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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1976, p. 9

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 7, 1976 t 72 Kinsmen Clubs PresenIt Che que for The 72 Kinsmen District 8 The cheque was presented Clubs presented a six foot to Cystic Fibrosis Child, John cheque for $98,483.25 to the O'Donnell by Glen Alton, Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Kinsmen Cystic Fibrosis, Foundation at the Kinsmen's -Chairm-an. Annual Cystic Fibrosis Lunchl- District 8 Kinsmen and eon on Saturday, June 5th in Kinettes have been supporting Sault Ste. Marie. Cystic Fibrosis research since 1964 Franks, Kramps Po, In Meân's Town LgeJ by Dave Passant Frank's Variety defeated Stephens Fuels' 9-6 and Kramnp's Furniturýe outLslug- ged D & R Sports 19-13 in Tu-'Lesdïay,June 29th's play at M1emoriîal Park. Timi's Rent- all r'emained idie as Wednes- day and Thursday contests were postponed by ramn. Fran X's 9 - Stephen's 6 In a game played by Stephens under protest,' be- cause of a late start, Frank's grabbed a J-3 mrargin after two innings and neyer re- linquished their lead. In, the sixth and final frame, the Variety club counted three runs to take a 9-4 advantage and halted a short-lived rally by the Fuelers. Bill Cochrane won his first game of the season in seven outings, and knocked in two runs with a single. Steve Burns smacked a 3-run homer, his second of the season. Frank's Dave Cryder- man had three htwhiie Bob Tugwood (2), Peter Rupke, (2), Pa1ul Forsey, Ted Brown and Don Shieehan had others. Terry Baker (:3-2) took the loss, but added a single at the plate. Dwvayne Nieuwsma went 2 for 2 and scored twice for the Fuelers. Ed Ryorchuk' (2,Jim MlcNicol, Jim Ryor- chuk and Don Lorusso were other Steph~ens. hitters. Kramp's 19 - D & Rý 13 In the late hook-up, the Furniture crew scored early and of ten to dispose of D & R, which helped out with il errors. Heading into the 7th inning Kramp's held an 11-9 lead, but put the icing on the cake by scaring 8 times with only 5' hits. Dennis Bickle upped his pitching record to 5-2, and helped his own cause with two doubles and a single, Joe Caruana had a perfect 4 for 4 night, including his second round tripper of the year. Rick Woolner (2), Ernie Cechetto (2), Doug Kramp (2) , Neil Fry (2), Ron Hooper and Peter Nowlan also had hot bats. Ron Hayes evened his pitching record to,,4-4, but he had littie hielp behind hlm. Dave 'Passant had 4 hits for D & R, including a grand slam homner. Andy Lamont (3), Ray Cummiîngs (3), Dave Taylor (2), John Dragstra, Ron Hayes, Bruce Colwell and Brian Mdamns were other CanAmMidget Cars Turn on at b'y1D.Neýsbitt Wýhat a night of racing at Westgate Speedway,,7 on Satur- day night as, aiong with the regular pragram of racing, there were over 20 Can-Am Midget cars which reaiiy turned an in three heats and a Feature. These cars. small as they are, perform at appraxi- mateiy 10,000 r.p.m. 's and cast anywhere ta $11,000 or better. One thing for sure. they could reaiiy buzz around that track. Can-Amn Midgets Results lst Heat - 1. Car No. 24 - Larry Glaser, Kenmare, N.Y.; 2nd Heat - 2. Car No. 73 Denny Wakum, Grand Island, NY.; 3rd Heat - 3. Car No. il Ted Janes, Tonawanda, N.Y.;- Feature - Car No. 24, Larry Glaser. These fellows really put on a good show and we hope ta, see them back again in the near future. Street Stock Results lst Heat -- 1. Amnie Vowels, Peterborough; 2. Peter Van Eindhoven, Peterborough; 3. Ed Nesbitt, Newcastle. 2nd Heat - 2. Gary Downer, Westgate Peterborough: 2. Peter Van Eindhoven. 3. Lee Terrion, Peterborough. Trophy Dash -1 Glen Burton, Lindsay, 2. Lee Terrion, 3. Gary Downer. Feature - 1. Peter Van Eindhoven, 2. Glen Burton, 3. Ed Nesbitt. Late Model Resuits St, Heat - 1. Caryl Fuller, Whitby; 2. Gord Wallace, Peterborough; 3. Roy Gaynor, Pontypool. 