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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Mar 1976, p. 13

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The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville March 10. 1976F1 DEADLINE TFOR CLASSIFIEO Tues., '12 noonÈ - s . -~'- ~qj1mp1IuT'~ s ELLIOTT- Biland Ann (nee Crago> are pleased to an- naunce the birth of their dlaughter, Shannon Renita, 6 paunds, 12 aunces, a sister for Kevin, at Bowmanville Mem- ariai Hospital an March 4th. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Williaim E 11iott, R. R. 2, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Crago, R.R. 2, Bowman- ville. 10-1 GARREtTT Dave and Treba, Bawmanville, Ont., are pleased ao announce the arrivai of their first barn, Matthew David, 6 lbs. 5 oz., an February 25, 1976 at the Oshawa ý General Hospital. ManCytanks ta the OBS Staff and rs. Miller and Quinn. b 10-1 MARTIN - Gord and Dariene wish toahanounce the b[rth of their son,, Michael Gardlon, on Saturday, February 7, 1976, 7 lbs. 12 a, z. at Memorial' Hasital. SmaiI brother for Sharilea and grandsan for Mr. and Mrs. W. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Lyhe, ail of Bowmanvilie. Great grand- parents are Mr. A. Martin and Mr. William Maorey, Bow- manville; Mr. and Mrs.' L. Fisher, Oshawa and great g reat g randparent Mrs. Lavinia F isher, Oshawa. 10-1 TAYLOR- Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Taylor, of Kirby, announce with great joy the safe arrivai of their daughter, Bobbie Teresa, born Feb. 9, 1976 at Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanville, weighing,8 Ibs. 21/2 azs. 'The proud grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Lloy sTalor, Orono and Mr. and Ms Murray Walton, Newcastle. 10-1 Mr. andMrs. Cifford Ryan, of Courtice, 'Ontario wish ta announce the engagement of their eidest daug hter Marilyn Jean ,ta William Richard Simpson the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simpson of See- le y's Bay, Ontario. Wedding ta ta ke place on August 21, 1976 at 4:O00p.m. at Courtice United Church. 10-1 ,Mr. and Mrs. John Jeffrey abnnunce the forthicaming marriage af, their daughter Janet Lynn, ta Paul James Bridges, son of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bridges, ali of Bow- manville. The marriage to take place Aprîl 10, 1976 at 4 p.m. at Northminster United Church, Oshawa. lO-ix Mrs. Jack Manteil and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Colwelh are peased ta announce the forth- coming marriage of their chihdreh,ý Vaierie and David. The wedding will take place in ý,St. George's Anglican Church onSaturday, March 13, 1976 at 4: 00 p. m. y McQUADE, Annie - At the Port Perry Community Hos-- pifai on Tues., March 2, f976, Annie Stewart, beloved wife of Oscar McQuade, and laving mather of Nrma (Mrs. John Gay) Caurtice, Leah (Mrs." Clilf Kerr) Týoronto, Beth (Mrs. Rager Oke) Port Perry, Audrey-(Mrs. Dan Plain) Bowmanviile, Stewart of Part Perry Warren of Oshawa, and the i ate Miidred McQuade. Rested at the Chapel of Mc Dermott- Pana baker, Port Perry for service on Thurs- day, March 3, 1976 at 2 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery, Cadmus. 