St. John's Young People Present Concert Although the familiar Christmas story remains presented their interpretation of the bible story at unchanged from one year to the next, every the annual Sunday School Christmas concert last re-enactment of the events has a new truth to tell. week. The presentation was performed by the St. John's Anglican Church young people church's intermediate classes. Primary Choir Performs. at St. Johns Party Farrow on Christmas Day, dinner guests included Mr. and Mrs. Glen Farrow and, Jan and Rev. and Mrs. Aubrey Tizzard, and Michael. With Mr. and Mrs. L. DeSmit and Paul, Christmas Day guests included Mr. and Mrs. Larry Frost, Gary and David, of Oshawa, Mrs. Ingrid Fowler, Debbie, Freddie Steven, Wendy and Sherri, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Green, and Steven. Visitors with Mrs. Agnes Burley on Friday, were.Mr. and Mrs. Earl McEwen, Peterborough and on Satur- day Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burley of Bridgeworth, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Burley, Rodney and Wendy, of Ennis- more. On Christmas Day, Mrs. Burley's visitors includ- ed Mr. and Mrs. Hon Burley of Newcastle, accompanied by Mrs. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Burley, Adam and Michael, of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs., Bob Burley 'and Steven, of Oshawa. Monday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer, were Mrs. Alice Rowe- Sleeman, of Toronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Redknap, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Carm Trizzino, of Cobourg. Mrs. Gertie Rowe spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Neil O'Connell and famnily in Cobourg. Mr. Raymond Bruce and ,Mrs. Isabelle Waters were visitors with Mrs. Marion Gibson and family, Christmas Day. Happy New Year to ail our readers, and friends, near and far! The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 28, 1977 13 Coon HoIl"und Assoc. DJonates $320 to Hospital Memorial Hospital was handed a $320 cheque from the Durham Region Coon Hound Association to buy equipment for the children's ward. The sports club, which races dogs in, outdoor competitions in the outlying areas of the region, Enniskillen News The St. John's Anglican Church Primary Sunday School class tuned up to give a Christmas presentation for their parents last week. The NE WTON VILLE Luncheon guests with Mrs. Bea Jones ast Friday, includ- ed ber four grandchiidr-en, Doug and Dianne Jones, of Edmonton, and Cheryl and John Cornisb, of Orono, also Aan Jones of Cam-pbelhford. Recent visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Ken Filtcher, were Mr. and Mrs. James Bell of Gananoque. Cahiers tbrougb the past week witb Mr-. and Mrs. Frank Gilmer-, inciuded Mrs. Bernîce HendersOn, Mrs. Inez Bougb- en, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer- and Jeff of Port Hopeý, Mr. Raymiond Bruce, Mrs. Olive Henderson, Mrs. Jean O'Neill, Mrs. Bea Jones, Mr. Tony Ton, Mr.; and Mrs. Ken Fletcher, Mrs. Gertie Rowe, Mrs. Lena Clysdale, Mr. Bud Jonies, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer, Kim and Ken. Mrs. Zietsma's Sunday Scbool class were busy Friday eveninig, singing carohs in this neigbborhood, wich we al enijoyed. Tbey also cohected twenty-five dollars for the Saivation Army, which we're sure, that organization will appreciate. Tbey were assist- ed by Mrs. Tizzard and after the singing was over, the group gatbered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tompkins wbere tbey were treated to Pizzas, etc. The CandIligbting Service by the Youth Group held in Newtonvihle Cbur-ch, Saturday evening was enjoyed by a large congregation. Carol Stapleton gave the Caîl to Worsbip at 7:30 p.m. foihowed by the Sunday Scbool Procession, Witbh ighted can- dles, and songs. The scriptur-e was read, then prayer by Shelhy Tompkins, and the Lords Prayer sung by Evehyn Stacey. Readings by Kim Gilmer, and Shelly Tompkins came next, folowed by gr-oup singing of a couple carols. Tbe boys' trio - Mar-vin Stapheton, Michaeh Tizzard and Robbie Tompkins, sang "God Rest Ye Mer-r-y Gentlemen", after- whicb came "The White Gift Offering"'. A guitar soho by Ed Hoad was folhowed by a prayer by Kim Gilmer and a vocal duet by June and Jamie. The congregation then joined in singing about five Christ- mas carols, and Evelyn Sta- cey rend the message "Sacred Time of Year". Prayer- was given by Car-oh Stapelton and an enjoyable vocal solo by Kim Gilmer, "O Holy Nigt". A piano soho "Star- of the East", was phayed by Bonnie performance was one of the highlights of the Christmas program held in the church last Thursday night. Stapleton, a couple more carols sung by the group and Car-oh Stapleton read "I Heard the Belîs". Everyone joned in singîng "Joy to the Weorhd", and Evelyn Stacey gave a reading, "Wbat Christmas Means". The ast number was another vocal duet- by June and Jamie. Car-oh Stapheton on behaif of the Youtb Group, tbanked all those wbo had assisted, and cailed on Mrs. Mary Vinkie to come to the front, wbere Michael Tizzard presented ber witb a floral bouquet in appreciation for ber co-operation. Accompan-- ists Jamie Quinton of Lindsay, and Ed Hond witb their guitars were aiso thanked as wehl as Mar-ene Stacey. Rev. Aubrey Tizzard pro- nounced the Benediction, and the con gregation dispersed. Greeters at our church door' Sunday morning were Sid and Ameia Lancaster. Rev. Tiz- zard's theme was "In those Dnys", and Mrs. Dora De Smit *sang a solo "O Holy Night", witb Violet Gilmer at the organ, in the absence of Myr-the Kioster. