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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1976, p. 13

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I..h§-. ARTE-MAXWELL - Mr. ,id ýMrs. D~an Harte-Maxwell n -Ph lisMarshall) of London, Otario, are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Adam Daniel, 7 pounds 121/2 ounces,, on June 8, 1976. ProudJ grancdparents are Mr. and Mrs. Guy Marshall of Barton, Nova Scotia and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rodd, London, Ontario. 27-1 M~ETCALF - Douglas, Sheri- yn anld Krsta wvelcorre with love Andrea Lorien, 5 lIbs. 4 ozs., on June l3th; 1976 at Port Perry Hospital. Proud grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Metca f, Nestleton. Greatg randiparents are Mr. and Mýrs. Bruce Metcalf, Bowman'ville and Mr. Gordon Harrison, Omlemee. 27-1 LUXTON- Doug and Marty (Poulin) 'are proud to annouflçeýthe birth of their first child, a aughter, LUsa Martine, 5 lbs. 91/2 0ZS., on 26,y 1A~976 at Memorial ýgartn ana nurses on Y. 27-1ix - Don and GailI {nee are pleased to an- ýhe arrivai of their id, a son, Kevin orn June 25th, weigh- s. 11/2 ozs. Proud -ents are Mmr. and and Milîsan and Mm. Raiph Shott, Bow- Vemy special thanks Ewert, Anfossi and ýn the Bowmanvilîe y staff. 27-ix Ted and Judy (nee proudly announce l of their first chiId, r, Juliana Kathleeni, e25, 1976 af Oshawa Hospital weighing 5 Poud grandmather la H-awley, Bowman- iai thanks f0 Dr. A. Jnursing staff of the th flbars of Oshawa 27-1 'EN - Walt and are~ pleased to the birth of their lter, Tracey Lynn,,7 son June 28, 1976. andpaments are Mm. Ralph Cale, Bow- and Mm. and Mrs. Iaeysen, Cobourg. 27-lx 'I-I AMBROSE -Lawrence (Larmy) John. At St. Jaseph's Hospital, Peterborough, on Tuesday, June 29, 1976, Law- rence John Ambrose, of Beth- 3ny and formerly of Oshawa, in his 54th yeam. Belaved yaungest son of the late Herbert and Gertrude Am- brase. Loved and remember- ed by his wife Vivian (Bunny). Father 0f Wayne of Oshawa, Patricia, Ernest and Dennis at home. Twa grandchildren, one brother Herbert of Omemee, sisters Margaret (Mrs. L. Burnham) of Toronto, Helen (Mrs. D. Reading) of Oshawa and Lucy (Mms. P. Borow) of Bethany and many nieces and nephews. Rested at the Mc l ntosh-Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King St. E.-, Oshawa. Service was held in the chapel an Friday. Inter- ment Mount Lawn Cemetemy. By special request donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. Pastor G. Power 0f Milîswomth officiated. 27-1 HARVIE - At Memorial: Hospital, Bawmanville, Sat- urday, July 3rd, 1976, Fred Harvie, Newcastle, aged 85 years, beloved husband of Ethel Hamsley. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvllle, on Mon- day afternoon. Interment Bowmanville Cemetemy. 27-1 VETZAL - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville,, Mon- day, July th, 1976, Norah Gertrude Meredith, in her 55th Y ear, beloved wife of Michael Vetzal, 645 Breezy Drive, Pickering, dear mother of Meredith, Whitby;, Janelle (Mrs. Don Reekie), Orange- ville and George, Pickering. Dear grandmother of Ted and, Tracey. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Wednesday afternoon. Intermeht Bow- manville Cemetery. 27-1 WERRY- At Strathaven Nursing Home, Bowmanville, Tuesday, June 29th, 1976, Florence Werry, aged 90 years, dear sister of Alice (Mrs. Clarence Rowan), Beth- any, and the late Franký Werry. Service was held inthe Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville, on Friday after- noon. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 27-1 JCARNATION For Ail Your Fîower Needs STOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARD ilO BEAT iTO studenT.) SLuaenlý esuif of a crowninc, Carnation Flower Shop nrj~ Orillia, on 33 Division St. July 4, 1976, Carlos 6237141 t R.R. No. 1, Orono, in ____________ year. Belovedi son of sand Louisa Costa. $SInce 1912 -ther of, Rosalinda, RIested at the North- litt Funemal Home. iMass 10 'Ick F lowers morning at St. Church. în'erment in by 27-1 Gertrude E. - Sud- JACKMAN ... Memnorial Hospital, uille, on Sunday, Juiy . say it best! ertrude E. Sanderson killen, in hem 77th PHONE 623-3365 i9ved wife of Adam 162 King St. E., Bowmanville ear mother of Mrs. H. 45tf rene> 0f Gien Burn -____________ 'land; Rssand Ivan, - =Eniskilen. Sister ofIV Vrs. D. B. Kay (Eva) 1 late Rev. Milton ~I"F Iowers ýn. Aiso survived by dchildren and three Say it Northcutt ElliottBet Home, Bowmianviile. service Tuesday. VAN BELLE it Bethesda Ceme- i lieu f fowers DAILY Deliveryto.. s 4otheHeart or Oshawa - B»mranville Ae Find would be Phone 623-4441 td.27-1 43ff h-m County's Oldest Funeral Service RIS FUNERAL CHAPEL ýVISION STREET, BOWvMANVILLE 0 OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS one 623-5480 Day or N;19 t rv ing th is di!strict f or 96 yea rs. Funeral Homne 1[FULNESS -- CONLERN - SERVICE i for the demanids upon you . . our isideration. ire you the helpfuîness you need., 3 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 TTER GRANITE COMPANY, LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 04&w Ontario Street 1 Hope, Ontarioa m- d--kt -O LlA M 3WORKMANSHIP QUÂLITY 24-tf PETHICK - Oswaîd R. (Re- tired Funerai Director, Barrie, Ont.). At Peterbor- ough on Weclnesdlay, June 30, 1976, Osward R. Pethick of 839 Talwoad Dr., Peterborough, beîoved husband 0f Isabel Margaret Lacey, dean, father of Mrs-. Larry Lauzon (Gall), Peterborough, beloved son af Mr. and Mrs. Sheidon Pethick, EnniskiiIen. Brother of Floyd, Toronto and Clifford Pethick, BowmanviIle. Dear grand- father of JilI, Jane andi Joy Funerai service for the lat Mm. Pethick was held at Comstock Funerai Home, 356 Ru=de t., Peterborough on atda, July 3 at 10:30 a.m. Intemment Highland Park Cemetery, Peterborough. 27-1 SAMIS - Hugh. At Memnorial Hospital, Bowmanvîlle on Monday, June 28, 1976, Hugh Samis 0f 45. Church Street in his 65th year. Beloved hus- band of Evelyn Anna Hender- son, dlear father 0f Larry, Mrs. R'. Kunkel (Nancy), Mms. B. Hooper (Judy), Bryan and Brent. Rested at the Northcutt> Elliott Funeral Homne. Funer- aI service was held Wednes- day aftérnoon. Inferment BawmanviIle Cemetemy. <27-1 Mm. and Mrs. Earl Shepherd of Bawmanville wish ta an- nounce the fothcomîng hiar- raige of their daughter, Debra-Lee to Mm. David Ross Plazek, son of the late, Mm. Ross Plazek and Mrs. Anne Plazek of Maple Grave Road.- Wedding wilI take place Satur- day, July 31, 1976 in Tr inity United Church, Bawmanville at 3p.m. 27-1 Mrs. Marguerite Smith of R.R. 2, Blackstack wishes ta announce the fathcoming marriage of hem daughter, Susan Anne, ta Barry John Mahaffy, anly son of Mm. and Mrs. Tom Mahaffy of Darling- ton BIvd. S., Oshawa. Mar- niage ta take place Sat., Aug. 14, 1976 at 4:30 p.m. in St. Paul's United Church, Baw- manville.. 