10-1 ALLEN - Gladys Marion. At Bethany, Ontario on Thurs- day, March 4, 1976 Gladys Allen aged 59 years wife at Ray A len, daughter of Wil- liam Martin and the late Mrs. Martin formerly of Orono,, dear mother of Ethel (Mrs. Adams) Toronto. Rested at the Barlow Funeral Home, Orono. Service was heid at Lang Chapel on Saturday. Interment Orono Cemetery. lO-ix CAMERON - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Sunday, March 7, 1976 Freder- ick E. Cameron, R.R. 1, Hampton, aged 78 years, beioved husband of Florence (Fiossie) Sanley, dear'father af the late Helen Mary Hircock, dear grandfather af Rrian. Brother of Ar5;. Florence Stainton, Zion, -Mrs.. Mary McEwen, Brantforo, and the late Wes, Reford and Ray. Service was held in the Marris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manvilie, on Tuesday. Inter- ment Zian Cemeterv. DEGEER, Ray - At Toronto General Hospital on Tuesday, March 2P 1976, Ra y Degeer of R.R.1,,Bowmanvil le in his64th r ar. Brother of Cora, Cecil, ugh, Harry Mrs. Meta Kellar and Mrs. Jack Jones (Blanche). Rested at'the Northcutt 'Elliott Funeral Home, Bowmanville. Funeral service was held Friday. Spring interment Hampton Cemetery. Donations ta the Canadian Cancer Society woulId be appreciated. 10-1 DEREWLANIUK - Marian. Suddenly at Toronto on Satur- day,_ March 6, 1976, Marian Derewlaniuk of 5 Coleman St., Bowmanvile. Husbanid of the late Anna. Dear friend of Victoria Mrowic, in his 56th year. Rested at the Northcutt Elliott Funerai Home. Re- quiem Mass- was held at il a dlock Manday marning in St. Jaseph's Roman Catholic Church. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. GRAHAM - Meivin. At Osh- awa General Hospital on Sunday. March 7, 1976, Meivin Graham, of 521 King St. East, Newcastle, in his 74th year. Dear brother of Mrs. R. McNeil (Marjary) of Oshawa, and Mrs.' C. Turner (Ai leen> of Bowmanviile. Uncle of Mrs. L. Milison (Phyllis> of Oshawa, and Samn Turner of Bowman- ville. Rested at the -Northcutt- Eiliott Funeral Home, Bow- manville. Funeral service 2 o'clock Tuesdafaternoan. Interment Bwmanviile Cemetery. LAWRENCE - Frederick Charles at Toronto, Sunday, March 7th, 1976, Frederick Charles, behoved husband of Elizabeth. dear tather of Marguerite (Mrs. K. Allen), Kenneth and Ahian Lawrence, alsa survived by 10 grand- chiidren and six great grand- chiidren. A private service was held at the Raiph Day Funerai Home, 180 Danforth Avenue. Interment St. John's (Norwav) Cemeterv. MARSDEN - Atý Peterbor- ough Civic Hospital on Thurs- day, March 4; 1976 Emma Kempthorn, aged 83 years, wife 0f the hate W.W. Marsden, dear mather of Shirley (Mrs. Dan Wake) St. Mary's, and Audrey (Mrs. Ed Coooer- thwaite) Peterborough. Ser- vice was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvilîe on Saturday. Interment Baw- mativille Cemetery. iW'Flowers 'I Say it, Best- VAN BELLE DAILY Deîivery te... Oshawa - Bmanviîle Arma Phone 623-4441 Since 1912 43-tf kYY-iFlowers JACKMAN ... ...say it best! PHON E 623-3365 162 King St. E., Bowmanville 45-tf CARNATION' ~ For Al Your Fîower Needs STOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARD TO BEAT Carnation Flower Shop 33 Division St. - 623-7141 tf Durham County's Oîdest Funeral Service MORRIS'FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623 -5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. Funeral Home Concern for the demands upon you ..our first consideration. To ensure you the helpfuîness you need. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 KILGANNON - In ioving memory of a dear father, father-in-law and grandfath- er, David M. Kilgannon.who passed away March 14, 1969. God saw you getting tired, When a cure was not ta be. Sa he closed his arms arovnd you And whispered, -Camne- -with 1me",1 Yau didn't deserve what you went through Sa he gave you a rest. God's garden must be beauti- fui He anly takes the best. - Sadly missed by daughter, Grace, son-in-law Richard and family. 