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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Mar 1976, p. 6

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6The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanville, March 10, 1976 Lrowds'Keep Growing, 4tOronos Jamboree SMore than00poeatnd Fife who was unable to attendS' eçl the March 7th Jamboree in Larry, as always, did a very ~ the Orono Youth Center Town good job on such short notice. Hall.John Noonan, the Cowboy. ZThe show started off by Fay Clown from Roseneath, sang ýdams singing a couple of several comic sougs as weîî as papular country songs. some very good truck drivin' The first guest artist to songs. John and Larry teamed Sappear on the stage was up together to give the crowd a Maxine Winters from the samiple, of what they will see H- ~ayloft Saturday niglit dance on the next show as they ï,:rty at Markham. She sang appear as BUCK & BARNEY ý,ýngs made famous by Joyce fromn Gopher Gultch. Seoeand Barbara Fair- Glory Adams, the bass ~iild.player in the house band, sang MTe whiz kids from Hamp- the quiet time song "Just A .1n, Janice and Rodney Craig, Closer Walk With Thee." This did a bang up job on several part of the show is always ut~nes to which the crowd.had a appreciated by the crowd. cDod response. The House Band of The Larry Adams appeared on Country Hits with Fay, Glory thie show, filhng in for Harold and Don Adams, Len Somer- Mr Dvid Lewli TrORONTO PHOTOGRAPHER wmIl speak about his work in Photography Thursday, MaOrch 18 1976 at 7:00 p. m. at the Photography Gal1lery Bowmanvi*lle Libràry (Lower Level) 62 Temperance St. North Bowma nvi lie 'YO%U'IRE S-A -F-E ONE BUCK invested today could be your clear path to safety. It's your best way, SLIDE-IN'with the win- ners. Buy WITH WINTARIO- WE AIL WIN rHELD OVR 7 7~ scales, and Joe Howe played some popular tunes to end the show for another Sunday afternoon. The next show will be a special end of the season show with 17 different artists appearing. Those appearing are from previous'shows of the season. The dlate for that show will be Sunday, April 4th at 2:00 p.m. SHARP. Door prize winners: lst - Larry Adams, Orono - Win- tario Ticket; 2nd and 3rd - Jill Dobney - Oshawa and Bob Robinson, Newcastle - Jam- boree Pass for 2;- 4th, sth and 6th - Wendell Trineer, Hamp- ton; Ruth Cowle, Bowman- ville and Barbara Tompkins, Whitby - a long play record; 7th - Murray Finu, Uxbridge - a box of caudy; 8th Betty McKnight - Port Hope- a box of candy; 9th - Barb' Post, Courtice - a double package of tasty treats. CableCast 1Listings Pýrograms, Wednesday, March lOth to Tuesday, March l6th, 1976 Cablecast 6, Oshawa, Whitby, Bowman- ville and Brooklu. Wednesday, Mfarch 10 2:30 Professional Develop- ment Day Activities 4:00 Cancer Month Pro- motion Programs 4:30 Soleil, with the French Canadian Club of Osha wa 5:00 Durham Report 5:30 Counterpoint 6:00 Evening Report 6:20 Canada Manpower Report, with David Roote 6:30 That's Magic,, with Local Magicians 7:00 Whitby Then and Now 7:30 Education Scene, with George Pearce 8:00 Hotline to Heaven 8:30 The 3R's, Topic "St.- Micheal's Bulletin Board"~ 9: 00 Rescue, with the 7th Day Adventists 9:30 Stephen Lewis Speaks Out: Provincial Govt. Cut- backs 10:30 Sign Off Thursday, March il 1:30 Professional Develop- ment Day Speech 3:00 Stephen Lewis Speaks Out: i 4:00 Expression, Topic "AI- Anon Members"~ 4:30 Whitby Then and Now 5:00 Education Scene 5:30 Pre-School Fun 6:00 Whitby Report, with Blake Purdy 6:30 Performance 7: 00 Rescue 7:30 Cancer Month Pro- motion Programs 8: 00 Soleil 8:30 Canadian Gospel Musicale 9:30 Rockbrune Movers Pee Wee All-Stars Highlights 10: 30 Sign Off Friday, March 12 2:00 Canadian Gospel Musicale 3: 00 Journey to Adventure 4:00 What Does the Bible Say? 4:30 Music and the Spoken Word 5:00 Vita Italiana 6:00 That's"Magic 6:30 The 3R's 7:00 Sign Off .Sunday, March 14 il: :00 Shalom, for the Jewish Community 12:00 Music and the Spoken Word, Mormon Tabernacle Choir 12:30 Church Today, with a. Catholic Viewpoint 1:00 Hotline to Heaven,'with Local guests . 