* A A us b. * * * a a o - Auction Sale Saturday, Aug. 21 at 1:00' pm. Clearingauction of, al household effecs, incl uding furniture, quantity of an- tiques, glass, china, electrical appliances, garden and car- p'enter tools, M-F ridlng trac- tor, et c The property of Neil D. McK~aden - located just, north of Brooklin on .No. 12, hiqhway. Partial list includes: china cabinet, bookcase, wal- nut gateleg -table, tub chairs with velvet seats, vinyl re- cliner, roll-a-bed sota (like new), antique chest of draw- ers, walnut chairs, 4 Pc. bedroom suite with near new mattress, oak dresser with claw feet, pine framed flop couch, spool bed, organ stoo , press and bow bac k chairs, ennsylvanïa Dutch rocker, occasional tables and chairs, varlous lamps, brass hall lamp, hanqging oil lamp, gas lantern, Burlington glass, handpainted plates, Victorian snuff box, b lue opalescent glass, milk glass, toI eware, 2 sets of dinnerware china for 8, 9x 12 shag rug, 9x 12 oval1wool rug, collection, of dolîs, seal-, ers, crock, iron cauldron. iron lam p post, trunk; mirrors, frost-free- Frigidaire, Viking electric stove, Viking freezer (2 yrs, old), Lewyt vacuum cleaner, f loor polisher, small electrical appl iances, Electro- home 5000 B.T.U. air condi- tioner, 25" Philli s"'Modular, 4" color T.V., R.C.A. 25" T.V., sewing machine, floodlites, bench saw, compresser, ? rinder, tool box and tools, adders, drill press, garden tools, electric motors and battery charger, car trailer, 31/2 h.p. tiller, lawn mower, M.F. 8 h.p. ridîng tractor with mower, bI ower, c hains and wheel weights (3 years old), and other misc. items. Every- thing in this sale has been well cared for and lis in good condition. Terms Cash: No Reserve. Property Sold: Kahn Auction Services. Phone 985- 8161. 322 PRIVATE Sale: 2 bedroom brick bungalow, modern kit- chen, very central location on quiet street. Will accept best offer. Caîl 623-4097. 1 33-lx PRIVATE SALE, JANETVILLE On 1/2 acre lot. 3 bedroom side-split, built in self-cleaning oven and.hot plates. Basement, almost totally comnpleted. Hardwood, and broadloomed f loors.Alelectric heating. 9' x 91 metal garden shed in rear with paving stone patio. Lot Iandscaped at front. PHONE M - 623-3911 i 33-3 Bowmanville - 11/2 Storey 3 beromhome with double garae, epaateD.R. and lag 6x165 foot lot. Close to school and shopping, asking $39,900,. Bowmfianville - 5 level $emi detached home with 4 bed- rooms, 11/2 baths and 4 a pliances, asking $44,700. Vendors anxious. Bowmanville - 11/2 storey 2 bedroomn semi, separate D.R., new kitchen and broadloom. Very central, ideal for starter or retirement home, asklng $29,000. Pontypool - 4 bedroomn 11/2 storey home with separate D.R. and small barn on lot 52' x 262' right in the village. Good repair, asking $41,500. Oshawa - 11/2 storey with separate D.R., 2 bedrooms and paved drive, shopping centre area. Asking $38,900., price includes 3 a ppl ia nces. New Homes - 2 new brick bungalows with 3 bedrooms, 1 with attached garage. Cal for more information. 33-1 REALT-ORS REAL ESTATE LIMI TED à 1 81 CAURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LiC liT8 623-4428 Leskard Road- Approx. 11/2 cres goes «'ith this beautiful 3 -<bedroom sidesplit, separate dining room wlth sliding glass doors to patio, 11/2 baths, smal11 family room, roughed-in f ire- place in ready ta finish roc. room, attached garage. Only $65,900-00 jst Reduced - 4 bedroom -r1'ome in Newcastle, finished rec.* roomn and 5th bedroomn in basement, -2 - 4 pce. baths, carport, above ground pool. On large lot. Asking 554,900.00 3 Yrd. Old $47,900.00 - 3 bedroôm bungalow with eat-in kitchen and separate dining oom on good sized lot. Orono. A pleasure to show. Bowmanville - 541,900.00. Beautif ul 2 bedroom bungalow newly decorated. Nice yard and garage. See it now. We have several small acre- ages with or without buildings. Cal for more information. 33-1 Parkway Cres., Bowmanville 3 bedroom, white brick Side- pithome. 11/2 baths. Finished famiîy room, dinlng area, walkout basement. Profes- sionally landscaped. Must be seen.