27-1 Surprise birthdav wishes in hanor af Mrs. Marie Begley on hem 6th birthday. Hem chifld- ren would liketo invite family, friends and neighbors to an open hause f rom 2 - 4 p.m. on July 18 at the home of hem son, Mm. and Mms. Larry Ashton, 770ý Fernhill BIvd., Oshawa. Best vwishes anly. 27-1 ALLDREAD - In loving memnory 0f our dear b eloved son, Danny, who was killed July 5, 1975. I little knew when I heard that night, The sorrow the night did bring, For the caîl was sudden, the shock severe, To part with one we loved so dear. This month comes with deep regret, It brings back a day we will neyer forget. You feIl asleep without good- bye, But memories 0f you. will neyer die. What would we give to clasp his hand, His happy face ta see, To hear his voice and see his sm ile, That meant sa much ta us. - Ever remnembered by his Momi, Dad and family. 27-lx GILBANX - In aovina mem- Dry 0f a dear father, father- in-law and grandfather, .JOh-n Leonard, who passed away July 11, 1974. To your resting place I visit And place f lowers there with came, 1 But no one knows the heartache, When 1I turn and leave you there May the winds of Heaven blow gently On that quiet and peaceful spot, Where my dear "Dad" lies And wvill neyer be forgot. Sa -ou who have a Father- Cherish him with care For you wili neyer know that heartache 'TiI you see his vacant chair. - Sadly missed b y daughter Doris, son-in-law D uane and g'randsons George, John and Daniel Chrysler. 27-lx HAYES -In loving memory 0f a dear wife, mother, and grandmother, Eva who passed away July 3, 1974. Mom's life is a beautiful memory, Hem death is a sulent grief, She sleeps in God's beautiful- garden, ln sunshine of perfect pea ce, We miss hem, oh how welI, But realize God knew best, He let us have hem many years, Then gentIy badeher rest. - Sadly missed by husband Lewv, sans Lloyd and Geraid, daughter-in-law Dorene and gandchiîdren Gary, Randy and Barbara Ann. 27-1 MALCOLM - In Ioving mem- amy of a dear husband, father and gandfather, Rae J. J. Malcolm who passed away an July 14, 1975. Sadly missed along lifes ývay, Quietly remembemed each and evemy day, No langer in aur life ta share, But in aur hearts he's always there. - Sadly missed and lovingly, remembered by wife Emma, Harvey and Ralph Malcolm and familles. NOBLE - In loving memory 0f a dear son and brother, Edmfund A. (Ted) Noble, who, pssed away June 29th, 1974. The brush is dry The pen is stili So many promises ta fulfili > Sa littie time for ane fa live And yet theme's. nothing ta fargive A lIte of pumpose, joy and love is measured soieIy from a bave. - Sadly missed by Mom, Dad and sister Temry. 27-1 STACEY - Hubert. In Ioving memnory 0f a dear father and grandfather, who passed away July 8, 1975. A page in thebook of memary Silently turns today. We remember you in silence And make no outward show, Of what it meant f0 lose you No one wiII ever know. - Lovingly emnembered by son Frank, daughtem-in-law Sharon, grandchilidren., Laur- ie, Michel le, Wendy and Greggory. 27-ix STAC EY - In laving mernory 0f a dear father, Hubert, who passed away July,8, 1975. Oh what i would give If I cou Id say Hello Dad, in the, same old way, To hear your voice and see your smfile, Ta sit with you and chat a while. For those wha have a father Cherish himn with came For you wiIi neyer know the heartaches Until, au see his vacant chair. - A iways remembered by son, Tom, daughÏ Laumna and grandsons Trevor and Travis. STACEY - In loving memory of a dear husband, father and papa, Hubert John Stacey, who passed away, July 8, 1975. His weary hours and days 0f pain, His troubled nights are passed And in aur hearts we know, He has found sweet rest at last. But still the empty chair, Reminds us 0f the face, the smile of one who once sat there. To your resting place we visit, And place some flowers with ca re, But no one krows the heart- ache, When we turn and leave you there, Our family chain is broken, And nothing seems the same, But asGod calîs us one by one, The chain will link again. - Lov ingly remembered and sadly m issed. Margaret, family and grandchildren. 