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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1976, p. 3

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The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, .Iine 23. 1976 3 Br-aybrook - Patfield Wedding lace bell sleeves and a, floor lengtb train. A pili-box bat held a shoulder length veil and she carried a bouquet of pink roses, white daisies and baby's breath. The bride was attended by Mrs. Gwen Evans, Mrs. Shir- ley Cox and Mrs. Denise Murphy. Tbe groom by Mr. Ronald Dunn, Mr. Rick Jones and Mr. Douglas Crough. The ring bearer was Master Steven Cox. The wedding supper was held in the church hall, with the dance held at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall. The bride's mother received the guests in a formai blue and mauve flowered gown witb sheer coat, and the groom's mother assistîng in receiving in a formai green gown with jacket. For a honeymoon to destin- ations unknown, the bride wore a denim pant suit. Mr. and Mrs. Braybrook are now residing in Oshawa. Reverend William K. Pace solemnized the marriage of Jacqueline Patfield to Freder- ick Braybrook, in Trinity United Church, Bowmanvîlle, on Saturday, June 12, 1976. Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Patfield and Mr. and Mrs. John Braybrook, al of Bowmanviile. The organist was Mr. John Crookshank and the soloist Mr. James Fair. The bride given in marriage by her father wore a white formai gown designed with Anne of Green Gables Ref reshing Prodûction \ y M. J.1 F'rom the opening scene of -e~ M.J. Hobbs Senior Public School production of Anne of Green Gables there was littie doubt about its success. The cast received a well deserved standing ovation from, the audience in the sold-out auditorium of the Bowmànville High School on- June l7th as the final scene closed and the young actors and actresses came on stage to wrap up the show. Both the music and acting were done effectively with ArUe's warmth winning the hearts of the members of the audience. Steffanie King in the role of Anne showed how somnetimes the orphan's enthusiasmn for lit e overwhelmed bher better Hobbs Si, judgment and got ber into trouble. Cathy Baker took the role of Rachel Lynde, the highbrow snoot of Green Gables, giving ber part a touch'that made ber come alive. One of many comic scenes in the play happened when Rachel Lynde visîts the Cuth- berts, Anne's new home after a move from a provincial orphanage.. Rachel starts ber relation- ship with Anne badly by commenting on her two most noticeable qualities, bher gender and her red hair. Lt was bad enough for Rachel to say she was a helpless female, but to top it off she had to mention Anne's flaming ýred bair to ber new TUi OPTICAL BoUliNUE 30 KING ST. WEST MI SS G.ZELR BOWMANVILLE ZSPN IG LERICAN PHONE 623-4477 DSESN PIIN Awoman churchgoer stopped outside to chat with a friend after services. Suddenly, she remembered she hed left her purse on the seat. When she returned, it was gone. She sought out .the minister and found that he had picked it Up. "I1 feit that 1 had btter hold it," he explained. "You know, there are some in the congregation of such simple faith as ta believe it might be an answer ta a prayer." CLOTHES CARE HINT: YOUR CLOTHES BEST FRIEND is your cleaner -- there is na reason why you should not look welI dressed at ail times. CELEBRATE CANADA WEEK June 25 -JuIy i Canada -- We LovelIt ~ Bowmanville j 1'Cleaners Ltd. AwE0r84 Kn t W. 623-5520 T9HIS, We Specialize in Shirt Lê~tR.LaU ndering" hudenîs guardian, Marilla Cutbbert. It was a toucby subject for Anne and she reacts strongly, to say the ieast, but starts bier relationshîp witb Rachelon an honest note, bowever- dis- astrous the resuits are. Besides the direction of the play, Joan Hill was responsi- hie for the choreography as well and gave the play dance routines that showed the students are talented in more than one area. Although naturally the play bad its leading roles with SteffanieKing as Anne giving, a top-notch performance, aill the parts were played well and blended nicely with the play, itself. The scenes were gîven interesting arrangements too, from the beginning when the cast entered off-stage making their way to the platform down the aisies of the auditor- ium, to the ending as a mother recalis the characters for the audience whiie leafing tbrough an old copy of the