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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1977, p. 16

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16 The Canadian Statesman, l3owmanville, March 2, 1977 KENDAL Heritage Day was Feb. zst. The Kinsmen Club _presented prizes for posters, essays art etc. to the public sehool pupils. Prizes won in Kendal were as follows: Grade 1 did a group bookiet for which the entire class received a puzzle. In addition Heather Hay did a plasticinie model and received a "well done" certificate. The Grades 2 and,3 did several projects ranging fromn Indian sculpture masks, log school house construction, pioneer tribe characters, flags and totem poles. The individual winners received $100. They were Peter Fonk, Brian Souch, Charles Mercer. The others who participated re- ceived 'well done- certifi- cates. Mr. Gleibs, the princi- pal, made the presentations. At church on Sunday morn- ing Rev. A. Tizzard's mes- sage,' the first of the Lenton messages was 'As the Crowd saw Him' taken from St. John 6. Mr. Arthur Thompson greeted the congregation at the door. Mrs. Keith Wood was organist. Mrs. Tizzard sang a solo entitled 'Sweet Peace', accompanied by Mrs. Wood at the piano. Sunday afternoon Rev. Tizzard took the services at Nel-Gor and South Haven Nursing Homes in Newcastle. Mrs. Wood and other mem- bers of the Couples' Club, supplied the music. On Tues- day evenîng, the first of the Lenton Study of the Bible was held in Newtonvîlle Church Hall. This is for people from ail three points on the charge. Mr. and Mrs. John Fonk and family from near Woodstock spent the weekend with Mrs. Eleanor Foster., -Mrs. Margaretta Stevens spent the weekend with her son and family Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens and son of Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Downes and family and Mr. Jack Stapleton spent last Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Little of Fraserville. Mr. and Mrs.,Jack Carscad- den returned home last Wed- nesday from a bus trip to Miami, Florida, and' from there they took a Caribbean Cruise for a week. They called at four different islands while on the cruise. Sunday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott were Mr. and Mrs. John Fox and Mrs. Irene Dunbar ahl fromn Peter- borough. Mrs. R. Elliott with Miss Bernice Milligan of Newton- ville attended the W.I. district executive meeting Monday afternoon at the home of the District President Mrs. M. Fraser of Solina. Mrs. M. Stevens and Miss Catherine Stewart visited with Mrs. M. Atkins last Monday afternoon. Sunday guests with Miss Catherine Stewart were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Keane, Jeffery and Janna, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Clelland, Susan and Donald all of Scarborough. ORONO The Induction Service for the Rev. Allan Haldenly will be held at St. George's Anglican Church. Newcastle on Sunday evening, March 6th at 7:30 Archdeacon Ongley of Oshawa and Re- gional Dean Rainey of Port Hope will officia te. The preacher will be Rev. Canon H.B. Snell. ARI people of both communities of Orono and Newcastle are invited to attend this induction service. Reception to follow in the Parish Hall after the service. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Plumb of Wllowdale and his mother Mrs. Ida Plumb of Bowman- ville were recent. visitors of Mrs.Ge.Mortn. of Mrs. F.G. Vagg and Unit 5 on Wednesday afternoon at the Leskard Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Romneo Tal- bout of Bethany visited her sister Mrs. Herb Murray on Mionday afternioon. The Wvýorld Day of Prayer Ser-vice v.ill be held on Friday, March 4th at 7 p.m. at St. Saviour's Anglican Church. Mr. and Mlrs. Lawrence Harris and his sister Mrs. Mlabel Williams visited their m-other Mrs. A. Harris of Oshawa on Sunday. ADDITION Quintuplets present quite a big f amnil1y problem-mother and dad and f ive to i-arry. .Tese, shoppers d 't payxay more, MARY MILES, Wieners c 1 LB. PKG. Careful shoppers know that other chains entice you with specials, then make up what you can save by charging higher prices on ail the other things you need. 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V "My average weekly saving approx-.4 5nd Mrs Thelma Busch "My average weekly saving approx. at Dominion.";$4.OO White__ Grapefuilt FLORIDA GROWN INDIAN RIVER 10/97 SIZE 48's 9 White Bread KREAMY SLICED Mr A L MacDonald "My average weekly saving approx. at Dominion.";$27 Mrs S Humpbreys "My average weekly saving approx. at Domiànion." $ U Sunkist Oranges CALIFORNIA GROWN 'SIZE8/c Peanut Butter KRAFT SMOOTH c 24 OZ. LOAF CUT FROM CANADA GRADE 'A' BEEF BONELESS FULL CUT Round Steaks- e LB. FROM CONCENTRATE GOLD DOMINION MILD PROCESS CROWN CHOICE Juice 48 FL. OZ. TIN c ASSORTED COLOURS 1 PLY BATHROOM TISSUE Cottonelle c 4 ROLL PKG. CUT FROM CANADA GRADE 'A' BEEF BONELESS, FROM THIE BRISKET PLATE Prot Roast -dm CANADA- CHOICE DOMINION Peas 14 FL. OZ. TIN Il c LB. c CHEDDAR Ceheese Suces 16 0OZ. PKG. COKE ADS LIFE Coca Cola c W I 26 FL. OZ. BOTTLE PLUS 20e DEPOSIT VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TUESDAY MARCH, 8,1977 e 'made price #l. And price did the same for us. 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