind could have one imagine our community was in Holland or Chicago but in spite of wind and snow flurries about 65 folks heeded the appeal of the Church bell's invitation and attended the morningservices on the first Sunday in Lent. Organist was Ray Ashton who led the Sr. Choir in their Anthem - a new hymn. Jr. Church was in the care of Reva Kinsman. The Child- ren's story by Rev. Bigby was "Follow the Leader" when a little girl was in fear of a Queen Bee and swarm which followed her. The lesson was to think and be sure our leader is O.K. Our minister's sermon, "The Road to Victory" was from the touching scene from the O.T. of the sacrifice of Isaac, (read frorn a copy of "The Living Bible") a lesson to Abraham who placed his son Isaac before God, but as God won a victory Abraham's Life who overcame obstacles. God loves us too and willnever fail us, and will provide substitutues to help us toover- come our arguments or bribes. Two baskets of flowers were placed by the family in memory of the late Ray Degeer of Haydon. Rev. Bigby extended a very warm wel- come to everyone especially a visiting couple and two recent- ly acquired people for our congregation.. The past events 'are - The Mid-week Bible Study con- tinued on Wed. morning in Tyrone. A Stewards meeting of brief Don Waldorf, left, Ontario Representative for Look Ski Bindings, discusses a duration was Sun. morming feature of the product with Bruce Colwell, new proprietor of D and R Sports. firu1varctmetgronup te S s The business was officially re-opeïied recently in the former Western Tire room Wed. evening. Vice Store at 85 King Street West in Bowmanville. Pres. Wayne Bigby, was chairman. Sec. Linda Sharp B read the minutes of the Jan. and Feb. meetings. Roll call was each member's birth date for the records. Next regular M0 0 meeting March 28th in the school auditorium. The Future events are - U.C.W. will .meet on Wed., I TLMarch17th at 6:30 p.m. in the t00 maUr e0 0 0 I QYChurch basement. There will be a Pot Luck supper and Mr. Bill Henderson will speak on Last Saturday, the Bow- with one goal and three of the day, a fast, high-flying how to buy your meat. All manville Sports Major Mid- assists. Terry Sarginson one team from North Bay. North familles of the Community are gets travelled to Lindsay to goal and one assist, Jerry Bay lead 2-0 at one point, and invited to take part. compete in a one-day, eight- Leddv two assists. Kim Stor- 3-1 at the end of the second Card and crokinole party team tournament. Although gaard and John Conboy one period. sponsored by the Y.G. mn the the tournament ran two and goal each, Conboy netting the But the local team's per- Community Hall Sat., March hne half hours behind schedule winner. sistent checking and intestinal 20th at 8 p.m. See Coming and the boys were fatigued by The locals then played fortitude paid off as they Events for details. the end of the day, they rallied Newmarket and overpowered scored four unanswered goals The death following a short to win it, with a fine exhibition them with an easierd8-2 in the third. Two of these goals illness of a truly good neigh- St, w came within seven seconds of bour and friend to everyone, of team play . victory. Goal scorers for each other. the Late Ray Degeer was a In their first game againsL Bowmanville were Jerry Leading Bowmanville was great loss to us as well as his' Lindsay at 9:00 adl ., the team Leddy with three, Don Farrow John Conboy with three goals, sorrowing sisters, brothers played solidly, the entire two, and singles to Terry Mark Lavigne and John and their families to whom we game. However, the Lindsay Sarýginsca,,, Mark Starkey and Hoat ahoeHgrhl exndu eps- ym ty squad played a little better John Hogarth. Assists were Hogarth each one. Hogarth's extend our deepest sympathy and he eamscoed ith2:0 crditd t Jery ohnton in the empty net with .33 in their time of grief. and the team scored with 2:03 crçdited to Jerry Johnston seconds remaining. Single . Lightning strikes only once remaining in the final period with three, Terry Sarginson assists were given to Kim is a familiar saying but to force overtime. The boys and Ron Jukic witStwo each Storgaard, Terry Sarginson, unfortunately this is not true came on in the sudden death and singles to Kim Storgaard, Jerry Johnston, Ron Jukic, for the McNeil family who ovrtirne and applie d a lot of Jerry Leddy, Rick Mackey, Don Farrow and netminder were stricken in grief over the pressure which resuhted in the Brent Badour, Mark Lavigne Bob Koczulab who played death of the late Archie winning goal. and Don Farrow. great in every game. He really McNeil recently are sorrow- Leading Bow anville in hi the finals, Bowmanville held the locals in the game in ing again over the death ofi scoring was Jerry Johnston faced their greatest opposition the tense moments. Ruth Fontaine (nee McNeil)1 Port Coiborne. Our sincerest1 sympathy goes toher immed- G oa•li e a tsP• ne ta ngdiately family, sister, mother, sister-in-law and their fami- G 0' 1 E-ïl s enetng hes. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick, Sn n carboro were Sat. evening nvisitorswith their parents Mr. The first, game between of the game were scoreless. the team at a disadvantage, and Mrs. S. Pethick.1 Bowmanville's St. Marys Bowmanville took four minor but between penalties, John Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Cement Juveniles and Pene- penalties in the first and two in Conboy scored, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, tang was a goaltenders' battle the second period, with Pene- Gerald Brunt and Rick Scott, Susan and Fred, Haydon werec with the Juveniles' Danny tang receiving three in the along with Gerald Brunt's Sunday dinner guests with Mr: Wilcox leading the team to the first and two in the second ' goal with assists by John and Mrs. E.R. Taylor, cele-t 2-1 victory.Conboy and Gary Nemis brating Susan Slemon's 13thh St. Marys' six penalties to giving Bowmanville the birthday. Congratulationsv The first and second periods Penetang's onein the third put victory. Susan.p Mr. and Mrs. David Staintona and family, Cobourg were9 nisitors with the Nielsens andE Consti tutïinMin or Midgets -te L.Statns. wshm Clare Ashton . was home fom Prescott for the week- Win First Two Gomes with shtons. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sobil, Nia gara. Ont. Semi Fial anwc, Mr.Frank ee Oshawa, were Sun. supper On Saturday, Feb. 29th the neyer have been able to leave, and Niagara on the Lake. The guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Constitution Insurance Minor as his truck pulled the bus out. Toros were the winners 7-1 as Werry arnd famihy. Midgets travelled to Colling- They got to Niagara and they came out like gangbust- Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wray wood to win the three out of phayed one of the most ers in the first five minutes of and famihy, Orono, were Sun. five series three straight. The exciting games seen by the the first period. supper guests with parents Toros wvon the gamne with a Bowmanville*fans. The game Within 5 minutes, the Toros Mr. and Mrs. L. Lamnb. score of 5-1. was fast and rough, but the scored three fast goals. Ed Mr. and Mrs. S. Lamb have Colling wood scored their Toros emerged on top. Visser scored the first of his returned from a holiday in the first and hast goal at the 14:04 Brad Godfrey opened the three goals at the 1:14 mark as sunny south. mar ofthefirf prio. Te sorighate in the first period he received a breakaway pass Mr. and Mrs. Fred Billett, markof te fist erio. Th scoingfromn Rick Bain. Brad Godfrey Scarboro, were recent cahiers Tgog butd tek di andscored slap shot from th bHe ooe ah so c asssterDa Strike at Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGilis. 5 consecutive goals, one in the and popped the puck in the top sredeivin das fromr after and mily, oe Rtekkere, first, 2 in the second and 2 in hand corner of the net. Dan rciigaps rr ie n aniNwatewr the third period. Strike and Dean Rutherford mate Dean Rutherford. Gary Thursday evening dinner recive cedi fr te ssits Dusseldorp scored shortly guests .of the C. Averys and Gary Dusseldorp opened the Srcied crdtfrteasss after Strike, when he took a have just returned fromn a coring for Bowmanville with Stie scored shortly after on pasfo lie tsEdvcininTx. ssits oig t A Brnt Te aothr owe payths tme Visser and Brad Godfrey. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Moore, ninutes later in the second Brad Godfrey assisted in the Dusseldorp scored again with. Shirley Road, had Sat. supper eiod, Dan Strike scor iy Whi the orosrea in three minutes after Ed with Mr. and Mrs. Earli Godfrey and Ed Viser. Brad Britt Murphy, the Toro' isaser pord Gofey ukot oto r.Load Godfrey came back 3 minutes goaltender, was making some quick shot on the Niagara Stainton, spent hast week-end ater to score. Gary Dussel- fantastic saves to prevent goaltender. Ed Visser scored with Mr. and Mrs. Tom ' Lorp and Ai Brunt received Niagara from breakmng his the final goal in the first Hockin and family, Elmvale, s il-utou s 9 5 a pi S( l al G c a d( il a to tu g N fi B th B fo redit for the assists. . period, shooting a backhand in and called on daughter Doris Six minutes into the third Dean Rutherford decided to the low corner. Credit must go at Barrie.1 ,eriod, Brad Godfrey scored lengthen the Toros' lead to to Brad Godfrey who gave him Mrs. S. Raaphorst and Mr. gain. Pete Nemisz scored the three, when he scored on à an excellent breakaway pass. Paul Groveneveld, Sr. Bow 0 ast goal shooting the pucK rebound shot of Brad Godfrey. In the second period, manville, Mr. and Mrs. David nto the corner of the net. Tim Bowmanville's final goal was Niagara scored their only Presson and Amy, Oshawa, 3uttonshaw and Brian Dennis scored by Scott Stevens, goal, but only after shooting were Sunday guests of Mr. and .ssisting. Another assist went flicking the puck high into the many consecutive shots at the Mrs. Gary