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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1977, Section 2, p. 13

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ih Steinberg Condensed TOt"MATO SoUP 10 fi. oz. tin Parchment Wrap 1000/ Vegetable 011, Chef master MARGARINE 1 lb. pkg. 9 Salad Dressing1. KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP 32fi. oz jar l 2 Beef. Chicken. Liver PEP DOG FOOD 255oz. tin Mlira Mart LIQUID BLEACH 128 fi oz. jug Pony Tail Wrap Champain WHITE SLICED BREAD ~ 24oz. loaf In Tomato Sauce Steinberg BEANS WITH- PORK 28 fi. oz. fin Plain or Salted Sternberg8 8 SODA CRACKERS 16oz. pka. Kent Concentrated Frozen JUUICE 12-112 fi. OZ. tn Steinberg's Com, Peas& Carrots Mixed Vegetables 2 ILbag Beef, Chîcken, Turkey, Salisbury Steak, Brookpark DINR Be Il oz. pkg. Beef, Chîcken, Turkey, Brookpark FROZEN MEAT PIES 49 8 oz. pkg.4 3 eec Mrs. Smith Frozen APPLE PIE 26 oz. pkg. MIACLE'S FRESH QUALITY PRODUCE Ontario Grown Canada No. 1 Grade TAB LE POuT A TOESZ15 10 IL bag Product of U.S.A.. Canada No. 1 Grade CORN ON THE COB Pkg. of 5 Product of U.S.A. ENDIVE or ESCAROLEC Fresh from the Tropics. Large Size BANANAS C LB Product of U.S.A. TANGERINES1/0 Size 176 or Tangeloes,Size 1201 9 8 Product of U.S.A..Florida WHITE GRAPEFRUIT 5 lb. bag 8 Product of U.S.A. RADISHES 6 oz. poly bag19 Ontario Grown. Canada Fancy Grade McINTOSH APPLES 4 qt. basket 1598 racle Bluewater Dinner for One North Atlantic Haddock FISH & C HIP'S 8 10 oz. pkg. Store Packed, Frozen BEEF PATTIESOO Quarter Pound Size LB.8 Family Size, Highliner FISH & CHIPS Large 2 lb. pkg. 1 7 Rich's Frazen COFFEE RICH 32 oz. ctn. 59c Choice Rio Frozen Sliced STRAWBERRI ES 9 oz. ctn. Fresh Blade or SHOULËDER VEAL CHOPS Fresh Cut az.l48, VEAL RIB CHOPS L. FRESH VEAL CUTLETSIU Top Quality LEAN MINCED VEAL LBJUUU10 Picnic Style Smoked PORK SHOULDERS 4-6 IL size Famous for Ouality Weners SC'H NEI1D ER %"S 1 lb. pkg. Famous for Quality SCH N ElDER'S1 8 oz. chub LB. 88' RED HOTS55 MINI DELI 8 Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 16, 1977 13 Properly Aged, Expertly Cut & Trimmed, SI1R LOI 1N STEAKS L From Best Quality "GRADE A" Beef Boneless Bottom CutT i From Best Quality "GRADE A" Beef LB. 0M4 Full Cut, Bone 'in RUMP ROASTS From Best Quality "GRADE A" Beef B34 Regular Cap-On PRIME RIB STEAKS,' i U From Best Quality "GRADE A" Beef B 05 Empire SLICED SIDE BACON UH 1 lb. pkg.-Product of Canada Sweet Puckled COTTAGE ROLLS 3 lb. avg. size B138 Shank or Butt Portion, Fresh Leg of o PORK ROASTS L. FrsPOnar ok L.1 Mary Miles SLICED SIDE 'BACON l3 1 IL pkg.-Product of Canada Swift's Premium Sliced Sîde or8 LAZY MAPLE- BACON 14 1 IL pkg.-Product of Canada l Sliced Side 0 aaa1 5 MAPLE LEAF BACON 1 lb pkg.-Product o aaal 5 Famous for Quality Sliced Side l mV SCHNEIDER'S BACON. 1 lb. pkg.-Product of Canada No-Cap PRIME RIB STEAKS il From Best Quality "GRADE A"Beef LB.1M1 SIROINTIP ROASTS i8 From Best Quality "GRADE A" Beef L81*M 8 Regular Bone-In BEEF BRAISING RIBS5 Mary Miles SLICED COOKED 6 oz. pkçg.sliced H mAM98 Valley Farm Choice Frozen Eviscerated UtiIity Grade, Frying or F ROZEcpflN ~ROAST1ING IbeRNC bag CHICKENSLB 2 IL bg 3 8 1 2-3 IL.size B Lipton's The King of Roasts Pk.op 2 env. IXfiB ROA SS LB. Sk.o2ev From Best Quality "GRADE A" Beef Canadian Processed, Mira Mari Properly Aged, Expertly Cut and Trimmred SLICE LOIN KSELBS Regular or Singles, 16 oz. pkg. From Best Quality "GRADE A" Beef Teeare indications that food poisoning bacteria are present. Discard them without tasting the contents. When purchasing canned goods check for signs of çpoilage, such as bulging, lids. Teeproducts sho 4d not be urchased and should be rought to the attention of the store manager. Dented cans are usually safe unless the dents are severe enough to cause leakage. Cans of food that have accidentally been frozen are safe ta use, although, the freezing may affect t he: tex- ture of the food. Once again check for leakage which couid be caused as a result of the contents expanding and split- ting the seams. lar CýfK kOZEN F0008. O PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL NOVEMBER 22. 