27-1 x STACEY - In loving memory of a dear father and grand father, Hubert John Stacey, who passed away July 8, 1975. NothYing can ever take away The love a heart holds cear, Fond memnories linger every day, Remembrance keeps' him near. - Lavingly remembered and sadly missed by, daughter Jean, san-in-law Ralph and grandchildren Paul and Leanne., 27-ix STACEY - In Ioving memory of a dear father, Hubert John Stacey, who passed away, July 8, 1975., , , 1 wish so much that life could be Just as if was befare, That you'd be in your favorite chair When we came thraugh the door. But since these speciai dreams of ours Can neyernaw came true, We'IlI ust be grateful for the years We had a Dad like you. - Ever remembemed Barbara and Peter. 27-1 x TERREBROOD - In loving memory of a dear mother, Justina Terrebmood who pass- ed away, July 5, 1974. Dear Mther, yau are not forgatten, Though on earth yod are no more Stili in memory you are with us, As vou aiwavs were before. - Sadîy missed by daughters Denise and Greta and son-mn- Iaws Maurice and Alfons and gandchildren-. 27-lx I would like ta thank the Senior Citizens of Ty'rone, Orono, Cartwri ght and Black- stock, Tyrone U nited Church, Tyrone Ladies' Lodge, f riends, neig h bou rs, doctors and nurses of BowmanvîlIe Mem- anial Hospital and ail the people that sent mne cards, f lowers and visits while in Hospital. Also m y sans, daug hters and grandch ildren for k indness which my words cannat express. Thank you one and aIl. Fred Partnem 27-lx The famnly of Lawrence (Larry) J. Ambrose of Beth- any, wish to thank their many fmiends, relatives and neigh- bors for visits, cards, flowers and donations f0 the Cancer Society, kindness and thought- fuîlness shown to them during thein recent sad beneavement in the Ioss of a dean husband and father. Special thanks f0 Dr. J. Fagan of Peterborough, St. Joseph's Hospital and nurses wha were always sai kind, Pastor G.E. Power of Millbrook for his comforting wamds and help in aur hours of need, Mcîntosh - Anderson Funemai Home, Oshawa; paîl- beamers, U.A.W. 222, Royal Canladian Le gion Branch 43, my mother, M ns. E. Math. 900 Masson St., Oshawa who opened, hem home ta ail followlng the services, Nomma Moth, Mrs. Oz Moore, and Mrs. R. (Karen) Moore who semved lunch. Our most grate- fui and heartfelt thanks. May God BIess and be wîth you ail. Vivian <Bunny) Ambrose and famil y. A most sincere thank you f0 ev'eryone who honoured me in any way on the occasion of my metiemrent. A very special, thank you to the pupils of Enniskillen school. and the wanderful staff members. Audrey Rosevear 27-1 With grafeful heants, we wish ta express aur sincere thanks ta relatives, friends and neig hbors for beautiful floral tri butes, donations, dur- ing the recent bereavement of a Ioving husband, fathen and _grandfather. We especiaiîy thank Rev. Amacher for his message of camfort and hope, and to Dr. Anfossi for his kind attention, also Dr. Long. Particular thanks to Beehive Rebekah Lad ge, Club 59, for their floral tri butes and lovely lunch served affer the f unema I Aiso Morris Funeral Chapel for their efficient service. Susie Levett and famiIy. 27-1 I would like ta thank aur fmiends, neighbors and rela- tives for the f lawers, gifts, cards and visits ta me and for their acts of kindness to my family af home while i was in the haspitat. Also tJianks to Drs. 