1:30 Rîtson Road Alliance Church Service 2:30 What Does the Bible Say?, with Ron and Bob Kirkland 3:00 Sigu Off Monday, March 15 Pre-School Fun, wîth Sue Paton and Pauline Baxter 4: 00 Shalom LotaI special Guests 9:30 E.:pression, Topic "AI- Anon members" 10:00 Sigu Off Note: ProgramÏs are subject to hange without notice. Breslin's Red Raiders Revived at Unique Banquet On Saturday evening at the Centennial Hall, Queen St. a group of hockey players plus female companions held a banquet to celebrate a unique event. Just 10 years ago, Clint Ferguson, Bob Wallace and George Arnburg started'a Sunday night hockey game in Orono where there would be no hitting, no slapshots and no rough stuff of any kind. They've been doing it ever since, choosing up sides when they get together, generally having a good time and some worthwhile exercise. They started off using the sweaters worn by the Breslin Red Raiders who won an Ontario juvenile championship back in 1945. ilere, from left to right, Don Smith, Geo.' Arnburg and Clint Ferguson hold up the sweaters to mark, the oc-casion. 'Guest Lecturer Cornes ta Bo wmanville This Saturday night, March 13, ,the 'IT IS WRITTEN' Television Program will pre- sent a live series of religlous lectures at the Bowmanville Iiigh School auditorium. As a community seivice to those in this area the Television Broadcast will present Law-, ton Lowe, au associate speak- er who is known aill across Canada for his informative studies especially lu the area of Bible prophecy., This Saturday evening at 7:30 the relevant and astound- ing topic entitled "THE MIDDLE EAST AND ARM- AGGEDON" will be present- ed. Lowes program, although beginning this Saturday night, will continue for five weeks, and is usually present ed every night of the week with the exception of Wednesday and Thursday. There is no ad- mission charge to the meet- ings although a free-will offering is taken each evening. The entire seies .s a demonstration t at God s Word can be. enjoyed and studied together in spite of differences in background and denomination. Usually, there are individuals present repre- senting every major denomin- ation lu the community. Everyone attending the It Is Written programs is given a King James Version of the Bible to use during the meetings. This is doue be- cause all the Bibles are paged the same and everyone attend-, ing is encouraged to read the passages and see what the Scriptures themselves say on the topics to be presented. If you are like thousands of others who have attended meetings like this one ail across Canada you will thoroughly enjoy each pre- sentation. Remember they begin this Saturday night at 7:30 and admission is free. Bring the entire family since there are special programs and baby- sittîng each evening for the children 9 years and under. Plan to come and bring a friend. ELIZABET-IVILL'E Since returning home last week the news of the past weeks is as follows. Church services have been held regularly. Last Sunday Rev. R. Bartlett spoke on, "Life has meaning". The past Sunday, the first of the services in Lent, he spoke on, "The Lent God wills."1, Another games night for the, congregation and friends is to be held on Mar. 12, Friday, at 8 P. M. The U. C.W. general meeting will be held Mar. l16th lu the evening. The dance and presentation for the store keepers held while I was away was report- ed a success with a very large crowd enjoying a good time. Mr. Jim Wheeler was chair- m-an. Mr. and Mrs. Hamer were presented with a large sum of money. Mr. and Mrs. O. Mercer had a most enjoyable' visit lu Calgary visiting with their son Alan, daughter Gwen and their famnilles. Since coming home they have been to visit Mr. and Mrs. R. Provost, and family, Lindsay- Mr. and Mrs. J. Fajt, Pontypool. The past stormy week has spoiled various plans. Our, regular Institute meeting that was to be held Tuesday had to be postponed till Mar. 16. It will be at Mr. and Mrs. C. Beattys at 2 p.m. Our mail man was unable to come for a couple of days. Several didn't get to work as planned. Some of the