* Only $59,900. Terms. Caîl Phyllis McRobbie. $40,500 - Bowmanville Lovely 3. bedroom Bungalow with attached garage on large, beautiful, treed lot close to schools and shopping. Excel- lent value. Caîl11lluransky. 50 Acres Blackstock area. $53,000. 45 Acres 1 mile E. -of Oshawa City, Conc. 7, $95,000. 50 Acres 26 miles N.E. of' Oshawa City, $45,000. Will consider trade. Submit all offers. Caîl Clare McCullough. Terrific Value - Bowmanville 4 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, garage, ail located in exiiemely nice area. $53,900. Caîl Ken Brown. Super Starter Home - Bowmnanvi le Carlisle Ave. Asking $34,900. Kay Brown. 10 Acre Hobby Farm - Oshawa Good 3 bedroom brick home, 40' x 60' Barn, 23' x 20' implement shed, 22 ton grain bin plus much more. 5119,000. Caîl Albert Kerekes. 195 Acres - Belleville Excellent retirement or in- vestment property. 15 miles north of Belleville with small cottage and pond. Only $48,900. Caîl Albert Kerekes. Family Home - Bowmanville North End Lavishl y decorated 3 bedroom brick Bungalow, 17' x i1' kitchen, finished recreation room, play room and 151/2' x 11' bedroom downstairs, on a 50, x 166' lot. AIl this and only $58,500. This one won't last. Caîl Phyllis McRobbie today. Owner Has Bought Another Home And must seil this lovely 3 bedroom Brick Sidesplit with large kitchen, living - dining room, TWOfireplaces Pý.U S self-contained ,ground level apartment with own side entrance. This is an ideal Two- Family home on large 100 x 150' lot in the North end of Bowmanville. Asking $79,900 with terms. Caîl Elfie Jost for appointment to view. Bowmanville 21/2 year old 2 stor.ey Family home.,Excellent area. 4 be- rooms, inground swimming pool, asking $55,995 with 93/ per cent mortgage. Caîl Jan Oudshoorn. Are You Considering a MOVE or TRANSFER? We are Equipped to handle your home needs anywhere in *Coastto Coast Real Estate Service 33-1 R. ýBUD cvirtue, 118 King Street East, BowmanvillIe 623-2967 BOWMANVI LLE Just listed. Super home, Super value. 2 yr. old, 3 bedroom tri-level, large, living and dining area, family room with wal kout and f ireplace. Attach- ed garag e. Basement is f inish- ed withilarge rec. room, extra bedroom and games room. Owner moving west. Good f inancing. Asking only $64,700. Terms. Caîl today and see a fine quality built home. VILLAGE HOME 3 bedroom, large living room, mostly renovated, 1/4 acre lot, very close to store and school. Asking only $39,500 terms. Try your offer. BOWMANVILLE For sale or vendor will consider trade-* on this lovely 4 bedroom sidesplit. Famil y room with fireplace, main floor laundry room, also fireplace lin living room. Attached garage, large sîze lot suitable for pooî. Quiet area close to downtown. 26 ACRES,- MARMORA Nice scenic property, com- pletely fenced with open meadows and some bush. Has' small horse stable, chicken shed plus work shed. Permits available to build home. Asking only $22,500. 1 33-1 REA STAE LIMI1E0 477 Ritson Rd.S. -576-07 91 A Real Bargain This 4 bedroom semi-detached home, richly decorated, la- cated in Bowmanville is selling at a loss. OnIy $42,500 33-1 123 King Street East Bowmanville, Ont. 623-6622 HaîIf Acre Lot - 536,500.00 Ideal property for someone who wishes to do a littîe work and enjoy country living. 623-6 622 1.6 Acre Lot - $51,900.00 Three bedroom home, separ- ate dining roomn, attached garage. Ideal highway proper- tfor, market gardening. 623-6622 Orono Reduced $54,900.00 Four bedroom maintenance free bungalow. Separate din- ing room, panelled rec. room, 75 ft. wide lot. For further details please cal 623-6622 or Shirley Hogg 623-3500 Darryl Somnersca les 623-4214 Ed Jeans 623-7152 Jean Orton 623-9159 Richard Orton 623-9159 GeralId Van Schepen, 576-1784 33-1, Two Blocks f rom School Spacious four bedroomn brick home on landscaped lot, separate dining room, 11/2 baths, rec. roomn with f ire- place. A good buy at $54,900. Hetherington Drive This two storey home 'is suburban living-at its best. A large sunny kitchen leads out to a deck and patio. With 4 bedrooms and finished rec. room. This home is a buy at $61 ,000. Terms. Newtonville Area 2 acre wooded residential lot, luxury 4 bedroomn home, 2 car attached garage, famîly room, with fireplace - $0,900. 