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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1977, Section 2, p. 6

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6 The Canadian Stafesman, Bowmanville, March 23, 1977 Section Two COMEX 8 Enroute with Wva rren Low es Yesferday affernoon, this Commonwealth Expedif ion, wifh ifs seven, silver buses pulied ouf of Aleppo on the road f0 Damascus. We had presented a concert of songs and dances f0 an enthusiastic audience and received gen- uine hospifali'ty in refurn. Even tbough some Syrian citizens fhemselves were turned back af the gates, we were escortect f0 the highesf rampants of the greaf Cifadel overlooking ,the sprawlîng cify of one mgllion people below. We fook careful note of the armed guards always in sight. Then a visit f0 the greaf Aleppo Museum, where many of us saw for the finsf time, the crude tols and artifacts which our fore- fathers used in tribal days. As one member of our 130 Canadian contingent remark- ed, there seemed a remark- able similarify in these dis- plays and our collections of early North American Indian arfifacts.. But now we were f0 enter the Damascus area, only a few miles fromn the border of Lebanon and the atmosphene if self was charged wifh the feelings of war readiness. Only a few nights beiore. the rector of the Damascus University had been assassin- atf1ed by a partisan student. Would if be prudent f0 enter this zone at all? As a precautionary mea- sure, we were advised nof to camp within the cif y limits, so we were given space for our tent village on the grounds of an agiculfural college about 16 kilometers in the country. At mid-nighf, our fent s were erected and all was silent while Syrain guards stood af every gafeway. Nexf day, fbree of our bouses venfured into the downfown area of Damascus and I was aboard. As a purchasing agent for one group ofcooks, if -was my function f0 buy provisions for two days. So, fogether with three other cooks, we set ouf f0, comb the markets. When fthe hour of 4:30 came around, Fran- Barry, an On- tario nurse from Abitibi Can- yon and myself were dropped off at a designafed point f0 buy bread and green groceries. An hour ,later, affen sonfing through a baîf mile of stails and a maze of side alleys, we staggened back f0 the pickup point loaded down wifh bags of Rexoi'l's Original 1i Sale is bock - and that means big savings for you. Savings you, can't aff ord f0 mits. Just buy any one of Rexall's speciol 1i Sale items at Our already low regular price, and you'Il get a second bottie, for only 'i more at JURY & LOVELL Drug Store 2 King St. E. Downtown Phone 623-3361 Bmanville WE DELIVERI 1 Courtice East Public School Broomball Champs The Courtice East Public Sehool broombali team was eager to pose for a photo after they emerged as the area's top team at the Darlington Area Broombail Tournament held on March 7th. The boys showed they really know how to hande the sport, winning the trophy after competing with. various other teams from the area for the title. The team includes from left to right above (back row) Tom Colliss, Mark Hayward, Scott Johnson, Michael Mason (middle row) Bill Mosienko, Tim Dakin, Todd Barclay, (front row) David Magee, Derek Zulkowski, Steven Anderson and Ian Soutter. cucumbers, lettuce, carrots and 40 fiat discs of unleavened bread, only f0 find thaf our bus was nowhere f0 be seen. Possibly, we thought, the police bad asked fhem f0 move on. Surely, fhey would return soon. At 5:30, we were stili standing on that corner with our groceries at our feet. Darkness wascreeping in and the coolness of nigbt came quickly. Firsf, small boys stopped f0 say, "Hello-How are you?-Their entire Englisb vocabulany. Then, in what seemed f0 be fen minutes, we wene sunrounded by a crowd of a bundred or more emof ion- ai Arabs setting up a linguisfic din. My green toque and Fran's rose-coloured coat sfood ouf like fwo, red maple leaves on a snowbank ln a sea of Middle East headdress and balloon skînfs.' We were 'quesfioned in~ Arabic, French and German. Fran worked ber higb scbooi French to its limif s and I exercised mny haiting German. But, bow do you explaîn thaf you bave been deserfed? And, since you wene diven f0 your camp in the dark last evenîag, bow do you descnibe youn home base? Or your mission, for thaf mratter? Then we were suddenly faced wifh the numbing real- izafion that we bad spent ahl our cash on the grocenies and were broke, also, thaf fravel- ler's cheques can only be cashed af banks-now closed for the day. But, at this crifical juncture, fbree, young men appeared ouf of the crowd-fwo spoke Fnench and the third a halting Englisb. These were f0 be- oun inter- mediaries, and a fine trio they were. "The police, will not allow parking in this area affer five o'clock", one said. "If will now be necessary f0 finid youn own way back f0 you fent village." The embarras- sing factor now, of course, was that we bad no idea wbere the camp was. "Will you take us f0 the Police Headquarfers?" we asked. "Yes, if will be our pleasure", tbey answered, picking up our bags. Tbey loaded- the entine lot int o a passing streetcar and insisted on paying the fane. Well, they could have been taking us anywbere but, affer a long bumpy ride tbnough a sea of bumanity-now spilling ouf into the stireef s, we arnived af an office marked, "Tourisf Police." If was locked up secunely for the night. Another consultation. This fime, I suggested fbat we go f0 the University reasoning thaf, since we wene booked f0 give a concert thene the next nighf, someone on the staff would know the location of our- camp-somebody possibly, wbo had made the arrangements. If. was ýa long shot. Fort unaf ely, the Univers- ity was only four blocks away, 50 the tîve ox us luggecî groceries along laughing and falking. "You sbould nof be wor- ried", one chap said, "We are your brothers". Thaf assur- ance was the very spirit of the Comex Expedition. How won- derful f0 hear if from a Syrian student. 