'Spears and Westgamth. Doris Chrysier 27-lx Sincere thanks ta students, for-ner students, parents and~ community fiends wvho parti- cipated in the Honour Evening for me on Monday, June 28. Special thanks to the organi- zers, Mrs. Ron Bickle, Mms. Lloyd Covemly, Mrs. Grant Herron and Mms. Louise Mar- tin. 27-1 Sincerely, Waily Pitt I wauild like ta express my sincemethanks ta the staff of M. J. Hobbs Schooli, famiîy, friends, and pupils wïho in any way heîped to. make my retîrement such a memnomable occasion. Sincerely, Marg Hall 27-ix Ail Cubs and Leaders, thank ail the people in Maple Grove for their support we have received. Looking forward for your support next year. A thank'you to all1 parents, group committee members, our ser- vice feam and Bowmanville Statesman. Have a good summer. Yours in Scouting, Akela, Andy Van Hemmen. 27-1 The family of the late Donald Keith Thompson wish to express with appreciation to relatives, friends, neigh- bors and co-workers al G.M. for the lovely floral tributes, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society, sympathy cards received during our recent bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. J. Rundle and nurses on Medical floor at Bowmanville Hospital. Hilda Thompson and family. 27-1ix Ron and I would like ta express aur thanksîto ail the famîly and aur friends for the flowers, gifts, cards and visits received during my stay In Toronto Western Hospital. Also thanks ta those who helped out at home. Il was a great comfort through a difficult time. Peggy Frank 27-1 We wish ta express aur sincere thanks toaail wha shared in aur sorrow at the loss of aur wife, mather and grandmother. Ail your kind- ness meant s0 much ta us. Jack Vermeulen and family. 27-ix We wîsh ta thank ail our friends of Tyrone, Bethesda and Long Sault for the wedding giff given to us. John and Ann Bucher The family 0f the late W. Roy Bail wisil ta thank their relatives, friends and neigh- bars for the beautiful floral tnibutes, donations ta cancer fund, cards and many ex- pressions of sym-pathy during the recent bereavement of a loving husband, father and papa. Thanks to Rev. Basil Long, Drs. McKenzie and Singal, nurses of third floor, Memorial Hospital and thanks to Morris Funeral Chapel. Elsie Bal Ronald, Donna and Roger and grandchildmen. 27-1 x I would like to thank everyone wNho sent f lowems and visited me while in Memorial Hospital, and since at home and the Canadian Leg ion'for aIl the visits and gifts. 1 would like to express special thanks ta aIl the nurses on 3rd floor, Dr. Clark, Dm. H.B. Rundle and ta the Themapy Depart- ment for their continuing came, Kenneth Palmer 7l The famil y of the late Overton G. Mountenay would like to thank friends, relatives and neighboms for floral tri- butes, contributions ta the Hieart Fund, U.A.W. for white memomial Bible. Special thanks to Rev. Paul Erb and to Mm. and Mrs. William Weston for their acts of kindness during our recent bemeave- ment. Nina and Deanna Mountenay 27-1 We woulcJ like to take this oppomtunity ta thank ail those who madeour Golden Weclding Annivemsary such a memor- able attair. We thank y ou ail for cards, g ifts and flowems and for callIing in person. A special thank you to the ladies of the U.C.W. who prepamed and helped serve refresh- ments andtoall the members 0f aur family who helped in every way possible. Vemy sincemely, Mm. andi Mms. Wilbemt Cmaig. 