school buses did manage to get around. Several quiltings have been held and there-are some more to be held. On Friday, the World's Day of Prayer was held at Perry- town Anglican Church. Six from our unit attended. Mrs. B. Wheeler, Mrs. C. Bell and Mrs. Gardiner from Garden Hill U.C.W. helped, along wîth others from the other U.C.W. The choir was made up of membets from Welcome, Can- ton, Perrytown and Garden Hill. Mrs. R. Smith sang a solo., Rev. Ramjit has been in St. Joseph, Peterborough. Mrs. H. Qua#atrill and Mrs. O. Mercer spent a day în Oshawa and visited Mr. L. Muldrew, Mr. W. Muldrew andMrs. W. Muldrew, recent- Iy. Thursday ni ght the bowling club went bowling in Port Hope. The ski doo club were out on Sunday and had a good run. Mr. and Mrs. G. Fowler were with Mr. and Mrs. H. Hodgins, Sunday night, for tea. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Trew had littie Richard over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. J. Seven- huysen, Toronto were with Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler Sunday. Maple Grove West Wins Broombali Championship Maple Grove West Public Wiltse scoring the winner, School has won the Darlington Team members include: Township Girls Broombail Karen Armitage, Cathy Bail- Championship. ey, Lisa Budai, Christine In the first game, they Chumbley, Sisi Davey, Debbie played Maple Grove East and Elliott, Sherri Hanthorn, won 2-0 in a shoot-out after Tammie Gray, Kathleen Pop- regulation time had expired. ovies,, Yvonne Sparrow, Jan- Goal scorers were Sherri ice Wiltse and Cindy Zealand. Hanthorn and Kathleen Pop- Ic hudb alatfu ovics. e hudba esfor Their second game was with luches thick for skating and North Courtice which Maple eight inches thick for snow- Grove W. won 1-0, with Janice mobiling. Bowmanville Pet Shop 623-2921 Mode I Aircrafts, Boats and Accessories plus R.C. 34 KIng St. W. Bowmanville LWI LOWI PRUCES JI We Do Dog Grooming Bob Adams and the, Blue River1Boys featuring RENA ADAMS Friday, March l2th We cater to Banquets, Weddings, Meetings EVERY FR1. & SAT. DANCI-NG 9 PM-1 AM RESTAURANT Cail FULLY LICEN~SED 98»54C 1, mile-south of Hwy 115 & 35 Junction pSSHOULD MY CHILD TAKE PIANO? Yes. Few things s0 enrich lite as understanding and appreci'âting music. Piano playing is in itself a rewarding creative outiet. At the same time, it encourages the development of a welI rounded personality; and it promotes concentration, alertness and poise. BEST AGEËTO START? Anyone can start at ai- most any age, but it is ideal when piano lessons and school begin at the same time, since the two com- plement one an- other and one benefits the other. WILL MY CH!,LD PRACTICE? Practice prob. lems dimjnish with this attitude: practice 15 play- ing, and playing is fun. Parental ex- pressions of plea- sure encourage practice. An ap- preciative audi- ence during prac- tice acts like a ton ic. Ct CPt~iû Hammond"Organ Studiosý 16 Simcoe St. North at King St. Oshawa ________ Phono 728-1675 J SUPiiDANING Sat., March l3th, 1976 to the Dick Valleau Quartet feafuring BOB HILL, Vocalist MENU SPECIAL Stuffed Sirloin Mock Duck includes soup du jour, relish selection, bread basket, 09,5 potato, vegetable 4Plus Tax SUNDAY FAMILY DINNER MENU SPECIAL Stuffed SirloinMock Duck includes soup du jour, reilish t0 selection, bread basket, 4eg potato, vegetable Pus Tax CHILDREN'S SPECIAL F-EATURE DUTCHMAN BURGER French Fries,lIce Cream, Beverage . 50I With Added Special Surprise A Hours: Dining Room 10:00 p.m. T HE PHONE FOR RESERVATIONS 623-3373 MOTOR INN Liberty St. South at 401 Bowmanville IRIS and JACKIE (Direct from lrelandi) FRIDAY und SATURDAy March l2th and l3th at the FORUM Restaurant Hwy. 115 -2 Miles North of Hwy. 401 PHONE 987-4226 Crofa~f RESTA URANT MONDAY-THURSDAY 6 a.m.-2 pm. FRIDAY &SATURDAY 6 a.m. 1a.m SUN DAY 7 a.m. - 11:30 pm. Serving Delicious Chinese Food Ta ke-Out Orders A Specialty Free Delivery in Bowmanvj lie on AilOrders of $6.00 or More Full Course Meals in a Home- Like Atmosphere. 9 King St. W. 623-5412 i

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