10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March'2, 1977 Rotar y Club Kicks Off Easter Sec! Drive Bowmanville's Rotary Club last week staged their kick-off for the 1977 Easter Seal Campaign for the Ontario Society of Crippled Children. In addition to supporting the drive financially, Rotarians also helped out by preparing about 10,000 envelopes for distribution throughout the area to raise funds for the drive. Above, John Butler (centre) of the Ontario Society for Crippled Children'shows the difference between the old and new type of braces to the club's campaign chairman, Tom Cowan (left) and president Merrili Brown (right). On January 24th the Hockin boys travelled to Bay Ridges for their lst play off game and were defeated by a 7-2 score. The boys couidn't seem to get on track as Bay Ridges hemmed tbem la their own end. The 2 Toros goals, were scored by Rolf Geisier and Jimimy Hogarth with as assist going to 'Scott Ward. The 2nd playoff game was played in Hampton on Janu- ary 29th with the Hockin boys determined to win this imnort- ant game. Bay Ridges scored early in the lst period at 9:34. The Toros came back at 8:03 on a goal by Stephen Martin witb assists going to Terry Allen and Peter Herron. Bay Ridges came back to take the lead going into the 2nd period. At 6:43 Jimmy Hogarth scored for the Toros with assists going to Steve Carruthers and Rob Siggins. Then at 1: 30 Brad Ciemens put the Toros abead by 1- goal with the assist going to Rob Siggins. Early in the 3rd period Gary Allen scored the Toros' 4th goal with Terry Allen assist- ing. Then the Toros were bit with penalties that were very costly and enabled Bay Ridges to tie the score. With just 1seconds to go and overtime looming andthe faceoff in the iToros end there was a scramble, in front of the net and Bay Ridges managed to get the puck in the net to win the game 5-4 and take the series 2-0. The Hockin boys put up a great battie and it was an entertaining and exciting game. On Feb. 5tb the Hockin boys again bosted Bay Ridges for an exhibition game and de- feated them, 2-0. Terry Allen opened tbe scoring at 9:39 of the lst period with the assist going to Stephen Martin. Tbee was no scoring in the second period as both teams piayed, great defensive hockey. At 2:24 of the 3rd period Terry Allen scored bis 2nid goal of tbe nigbt witb the assist going to Gary Allen to, round out the scoring. On Feb. 11th the Hockin boys travelled to Haliburton to participate in their annual tournament. Trhe first game saw them pitted against H-illcrest of Nortb York wbo, downed them 3-1. Hillcrest bit th~e scoreboard at 8:31ý of tbe lst period. At 2:31 of the list period Gary Allen scored on a pass from Stephen Martin. Hillcrest scored once more in the lst and again in the 2nd. Bowmanvilie bad m-any chances bu( ran up against a hot goaltender. MVP awards were given after each game and in the ist game Stephen Martin was awarded it in the first game for Bowmanville. On Feb. I2th the boys played their 2nd game against the home team of Haliburton and were defeated 5-3. The home team opened the scoring at 5:17 of the lst period. Stephen Martin tîed the score at 5:30 of the lst unassisted. Haliburton went ahead at 6:17 to end the scoring for the lst period. At 5ý:26 of the, 2nd Jimmy Hogarth once again tied the score on a beautiful goal assisted by bis linemates Greg Dreossi and Scott Ward., In the 3rd period, Haliburton gathered steam and popped in 3 quic goals. Stephen Martin brought the Toros to within 2 goals on his 2nd goal of the game with assists going to Terry Allen and Gar Allen. The home team titenup with their checking and de- fense and Bowmanviile couldn't get the equalizing goals and were eliminated from further play. On Feb. l9th Bowmanvilie hosted Oshawa LNHL Black Hawks and handed them a 4-1 loss. Terry Allen opened the scoring at 4:26 of the lst period with the assist going toý Roîf Geisier. At 9:27 of the second period Gary Allen connected for a goal assisted by Terry Allen and Stephen Martin. Oshawa finally got on the scoreboard at 5:42 of ihe 2nd period for their only goal, of the game. in the 3rd period Terry Allen scored bis second goal of the game unassisted. Then at 4:03 of the 3rd period Rob Siggins rounded out the scoring for the Toro's wîth the assist going to Scott Ward. On Feb. 26th the Toros once again hosted Bay Ridges for a return match and defeated them 4-1 in one of tbe best cbecking and passing games of the year. Terry Allen opened the scoring at 8:27 of the lst period with, the assist going to bis line mate Stephen Martin. Then at 5:38 of the lst period Brad Clemens took a pass froiri bis linemates Roif Geisier and Peter Herron and let a blistering shot go tbat, compietely eiuded tbe Bay Ridges goalie. At 2:43 of the 2nd period Bay Ridges got what was their only goal of the game. In tbe 3rd period Terry Allen scored bis, 2nd goal of tbe game assisted by Rob Siggins and Stephen Martin. As time dwindied away, Bay