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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1977, p. 8

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8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 23. 1977 623-33031 FLASHBACK - 25 YEARS, AGO - Goodyear Office Staff hockey team defeated the Fan Beits to end the Goodyear House Schedule. Winning team members are Roy Falls, Bill Harrison, Larry Chant, George Piper, Jim Martyn, Bud Perfect, Don, Gilhooly, Frank Mohun, John Luxton, and Peter Stacey. F LASHACK - W0 YEARS AGO - Winners in the Senior Men Curlers at Bowmanville Curling Club were A. Code, G. Vinson, H. Ormiston, W. Cox, J. Gay, L. God dard, R. Law- ton, M. Brock, R. Couttie, W. Goode, E. Ander- son, N. Holmes, A. R. James, G. Lander, K. Ormiston, S. Worden, W. Maindonald and N. Holmes. PORT DARLINGTON - Marina Jr. C. Red Eagles Hockey teamn are in the quarter finals against Stoney Creek. A crowd of about 900 attended the opening game on Sunday night at the local arena. The Red Eagles look good and could go ail the way. As well as good hockey support for the team, a good sum of money is won by-some lucky person. Could be you, so come on down and cheer them on. The second game of their best seven series was played in Stoney Creek on Tuesday. Third game wl e at Darlington Sports Centre tonight at 8:30. Fourth game in Stoney Creek Friday at 8:15 and fifth game here next Sunday, March 27 at 7:30. If a sixth game is necessary it probably will be played in Stoney Creed the following Tuesday. HIGH SCHOOL -. students across Canada are planning to participate in a one-hour run the week of April 24th, in the hope of promoting intercollegiate sports, encourage participation and to raise funds for inter-scholastic pro- grams. Each province wlll take part in the Cross-Canada Run planned by the Canadian Federation of Provincial School Athletic As- sociations. It is hoped meetings will be held in the schools to work out details. OSHAWA'- Legion Green Gaels, of the Ontario Lacrosse Association Jr. A League continue to hold work-outs at the Civic Dome, with 31 players attending what is described by general manager Jim Bishop as an instructional camp. Among those trying out are Kelly Mitchell and Guy Morey. BASSIN - is back with the Oshawa Generals Jr. A. Hockey Club as general manager, re- placing Gus Bodnar. A new coach will be hired to replace Bassin. CONGRATULATIONS - to the Bowmanville High School hockey team who recently won the- league championship for the third consecutive year, defeating Curtice and Clarke in the finals. BIKE-A-TIION - the annual Oshawa Kinsmen Club bike-a-thon will be held this year on Sun- day, May lst. LIONS- hockey ticket winners were Floyd Fowler, Don Hanna, Jim Byers, W. Haisma, Paul Black and Ray Goode., JUVENILES TWO UP - Last- Wednesday at Darlingtoni Sports Centre, the St. Marys Ce- ment Juvenles did a great job in their second encounter with Collingwood, blanking them 3 - 0 to go two up in their best of five series. They don't play again until Thursday in Col- lingwood when they could wrap it up and con- tinue on to the next round. However,- if Colling- wood should happen to win, the fourth game will be played here on Saturday. Linesmen Step in ta Hait Difference of Opinion This photo shows that differences of opinion do develop when energetic hockey players meet in combat on An ice surface. This one occurred during the opening playoff game between the Stoney Creek Attic Sports and Port Darlington Marina and Hotel Jr. C. Eagles on Sunday night here and happened in front of the Bowmanville playèrs bench with Dean Morgan the Bowmanville player involved. The linesmen have just stepped in to queli the scrap, giving the other players a bit of rest. Those involved also were provided with rest time in the penalty box for their misdemeanor. - Photo by Rick James. Port Darlington aglqi-es Trounce Stoney Creek in First Game Here of Junior C Qvuaier Finals By Don Wilcox Coach BillI Casburn sure had his Red Eagles charged up and waiting to do battle with Stoney Creek Warriors at the Bowmi-anville Arena, Sunday evening. It took the Eagles only one minute to get the first penalty and only 3:15 to score the first goal, Jerry Johnston assisted by Ron Strike and Gary Cox. Goal number two was scored by Joe Humenick assisted by Knox and Cox at 6:02, Nick Van Seggelen from Ron Strike at 9:20. Then a power play goal