33-1 REALTOR Pat Marjerrison 623-4115 Dollie Davey 786-2256 (Newtonville)' For Sale or Trade - Spotless, three bedroomn spl it-level bungalow, on extra large lot, broadîoomed (top quality), full dry basemnent with rec. room facilities, double garage, large patio, an excellent buy at $59,800. Pontypool area. Commercial property - Choîce location on King St., 2 storey brick building, large apart- ment in second storey, also small office with separate entrance, 'suitable for many types of business. Asking $75,000. New Twin Homeý- with four bedroomns, large living roomn, dining room, 11/2 baths, con- venient to shopping. $44,900. Terms. 33-1 Realtor Bus. 623-6121 Attention Farmers 34 acres of level land, ideal for cash crops or for the horse lover, 2 road frontages, barn 60' x 36', plus a 5 bedroomn family home. Asking $85,000. with excellent terms. Starter Home 4 bedroomn bungalow, large lot 66' x 420', full basement, in the village of Newtonville. Listed at $37,500.00. Immediate pos- session. Strike Avenue Bowmanville, $51,900.00 for this 3 bedroomn brick bungalow with the 4th bedroom in the basement, finished rec-roomn, hobby roomn, electric heat, carport and paved drive. Vendor transferred, must be sold. Prospect Street Bowmanville, beautifully dec- orated 3' bedroom brick and alumninumn side-split, built-in stove and oven, finished rec-roomn with wet bar, lot 68' x 140' ideal for that swimming pool. Try your offer!!1 Regent Drive Oshawa, Harmony Road area, close to Eastdale Collegiate, immaculate 3 bedroomn brick bungalow, finished rec-room, new roof, new humidifier on furnace, professionally land- scaped fenced lot. Listed at $55,900.00. Must be seen!I1 33-1 RESULTS COUNT!' ~Mutpîe Listing Srvice, OShaWa & District' Real Estate Board- 137 Kinig St. E., BowmanVllle 623-764 -6.2-7661 REALTOR Country Living!I Older 3 bed- roomn, 11/2 storey home with large lot 108' x 126'. Many mature trees. Must be seen. Cail no w. $35,000. Reduced. 1 acre of land near Leskard Road. AIl permits available. ________33-1 2nd and 3rd- MORTGAG E MONEY AVAILABLE -5 year term - Open Mortgages - No payments for three mon th s - No bonuses -No Credit Checks -No inquiry from neîghbors -Confidential arrangements made in your home -Borrow as low as $1.600 -Fast service Cali Mr. Wilks Mortgages bought and sold (Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax) 683-2611, 699-1211 (Toronto) 33-tf thegift of lite Be a RED CROSS Blood Donor N ESTLETON DYKSTRA'S DELICATESSEN "The World of Foods" ,"Quality - Service - Selection" FINEST QUALITY GRADE ABEEF LEAN BONELESS Lb. ROUND STEAKLb EXTRA.LEAN LEAN BON ELESS Ground Beef pot'- Roast .15 79 cb. $1 Lb.7 I.deal for the Bar-B-Q TOASTMASTER SAVE. 14cC HAMBURGER BUNS SDJ Doz. THIS WEEK AVAILABLE FRESH VEAL CUTLETSAND CHOPS FRESH FROZEN CENTRE-CUT p~V~LAMB CHOPS FROM OUR PRODUCE DEPARTMENT FANCY GRADE NEW CROP THOMPSON SEEDLESS Lb. FRESH LOCAL GROWNc CORN on the COB, 7 îDoz. MARGARET'S PENNYWORTH HON EY-DIP DONUTS Toilet Tissue (Save C ÇPkg. "4, 4Roll 14c)6 of 9 ~,Pack TOASTMAST ER CHAPMANS WHITE SLICED ICE CREAM BREAD $11.19 24 z0. ;T9 c I 1/2 Gai. 2Loaves Ass't. Flavors MONARCH (100 PER CENT PURE' VEGETABLE OIL) AOc MARGARINE 47Lb. "ýLARGEST SELECTION"' of EXOTIC AND ORIENTAL FOODS Indonesian Foods West Indies Tropical Foods Germa n Style Rye Bread Fancy Butter Creamn Cake fromn Rudolph's or Dimpflmeier Bakeries ""Corne in and browme around." DY KST RA'à*S Delicatesson Food Market "Home of Quality" 73-77 King St.. W., Bowmanville WHITBY 223 Brock St. N. Mon. -Wed. tuo6: 0 Thurn. & Fri.lot00t St.t05:30 Phone 668-6821 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, August,18, 1976 il àetef teAdio Orono, Ont. He also wasin the inurance Aug. 12, 1976 businessý and his residence Dear Sir: was next door to Rouns, where' I enjoyed reading and to see J. B. Martyn later resided, the picture of Tom Bîngham's across the street was Wm. office, which if 1 remember, Cann, an uncle