Ridges pulled their goalie for an extra attacker. Tbe Toros got the face off and, Brad Clemens got off a great shot in bis own end to score the 4tb Toro goal. This was a great team effo rt for the Toros as everyone gave it their ail especially the defense of.Greg Dreossi, Peter Herron and Steven Carrutb- ers. A Couple of Cute Youngsters These happy sisters are Amanda Lynn and Jennifer Denise -Woolner. Amanda is 2'/2-years-old and-Jennifer will be one-year-old on Friday, March, 4th. Their parents are Rick and Janet Woolner, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Woolner, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Humenick, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. Great grandparents are Mrs. Lydia Brooks, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. D. Gabriel, Toronto and Mr. John Humenick, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. YOUTH BOLING Tykes Smith 5, Lugtenburg 0; Goemans 3, Henriksen 2; Coombes 5, Kirkton 0; Mc- Lean 5, Desousa 0. Team standings-Smith 25, Goemrans 21, McLean 20, Desousa 19, Lugtenburg 17, Coombes 14, Henriksen 13, Kirkton il. Higb singles-J, Henriksen 135, M. Lugtenburg 134. High doubles-M. Coombes 248, M. Lugtenburg 246, C. Goemans 237, Bantam Boys H. Wesselius 7, Rozema 0; Wooiley 5, Smith 2; S. Wes- selius 7, Luxton 0. Team standings-Woolley 40, H. Wesselius 35, S. Wesselius 32, Rozemna 17, Smith 13, Luxton 2. Higb singles-E. Rozema 235, S. Wesseiius 232, R. Terry 223, S. Kirkton 216. Higb triples-S. Wesselius 601, S. Kirkton 537. Bantam Girls Seto 5, Carolyn Conneliy 2; Hancock 5, Cathy Connelly 2; Knapp 5, Desousa 2. Team standings-Knapp 43, Hancock 29, Seto 26, Desouisa 21, Carolyn Conneliy 18, Gathy Connelly il. Higb singles-Carolyn Con- nelly 208, P. Knapp 199, S. Tberrien 199, B. Seto 192, D. Hancock 190. Higb triples-S. Therrien M34, Cathy Connelly 496. Junior Boys Sutciiffe 5, Henning 2; Asburst 5, Hammond 2; Stacey 7, Bond 0; Coombes 5, Tippins 2. Team standings-Stacey 35,' Coombes 33, Ashurst 27, Bond 26, Hammond 23, Sutcliffe 19, Tippins 18, Henning 15. Higb singles-P. Coombes 269-257, A. Van Goor 238, J. Stacey 218, F. Tippîns 217, K. Hayes 207, R. Bond 206-211, G. Smith 203. Higb triples-P. Coombes 679. Junior Girls Hancock 7, Taylor 0; Ing- ram 5, McLean 2; Brunt 7, Rowe.0; Leavis 5, Williams 2. Team standîngs-Brunt 34, Hancock 34, Williams 28, Courtice Development Given Draft Approval The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education gave draft approval to the Rowe 26, Leavis 24, Ingram 21, McLean 20, Taylor il. Higb singles-W. Brunt 214, S. Ingram 202, S. Brooks 205,-208, K. Adams 204, B. Leavis 213-212, D. Reid 201, E.' Williams 202. High triples-B. Leavis 613. Senior Mixed League J. Holroyd 7, Bisbop 0; Judy Holroyd 5, Woudstra 2; Far- rell 5, Oliver 2; Lane 7, Hayward 0; Stacey 4, Cbow 3; Reynolds 5, Murphy 2. Team standings-Lane 43, ,Judy Holroyd 40, Woudstra 37, J. Holroyd 37,, Chow 33, Reynolds 22, Stacey 21, Oliver 19, Bishop 16, Hayward 16, Murphy 15. Higb games-J. Oliver 356 (722), Judy Holroyd 269-260 (720), M. Reynolds 294 (691), D. Murphy 266 (683), G. Lane (680), C. Mitchell (652), D. mEMPLOYERS Wl HAVE TRAINING DOLLAR$ AVAILABLI HAV ING DIFFICULTY FILLING YOUR SKILLED VACANCIES? DO YOUR PRESENT EMPLOYEES NEED TO BE UPGRADED? PLANNING TO EXPAND YOUR OPERATION? THE CANADA MANPOWER INDUSTRIAL TRAINING PROGRAM PRkOVIDES FINANCIAL INCENTIVES TO TRAIN .PRESENT OR PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYEES. WE CAN REIMBURSE TRAIN.EE WAGES BETWEEN 40 PER CENT - 85 PER CENT DURING THE TRAINING PERIOD! WE CAN EVEN REIMBURSE THE TRA1NER'S WAGES AND OTHER MATERIAL COSTS. MARION ARMITAGE AND ROLY CAMPEAU ARJE OUR C.M.I.T.P. SPECIALISTS. THEY WOULD BE GLAD TO HELP YQU SET UP VOUR TRAINING PROGRAM. GIVE US A CALL PR DRO P INTO OUR OSHAWA OFFICE AT 44 BOND STRE ET, WEST. OUR TELEPHONE NO. IS 728-4631. YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID. Courtice Heights Develop- ment proposai during iast week's meeting. The proposai for the 1100 unit subdivision in the Cour- tice area was passed on for examination by a committee made up of the trustees representing the Town of Newcastle. Ontario Housing Action Pro- gram (OHAP) co-ordinator William Manson outlined var- bous aspects of the subdivision proposai to the board. The subdivision is located on sites north and south- of Highway Two and on either side of Truli's Rd. in the Courtice area. Plans for the development call for a 614 acre school site àdjacenttoparkland area DIRK BRINKMAN Scugog St., Bowmanville 623.3621 44 BOND STREET WEST OSHAWA TELEPHONE: 728-4631 Bowmanvilýle M-ail Hockin Realtors Lose Out To Bay. Ridges in Playoffs ÇUSTOM DRAPE 'RY DEPARTMENT 1MARCH SPECIAL, 1 Beautiful Custom Made Tergal Sheers 1,& 00 per pleatedl foot triple fullness White, Ivory, Champagne Other colours $1,00 extra CALL FOR FREE IN HOME ESTIMýATE 623-2826 34B King St.W. Bowmanville E .. j Bowmanville , GE, -YUB King St.W.