Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1977, Section 2, p. 8

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8The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 16, 1977 Section Two Mil 77 King St. E. Bowmanville ABERNETHY'S PAINT &WALL COVERINGS BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTS "Decorators since i1921" Always a Good Selection in Stock 623-5431 55 King St. W. Bowmanville Compliments of' ALEX McGREGOR I.D.A. DRUGS King St. W. 623-5792 Bowmanville TORONTO - DOMINION BANK JOHN POGUE, Manager 2140 SIMPSON AVE. SOUTH BOWNIANVILLE Phone 623-5232 NEWCASTLE GARAGE ! Major and Minor Repairs Wheel Alignment and Balancing Complete Body Shop Painting Complete Line of Atlas Winter Tires Phone 987-4210 RICE BOWL Restaurant ChieseFood 50 King Street East Bowmanvil le Phone 623-3703 iHooper's Jewellers from EWCSL LUMBER LTD. 361 King St. E. Newcastle Phone 987-4234 ROYAL BN CAAD Ross Duncan 21 King St. W. Manager gâS 0kgP,3âdyg ;hoppc welcomes SANTA CLAUS to Bowmanville A great selection of fashion and toys new vailable for Christmas. "'FASHIONS FOR THE LITTLE PEOPLE' 15 jKiný,g St, E,>4 623-3293 Master charge Chargex Ltd. welcomes you'to enjoy the annual Santa Clous Parade in BowmnanvilIle 623-5747 29 King St. East Season's Greetings from BARRY'S VARIETY und HARDWARE 114 Waverley Rd. Bowmanville OPEN CHRISTMAS DAY 10:00 a.m. to5:00p.m. Compliments of BROCK'S SERVICE CENTRE LTD.0 20 King St. E. Bowmanville PHONE 623-5487 GIFT SUGGESTIONS from DYKSTRA'S Food Market 623-3541 Fancy Gift Baskets for ail occasions also ....... Meat and Cheese Platters MlcGREGOR HARDWARE 95 KING ST. W. Phone 623-2542 I ~.Hrwae @ÊÊd)r County Chrysier Dodge HWY. 2 WEST, BOWMANVILLE 623-2586 HOME FOR CHRYSLER PRODUCTS IN THE DURHAM COUNTY CHARTERWAYS CO. LIMITED Bowmanville 623-3811 Simpson Ave. Oshawa: 723-7171 VOUR TRANSPORTATION "C SPECIALIST Compliments of GEORGE'S Men's and Boys' Wear 42 KING STREET EAST BOWMANVILLE Phone623-321 1 I BEST WISHES FROM TOP DRUG MARI 243 King St. E. Bowmanvîlle Phone 623-2546 15I support the Santa, Clan:s Parade Commiuttee Compliments of GRAHAM'fS I.G.A. NI

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