10-1 FALLIS -- LETHANG4JE - In loving memary of Jim Fallis who passed away March 6, 1969 and Verdon Lethangue who passed away March 9, 1973. We cannot have the aid days back When we were ail together, Sa a page in aur book of, memaries We vviii gently turn again this year. - Lavîngly remembered by mnnther-in-iaw Mrs. James Adams, brothers and sister-in- iaw, 10-1 SINCLAIR - In ioving mem- ory of a dear wife and mother, Theima Sinclair who pàssed away March 20, 1975. Wonderfui memories of one 50 dear, Treasured stili with a lave sincere In aur hearts she is living yet We ioved her too deariy ta farget. - Sadiy missed by husband Jack, sans Ken and Bill. 10-1 COOKSON - n ioving mem- ory of -a dear wife and mother who passed away March 8, 1963. The depths of sorrow' we cannat tell 0f the loss of one we loved Sa weili. And whiie, she sleeps a peaceful sieep Her memory we shahl always keep. - Ever remembered by her husband Jim and family. 10-1 REID- In iaving memary of my -dear 1,Mther--Joan wfie- passed away March 7, 1974. Out of this lite i shahl neyer take Things of silver and goid i make. AIl that i cherish and hoard away After i leave, on this earth must stay. Though 1 have taiied for a painting rare To hang on the wali, i mu$t leave if there. Though i cail if mine, and boast its worth, It must stay behind when i leave this earth. What will they find, and what w iii they see In the saul that answers the cali for me? Shahl the great Judge learn, -when my task is through That my spirit has gathered some riches fao? Or shah aàt ast if be mine ta find, That aliVve w orked for, V've left behind. - Sadly missed but havinghy remembered by daughter Carol. lO-ix LETHANGUE - In oving memory of Verdon who pass- ed away March 9th, 1973. Three years have passed since you were called To his eternal rest Gone where the angeis sing 50 sweet And taken when, God knew best. We miss you here so very m uch Your presence often seems n igh But we ail hope in heaven ta meet Where no ane says goodbye. -Ever remembered by wife Dorathy, Marie and Ross, Dianne and Bart, John and Cathy, Randy and grand- chiidren. 10-1 We wouid like ta say a sincere -Thank you" ta aur neighbors, friends and rela- tives for their flawers, cards and visits we received after the sudden passing of aur sister, the late Mrs. William Cunningham. Ruby and Harland Truil1 lO-ix We wish ta express aur sincere thanks ta friends, neighbaurs and relatives for being s0 kind in the iass of a laving husband and brother. Mary Joint, Edith Joint 10-1 x We wish ta express aur appreciatian for the consider- 'ate and efficient treatment of aur daughter Camille by Dr. Sylvester, the Emergency, Ambulance, Paediatric and O.R. staff of Memorial Hos- pitai, Bawmanville. Duncan and Margaret Mc Phersan 10 lx Leonard, Cindy and Melanie Koenderman, Harry and Zetta Kilpatrick, Len and Pat Koen- derman and families, would like ta sincerely thank ail the friends and neighbnrs nn Flett St. and Jackman Rd. areas for their-donations and flowers in JilI's memory, prayers, phone cails and many other acts of kindness and sympathy after the recent death of Jili. The concern and response of the Stephenson Rd. Newcastle neighbors was deeply appreci- ated. Also a-special thanks to Bowmpnvi lie Ambulance Staff, Constable Kazak, Dr. Mosienko and Marris Funeral Chapel. You have ail greatly helped ta make these very dark and difficult days a bit easier ta bear. 10-1 Thank yau to my many friends and neighbors for the cards, flowers, visits and get-well wishes whilst I wa's in the Memorial Hospital, Bow-. manville. i wauld also like ta thank Dr. Mikios, staff and nurses on the Third Floor for their, care, Father Frank for his visits, mass and prayers