27-ix I wish ta convey my sincere thanks ta Unit No. 1, of Orono United Chumch Wamen and ail their members, Orono Horti- culture Society, P.G.'sClub 62, Heather Rebekah Lodge No. 334, neighbours and fmiends for visits, flowers, cards, while a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, and duming my con- valescence at home.' A special thanks ta'm y 'fiends who drove me to haspîtal and home again, also for doing the shopping. Sincerely, Mrs. Leroy Hamil tan We wish to thank the people of Shaw's community for the bridge table and chairs pre- sented to us at the Shaw's School Bar B. Q. Special thanks to the committee for the Bar B. Q. supper and to Don -andI Gail1ickard for- thei, very interesting slides of Australia and New Zealand. Doug and Susan Lane 27-1 We would like ta thank friends, relatives and neigh- bars, for cards, flowvers, danations ta the Cancer Fund, the Comstock Funemal Home, Peterborough and Rev. J. Barrie for hîs camforfing message in the passing of Oswal d. Mrs.O0. R. Pethick and family and Mm. and Mms. S. R. Pethick and famiîy. 27-1 @aui1mr "Mc Crea's" Cemetery De- coration Service will bel held Sunday, July il ait 3 p.m. 27-1 Eastern Ontario Sfeamn and Antique Assoc. hald their annual show at Narwood Faim Grounds July 9 -'10 - il. 27-1 x HOL9IDAY TOURS Atlantic City 8 Days - JuIy 24-31 Motel on the Boardwaîk $210.00 PERSON-TWIN BASIS Civic Holiday, Weekend Finger Lakes Tour July 30- AUg.2 $100.00 PERSON-TWIN BAS IS Day Tours July 18 1000 Islands Cruise JuIy 25- Hamilton Gardens and African Lion Safari Aug. 8 - IýIiagara FalIls SUNSHINE PARTY TOURS COBOURG, ONTARIO 416-372-9961 27-3 AT THE LIBRARY CRAFTS Age 6 and up please. Monclays - 2 p.m. MOVIES Wednesdays - 2 Pragrams begin Monday July, Sth, 1976 and run until the end of August,1976. -FeofCharge - PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Temperance Street 623-7322 24-4 Pontypool Fun Faim - Sum- rnerfest 1976 - Pontypool Park - Friday, JuIy 23, 6 p.m. - 1 a.m.; Saturday JuIy 24, 12 noon - 1 a.m. Ciîdren's Rides - Games of Chance - Refresh- ments. Admission - $1.00,, children 16 and under FREE. DANCE on Fmi., 9 p.m. - Sat. 9 p.m. ta White Water Country,1 Éponsomed by Pontypool Cham ber of Commerce. 27-2 . ed of mu m!mI:s APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel Newcastle White Water Cou ntry Friday - Saturday JuIy 9- 10 Dancing 9 - 1 27-,1 Club Annrene Dance and Banquet Hall available for your group's -fund raising activities. Book your next, year's dates now while choice dates are still, available. Contact Don Armstrong at 576-5522 or 576-6599. 48-tf PLA'Y ""T.V.'BINGO"" $5,1000 Jackpot every Saturday at 6:30 p.m. on Gloal 'TV. tards on1y $î. each. Cards available at most Wintanjo outtets. 27-4 The lO3rd Werry famnily picnic will be on Saturday, July 17 at Cartwright Recrea- tion Centre, Blackstock. Noon mneal 12:30 p.rn. Bring food, your family and enjoy t he day. 27-2 Tra nscendlenta I Meditation Program Introductory lecture Wednes- day, July 14, 1976 at 7:30 p.m. Durham College C248 27-1 Durham, Holstein Club) is sponsoring an Information Day for consumers on July l6thbeginning at 1 p.m. at the farm of Don Welsh, Bowmian- ville (see story elsewhere). The Chicken Barbeque and Twilight meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. Advance tickets for the barbeque, must be pur-' chased from a Director or by 'e1ephonng 263-2325. Don Rcarguest speaker for the evening program. LOST Four Olymipic Event Tickets. Ca Il 623-3728., EAR PIERCING SERVICE, Hooper's Jewellers LM. Regular Price $12.00 NOW $10.00 with studs Special 10 per cent reduction on f irst purchase cf earrihgs with the release