of mine. Uncle was about next door to Tom as he was known, was an. Hoopers Jewellery store, east. uncle of my mothers and MIrs. Can.,H always had lots of on Sunday mnorning, Miss candies around when I was a Dorothy Bulmer, Deaconess, kid, when 1 visited him. read the Scripture passage Another cousin who ar- Romans 7-7-13 --"Jesus Christ ranged- the building of a comes to free à~ from the telephone system in Orono Law. We no longer have to was Will Colvîlle, a brother of struggle to be right with God. Dr. Neil Colville, who was a He gives us a wonderful gift - a cripple and lying in bed for gif t which leads to our own years, but knew where, if any, transformation. We need the trouble existed on the line. Law to instruct us and we need Yours truly, Jesus Christ to walk through W. E. Evans [ife.11 P.S. Don't be too hard on-' Vacation Bible School Garnet. He has his troubles.' On Tuesday, WednesdaY Also your ink was, terrible. adThursday from 9:30 - 11:30W. C.E. Congratulations are extend- ed to Mr. and Mrs.ý Karl Bergen (nee Ilene DeJong) whose marriage was solem- nized on Saturday, August 14, in Rehoboth Christian Re- formed Church, Bowmanville. Congratulations are also expressed to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Malcolm (nee Arlene Allin) who exchanged mar- niage vows on Saturday, August 14, ln the Uinited Church, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Price, Montreal are spending a few days with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Wilson. Miss Margaret Boyd, Dea- coness in the Presbyterian Church, Ottawa, has been vacationing with Miss Dor- othy Bulmer at the manse. Miss Bulmer who has re- turned fromi a four week vacation in Scotland had the pleasure of touring the high- lands and the west coast. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Abbott, Gore's Land- ing, visited with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. George Heaslip. Recent visitors with Mrs. Vera Mountjoy were Miss Dorothy Bulmer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin,-Nes- tleton, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. David Grieve and fam- ily, Toronto. Visitors with Mrs. Charles Briggs were Mr. and Mrs. Grieve and family, Toronto, Mrs. Wm. Hooey, R.R. Blackstock, Miss Bulmer, Nestleton, Mrs. Murray Coates, R.R. Port Perry, Misses Florence and Ilene Fair, Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey, Howard and Tara Lynn, Blackstock visited for Satur- day evening dinner with ber parents, Mr..and Mrs. Grant Thompson. On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Ed Lawsqn and Bruce accompanied by her sister Mrs. Marwood McKee, Blaick- stock visited Mr. McKee in Oshawa Hospital. Congratu- lations to Mr. McKee who was observing his birthday. Frîends are pleased that he was able to enjoy his birthday party. The hospital very r c graciously provided a birth- day cake with candies and his family had also presented him with another one. He was able to blow out the candies on both, cakes.' His guests joined him' in afternoon tea, courtesy of the hospital. We are ail thinking of you, Marwood. Keep up the good work. May ail your wishes corne true. Carolyn Buchan, Lindsay, aiso Susan- Proutt, Oshawa spent a few days recently with .their grandrnother, Mrs. Ivan Proutt. Other. guests during the week were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Torrance and Mrs. Jessie Powers, Lindsay. Sup- per guests on Sunday of last week were Mr. and'Mrs. John Buchan, Carolyn and Douglas, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. John Proutt, Susan and David, Oshawa and Miss Ruth Proutt, Nestleton. