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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1977, p. 11

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 16, 1977 il The Newcastle Indepei Editors. Jack and Hazel Crago Te Village of Newcastle N Residents of the village were shocked Monday evening to hear of the sudden passing of Mr. Harry Jose. We extend deepest sympathy to relatives and friends. Mrs. Florence Ferguson entertained the ladies of the Euchre Club on Monday, Nov. 7.' Mr. and Mrs. Alf Norton, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Miller. Mr. and Mrs. George Web- ster, Millgrove, were Tuesday callers at the Crago's. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hockin, Oakville, were weekend visitors with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce. Miss Isobel Allin, Oshawa, enjoyed the weekend festiv- ities at the United Church, Newcastle, being an overnight guest of Mrs. George Alun on ---Saturday., Mr. and Mrs. Ted Walton, Brampton, visited relatives in the village on the weekend. Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs Alec Mnrtin were Mrs. Alba Cryderman, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin, Bowmanville, Mrs. Florence Ferguson and Mr. Charles Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Perrin visited last week with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Perrin and their new daughter Heather, Brampton. Patients in hospital include Mr. Verne Rowe in Toronto General, Mrs. Dorothy Hay in Toronto Western, Mrs. Glenda Rumbles in Trenton, Mrs. Ceci] Malley in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Sorry to report Mrs. Margaret Pearce is indis- posed with a broken ankle. Sympathy is extended to the family, relatives and friends of William John Arthur Far- row, who died as a result of an industrial accident on Thurs- day, November lOth. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Farrow, Welcome, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and urs. RsseAlhin. SPECIAL SAVINGS ON MEDICINE CA BINETS, PL ASTIC SHOWE R STALLS, SINKS, CERAMIC TILE and MANY OTHERS. ALL ITEMS AVAILABLE AT OR THROUG H ANY BRANCH STORE. Sale Ends November 26th Charles Parnell, Mrs. Bertha Daniels and Neil and Mrs. Ruby Warburton, Oshawa. Anglican Church News St. George's ACW had a very successful sale of baking in the Newcastle Community Hall last Saturday and they wish to thank all who support- ed them. 1 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Clemence, Oshawa, who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday, Nov. 12th at Kings- view United Church, Oshawa. Guests were present from Kitchener, Cambridge, Oak- ville, Pickering, Toronto Oshawa, Bowmanville, Courtice and Newcastle. > On Saturday night at 9:55 p.m. the Newcastle Firemen were called to a tanker truck loaded with deisel fuel at the Hwys. 35-115 and 401. The tires were burning but three fire trucks were called to the scene to prevent further trouble. Mrs. Amelia Lancaster and Mrs. Madeleine Buckley attended the Central Ontario Area Convention of the Women's Institute at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, last Wednesday and Thursday. The Senior Citizens of New- castle 1meet this Thursday, Nov. 17 at the Newcastle Community Hall. About 48 Senior Citizens from Newton- ville, Newcastle and Bowman- ville enjoyed a bus trip to the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair on Friday, Nov. lth. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell on the week- end included Mr. Harold Powell and Mr. Art Van Dolder, Toronto, Miss Judith Powell, Cobourg, Miss Barbara Bowman, Sarnia and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hunt, Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. William Atkin- son, Sundridge, visited on the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William McCracken. Miss Candy Storks, Scar- borough, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Storks. Mr. and Mrs. William Wade' and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade on Friday attended in Kings- ton the funeral of Mrs. Grace Wade, a sister-in-law of Mr. Wade, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gar- rod Jr. and her mother, Mrs. Raye Friedlander, Toronto, spent the weekend in Kingston where they attended the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. C. Bombard, Kings- ton. Mrs. Friedlander and Mr. Wm. Lake were the attendants 50 years ago. Miss Charlotte Haldenby, Sault Ste. Marie, visited her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Allan Haldenby over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. R. Brenton Rickard were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Storey Beare, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. David Milton, Ottawa, spent the weekend with her family, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Paterson and Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. Don Murdoch, Kars were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Mrs. Alma Bell, Oshawa, is spending a few days with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. James Murray. Mrs. Nora Colwill, Mr. Jim Colwill and friend, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Glenney, Mr. Edward Glenney and Miss Marjorie Clemence attended the reception and dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Clem- ence, Oshawa, on their 50th wedding anniversary at Kingsview United Church, Oshawa, on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Lake Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brown, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Lake and children attended the 50th wedding celebrations of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bombard, Kingston. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Scott were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tinling, Jeff and Meghan, Mississauga, Miss Cathy Scott and friend, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Rob Scott, Lorraine and Justin, Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Smith, Toronto, were weekend visit- ors with her brother-in-law. and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Delvin and Mary, Belleville visited relatives in the village on Saturday, Mr. May Burley, Arthur Clarke and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson and were among the many visitors who enjoyed the U.C. turkey dinner. Mrs. Alice Quinney accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Scott, Agincourt to Omemee on Sunday to visit ber sister.- in-law, MVrs. Jean Gwilliams and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kimbaîll Port Granby, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Kimball. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Coulter, Kevin and Keith, Toronto and neices, Angel and Cindy Sma"l, °altn eenay Samuel Powell. Mrs.NeHe Boddingtn, visit with ber friend, Mrs. Saturdayvisitons with Mr. Charles Cowan were Mr. and ident lephone 987-4201 ews (Editor's note: Such a variety of food and the chelsea buns were deliclous!) A sprinkle of snow and the cold made the Nov. il Service at the Cenotaph authentic. The teachers and pupils of the Public School assembled with the Canadian Legion and the townspeople for the Service conducted by Rev. Allan Haldenby of St. George's and Father Frank Mihelic of St. Joseph's. The Canadian Legion to the music of the Pipe Band, marched to St. George's for the Sunday evening Remem- brance Service. The Golden Legionnaires assisted St. George's Choir, The Legion-- naires sang two anthems. Richard Lovekin read the Lesson. The sermon was about the mystical bravery of people in time of war and how it is not possible to measure it. We should not discount our youth today in their possibilities. Ian Gordon Moulton was baptized at the 11:15 Service in St. George's. He is the son of Gordon and Catherine Moul- ton. Mrs. Jenny Park sang a solo. Freedom to worship, baptize our children, and teach them the Christian Faith is an example of the freedom we received from the sacrifice of men and women who served in the wars remembered at this time. Lionettes News The Newcastle Lionettes met Thursday evening, Nov. 10 at the home of Lionette Betty Lou Locke, with fourteen members present. After consuming the usual delicious meal, President Kathleen Stephenson conduct- ed the business. Starting in January, the meetings are to begin at 6:45 p.m. sharp. Plans were made for helping with the Lions' Millionaires' Night, Nov. 30th and for the Christmas Carol Singing. The meeting was then adjourned. United Church News On Sunday, Nov. 13 at Newcastle United Church, the 153rd anniversary was cele- brated with guest preacher, Rev. John Morris, M.A., B.D., S.T.M., from Binkley United Church, Hamilton. During the service, Gordon Jose and Janice Munro delivered Prayers. The story for the children showed that the Church is the centre of the village. The sermon, As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, demonstrated that the past and future are examined at anniversaries but the important time is the present. Mr. Alfred Perrin outlined the visitation pro- gramme which is taking place this week. At the close of the service, Rev. David Spivey invited all to the Sunday School Hall to meet Rev. and Mrs. Morris over a cup of coffee and cookies. At the Evening Service Friendship was the theme provided for the Youth. Youth groups attended from Bow- manville Trinity, Courtice and Orono. Calvin Allin, President of the Hi-C, welcomed all. Carol Selby read the Scrip- ture. Gary Schmid delivered a Prayer. Gordon Allison and Shirley Allin rendered song; items, as did the Newcastle Hi-C. Glen Schmid introduced the executive members of the Hi-C. Richard Binkammer, Queen's University, Kingston, delivered a thought-provoking reading on Friendship, sup- ported by readings from Jean Venier. Geoffrey Bowler read the Offertory Prayer. Mr. Jack Chard and bis wife Dorella, Rev. David Spivey and Mrs. Spivey are to be commended for the fine work with the Hi C