and the off icers and mem=ers of Heather Rebekah Lodge, Orono, for their kind thaughts. Eugenie Jonckheere 10-1 I would like ta express my sincere thanks ta friends and neýighbors for visits, flowers, gifts and cards during my stay in Memorial Hospital and upon returning home. Special thanks ta Drs. Sieman, Singal and Mikios and nurses and staff of third floor. Dot Fair 10-1 I would like ta thank' my friends for gifts, flowers and cards sent ta me while in hospital and later at home, also a speciai thanks ta rviy neighbars for their many acts of kindness. Jean Kellett 10-1 Tharik you ta ail my friends for cards, remembrances and cahiers for making my birth- day a very happy one. Mrs. Winnifred Spencer. 10-1 Bowmanville Liberal -A5sociatîon DANCE' Centennial Hall, Queen st. Bowmanville Ma rCh 20, 1976 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. TICKETS e6-00 COUPLE For further information contact: Marlene Jarvis 623-2904 Sherry Hay 623-7114 10-2 Knights of Columbus ST. PATRICK'S BALL Saturday, March 20 9 p.m. St. Jos eph's Hall Liberty Street South $10.00 couple Lunch wil11 be served. Music by "The Sapphires" For Tickets: S. Chishoîm - 623-5196 Rick Santomero - 623-4526 Tony Horstman - 623-3720 10-2x DANCE BOWMANVI LLE LIONS CENTRE Ma rch 13, 1976 TED KOSS ORCHESTRA $5.00 Couple Dancing 9 - 1 10-1 Club Anorene Dance -a.- Banquet Hall available for your group's fund raising activities. Book your next year's dates now while choice dates are still available. Contact Don Armstrong at 576-5522 or 576-6599. 48-tf Fifth Annual Cammunity Fair, Saturday, March 13, 1976 at 2 p.m. in Bowmanviiie High School. There will be a tea room and over 25 booths. 9-2 BINGO NE WCASTL E COMMUN ITY HALL TUES., MAR. 16 Early Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8:0OU $400 ini Prizes PLUS $500JACKPOT Sponsored by NEWCASTLELIONS CASSEROLE LUNCHEON Wed., Mar. 17 S1 p.m. Trinity United Church Speaker: Mrs. Joyce McLean Irish Music Tickets, U.C.W. Menibers $3.25 each Dance, Newtonviile Hall, Saturday, March l3th. $2.00 perpersan. Everybody wel- came. 9-2 Bake Sale and Coffee Break! Came ta St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, on Friday, March 12, starting at lOa.m. lO-ix LEGION Hard Timne Dance March 20, 1976 8:30 -1 $5.00Oa couple ALL PEOPLE WELCOME. 10-2 2 Day HADASSAH SALE, Wodnesday and Thursday MARCH l7andle 9 a.m.*- 9 p.m. 144 King St. E. Oshawa Large fabric shipment in long iengths. Rummaae, new men's wear. 10-1 Durham Farm Safety tam-. iiy night, Friday, March 12, 8 p.m. Films, speaker, enter- tainment, refreshments. Free admission at the 1.0.0.F. Hall. - C.S.S. DRAMA CLUB wiil present South Pacific April121-24 at the B.H.S. Auditorium. Watch this col umn for more details. Auction & Ba ke Sale April lOth- 11:00a.m. aI_ MAPLE GROVE UNITED CHURCH Anyone with donations for auct ion, iIease Phone 623-4153, 623-2813 or 623-7623 after 4:30 10-5 Tickets stili1 availabie for St. Patrick's Dance, Oddfeiiows Centennial Hall, Queen St., Friday, March 12, $5 couple., WaverIey Community Associ- ation members only. Phone Daug Boddy 623-4307 or Bert Watson 623-3706. 10-1 Dance at Kendai Norange Hall, Saturday, March 2th, spansared by the Orange Lodge. Music by Couples Club Orchestra. Everybody wel- came. 10-2 Cartwright High Schooi pre-, sents three one-act plays. Friday and Saturday, Mar. 12 and 13 , 8:30 p.m. at Recre- atian Centre, Biackstock. Admission - aduits $1.50, hîgh school $1.00, public schooi .50. Plays wiii be judg ed and awards presented on Saturday evening. 