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Malcolm, Stratford, were Thursday callers with Miss R. Proutt. Wednesday mid-day dinner guests with Mr, and Mrs. .Harry McLaughlin were Mis- ses Florence and Ilene Fair, 'Richmond Hill. Sunday even- ing dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Marshall, and Arthur, Cannington, and their grandchiidren, Perry and Laurie Ann, Hoilings- worth, Orono. Miss Helen Parker, Glen Williams, called on friends in Nestieton and Caesarea, on Monday of iast week. Mrs. Lawrence Cooledge had evening dinner on Sunday, with her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cooledge and family, Cae- sarea. -Mr. Fred Gordon and Miss Tilly Cameron took Peggy,, Patsy, John and Jane Groves of Roseneath to Marineland and Game Farm on Saturday, August 7 and called on Dave and Carol Vivian in the evening. On August 12 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Vivian and Patsy Groves were evening dinner guests with their- Aunt Mrs. Ethel Templeton in Peter-, borough. Peggy Groves re- turned home with them and is vacationing for a week with the Vivians. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayer have returned from a delight- ful motor vacation to the Maritimes. Crossing at the Ivy s t t b? -e .COURTICE Botween Oshawo end Bowmanville Mon:-Wed.lo6:40 Thurs. &Fri.to9400-Sa.to5:00 Phone 728-1611 PORT HOPE 37 Octavie Stroet Mon. Fr, to 5:30 -Sýl ot:00 Phone 885-2423 OSHAWA 100 bond Striet West Inter vi.eie assied S. Wst m.- Cr. t, 200 - Su.t m sec Phone 728-1617 on Custom'- Made Alumoenum Doors Four convenient self-serve locationswhere you con shop in complete indoor comfort. E W LDLL ASSOCIATE STORE Lea bridge they entered the United States. They travelled to Watertown, visited Tupper Lake and Lake Placid. They ferried from Port Kent, New York State, to Burlington, Vermont also ferried atzross Lake Champlain. They drove on the controversial Magnetic Hill. At Halifax harbour the large ships came in and they also visited the Citadel. From Halifax they travelled to Peggy's Cove and enjoyed its beauty. They missed seeing the "Flower Pots" but, they saw the Reversing Falls and at Halifax they also attended service at an United Church. Returning home via Quebec and Montreal and Highway 401 the trip had been very scenic and educational. On Sunday, of last week, Mr., and, Mrs. Grahame Fish had dinner with her aunt Mrs. Russel Giles at Oakwood. Mrs. Fish spent Sunday to Wednes- day with her daughter and sons-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leishman and family, Rea- boro, and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bannister and family, Lind- .,ay. Mr. and Mrs. Fish accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. B annis- ter to Oakville on Saturday. Their grandson Keith Bannis- ter had been attending Hockey School there and it was their pleasure to see him partici- pating in a game on Saturday morniag. 1On Saturday evening when Mr. and M rs. Fîsh arrived home they were met by the family who had assembled for a surprise birthday party for Mrs. Fish. The grandchildren presented her with a 'lovely corsage. Tables had been reserved in the Rembrandt Room at Emiel's Place, Port Perry for the birthday dinner. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Holland, New- castle, Mr. and Mrs. Jîm Leishman and boys, Reaboro, Mr. and Mrs., Victor Bannister and family, Lindsay. Congrat- ulations. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ferguson, Scarborough are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Richard ýDay- ison. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. David Elliot (recently mar- ried) called on his grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Davison. Sunday Services Presbyteriaa Church In the Presbyterian Church Auto Repair 3 Queen St., BowmaànvlUe - 623-3896 Vacation Bible School was held in the Presbyterian Church basement with Miss Bulmer and Mrs. Dorothy Lee conducting the classes. Child- ren of the community, ages 5-15 years were priveledged to attend. Crafts were taught, new songs were learned and Bible stories were enjoyed. In mid morning freshie and cookies were served. Each day a discussion period follow- ed when the children told what they enjoyed most in the day's actîvities. United Church Decoration Service - 2:30 p.m. On Sunday, August 22, Decoration Service will be at 2:30 p.m. in the United Church. Reverend Jim Burn will be guest speaker. A trio from Port Perry will provide a I t r s F 9 ti L mamiffl M.zmmj RY