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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Mar 1976, p. 1

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Lucky Winner at Lions-Rotary Stag Night Volume 122 20c Per Copy BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY" MARCH 10, 1976 36 Pages Number 10 Police Arrest Three Men in Sudbury $8,500I Police in Sudbury have arrésted and charged three men with possession of stolen property following the weekend theft of some $8,500 worth of suits and leather coats from Ken's Men's Wear, 35 Temperance Street in Bowmanville. Charged are Barron Barton, 17, and Dennis Collins, 17, both of Espanola and Roland Malbeuf, 20, of no fixed address. Durham Regional Police officials report that entry was apparently gained through a back door but no damage was sustained to the store in the process. Bowmanville residents are credited with having observed some activity in Ken's Men's Wear Sunday evening and Newcastle OPP were advised about 9:30 p.m. that the break and enter had just occurred, requesting they keep observa- tion for a tan colored vehicle with three occupants, which had been observed fleeing the (Turn to Page 2) Loss eBre Darlington PCs Elect Doug James, centre, (James Insurance) was the lucky ticket holder in the $500 draw at the Lions-Rotary Stag night in the Lions Centre Thursday evening. Congratulating Mr. James and presenting him with the cheque are Jack Lander, left, and Bob Williams, right. Council A dding Parkland Levy On Home Bu*ldi ng bv Doug Taylor If next Monday's meeting of funding from everyone who had recommended as a sched- Newcastle Council concurs constructs a dwelling unit. ule of fees.. with a bylaw as recommended In a case where the parcel of It was Mr. Howden's sug- from this week's Committee of land is less than one acre, the gestion that all dwelling units, tfhe Whole, a new charge will new bylaw would demand a with the exception of apart- face all home and apartment cash payment in lieu. ments and senior citizens building construction in the There wasone slight amend- buildings, pay an amount of town. ment to the bylaw at Monday's $550 for park purposes at the It has been a policy of the committee from what Plan- time a building permit is town for some years to accept ning Director George Howden (Turn to Page 2) either five per cent of the subdivision land for use as parkland or take a cash fee in lieu of the land if they did not want it. Such cash was kept in a separate fund for the purpose of purchasing alter- nate parkiands for the munic- ipality. As the former policy could only be applied to sub- divisions, the new legislation is deemed necessary to permit the town to demand such TO MEET WITH OHAP As many members of Newcastle Town Council as possible will be traveling to Toronto Friday afternoon to meet with OHAP (Ontario Housing Action Program) officiais. It is hoped the meeting will sort out some of the unclear and problemn matters regarding the pro- gram. There is also a Works Committee meeting in Hampton Friday morning. By Doug Taylor The possibility of mosqui- toes in the Town of Newcastle becoming infected with Encephalitis is a concern that hit the floor of Committe of the Whole on Monday. Coun. Ken Lyall reported to the committee on the outcome of a meeting at the Depart- ment of Health in Oshawa on Friday. According to a letter re- ceived at the meeting from Dr. Martin of the Provincial HealthaDepartment, the dan- ger area, in view of the possible seriousness in 1976, bas been defined by a line drawn from the top of Toronto to Lambton Township. It has been recommended by the Ontario Ministry of Health that municipalities lying south of the line under- take controlling action with respect to probable encephal- itis infection. Dr. Cameron Stewart advises that as the Region of Durham does not lie within the defined area and there were no cases here in 1975, it is not expected, but not guaranteed, that any will occur in 1976. Dr. Stewart further explains that it was feit at the meeting that the decision on whether or not to engage in a control program is a matter that rests with the local municipalities rather than with the Region. New Officers On Monday, March lst, the Darlington Progressive Con- servative Association held their annual meeting and election of officers at Hamp- ton Municipal Hall. There was an extremely good attendance to hear guest speaker John Tory. Annabelle Rickard introduced John who is a 21-year-old Law Student at Osgoode Hall and the Presi- dent of the Young Progressive Association. Allan Lawrence, our Mem- ber of Parliament, spoke of the new proposed 'riding redistribution. He also talked