10-1 Euchre and Crokinole Party s ponsored by Enniskiîlen Yauth Group at Community Hall, March 20, 8 p.m. Prizes. Lunch. Adluits - 75c, chiidren underl2-25c. 10-2 St. Patrick's Dance ini Pontypool Cammunity Centre - Saturday, March l3th. Music by The Gaad Time D.J.'s - Fay and Glory Adams (formeriy The Country Hits). $5.0o Couple. Refreshments. 10-1 Saturday, March 13 - It Is Written Television presents "Thp Middle East and Arm- ageddon" begînning 7:30 at the Bowmanvilie High Scniooi. 10-1 Dance at Sauina ommunity Hall, Saturday, March 13. Ray Avery's Orchestra. Everyane welcame. 10-1 The parents 0f French Immersion students are meet- ing an Sunday, March 14 at 8 p.m. at Ontario Street School. If you are interested in immersion education please attend. 10-1 The annual meeting of the Town of Newcastle Social Planning Council will be held on Thursda~' March 18 at 8 p.m. in thu ncil Chambers, Poli-ce Building, Bawmanviihe. Mrs. Mary Brittain will des- cribe the operation af "Big Sisters". Ail weicome. 10-2 Jack &-JiIlI Club SPAGHETTI SUPPER April 10, 1976 5:00pM.m- 6: 30p. M. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH HALL Advance Tickets Oniy -$3.00 aduits $1.00 children under 12 years. AI l you can eat! For tickets caîIl: 623- 5045 or 1623-5483 MONSTER I New Starting1 THURSDAY -7:1 Sponsoredi Oshawa Minor S JUBILEE PAV OS HAW WOO DV lE iCOMMUNITY CI MONSTE RE NEXT MON[ 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - Wý OS HAW APPEARINGi The Queen's Ho Newcastle Country Expressioi FRIDAY- SATUI March 12- Dancing 9-1 Swimming F Sacrifice Leading Manufactur distributor has abovE aluminum pools left ci 1975 season, 1/2 price, teed installation and Cail Credit Manager, Mississauga 416-625-81 or evenings. COLD STORAGE APPLES Maclntosh, Deliciaus and Spy Frank Hiemstra R.R. 1, Enniskiilen 263-2260 CHESTERFIELD and chair B INGO in good condition. $100. Phone Time 623-3190. 10-1 30 P.M' by 1972, 360 YAMAHA MX, excel- Softball lent condition, $900. 1971, 360 /ILION Yamaha Endura, gaod candi- tion, $600. Phone 623-2339. 0l SO0tf lî -W FI1RE PLACE bar stereo, table ENTRE saw, coke machine, baby BINGO travel bed. Phone 623-54 196. 1- D10- L ~SAVE money' Yea rs of exper-- iAYNE ST. lence and excellent warkman- ship at $10.00 per hour on Viking Piumbing and Heàting 21 -tf saves you money and "your - satisfaction" is my ciuarantee ta the future. Call taday for AT free est imates 263-2981. lotel 10-4 r TIMOTHY hay. $1.00 bale. No rain Phone Newtonvîlle 786- Ifls 2636. 10-1 RDAY 13EXPLORER truck cap, fully -13 insulated, interior light, suid- ing windows with screens, roof 10-1 vent and luggage rack. Ideal for camping. $475. Blackstack 1-986-5155. 10-1 TEAKWOOD, Scandinavian, Danish, bedroom, complete; Pool dining room, 9 piece; living room; wall unit, coTTee Taoies, new furniture, very reason- irer and able, Phone 1-247-4377. 1Ot fe ground ver from guaran- GRAIN ted beef sides, 90 cents id termns. a lb. Leland Payne, Newton coic, ville, Phione 786-2512. days 2 tf TWO piece chester i el d'suite, chesterfieids, davenports, re- chiner, accasianal chairs, buf- fets, kitchen cabinet, chrome tables, space saver, pale lamp, foot'-stoals, smail appli- ances, venetian blinds, step stools. sink and fao unit. Ideal for the cottage. Towne Used Furniture, 19 lemperance bi., Bowmanvil le. 10-1 '72 HONDA 175cc, 300 miles. $350. Phone 623-4322. 10 lx STEEL cable, 3-16, 6100 f t., maunted an steel reels, ideal for fencing $60 . per reel. Phone 623-5652. 10-1 SNOWMOBILES for sale. Save on inew Yamaha's, sev- erai models ta choose from. Alsa somne gaod used ones- Vernon Asseistine 986-4437, south of Blackstock an 57. 10-3 STRAW for sale. Phone 263- 2174. 