at 13:06 by Brian Simpson assisted by Joe Humenick and Rory Gibbs, The Eagles took nine penalties to Stoney Creek's eight,, out- shot the rupitors 21 to 4 and led 4 to 0 at the end'of the first period. In the second period again, the Eagles took most of the penalties but did alI the, scoring at the 12 second mark Joe Humenick scored from Simpson and Gibbs at 13:08 Dean Morgan from Terry Sargînson, again at 19:53 Terry Sarginson from Humen- ick and Van, Seggelen. The EagleýIs again outshot Stoney Creek 23-6. The score was 7-0 for the Eagles at the end of two periods. The Eagles seemed to let up in the third period and at the 5:49 mark Stoney Creek spoiled Lenny Chappell's shut out. The Eagles then got back on the beam at 9:05. Boyd Knox scoring from Simpson, and Gibbs. Then Van Seggelen agaîn from Spicker and Sar- ginson. The Fagles closed out the scoring with a power play goal at 15:29, Boyd Knox from Rory Gibbs. Th~e Eagles agaîn outshot the opposition 24 to 8. Humen- ick and Gibbs were the top point men with four each, only Steve Dunn and goaltneder Lenny Chappeil failed to get on the score sheet. Just maybe we will wish we had saved some of these goals for the next game in Stoney Creek. We hope that will not be the case. The Red Engles manage- ment also camie up lucky last -evening as they won the coin toss for the third game, which means the series with Stoney Creek continues just the way it started with the Eagles having the home ice advantage for the third, fifth and seventh game if necessary. The dates for this series are: Game 2-March' 22 at Stoney Creek 8:15 p.m., Game 3, March 23 at Bowmanville, 8: 30 p.m. (Darlington Arena) , Game 4, March 25 at Stoney Creek, 8:15 p.m., Game 5, March 27 at Bowmanville, 7:30 p.m. The dates for games six and seven have not been set as of this writing but it seems this series is supposed to be given by March 31. Hope to see ahl you fans Wednesday night at the Darl- ington Arena.- St,. Marys Cernent Juve niles Blank Collingwood A well played, entertaining Thirdj hockey match at Hampton on be play( Wednesday, March 16 ended Thursda in a 3-0 shutout for Bowman- fourthg ville over Collingwood. will bep The game was held up one Arenac hour because referees were March2 notified of a later starting time. However, this delay did flot affect the players on either rBs team as they put on a good display of hockey for three t The first period was played cautiously with each team waiting for the break to pop in the first goal. This did flot happen and the period ended in a scoreless tie. The second period continued to be evenly played and with just 2:50 left to play, Jim Maquire scored to give Bow- manville the lead and the eventual winning goal. Rick Con Scott worked hard in the Tell is corner taking a Collingwood tom o r player out of the play and c h ailý picking up the puck, passed to ett[r Neil Ryan who' passed tovray Maguire for the goal.1 Collingwood took a couple of 'Y'u as penalties near the end and at the end of the period. This left them two men short to begin M the third period. They were costly penalties as Peter Sero a scored early in the third to put Bowmanville up by two. Ralph Cryderman assisted on the play. At 11: 42 of the period Cryderman deked the goalie for the final goal. Rick Scott set up Joe'Burns who worked bard, carrying the puck past Collingwood players to set up the play for the goal. Superb goaltending by Dan Wilcox plus strong back checkng by forwards and defencemen accounted for the shutout victory. vî_W -O dgame of the series will yed in Collingwood on lay, March 24th. If a game is necessary it played at Bowmanville on Saturday evening, 26th. - eapart et ie action BOWLING Tykes Henriksen 3, Smith 2, De- sousa 5, Kirkton 0; Coombes 3, Lugtenburg 2; McLean 3, Goemans 2. Team standings-McLean 33, Smith 32, Goemans 31, Henrik- sen 26, Lugtenburg 24, De- sousa 24, Coombes 17, Kirkton 13. High singles-M. Coombes 161, K. Smith 136. High doubles-M. Coombes 251. Bantam Boys H.