2ndi Heat, - 1. Roy Gaynor, 2. Caryl Fuller, 3. Cord Wallace. Trophy Dash - 1. Gord Wallace, 2. Roy Gaynor, 3. Caryl Fuller. Feature - 1. Caryl Fuller, 2. Roy Gaynor, 3. Ray Brickell, Oshawa. This coming Saturday night there is going to be another, "first" at Westgate Speedway as they are having a Ladies ONLY Demolition Race. This should be something to see so gather up the family and f riends and corne on out for a night of smashing excitement. Yours truly is going to give it a whirl. Want Officiai Plan Before Approving Trustees with the North- m-iunicipality's officiai plan umiberland and Newcastle. before mnaking a decision. Board of Education wvant f0 Thie Courtice Hleighits sub- look at copies of Newcastle's division is proposed for Con- officiai plani before they"ý give cession 2) in thle fi)rmner their alpprl-(I to the proposed town iship of Darlingtoin. Eight Courtice Hleighits subdivision. hldred(l' and twý,enity six resi- A board committee2 had said dential lots are pianned. the board hiad no objections to Also plined are provisions the CourItice HIeighits proposai for schools, a park, senior but trustees thought it would citizens facilities and com- be best to look at the mler-cial falcilities. Attention Campers! Have wve' got a site for you! Actually we've got over 2,500 campsites. Stretched over 7,000 acres of riverside park- lànd, The St. Lawrence Parks Commission operates 14 major campgrounds between Lake Ontario and the Quebec border. The St. Lawrence River provides beautiful and varied settings for our camnpgrounds, along with the canvenience of easy access. Our 1000 Islands area has two campgrounds, "Ivy Lea" and "'Brown's Bay" within an easy drive from Toronto, Ottawa or Montreal, between one and three hours; "ýAdoiphustown" and "Fairfield" lie just west, in the Bay of Quinte area past Kingston. The remaining ten campgrounds foliow the St. Lawrence and Highway 2- going east, covering some 170 Mmiles, ail the way to~ the Quebec border. The modemn and spaclous c-ampsites are for tent- campers and trailer enthusi- asts alike. Many of themn are fully equipped and have centraily locatect dumping stations. Safe swimming and boating at aur beautiful sandy beaches, are under the watch- fui eye of qualified lifesaving attendants. The campgrouinds offer a wvide variety of activîties to "residents". Playground and picinc areas, mainature golf, Nature Trails, and horseback riding are open to visitors throughout the systemn. In addition ta on-site activities, campers won"t want ta miss a ýitoicsies OdFort Henry A m ember of Trinit, at Kingston and Upper Church, his interests centre' Canada Village at Mýorris-ý arounci his home, family an( burg. For those who want the friends. challenge of an 18 hole public He leaves to mourn hi golf course, orcaposi asn his wife Susan, a soi club just opposite Upper Jae, three grandchildren Apprximtel on in ver' LcalKinsnenClus) on-Canada Village filîs the bill one great grandchild and A80proximteîy or n Caneeya oalKndealu()o-adiriabîyý. brother, Sam Buttery. He waý 180 cilre bon n anda tribution to CF. research: And don't forget that some predeceased by two brothers have the disease. Cystic Kinsmen Club of Bowmran-oftem tbauiucmpn WlimLvttndTba Fibosi i a enticdiorcçrvile:$2,000, Kinette Club of weather is in the faîl. Spectac- Buttery and a sister Ann (Mrs affecting the lungs, the Bowmanville: $400.uarcorshwofutnEwodCe)1 dietiv gl mandth Your local Kinsmen Club foliage greet campers who Mr. Levett rested at tht swa ladas well as other thanks alI the members of the want to get-away-from-it-all Morris Funeral Chapel witl fluid producing glands in the.Aaee body. ~community for their support. after the summer rush. As an Reverend Arthur mce boy.extra treat, many campsites conducting the funeral servict are on the faîl migration flight on Wednesday. m aDex