Young People. As the song Let there be Peace on Earth was sung, each Newcastle Hi C member lit a candle and proceeded down the aisles to end an impressive Youth Service. On Saturday night, Nov. 12th the Turkey Supper pro- vided a great evening for work and sociability. This Thursday the Tadpoles meet at 4 o'clock. Don't forget your bag lunch. . Prayer for the week is: Lord, challenge me to see the world as a fruitful harvest field, and myself as one of your labourers. Amen. . Remembrance Day Service On Friday, Nov. 11th at the Newcastle Cenotaph the annual Remembrance Day Service was observed under the leadership of Rev. Allan SEPTIC TANK PUMPING and INSPECTION To prevent winter robIems Ca l Claude Harness 416-786-2552 formerly owned by Bert Tompkins Reasonable rates Ontario, Town of ' Newcastle, Royal-Canadian Legion, Veterans of Newcastle, Ladies Auxiliary of Royal Can. Legion, Lions Club of New- casle, Pine Ridge Kinsmen Club, Newcastle Businessmen Newcastle Family Wreath, Clarke High Sehool and New- castle Public School. After the Last Post and ReveilletRev. Frank Mihelie closed the Service with a fitting message and Prayers. After the singing of God Save the Queen, Rev. Haldenby tendered special thanks to the school children and teachers for their attendance. Newcastle Community Bowling 200 and Over Ladies B. Major 259-234-201, G. Henry 201, J. Holmes 215, M. Wade 238, B. Dickson 203, B. Petherick 242-215, J. Jones 235, T. Langstaff 226, D. Mercer 202, D. Neal 208-231, D. Walker 208, E. Meadows 213, D. Kelly 202-217. Men I. Faris 224, B. Forget 257, G. Cowling 295-268-283, W. Flintoff 262-230-243, G. Calder 205, G. Watson 248-242, E. Taylor 223, S. Powell 233-226, J. Schultz 298, J. Graham 223, T. Embley 273, B. Farrow 296-214, R. Suteliff 204-223, K. Cowling 203, M. Henry 208-253, H. Clark 216. Thursday Mixed F. Lewis 219-207-242, K. Southern 231, T. Hamre 203, J.! Forget 257-205, Bob Forget 239, R. Forget 208, B. Forget 212-242-250, J. Ritchie 233-20, B. Glanville 220. Friday Mixed P. Willems 275, H. Webb 214, T. Cowles 218, L. Pearce 242, S. Nicholson 222, H. Nicholson 228, E. Keller 210, A. Pearce 270-261, M. Burley 216, J. Holmes 201, B. Glanville 213-264, B. Madili 231, B. Call 200, R. Burley 249-246, H.M. Munro 217, T. Embley 206, R. Pearce 226-228, M. MacDonald 206-255, G. Henry 207, M. Henry 221-221, R. Good 233- 316-337, B. Kentner 218. Weed ending Nov. 4. 200 and Over B. Petherick 223, L. Crock- ett 200, B. Mercer 204, M. Wade 267-211, J. Holmes 207, R. Sinoss 285, D. Kelly 201, B. Major 266, S. Foster 263-208- 208, D. Neal 244-208-205, H. Couroux 206, D. Walker 212, J. Stere 260-218, A. Langstaff 207-222, I. Patton 201, T. Langstaff 217-281-243, C. Lang- staff 217. Men B. Stapleton 228-284, J. Graham 209, H. Clark 227-245, R. Sutcliff 255-227, T. Embley 289-200, B. Farrow 203-216, M. Henry 226-221, G. Cowling 216, G. Kimball 209, I. Faris 212-211, W. Flintoff 201-228, G. Calder 231, E. Taylor 201, J. Clapdorp 266, J. Forrester 276, B. Lewis 242-215. Thursday Mixed R. Forget 206, B. Forget 224-224-249, J. Ritchie 233, F. Lewis 202-225-208, W. Forget 208, K. Southern 208-230, B. Glanville 226-218, E. Stephens 215, J. Forget 231. Friday Mixed R. Good 221-236, G. Kentner 266, B. Madill 221, B. Call 202, H. Call 214, R. Pearce 238, M. MacDonald 255, T. MacDonald 208, M. Henry 208, M. Pearce 208, R. Burley 243-201, H.M. Munro 202-209, T. Embley 313-339, A. Vogels 228, M. Vogels 203, P. Willems 209-200, L. Willems 216 B. Glanville 200, A. Pearce 240, L. Pearce 238-200, S. Nicholson 214-240, H. Nicholson 203-203. Week ending Nov. 11. Specialty Cheese Production Canadian cheesemakers are stepping up their production of specialty cheeses to meet a growing demand for these non-cheddar varieties. Last year they produced 105 million pounds of specialty cheeses, up 16 per cent from the 1975 level. The 64 different kinds of cheeses ranged from soft camemberts to pungent limburgers, with mozzarella accounting for more than half the total specialty cheese production. Agriculture Canada's dairy division is currently conduct- ing a fact-finding survey of aill specialty cheese manufact- urers across the country as part of its responsibility to advige on programs affecting the mndustry. E MPOR IUM (Newcastle F lea Market) at Hwy.115 and North St., Newcastle NOW O PE N Every Saturday and Sunday 10Oa.m. - 6p.m. Haldenby and Rev. Frank Mihelic and Legion members Edmund Majer and Stanley Dunn. After the singing of O Canada, Rev. Haldenby led in the nesponsive reading of Psalms 46 and 144 and the reading of the Seniptures. After the singing of O Valiant Hearts, Mayor Garnet Rick- ard nead the names of the Fallen (1914-18) A.B. Bloom, E.A. Coulson, P.C. Gomme, G.E. Howard, W.W. Jose, W.E. Lockhard, D.M. McDon- ald, G.N. Noden, D.W. Parker, F.W. Gibson, D.G. Law, G.E. Simmons (1939-45) Alfred All- dread, Glen Brooks, Murray Butler, Donald Powell (Korea) Jarvis E. Belsey. Wreaths were then laid on behalf of the Province of

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