about the new Peace and Security Program being intro- duced by the Federal Govern- ment and would appreciate comments from his Consti- tuents regarding this pro- Call Firemen to Faulty Heater The frightening sound of a fire siren early Tuesday morning, jarred the town awake. Fortunately, it was not serious, a space heater had malfunctioned. Bowmanville firefighters were despatched at 4:31 a.m. to 26 West Beach, a dwelling occupied by Guy Hardcastle. Fire Chief Jim Hayman advised that the space heater had malfunctioned and flood- ed. No damage resulted. The department's tanker was cancelled enroute to the scene Legion Holds Open House to Mark 50th Birthday All this week, the Legion Hall on Queen Street will be a busy spot as they hold Open House to mark the 50th Anniversary of the Legion. Jim Fair, -Gil Parrenteau, Bob Stocker, Jack Bond, Jack Gibson and others have been working hard putting up decorations, gathering memorabilia from members and arranging them in interestin displays. This photo shows some of the displays in the decorated main hall. Theyheld a sing-a-long Pub Night on Monday, the Glee Club and pipe band performed on Tues. A bingo complete with free coffee and doughnuts will be held tonight. Ron Luxton's group will entertain on Thursday niht and there will be a free dance to Norm Woodcock's music on Friday. The general public is invîted to participate.1 for 1976 gram. Mr. Lawrence can be reached through ail telephone exchanges 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The recent Leadership Con- vention was attended by local delegates, alternates and observers and was discussed at the meeting. Much interest has been stimulated through this Convention and unan- imous support for Mr. Joe Clark the new leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. The election of officers was as follows: Past President Elmer Pollard, President Doug Terwillegar, Secretary Shirley Robson, Treasurer Jack Locke, Vice Presidents Phyllis Barclay, Ray LeBlanc, Gwen Murphy, Annabelle Rickard, Jim Robinson, Art Youngman. Provincial Police Busy With Crash, Car Theft, Hit and RunAccident Among incidents investigat- ed by Ontario Provincial Police from the Newcastle detachment during the past week are a two car crash Friday evening in Newcastle Village, theft of two vehicles from Will Manner lMotors and a hit and run ocurrence in the Janetville area. The crash in the village occured in front of Papa's Pizza at 5:50 p.m. Friday (Turn to Page 2' Durng the annual Father and Son banquet held by 1st Maple Grove Cubs on Saturday at the Christian Education Centre, the bird houses the Cubs had made were judged with Ian Soutter's log-shaped house, right, being chosen the overall winner. In second place was Danny VanHemmen with his Bird Hotel. Gren McOuat and Pat Wilson were the judges. WAVERLY COMMUNITY 1ASSOCIATION The Waverly Community Association will be holding Movies at the Bowmanville Public Library on Saturday, March 13th beginning at 1:30 p.m. These movies will be offered every other Saturday afternoon, There is no admission charge and everyone is Welcome. Legion Zone Speaking Finals Held atUxbridge on March 7 by Bob Brown The Zone Finals of the Royal Canadian Legion was held at Uxbridge on Sunday, March 7th Zone Chairman Bob Brown was the M.C and there - rpýr,,an i t w t 1 IdU bS iainuîîry iob as was 1gsekrspriîptnBwmianville Legion. Runner the M.C. mïuch aserM from Oshawva, whitby, Ux- was Ralph Taylor of Ux- thanks to Mr. Bruce Clair- B ITS 8~ P EC S bridge, Port Perry and Bow- bridge. Lunch was provided mont (Uxbridge Publie Speak- CAT LYNCHED - Mrs. A. Sol of R.R. 6, reports manville. byUxbridgeLadies Auxiliary. ing Chaîrman) for bis assist- that their cat had been missing for about six to In spite of the bad weather a For the last two years tle ance. (Turn to Page 2) eight weeks until recently when her daughter found S 0h it, strung up in a tree, throttled by a wire someone wast Sl sEa pressing Concern O had used. large audience was in attend- ance. Judging were Harry Semp, Mrs. Margo Cooper and C. Reed. Timers were Ux- bridge Associate President Câr l)ihr D nt h e d L a associates of Uxbridge Legion Branch has been organising the Public Speaking and everything for the Zone Con- test was arranged by the NEARLY 100 - His many friends will be sorry to learn that MP Allan Lawrence's father, Frederick Charles Lawrence of Toronto, died on Sunday. Mr. Lawrence Sr. was 99 years old and within a few months would have reached 100. Our sympathy goes out to the family. WE GET LETTERS - The members of the Drama Workshop will be happy to learn that several admirers have written and phoned this week, taking