form. Phone 623-5747 For Appoinment 45-tf ANN BRADLEY Permanent >Ha ir Removal1 90 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHA"RGEX WESTIERN CANL SCHOOLOF AUCTIONEERING LTD. Canada's f irst, and the anly completely Canadian course offered anywhere. Licensed under the Tracçe Schaols Licensing Acf, R.S.A. 1970,. C.366. For particulars 0f the next course write: Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta or Phone 782-6215 20-9 Chird's Camnival to su pport "Muscular Dystrophy" Tuçs., July 13 at 71 Wellington St. from 1:30 ta 3:30 pm. Spon- sored by Lori and G ail Smith Thanks ta the many' local merchants who donated prizes for the event. 27-'1 EDNA THOMSON DAY CARE CENTRE 156 Chunch Street WEDNESDAY, JULY 7th, 7 p.m. - 9p.m.ý THURSDAY, ,ULY eth, 2:30 p.m. -5:30 p.m, EVERYONE WELCOME 27-1 MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY- 7:30 P.MA. Sporisored by Oshawa Minor Softbail JUBILEE PAVILlON OS HA WA 50-tf. WOOOVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST., OSHAWA SEVEN piece dining room suite, beaver table saw (new), wash stands, buffet and hutch, round glass china cabinet, hand made afgans, hi fi stereo, modern corner cab- ~inet, deacon's bench, round oak table, occasional chairs and lots more at Dad's Used Furniture and Antiques, New- tonville. 786-2509. Monday - Friday 1-4 and 7 -9. Saturday and Sunday 12-5. 27-1 DINING room-suite, walnut, buffet, hutch, table, four chairs. Phone 623-2144 week- days. 27-1 FRONT dloor unit 78" w x 841/2" h,, oak sili, 1V" lights, 34" cedar panel door, baked enamel storm-screen insul glass. Complete hard- ware.P h on e 623-5061. 24-4 USED lumnber, 2 x 4's dressed andlv ougie.d; 2 x 6's, barn- boards; tonigue and groaved floomîng. Phone 1-277-2501. 27-2 SEVEN acres of new seeding hay. Cail 263-8841. 27-1 DU RO water pmp and tank, excellent con ditilan - for farm or cottage. Cail 623-3079 affer five. 27-1 BALED hay and mixedl grain. 27-1 BABY carrnage, good condi- tion, $40 or best offer. Phone 623-4261. 27-1 HAY 25c bale standing, about 1500 bales. Phone 786-2614 or 623-2967. 27-1 HAY by the bale in field or cut and bale your own. Phone 987-4243. 27-1 8 H.P. garden tractor with lawn mower, snow blower, etc. Phone 1-983-9146 after 6 p. M. 27-1 SNOW fencing. Approxi- mately 150 ft. $35. Pontypool area. Phone 705-277-2480. 27-1 1970 HARDTOP tent trailer, Spanish dining roomn suite, coffee and end tables, canopy bed, dressers, corner hutch, desks, dehumidifier, silver birch and cornflower dishes, enire contents of house. Phone 987-4917. 27-1 RUPP mini bike, ,31/2h. P., cndiio n 625. Best offer. BALED hay for sale in field, 45c bale. Phone 987-4589.- WOODS tent - 9 x 12. Very gaod condition. Phone 623- 7731. 27-1 CHESTS of drawers, double dresser, triple dresser, night tables, chesterfield suites, vanity bench, combination hat rack and umbrella stand, dining raom tables, buffets, newly upholstered occasional chairs, wicker bassinet, mesh o)lavo>en, car bed, car seat, fgirî's bicycle, Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temperance bt., Bowmanville. 27-1 POCKET novels, bought, sold and exchanged. Towne Used Fumniýture, 19 Temperance St., Bowmnanville. 27-1 HAY for sale. 85c bale. Phone 263-8488. 27-1 CH EV. engine 327, overhaul- ed, $250 . G.MC. 261,6 cylinder truck enqine, qood runner, $250. Used 670 x 15 6 ply tires, $25 each. Hercules 4 cylinder, power unit complete 25/ x 3, $150. Shower unit suifable for cottage, complete, $30. Phone S263-8172. 27-1 BAL ED Ti mothy hay in f ield - phone 263-2729. 