Groveneveld, occa- o Ron Visser. Niagara net. Assists were Toro goalie. sion of Michael's birthday. Minor Midgets Win First received by Dan Strike and 44 seconds into the third Congratulations. Game Against Niagara on the Brad Godfrey. Britt Murphy period, Ed Visser scored his Mr. and Mrs. Russell Tabb, Lake played an excellent game, third goal for the "Hat Trick", were Saturday evening callers On Friday night, the Consti- stopping many powerful shots. after batting down a puck at the Allan Werrys, celebral- ution Insurance Minor Mid- The team would like to thank flipped by the Niagara goalie, ing Russell's birthday. Con- ets attempted to travel to the fans, who came with them, leaving the wide open net to gratulations. qiagara to play themr in the for their great support. shoot at. Bowmanville's final Mrs. Edith Stainton is rst game of the semi-finals. Hammer Niagara 7-1 goal was scored by Rick Bain, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. ut befor, they could leave, On Saturday night, there after taking a pass from Dean Henry Stainton, Tyrone. heir bus got stuck behind the was some good semi-final Rutherford. Russ Gordon Remember the Community owmanville arena, and if not playoff action between the played goal for the Toros and pot luck supper in the S.S. or Mr. Knapp, they would Bowmanville Minor Midgets inade many good saves. room of the church March 171h Celebrate Golden Weddinq Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Alex Grant Report from Q ueen 's,,Park by D MPP,1 Last M opportunity research l Jerabek,a tronics and eer, an in patents, af research ai Dustbane' largest Ca turer of in ing equipm Several Jerabek be cerned atf hazards in1 the use of aJ wiring. In E an indepen testing labo founded th sumers Fo organizatio: research w ing for new area of con: His conte inum differ important r per as an material. It used succes A reception was held on ed from Stayner, Malton and Letters of congratulations but these s Sat., Feb. 21, 1976 at 19 Wingham. Brother Aynold of came from the, Town of istics must Sunnierest Blvd., Bowman- Scarborough is ill and was Newcastle, Premier Wm. account in ville, the home of their son and unable to attend. Davis, Allan Lawrence MP, electrical s daughter-in-law, Jim and Alex's sisters, Margaret and Robert Stanfield MP and a special pror Gloria Grant to honour Mary Erminie of Bowmanville also telegram from the Governor to thermal, and Alex, Grant on the attended and poured tea for General and Madame Leger. corrosion, f< occasion of their Golden the occasion. Sister Gert and Doug Moffatt, MPP, visited to conductivity Wedding Anniversary. brother Phil telephoned con- present the happy couple with not at the n Mary, daughter of the late gratulations from Florida; a plaque signedby oW . Davis account in Mr. and Mrs. James McQuay sister Lila of Learnington was and Mr. MVoftatt. Mayor Gar- quirementsj .of Stayner, and Alex, son of unable to attend; brother-in- net Rickard also paid a visit to One of the the late Mr. and Mrs. Anthony law Bill Moorey of Bowman- extend his warm congratula- that he ha Grant of Bowmanville, were ville did attend. tions. series of e united in marriage in Stayner Although it was a stormy Mary and Alex were most tions which by the late Rev. Walter day, about 100 relatives, appreciative of the co-opera- connections Paterson on Feb. 24, 1926. friends and neighbours attend- tion extended to make the where alum They resided in Madison, ed from Toronto, Port Hope, occasion a happy one. necessity1 Saskatchewan before return- Orono, Kendal, Bowmanville A dinner party was held at lighter weigl ing to Bowmanville in 1928. and Blackstock. Shirley and Ron's home on device whicl Alex, a carpenter by trade, Many beautiful gifts, floral Tues., Feb. 24, 1976 for their could easily1 worked mostly in the Bow- arrangements, cards and parents, Mary and Alex and by electricia manville area. They have two telephone messages of con- also dear friends Bertha and unfortunatel children, Jim and wife Gloria gratulations were received Carman White who were and is not and grandchildren Richard from England, Oshawa, celebrating their Silver Wed- though it is t and Carolyn, residing in Brooklin, Port Perry, Fergus, ding Anniversary the same safer metho Bowmanville; Shirley and Gravenhurst and Welland. day. electrical wi husband Ron and grand- children Rhonda, Paul and Gregory residing at R.R. 2, Orono. e tyng o Mary's sisters, Mabel,t yo k Bella, Ivy and families attend-CO0U d at 6:30 p.m. Mr. Bill Hender- son is the speaker on how we buy our meat. Please come. Mr. and Mrs. .Ted Werry and family were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. David Cecchetto, Sudbury. Mr. and Mrs. L. Fawns, Port Perry, Mr. Bob Holiday and Pauline, Mr. Loeki Mc- Nair and friend, Toronot, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Slack and Folly, Oshawa were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl McNair. Little Elisabeth Worden was a week-end guest of her Due fo