exception to our comments about their recent production. They obviously enjoyed it which is good. Until those calls and letters were received, we had only heard the other side from about the same number of people. CHANGE OF DATE - H.L. Wood Minor Ban- tams will be playing in Collingwood on Satur- day, March 13th at 4 p.m. instead of Sunday. If another game is neededtto finish the series, they'll play at Bowmanville Arena on Sunday at 7. FASHION SHOW - A limited number of tickets are still available for the Fashion Show at BHS next Tuesday, March 16th. Phone Mrs. Gatchell 623-3574 if interested. FLORIDA RESIDENTS - Those from this area who are still in Florida may be interested to learn that the BHS band will be at Disney World during the March Break. On Sunday, March 21, they'll be playing at Silver Springs Concert at 1 p.m. On Monday, March 22, they are part of the Disneyworld Bi-centennial per- formance at 3 p.m. and on Wednesday, March 24, they play at Daytona Beach Shopping Centre at 2 p.m. Local listeners of CFRB may hear an interview this weekend, featuring band director Elliott Tremeei, band members Jill Gough, Rosemary Kennedy, and Sandy Kemp. Sorry we don't know the time. HOUSE OPENS - The Ontario Legislature resumed operations yesterday so we can expect to hear some interesting debates as the new Liberal leader Dr. Stuart Smith attempts to enlarge his support among the electorate and the other parties do their best to stop him. ONE-ACT PLAYS - Cartwright High School students will present their one-act play compe- titions this Friday and Saturday, in the Recre- ation Centre, Blackstock. In the past, these have been well done and, from all reports, this year will live up to previous performances. BIG FAIR - Bowmanville High School will probably be packed to the doors this Saturday afternoon for the Annual Communitv Fair, always a great opportunity to pick up pleasing gifts and other things like homemade baking. Council's Minority Position on Liaison Committee with Hydro There was repeated concern Monday at Committee of the Whole over the recommend- ation approved by council for formation of a base liaison committee on the proposed Darlington Nuclear Station, the makeup of which has council representation out- numbered 3-2. It was recently approved by council that the base com- mittee be formed to discuss the overall structure of the committee and what its terms of reference will be. The initial body of the May Print Town Maps Depending on the price, Newcastle Council may com- ply with a request from Planning Director George Howden to have maps of the entire town printed for avail- ability to the public. Mr. Howden presented the idea to Committee of the whole on Monday, advising that the present maps which are available are an outdated version of only the former Darlington Township area. The committee decided to have Municipal Planning Con- sultants submit a price on the preparation of such a map, to which Coun. Kirk Entwisle commented, "if it's less than $25,000 l'Il eat my shirt." Town Accident Constable Les Ricard of the Durham Regional Police, Division 16 (Bowmanville) has estimated damage from a Monday evening crash at King and Temperance streets at $350. The 5:28 p.m. incident occurred when a '70 Camaro, operated by Kenneth Nesbitt of 74 Scugog St., stopped at the lights, was rear ended by a '69 Olds driven by Karen Anne Buday of 15 Nelson St. The mishap caused damage of $250 to the Nesbitt vehicle and $100 to the grill area of the Buday vehicle. Buday was charged with following too close. committee, as approved, will consist of Mayor Rickard, Coun, Kirk Entwisle, Oshawa Mayor Jim Potticary or bis. appointee, and the Com- missioners of Regional Plan- ning and Regional Works or their appointees. Objection to the 3-2 out- numbering of local council by the other parties on the committee has been ex- pressed by both Coun. Ken Lyall and Coun. Ann Cowman who have strongly recom- mended that at least one other councillor should be appointed to it to balance the voting situation. (Turn to Page 2) Public Speaking Winner Ten-year-old Tim Preston of Bowmanville was playing hockey when the Statesman photographer took a picture of the winners in the public speaking contest sponsored by Branch 178 of the Royal Canadian Legion on February 22nd. He won first prize in the Grade 4-6 category of the competition speakng about "Imitations." At the zone finals on March 9th, Tim placed third. Here he is shown with the first place trophy he won in the local competition Maple Grove Cubs Win, Awards for Best Bird Houses Encephalitîhs Contrail Local Responsîbilify eAl e s t

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