- Wesselius 7, Smith 0; S. Wesselius 7, Rozema 0; Wool- ley 7, Luxton 0. Team standings-H. Wes- selius 54, Woolley 52, S. Wesselius 49, Smith 32, Roze- ma 21, Luxton 2. High singles-S. Wesselius 226, H., Wesselius 218. High triples-H. Wesselius 514, S. Wesselius 509, G. Kennett 502. Bantam Girls Carolyn Connelly 4, Hanc- cock 3, Seto 7, Desousa 0; Knapp 7, Cathy Connelly 0. Team standings-Knapp 64, Hancock 39, Seto 33, Desousa 33, Carolyn Connelly 26, Cathy Connelly 15. High singles-K. Black 213. Junior Boys Coombes 4, Henning 3, Bond 5, Ashurst 2; Stacey 7, Tippins 0; Hammond 5, Sutcliffe 2. Team standings-Stacey 53, Coombes 47, Ashurst 37, Bond 36, Hammond 33, Sutcliffe 30, Tippins 22, Henning 22. High singles-P. Coombes 243-224, R. Henning 215-306, B. Richards 213-260, R. McLean 200-219, T. Halîman 213-205, S. Richards 232, F. Tippins 211, M. Luxtoin 238-242, R. Sutcliffe 212-251. High triples-R. Henning 705, B. Richards 654, M. Luxton 641, P. Coombes 615, R» Sutcliffe 606, R. McLean 602. .. JuniorGirls McLean 7, Rowe 0; Taylor 7, Williams 0; Leavis 7, Ingram 0; Hancock 4, Brunt 3. Team standings-HRancock 45, Brunt 44, Leavis 40, McLean 34, Williams 33, Taylor 30, Ingramn 28, Rowe 26. High singles-B. Leavis 236- )me and tell us wvhat you're Iooking for in a job. is what you are today and \what you want to be ýrrow). Ask us if wve cao offer OPPOrtunl'ties and nqes to match your needs. No obligations on side. We'il Lxe g'nd to talk. And we rnay have just yoi t re lookinq for. But you'l neyer know until Visit our lobile Recruiting Unit nadýa.Manpower Centre OSHAWA WEDNESDAY 2,9, 16,23 and 30 MARCH 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. TrHE <M CANADIAN ýý« ýARMED FORCES. 225-257, K. Adams 201-221-213, D. Taylor 202-222, C. Crossey 215, W. Brunt 215, M. Marney 210. High triples-B. Leavis 718, K. Adams 635, D. Taylor 614. Senior Mixed League Chow 5, Murphy 2; J. Holroyd 4, Reynolds 3; Lane 7, Oliver 0; Farrell 5, Woudstra 2; Stacey 7, Hayward 0; Judy Holroyd 7, Bishop 0, Team standings-Lane 57, Woudstra 52, J. Holroyd 51,, Farrell 51, Judy Holroyd 49, Chow 44, Stacey 40, Reynolds 30, Oliver 26, Murphy 26, Hayward 20, Bishop 16. High games-A. Chow 318-280 (783), J. Holroyd 298 (711), B. Fairey 301 (692), C. Mitchell 262 (6841), M. Leddy 254, L. Richards 250. st. Joseph's Top ten averages-Roy Sand- ison 213, Lois Woodcock 209, Bob Brown 206, Gary Conway 203, Bill White 203, Darryl Somerscales 202, Les Hunt 200, Judy Rand 199, Marg King 197, Mary Chisholm 195. Team standing-Roy Sandi- son 30805 pinfaîl, 51 points, Gary Conway, 30902, 48, Les Hunt 30939, 45, Bob Brown 30686, 41 Doug White 29575, 35, Bill White 30323, 33, Clayton Morgan 29008,- 33, Lois Wood- cock 29535, 22. MOSPORT - will host the following major events this season: - 1. The Molson Diamond Indy - July 3. A 300 kilometre event for USAC Indianapolis- type cars, part of the United States Auto Club championship series. 2. The Molson Diamond motorcross Grand Prix of Canada - July 24. A worldchampionship 125 c.c. motorcross event. 3. The Molson Diamond Canada weekend - August 20 and 21. A weekend program to include the return of the Can-Am series, plus a trans-am championship event and a round in the worldchampionship for makes. 4. The Molson Diamond motorcycle grand Lprix of Canada - Sept. 18. A world championship îCORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Men's ..Lôbb Bail League Umpires are required for the 1977 season. 'Umpires will be paid by the game. There wilI be Umpire Training Classes before the season starts. Anyone interested please contact Recreation Department, Bowmanville Town Hall, or John Willan, Bowmanville 623-2618 or Bob Henderson, Newtonville 786-2555. 19 75 GMC ¾ Ton Pickup Ask to see the complete service filé on this one owner pickup. Fully equipped with 350V8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, heavv duty suspension, rust proofed when new, complete with pickup cap. LIC. D)74836. 1973 Chev ½ 2Ton Pickup Excellent running truck. V8, automa- tic, 700 x 15 Michelin radial truck tires. Lic. B22381. 166 King St. E. 6g23-3396 B;afs care beaufiful: stylish and well fhcught'ouf. T1,he safe s true of a mans wardrobe Clothes shouid have a flair but fhey shaula alsa have thatfifne attention fo defail fhat distinguishes fhem frcrr fhe ardlnary You I final ifin my new Spring Callectian. Tese suifs and sporf cnafts of 100% fexfurized Dacran' calyester fabric bv Klapman' have a sfyle as refreshina as car acean breeze On sea, ar iard ycjll never look better' Also ... co-ordinafing shirts and fies Exclusively in Bowmanville of ken's o'.m i s Wear Nexf Door f0 the T-D Bank 35 Tomporonco St. N. Bowmanville Phàne Weldon Brown - Stew Preston Cedric Russell or CIiff Moore "The Home of OId-Foshioned Hospitalit y"

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