1977 - WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. 1 KENDAL The local canivassers for the Canadjan National Institute of the Blind wish to thank the people of Kendal Area for their donations, there was over $200 raised. Many of our local ladies attended Newtonville1 U.C.W. Bazaar and Tea last Wednes- day afternoon and report a fine bazaar. About 25 members, of the Couples' Club met last Thurs- day evening in Port Hope and enjoyed an evening of bowling followed by lunch in a restaur- ant. Mrs. Jack Bradshaw of St. Catharines spent a few days last week with hier cousin Mrs. R. Elliott and during the week visited other relatives at Bailieboro, Peterborough and Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Neili Elliott and family of Maple Leaf had dinner with Mrs. R. Elliott last Thursday. There was a wonderful crowd at Kendal U.C.W. annual bazaar and tea held last Saturday afternoon ini Kendal, Sunday School Room. Mr. Wmn. Avery played organ miusic during the afternoon. Mrs. Tizzard officiallyopened the bazaar at 2 p.m. The lucky draw for the table arrange- ment of dried flowers was won by Mrs. Edna Dobson. The proceeds were most gratifying and the ladies of the 'U.C.W. wish to thanlk each and everyone who donated goods, helped and in any way made the bazaar a success. Church service was well attended Sunday morning. Mrs. Stevens was at the door. Special music was provided by Mrs. Martha Farrow at the piano and two of lier pupils, Misses Mary Lowery and Gwenyth Ard from ýKirby singing two duets entitled 'I Don't Know Who Holds To- morrow" and "A Mansion Over the Hlilltop." Rev. A. Tizzard's sermon was: from the Book of Proverbs entitled 'From the Inside Out.' Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dyer and family of Bowmanville visited with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Downes and boys on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. Downes spent Sunday with bier parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Little, Mrs. Little suffered a broken wrist resulting from a faîl. Several couples from Kendal attended the annual Tobacco Growers Association dance Saturday evening held in the Greenwood Towers, Port Hope. Have You Checked Your Canned Goods?. Now is an excellent time ta consider proper storage and care of canned goods. Proper storage involves much more. than simplyunpacking can'ned goods * from -the grocery bag and putting them on the shelves, say the food-spécial- ists at the Ontario Food Council, Ministry of Agricul- ture and Food. Let's first consider tie area of storage. It should be a cool dy place where the tempera- ture remains fairly constant, Don't store canned goods in any cabinet where there are wateror drain pipes in close proimity to the cans. Leaking pipes cani cause cans toi rust. This is undesirable because when the cani is opened rust particles may enter the con- tents. Don't store canned foods above the stove as there will be constant heating and cooling of the product, a condition unfavourable to 29c 58,

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