27-1 SCYTHE, set of four steps, plate glass 18 x 53 in frame, paddle, heavy rod and reel., 15' Iadder, 10Ox 12" steel brackets, circulatina Dumo, double blocks, aid records, (331-3 and 78 RPM's). Many other articles too numerous ta mention. Phone 623-2675 after 12 noon. 27-1 x 1973 GT 550 Suzuki, low mi.leage, exé'ellent condition, pricéd for q uick sale. Cal I 263-273 ater 5 p.m. 27-1 16 FOOT fibmeglass Bowrider, convertible for), 60 h.p. Evin- rude, trailer, $2400. 5 h.p. Johnson, $150. Orono 983-5444. 27-1 1974 - 750 HONDA with. windjammer, crash bar, high mise seat, back mest and carrier, $2,100 or best offer or trade on a van. Phone (Or pick for us) ~ FREEHOLD FARM CIa rke Sth LUne (One mile north of Xirby on HighWay 115 on wvest side of On tario Sports) 983-9215 27-tf GARAGE SALE Saturday, July loth Stephenson Roati, east cf Newcastle, first street affer railway subway. i2th house from No. 2 Highway. Furni- fume, dishes, ornaments, toys, books, records. 987-4917 27-1 ELMER'S New and Used Furniture, and Appliances. We buy contents of homes. Phone Hampton 263-2294. 19-tf HAYBALE elevator. Phone 1-786-2518. $60. 27-1 x YELLOW crib, matching 5- drawer Frenchi Provincial chest, mattress and bumper pads. Excellent condition.' $120 complete. Bath dressing ta bl1e, $20. Phone 623-7 142. 27-1 PINE roll-top desk, sing le horse trailer, wicker carriage, Silvertone and radio yearling haîf-Arabian colt, matched teamn of bay lialf Arabian registered fillies - hunter prospecTs, pius numn- erous antiques. Phone 725- 4978. 27-1 GAS stove and dryer for sale. $125. 623-6041 or 987-144 after 6: 30. 27-1ix 2 GIRL'S bicycles, one side- walk and one junio1 girils. Excellent condition. Phane 987-4407. 27-1 ONE hay rack in good condition. Phone 263-2028. 27-ix LUCAS alternator for Envoy. Caîl 623-7147 after 5 p.m. 27-1 BAG shavings, approx. 50 lb. bag $1.25 per bag picked up. D el ivered $1.50 per bag on 25 bags or more. Allin Cable Reels Ltd., 179 Basn 1.ine Rd. E. Phone 623-4455. . 2'7-2 NIlNE ft. sailboat, 5 ft. widjý good conditioan, unsinkable. $90. Phone 623--5026. 27-lx 100 ACRES pasture, good fences, $10' per acre. Orono 983-5607 . Caîl after 7 p.m. 27-1 HAY standing. 50 acres. $25 per acre or 25c per ba le. Orano 983-5607 after 7 p.m. 27-1 SOLI D pine writing desk and pine wash stand. Cal 623-2887. 27-1 ONE 14 foot heavy duty aiuniinum boait; 9.2 Chrysier mator. Phone Orano 983-5052 affer 5. 27-1 OSHAWA 'SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY ScREEN-E0 SAND E i, GRAVEL & STONE LIMESTONE PRODIJCTS ALI SIZES FOR DRI VEWAYS & PARKING LOTS TOP-SOIL & DIRT FILL. Q DELIVERED OR REMOVED TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR RENT SNOW REMOVAL Phono Oshawa 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAY 2. * Lïakk Nimuf TWENTY acres of hay stand- ing or by the bale. Phone 987-4951. 27-ix HOME-MADE V/2 -on truck cap. 30" H. wîth windows,. $100. Phone 623-2678. 27-1 SWIMMING Pool less thani one year old. Fanta Sea above graund medwood 16 x 24, cas' $4,500. Must seil immediately, wiII sacrifice - savings of $2,000. Caîl Fanta Sea Service Centre at 1-416-625-8817 days or evenings collect. il-tf PADDY'S Market naw haý new fumniitume, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and alsc used fumniture and appliances Wî!l1 accept trade-ins. Paddy'ý Àarket, Hampton, phone 263 2241. 33-t USED Fumnitume and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf PICK YOUR OWN IMM esman, Bowmanville, Julv 7. 1976 1'3 DEADL]INE FO CASSFD Tues, 12 noon

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