10-2 RUG 6 x 9, deep purpie, two piece chesterfield suite, bath gaod condition. Phone 987- 4045. 10-1 SPY and deliciaus appies. Good quaiity, first and second grade. Also 100 bales of good, horse hay. Roy Orchards 263- 8430. 10-2 ROCKING chairs. fero stand, Iibrary table, treadie sewing 'nachine, hall table, dining aaom table, antique pitcher and basin, chests of drawers, dressers, dressing table, plat- form rocker, hi-fi set. Towne JsedSFurnijture,'19 Temper- ance St, Bowmanviiie. 10-1 QUANTITY of goad quality nixed hay. Phone 263-2082. 10-1 000 BALES goad mixed hay. Phone 1-885-6960 be4~een 6 -8 CRIB and mattress, gaod condition. $50. or best offer. Phone 623-3647. 10-1 ry p DOUBLE Skidoo Trailer, ail steel. Moffat natural or pro- pane gas dryer. Equipment for hook-up included. Phone 987-4974 Newcastle affer 6. 10-2x '71 SKIDOO, 24 h.p. Olympic. Good condition. Asking $350. Phone 623-3226. 10-1 x Fuller Brush Prodlucts CONTACT Clarence Bell 137 Liberty Street North Phone 623-5939 A salesman in 1-_tf F REH SM ELT PortHopeFisheries 119 Miii Street Telephone 885-4832 10-4 FILM P ROCE SSiNG eSS CHILDREN'S PHOTOS Cameras and Phoragraphic Supplies 78 King St. W., bowmanville - 623-2404 10-10C ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts available for most anti- que dlocks, packet watches and modern watches and clocks. Our repairs are done with modern up-ta date eqyipment and qualified Swiss trained watchmater. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTID. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 34-tf Osnawa TV eý Antennas &Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF - VHF - Colored Aerîaîs Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired REPAIRS Workmanship Guaranteed Ail priced f0 SAV E you Money, Phone 623-5122 LHAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf DOG &CAT SPECIAL Purina New Dog Meal 1 -50 lb. Bag -$1 ,75 10 -50 lb. Bags -$99.00 Purina Cat Chow 4-kg. Bag - $3.74'each 10 kg. Bag --s$846 each Offer good during Mardi or unti I stocks la st. VANSTONE FLOUR & FEED MILL 623-5777 OHAW A SCREENED SAND GRAVEL & STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCIS ALI SIZES FOR ORIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS T'OPSOIL & OIRT FILL DELIVERED OR RÉMOVED TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR RENTA SNOW REMOVÂL 725-0232 1 0-,ý SAND & GRAVEL SJPPLY LARGE kitchen table with two chairs, only $10. Phone 623- 9134. 10-ix USED piano, bestoffer. Phone 728-1675. 3-tf 1973 ELAN- twin and 1971 Olympic 399. Bath for $700. Phone 987-4352. 10-1 APPLES for sale. Joe's Or- chard, east of Bowmanvilie, 1/ mile north of No. 2 Hwy. on Line 3. 623-2017. Open seven days aweek. 8-6x SEED GRAIN Oats and Barley WESLEY YELLOWLEES 263-2023 9-2 PADDY',S Market now has new furniture, appliances. T.V,'s and sterqos and also used furniture and appliances. Wili accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. -33-tf USED Furniture and Appli. ances. Paddy's, Market, Hampton 263-2241.- 26-tf Wharfside Marine Su ppIles Ail your canvas needs- customn boat and sal covers, sun awnings, boat cushions, upholstery and seat recover- ing, tarps and repairs. 623-6551 7-4 WHITE'S T.V. TOWERS T owers, U HF, VH F Aerials, R otors & 're-Wir'ed Accounts Col lector kAbout Our required by large furniture uaratoe company. Excellent opportun-, ity for the right person. No Phone ex perience required. The a' didiato chosen will roceive" 576-5606 complote training. Applicant; IAsI< SALES PEOPLE -Canvassing irn the Durhamri Regian. - Fuli or part-time. -Advertising supplied. Cal 579-5070 WOULDyou ike'a business Df your own? egin at home, full or . part-time, ideal foýr husband and wife teams. Cali 623-2171 for appaintment. 