book. Probably the play, adapted from the book by P.E.I.'s Lucy Maud Montgomery, was chosen not only for its popularity but also because it was written by a Canadian. While People in Ontario might be characterized differ- ently than those in the Anne of Green Gables story, the play itself was as refreshing as a vacation on the east coast island itself. This sample of talent at M.J. Hobbs showed if the students keep Up the fine job of acting that they did in their Anne of Green Gables production, audiences can expect drama well worth watching in the future. YELVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glas- bergen Jr. and family of Yelverton hosted a famiiy gathering to recognize the 25th anniversary of their famiiy's arrivai in Canada. In attend- ance for supper were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glasbergen Sr. of Orono, the Peter, George, Case and Johnny Glasbergen families and Mr. and Mrs. Auki VanDerMer family. Also present for a social evening later on Sat. evening were several of Frank and Eliz- abeth's former neighbours during their stay at their farm in Yeiverton. Best wishes to the Glasberg- ens on this auspicious occa- sion. The family are a credit to our Canadian community for their industry. And their prîde in their Canadian citizenship is worthy of emulation by we .native Canadians. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gundrie of Barrie were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Terry ýMalcolm, Todd end Terra. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Werry, Bonnie and Karen were wel- come visitors at Malconia on Sunday evening. Velverton Sr. Girls won their game vs Millbrook by a large margin this week. On Sunday, Yelverton won over Kedron at Brookia by a real squeaker 5-4 on Sunday afternoon despite the fact that Kedron pitcher had 13 strike- outs during the game. Kedron had one homerun scored by short stop Orlecki and Yelver- ton, two, scored by Wayne Timms andIan Page. Elizabeth Maria Kapteyn became the bride of Albert John Teeninga on Saturday, May 22nd, 1976, in Maranatha Christian Reformed Church, Bowmanville. The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kapteyn, R.R. 4, Bow- Joan Loreen Perfect h Kimberly James Burtch, bol double ring ceremony Satur( John's Anglican Church. R( officating clergyman. Deepest sympathy is ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. George Alliston of Burketon la the tragic death of bis son, Garry, this week who was Kedron's proficient lst basemen. On Wed. a number of Pork Producers from our commun- ity took advantage of the Lindsay Co-op Bus Tour to attend the Pork Congress at Stratford. Quite an interesting day. Also an opportunity f or. the Harvey Malcoims to vîsit briefly witb M r. and Mrs- Marshall Malcolm of Strat- ford. TIriim and Shlape Ev.ergreens In Julie once evergreens have be- corne overgrown or ýout of shape, i! is very difficuit to rejuvenate 1lhem. Thats one of the reasons gardeners should keep them in bounds and cont roi t heir growth by shear- ing every year. says D.B. MeNeili, horticulturisi xitb the Ontario Ministry of Agri- culture and Food. ",June is the month to shear and shape evergreens because new growth is sot t and easy to eut,"~ he says. "Pruning now will promote new growth lje-hind the pruned areas, xvhich will belpi fi out the shrub and improve its appear- WXcc- Plants such as yew, mugho pine, cedar and juniper are the miost important plants to prunc ai this Lime. Mugho pine ne(eds annuai pruning to remnain a rounded specimen, he says. If it's forgotten for a ycar or two, il will quickly lose ils shape and possible become too large for its location. -Ai this time of year, pruning evergreens doesn't take a great deal of effort, and ni the long run, your home landscape xiii benefit." manvilie and tbe groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Teeninga, 149 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Reverend Anthony DeJager officiated. The organist was Mr. G. Oldejans and the soioist Miss Mary Kapteyn. became the bride of )th of Bowmanville, in a ,day, May 29, 1976, inSt. ,v. T. Gracie was the Given in marriage by ber father the bride wore a formai gown of jersey designed with an Empire waist. high collar and puff sleeves. A four tiered veil with scalloped edges was trimmed on each scallop with a peari daisy, and she carried, a bouquet of