Osmond, Randy Don- path of Canada geese and Pal-.t-sere Messrst * ghue, Vince Vanstone, Tom hundreds of these magnificant Larry and Randy Levett s t D7 f owlan, Randy Thiele, Dennis birds-can be observed without Glenn, Ted and Kcn Rutterý Bickle, Lloyd Forsey, Paul even having to enter the Bird and Ben Shain. Thisse, Bll orrsonand Santuay. oweerthe Floral donations made in hi, ~oft a lDerek Upper CanadaMigratoryj Bird memory included offering, Standings (as of Jn 9 197é6) Sanctuary is THE place to see from Beehive Rebekah Lodge Won Lost GB geese and ducks by the Past Noble Grands, Thursday -,The umipires doing an excel- Kramps 7 3 thousands, especially at feed- Night Club, Dupont of Canada lent job this season are: Tims 6 3 1 ing time in the afternoon. Ajax Works and the JLqca Arnold Etcher, Don Crosse, DL & R 4 6 3 Our facilities are open from I. C.W. U. Ji-nSacy Mr LvgnFranks 3 6 3 mid-iMay -through October for Interment Bowmanvill Ji SacyMrkLai~, Stephens 3 6 3'2 Qvneftaddiýsfe Cemetery. Steve Mayberryv, Jimn Green, cnein n iesfe FIRMUPN TRM " mDOWN IN1 THE PRI 1VACYOF YO UmiRHO0ME WITH nTH E WEIDLMER "5- MNaUTJmà mE DYjSHPER Camping camping, summer throug autumn. We think you'll find the pleasant change-of paý that 5.5 million other camper have over the years. The St. Lawrence Park, Commission welcomes you t~ corne along and enjoy histor and recreation in actior We're not too far awayt spend a week or just weekend. If you' d like t1 receive a colour brochurE, free, or if you'd like to hea more about us first hand, we'~ be glad to have someone fror our speakers' bureau fi yo, in and show you our awarc winning film, -The St. Lawi ence ... Mlore Than a River. Just drop us a line at: The SI Lawrence Parks Commission Morrisburg, Ontario KOC IX( Canada. OBITUARY JOSEPH HENRY LEVETT A well known resident, Bowmanville for 49 year Joseph Henry Levett, aged 7, passed away on Monday, Jur 28th, 1976 in Memorial I,1joý pital, Bowmanville, followiri a lèngthy illness. Born in London, England, h~ was the son of the late Williai and Emily Levett. On Nove ber 5th, 1927, he was marie to Susan Ellenton. Educated in Bowmanville he had been retired from th, 'Goodyear Tire and Rubbel Company for the past Il yean where he had been empIoye& According to Dr. Jean Mayer of Harvard University, 'inactivity is the most important factor in 'creeping' overweight." It can also cause flabby muscles, poor circulation and digestive problems. Your solution: the Weidler Total Body ShaperTm Plan. In carefully.supervised tests, the Weider Patented "5 Minute Total Body Shaper"' plan helped to shape, slim, firm andi strengthen the total body. Cornes with a complete easy'to-fdùlow plan to help you lose pou nds and inches, in the privacy of your own home. Just attach to any door-knob and stretéh out comfortably on the floor. A few pleasant exercises does it. ideal for the family. REGULAR PRICE $1 2.98 SALE PRICE $8 Y On Sale at this Fine Store: We recommend that you see the complete range of Weider fitness and bodlybuildirig equipment that is available for men, wAomen, athletes and children, at your local sports store. Mr. Ben Weider, C.M., wvas recently honoured by the Canadian Government by being made a member of "The Order of Canada"'. Ho is the President of the International Federation of Bodybuilders, which is a sports organization dedicated ta the spread of fitness throughout the world. 93 nations are members. Mr. WVeider invented and patented the "5 Minute Total Body Shaper," under patent number 980376. Do not be rnisled bDyimitations, there is only one WNeider 5-Minute Body Shaper, which has been scientifically tested and' proven effective. Insist on buying the superior WEIDER product and don't accept imitations. D & R SPORTS 85 King St. W. kND SKI SHOP 623-3421 Bowmanville

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