9-2 General contractors re- quired in Durham Regior ' Roofers, pavers, plumber, general etc. Must be ind&É- pendent businesses. Cal 579-5070 HOUSEKEEPER for eiderly gentleman. Central, live-in-, bungalow . Phone 623-3727. SECRETARY for local real, estate office. app. 30 hrs. week, typing essential. Phone 623-7694. 10-1 SHOP FOR EMAN.- Must have Class 'A' license and ability to supervise shop.' Chrysier experienc-e preferred. Salary commensurate witlv experience. Contact EARL ELSON, COU NTY-C HRYS E R 576-8913 EXPERIENCED cleanier for' house or office. Phone 623-2438 after:O00p. m. 10-2x outsÎide cllecons. FOR INTERVIEW PHONE 725-6535 10-1 Wanted I mmediatel y COCKTAIL WAITRESS Part-time 8-1 evenings BUS BOYS-GIRLS for weekends Grade 12 minimum CAFETERIA HELPER Shift work - fulil ime For appointment caîl 623-3373 Mr. Bourke You Should Be Selling LOTTERY TICKETS! Wintario& Olympic You wiIl be amazed a? the potential profit in selling these tickets! Soul themn to your friends, where You work or at Your club meetings! For fojrther information cail: W.M.G. Marketing 110 King St. W. Oshawa 576-9181 10-4 TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE requires a Conf identia I Secretary for Director of Public Works in Hamprton Office. Applica- tions wilI be received for the above Position up t10 5:00 p.m. COURTICE THREE bush cord, wMhow waod$35.O0bush cord, ',/2 cord dry hard waod for fireplace $40. Phone 263-2786. 9-2 COM PR ESSORS, generators, electric motors, grinders, drill presses, heavy duty power tools, etc. Saws sharpened. We seil, buy and trade. Open Saturdays. Ace Machinery, 859A Nelson St., Oshawa. Phone 723-0933. 46-tf BICYCLES for sale. Phono PHOTOCOPI ERS, recon- ditianed, very reasonable. Also.service and supplies for mast makes. Daytime 723- 6644. Evenings 786-2449. lO-ix GIRL'S, 10 speed bicycle, aimost new, was $130, asking $80. Phone 623-7149 after 12 noon. 10-1 1200 BALES of hay. Phone 987-4951. lO-ix F R EE remova aIof fresh, dead or disabied large animais. There wiii be a $5 charge on smail caives and pigs. Cali Margwill Fur Farm, Hamp- ton, 263-2721. 46-tf lSt, 2nd, & 3Md MORTGAGES ARRANGED, BOUGHT AND SOLD. Compare our rates before you negotiate. 579-1259 '7-4 FREE Venereal Disease Cîinic in Oshawa Tuesdays and Thursdlays 4:30 p. m. Telephone 723-8521 C. C. Stewa rt, M. D., D. P.H. Medical Officer of Heaithi Don't Worrv - Be Sure! EAR 'PIERCING SERVICE Hooper's.Jewellers Ltd. Regular Price $12.00 NOW $10.00 with studs Speciai 10Oper cent reduction on f irst purchase of earrings with flie release form. Phone 623-5747 45-tf ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removal 90 Si mcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHARGEX SOLINA RD. N. 10-3 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAY 2. Applications to be sent 10 the, office of the Town Clerk, 40 Temperance , Street, Bowmanville., The person requirodshould be proficiont in Typing, Short- hand and other office pro-, cedures. Salary commensurable with ability and experience. J. M. Mcllroy. A.M.C.T. Town Clerk 40 Temperanco Street Bowmanvîllo, Ontario LI C 3A6 10-1- Sa lesperson Dependable person who can work without supervision. Contact customors around Bowmanville. Limited auto travol. Wo train. Write E. T. Dick, Pres., Southwestorn Petroleum, Brampton, Ont. UT2J6. 10-1 THOSE interested in a study of Bible Prophecy. Apply Saturday, 7:30 Bowman- ville High School Auditorium. 10-1 a . . . . . . . . . . . 8819 d

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