1My French speaking friend was now plying me with questions and I was nof surprised thaf his main con- cern was, "Why does your Freîîch province wanf fo separafe from Canada?" I had been asked this question a, dozen times in Aleppo. "We do nof think fbey will separate and, in the inferesf of unity, we hope they will nof", was my stock answer. Ten minutes lafer, we an- rived at the Universit y build- ings only f0 find fhem in. darkness-all, thaf is, excepf the library, As the door opened, a short man sfepped ouf, took note of my green toque and Fran's rose- coloured coasf and posed his question. "You are wifh the' Comex people?" "Indeed, we are-and we are losf as well. " I added, "Do you know the location of the agricultural buildings where our encamp- ment is locafed?" "We will find your camp", be replied, bis kind face lighting up. He was a Lebanese professor, he said, feaching French at the University. Accondingly and wit bout deiay he hailed a passing taxi. Af f bis point, we expressed our thanks f0 the fhnee students and said'goodbye. "Don'f thank us", one said "If is our duty." But we stili had one more surprise f0 come. In the taxi, the professor revealed thaf he, bimself, bad no idea where tbe Comex contingent was quar- fered. We cerfainly could nof direct him. Heading in the general direction of Allepo, we started to run int o a senies of milifary check, points, where the car was fhoroughly inspecfed and a spirifed conversation f ook place in Arabic. Af the lasf stop, the car lurched forward and the professor announced thaf be had solved the problem.Three silver 'buses carrying English insignia had passed tbrough earlier in tbe evening and taken a sideroad flanked by somç fruit orch- ards f0 the ighf.' Ten kilometers down this road, I recognized a large poster that 1 had seen in the gloom the previous night. The taxi pulled up before the guarded entrance. We begged a few moments of time in order fo raise the taxi bill from our compatriofs inside the gafe and thanked the Lebanese professor for efforts beyond the caîl of duty. The central theme of the Comex idea is an exercise in international diplomacy and the fosfering of goodwill among people of many Nations. These Syrians had turned the tables on us. Would this have bappened in Cana- da?9 We wondered - Agricutural News By Rod Stork, Asseciate Agiutural Representafive 1977 4-H Agriculfural Club Progra m Plans are well undenway for organizing the 1977 Agnicul- tural Program for 4-H Clubs in Durham County. In orden fo gef more membens ouf f0 the Organizafional Day, and f0 prevent conflicts with scbool activities and exams during the montb of Apnil, we bave decided f0 bold a day-long Acf ivity Onganizafion Meeting on Saturday, Apnil 2nd, af the Kinby Cent ennial Public School sfarfing af 9:30 a.m. During the day-long program, ail 4-H Agricultural Clubs in the Counfy wiil be set up, executives wili be named, programs wi11 be laid ouf, meeting places and dates set, supplies handed ouf, and so on. Ia this way ail of the clubs will leave the school af fhe end of the day knowing wbaf prognam they will be carrying ouf during the upcoming yean, and then fheir negular meet- ings can stant cither in lafe Apnil or early May. If is, therefore, very important thaf anyone planning on going int o 4-H in 1977 attend this event as there will be no separafe club onganizafional rleetings as la ftbe past. Pnojects that will be offered in 1977 include: Dairy Caîf (Junior & Senior Heifen), Beef Caîf (including Junior or Senior Heifer on Beef Steen), Swine, Sbeep, Goat, Field Crops (including grain, corn & bay), Farm Management, Veferinany, Farm Safety, Landscape Gardening, Con- servation, Rabbit, Hope Caîf Club (either' Beef or Dairy, and senior). Ofher projecfs sucb as Potato could be offered if there is enougb infenest la forming a club. During the Acf ivify Day there will be a pnogr'am canied on by the 4-H Mem- bers' Council including social necreafion, games and danc- ing. Befween these acfivities individual clubs will hold thein onganizafional meefings., Anyone who is inferesfed in joining 4-H for the firsf time in, 1977, is reminded f0 bring their own lunch on the 2nd, and milk and donuts will be supplied. The prognam will be wrapped up by .3:30 p.m. in the afternoon. 