red roses and white carnations. The bride was attended by the matron of honor Mrs. Jean Stam, and bridesmaids Misses Mary Kapteyn, sister of the bride, Marty Stark and Renita Buma. The best man was Mr. Jake Snyder and the ushers Messrs. Jake Teeninia, brother of the groom, Peter Kapteyn, bro- ther of the bride and Peter Teeninga, brother of the groom. The bride's mother received the guests at a reception held in Knox Christian Sehool Auditorium wearing a formai, peach colored gown. The groom's mother assisted in receiving the guests in a purpie flowered formai gown. For a honeymoon to desti- nation unknown, the bride chose a beige and brown pant suit, The happy couple are now residing in Oshawa at 22 Patricia Avenue. -McRobbie Photo In a iovely summer wedding on Saturday, June 5tb, 1976, ln St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanviile, Reverend Thomas Gracie solemnized the marriage of Karen Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Morris, and John Claire, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Syer, ail of Bowmanville. Mr. Cory Kuipers presided at the organ. The bride given in marriage by ber father, wore a formai, white satin gown with an overskirt of chiffon. Features of the gown, which was made by the bride, were a long flowing train, long sleeves gathered into buttoned cuffs, a tucked bodice trimmed with pearîs, and V shaped yoke. A Juliette headpiece held a cathedral veil and she carried a cascade bouquet of white daisies, lily-of-the-valley,- and. forget-mne-nots. ,The bride was attended by the maid of bonor Miss Cathy Cover, and the bridesmaids Misses Diane Brooks, Nancy Barkley and Joan Hamilton. Wearing formai gowns of blue and white cbecked gingham, and white picture hats, they carried baskets of Engiish honeysuckle, pink carnations and yellow daisies. The flower girl Miss Julie Kuipers wore an identicai gown, and carried identicai flowers as the senior attendants., and wore a floral wreatb in her hair. The best man was Mr. John Froats and the ushers Mr. Bruce Syer, brother of .the groom, Mr. Cari Hayman and Mr. John Wight. The groom and his attendants were attir- ed in navy blue tuxedos. For the reception beld at the Lion's Centre the bride's mother received the guests in a formai gown of lemon polyester and a corsage of yellow mums and white carn-, ations. The groom's mother assisted in receiving wearing a formai gown of pink crepe with a corsage of pink feathered carnations. Leaving on a. honeymoon in Niagara Falls, the bride wore a peach pantsuit with white accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Syer are now residing in Bowmanville at il Prince Street., -Photo by Astor Studio -Planners Defer' A Newcastle planning de- partment report calling a subdivision deveiopment pro- posai on 94 acres in the Village of Newcastle "premature" was accepted in-the Planning Advisory Committee meeting on June l4tb. The planning department report recommended holding the subdivision proposai until a district plan is compieted outiining guidelines for the use of the land. Narva Deveiopments, KSW Developments and Erewhon Developments were the three development companies appiying for a subdivision on 58 acres north of King SCt and 36 acres to the soutb of the village, The majority of the 598 proposed dwellîng units were for quadruplexes for senior citizens or townhouses. - pÊnng DyC eremon-y DENJM STORE TO OPEN IN WHITBY MALL Grand opening by local resident on July 2nd Introducing: Sue Mathews Store Manager Sue Mathews will be managing the store for Rob. She is'optimistic that Durham residents, will benefit ~from the new enterprisé. The store's policy of personalized service will be a boon to customers, especially those requiring odd sizes. Rob Robertson, a local Oshawa re- sident, is looking forward eagerly to opening bis store on July 2. Rob 's privately-owned jean store in our area will contribute a breath of f resh air in an industry which is highly monopolized by, conglom- erates. Whitby Mal Teeninga - Kapteyn Wedding Syer - Morris Wedding "Flowers with Feeling" For Any Occasion Tel. 623-3377 CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS 133 Church Street 'Bowmanville -Fresh Fïower anci Dried Flower Arrangemfents for FUNERALS - WEDDINGS HOSPITAL and HOME Be sure and take a look at our Bridai Showcase in our wincdqw.

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