several increases in the grand-parents Margaret andh Orville Ashton. Her mother part icularlv e s rn ,w and brother arrived Sunday topy newsprint, we have E collect her. MaywecogrtulteShwnrate adjustmnents for subscriptior May we congratulate Shawn 0 9 Ø $n $ Or$0 $cripÍIOn McGill, Mississauga on his skating accomplishment. He is the ehdest sonof Jehan son o Jthend statesm Kathy McGill, grandson of May and Harvey McGill. Another famous local lad is Price Per M.J. Hobbs, though hie is an I octogenarian, he's had only 19 birthdays. The delightfulhpar- un g ty and tribute given to hin on 1 e e E E E his leap year birthday were well deserved. We, too, are proud and happy toclaimhis as our Mervin and add our good wishes as we say Happy Birthday. Birtday.___ ubsoecription in U.S.A. In 1974, Ontario Hydro's Effective M arch 3rd therrnal-ehectric generating Ef c ie M 'c r stations produced more en- ergy-for the first time than its water-oered plants. Ther- al-e etric power can core from coal, gas, oui andd uranium. _ BIG 209 Dundas st-West THIS WEEK'S SPEC rHTe 1A L '74 VEGA HATCHBACK 4 cyl., real gas miser, ideal as a second car. Looks new Lic. 42A387 '71 CORVETTE CONVERT 350, 4 speed. A real summer dream machine. Mint corndition. Lic. FEC253 '74 BLAZER 4wheel drive. This ones not onlv practical but it's done up beautiful. Must be seen. Lic. BHY637 We specialize in goodclean used cars at low, move them out prices. C'mon over and see us chances are we've got just the car for you at just the price you wanttopay. 'CARS CARS M 8- -S-a - Com Ma jo Modern Fu P.S. Eve body wor of paint we can ebe 3oug Moffatt, Durham E\ast onday I had an y to visit the Ottawa aboratory of Bob a respected elec- id electrical engin- ventor holding 13 former director of ni development for Enterprises, the anadiai manufac- dustrial housekeep- ient. years ago Bob carne deeply con- the potential fire homes caused by luminum electrical 1973 he established dent research and ratory, and in 1975 e 'Concerned Con- undation, Inc. an n which combines ith political lobby- standards in this sumer safety. ntion is that alum- s in a number of respects from cop- electrical wiring t can certainly be ssfully in homes, special character- t be taken into n designing the ystem for it. Its perties in relation expansion, creep, ormation of oxide, y and ductility are moment taken into house-building re- in Canada. interesting things s produced is a electrical connec- are similar to used if aircraf t inum wiring is a because of the ht. The connecting i he has perfected be adapted for use ans in Ontario and ly is not available approved, even echnically a much d of dealing with iring in aluminum. ring in aiuminum. involved before il is written. Additionally he has perfect- ed a design for electrical wiring which would enable people to have their homes tested. This testing device would be connected to the circuitry and in a very few minutes homeowners could be assured that there wvere no difficµlties, or if there were difficulties, they could be located and corrected. Similar testing machines are used now in automotive service sta- tions. With the present kind of inspection and electrical code which we have in Ontario these inspections are not mandatory and, in fact, are not even possible because the circuits are not properly marked. It seems to me that a few minor changes by Ontario Hydro and by the Canadian Standards Association would prevent a great number of fires causeq by electrical failures in the Province. In a brochure published by the office of the Fire Marshall, it was ,noted that last year there were 13,000 electrical fires in Ontario. If we could cut that number by even 25 per cent that would be a substan- tial saving to the people of this province. I think this kind of electrical protection is one of the things that we might well addto the home warranty program to be adopted by the province -of Ontariohdurimg the next Ses- sion. I have been assured by the Ministry that legislature will be presented at this time. If you have any information or any requests with regard to consumer protection -- specifi- cally on housing and the attendant facilities of a house -- I would ask that you communicate with me. Just drop a line to my office, and hopefully some of the sugges- tions made will be included in the bill. On this occasion perhaps Members can prevent problems with legislation by asking the public to be involved before -it is written. LET US Make t Look New For Spring nplete Collision Service w or Minor Body Repairs Fully Equipped Paint Shop Illy Trained Body Men n if your car doesn't need k we can give it a new coat and make it sparkle again, ven change the coIor. ItwitI Iike getting a new car. DO IT NOW - FREE ESTIMATES TOP NOTCH WORKMANSHIP LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES CARS ___CAR S prices of materials, been forced to make is and price per copy ian. 0each -$10,00 f5,50 9100 , 1976 1

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