4-H is a pnogram thaf is open to young people, bofh rural and urban, between the ages of 12 and 19 as of January 1sf, 1977. If some of the projecfs thaf are menfioned above are of intenesf f0 you or if you want more informa~tion about the 4-H program, contact the Agicultunal office in Bow- manville, or corne on ouf f0 the meeting on April 2nd. We look forward f0 seeing a good tunnouf that day, and let's get the 1977 4-H Program off f0 a good stant wifh a good deal of enfhusiasm sbown ýby al members. Cluster Flies As spring approaches, home ownens may notice rather large flies which seem f0o appear from nowhere. This year bas been no exception f0 this and we have been receiving a large number of catis from home owners wondering what f0 do for these f'lies. These flies although fhey seidom enfer homes during the summer monfhs, corne inside in' the l'ail to find a warrn place to spend the winter. On warm winten days, the flics awake from their dormant stage and stagger slowly along window ledges and of ber warm areas. AI- though cluster flies do not cause any hanm duning their stage indoors, tbey are a nuisance. The besf way f0 get nid of cluster flues is sf iii the tradifional mefhod of sweep- ing fhem up during the winfen. Be sure f0 check aftic vents , and roof eaves for ýcrevices where tbe flues can gef in. Ina the spring, the flues will leave the bouse and sf art a new generation, fhe female lays eggs in the sou wbere fhe larvae develop and lîve as parasites on earfb worms. Wifh the first cool days of early fait the aduif flics into our houses, barns, and gar- ages for the winter. Each year there are probably two or three generations of cluster flues and this makes it, very difficuit to establish any kind of effective control program. We hope to be receiving very quickly a small publication on control of Cluster Flies, now- ever, we would urge home- owners to use the tried and true method of vacuuming or sweeping up the flies rather than trying f0 carry out a spray programn of any kind wbich should probably be leff in the hands of a licensed l'est Control Officer. Food Forum 1977 Ladies in fhe Durham Counf y area are reminded f0 circle Mardi 31sf, 1977 on fheir calendar when fhe Ministry of Agriculfture and Food will be sponsoring a Food Forum entitled "More About Nutri- tion and Family Meals." This evening of food demonstra- fions will be held af the Maple Grove United Church Hall beginning af 7:30 p.m. There will be cooking' demonstra- fions witb some nutrition discussion fbroughouf the program. Some feafured recipes on the programn are: Stuffed Hearf, Broccoli Soup, Vegefable Dip, Company Rice Pudding and-Breakfast Gran- ola. Everyone is welcome f0 attend the meeting. If is free of charge and a free.recipe bookief will be banded ouf for ail of those who aftend. Bring a group of fiends and you can be assured of, an evening of valuable information and en- joyment af the Food Forum, "More About Nutrition and Family Meals", on March 31sf. Improve Your Boar Power A good replacement pro- gram for boars could increase profits for Pork Producers. Keepiag boars f00 long resuits in poor conception rates, and smaller litters and this can cost producers money. Many producers do nof pay enough attent ion f0 working ouf a replacement sehedule for boars even thougb fhey are very diligent in keeping such a scbedule for replacement of sows in their herd. Producers should purchase a boar two montbs before required especially if a boar weighs about 200 pounds. If is suggesfed that buying a boar at 6 mont hs for use in the herd at about 8 monfbs of age. The average boar can be used effectively in the herd for about 21/2 years. The besf way f0 begin servicing is about 250 f0 300 pounds, or wben the boar is about 8 months old. Producers are also advised f0 isolate the new boar from the rest of the herd for about 3 weeks if he is purchased from anot ber farmi. In this way, you will' be sure you are not introducing any new diseases f0 your herd If is wise f0 let the young boar gradually fake the re- sponsibilify of the mature boar in your herd. You should begin senvicing before fthe mature boar leaves the herd. Producers sbould work on a ratio of one boar fo every twenf y sows. More boar power may be required depending on the densify of breeding over short periods of time within your own herd. However, a sample replacement schedule might go as follows: purchase a boar in March of 1977, and use it until Sept ember 1979, plan to buy a replacement boar in March 1979. In this way, you will have a continu- ous flow of breeding power in, your sow herd, and be able to maint ain an effective litter schedule in your s0w opera- tion. DIRK BRINKMýAN 623-3621 DURHAM ATTIC INSULATION CUT COST 0F HEATING BLOWN CELLULOSE FIBRE FREE ESTIMATES CALL COLLECT ORONO 983-5423 or 983-5893' H&R Block has seventeen reasons why you sould let them prepa're your income tax return."9 Reason Number Seven: H& R Block has offices open ail year long. Preparing income tax returns is their business and that requires being available to help, whatever time of year that help is needed. You cani know that Block wil be there. H&R BLOCK THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 14A DIVISION ST. BOWMANVILLE Just below King Mon. to Fri. - 9a.m. to 6p.m. Saturdays - 9a.m. to 1p.m. PHON E 623-6454 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY 4~ ******************* * SMarci Sal Most Si ngl< Records' * * * * Break~ le. e Albums* EACH Thurs., Fn., Sat. March, 24 ~StarB 4~33 King St. E. m-25 m-26 -Aob Lecordsm; 623-6466* Bowmanvil le* ONiLY$4,67 z

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