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hender- son were Saturday evening visitors with Mr. and Mr-s. Phil Gilmer, folowing the FUEL BILLS GETTING YOU DOWNI? I NSULAýTE 1 You have probably seen higher heatingcosts already this Winter. Months to go until ,warm weather - and you are faced with ever-increasing e nergy costs. Conserve Energy Reduce Your Heating Bis Increase Your Comfort Save Dollars INSULATION is the n g ht investment now and for theý yea rs f0 corne. CELLULOSE FIBRE - In Attlics Hig h R Factor, Clean, Fast Application Fire Retardent CMHC Approved Readily Available BORDEN' S INSULSPRAY® Foamed in WaIIs Helps eiminate a major Fis in cavities Reduces draughts cause of heat loss Hig h R value CMHC Approved lQW is the time to cal Igloo in for consultation on how you may upgrade the comfort Tvel of your home and, at modest cost, how you may save in the years to corne. Cal today for free consultation. ~19IglInsulamtion îmc. Cobou rg 416-372-0166 Oshawa 416-576-4020 Peterborough 705-748-3023 lnsulspray is a registered trademark of *R % odnCeia o Candlelight Service. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher were vîsitors with Mr. an~d Mr.Howard Sifith ai family in Oshawa on Sunday, going on to have Christmas dinner later, with Mr. Don Fletcher. Michelline Harris with Mr. and Mrs. W. Kioster, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Kloster Sr. at Westport. 1 Mrs. Iva Farrow and Mr. Reg. Falls spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Jîm Farrow, and family, in Bow- manvihle. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ehhiott were dinner guests Christmas day witb Mr. and Mrs. David Imlach and boys. Witb Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster on Christmas Day were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chard and girls, and Mr-s. S.R. Nichois, of Bowmanvilie. Dinner guests, Christmas Day, at the Forum, witb Mr. and Mrs. Leland Payne and Maureen includied Mrs. Sidney Bickle and Bill, Mr. and Mrs. Bihl Hancock and Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Alhdread and boys, and Mr. T. K. Stewart, of Bowmanvihle. With Mrs. Lena Clysdaie, Christmas Day, were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tompkins, Sbeliy and Robbie.' Mrs. Leone Lane spent, Christmas Day witb Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray and girls, in Orono. Witb Mr' and Mr-s. C.M. Jones, Christmas dinner guests were Mr. and-Mrs. Bud Jones, Doug and Dianne, of Edmonton, Mrs. BeaJones, Mr. and Mrs. Carman Cor- nisb, Cheryl and John, of Orono. Cahiers during tbe after- noon, on Christmas Day witb Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer and family, included Rev. Aubrey and Mrs. Tizzard, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer, Lynn and Jeff, of Port, Hope. Dinner guests with the Gilmers were Mr. and Mrs. Steve Spratt, Scott Foster, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer. Mr. Bar-t Ton of Toronto, was a Saturday evening visi- tor, here, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anithony Ton and on Christmas Day, Mr. and Mrs. John Ton,,and famiiy, of Port Hope, were dinner guests, witb the Tons. Witb Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Virtue, Judy and Laurie, bosted a family get-together Cbristmas Day celebrating four Decem- ber birtbdays and one Jan. lst. Mr. and Mrs. Gartb McGil and family, Kingston spent Christmas Eve with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill and together attended the Speciai Christmas Eve Service at our Cburcb:, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McGill and famîly, Mississauga spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill. The Wright family gatbered at the home of their parents' Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright on Cristmas Eve along witb Mrs. Reta Muller, Coîborne to celebrate Christmas along witb Master Jeffrey Wrigbt's 2nd birthday on Dec. 27tb. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett spent Christmas witb Mr. and Mrs. Garry Beckett, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. David Stainton and fatnlly, Cobourg, Mr. and Mlrs.'Tom Hockin and family, Elmvale, Mrs. Lida Cryder- man and Joann Zion were Christmnas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Len Stainton. Mrs. Reta Muller, Coîborne, spent Christmas weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Jim Muller and Darryl. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Strenge and David, 'Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, Allan and Grant, Mr. and Mrs., Glen Ashton, Oshawa were Christmas callers at Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharps. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb were Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mr,. -Don Lamb, Baileboro, they also were witb Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty spent Cbristmas supper with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Muller and Darryl and Mrs. Reta Muller. Our Christmas treat for supper was Arctic Char from tbe N.W.T. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Piper and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Haass and family, Miss Kol- leen Preston, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Raymond, Orillia, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kinsman and girls, Mrs. RoS' McGill were Christmas visi- tors witb Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill and family. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Good- ricb were with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Draper. The Sweet family' spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sweet and family. Miss Betty Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Henderson and family were Christmas Day callers., Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and family spent Christmas supper at Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Read's and famîly, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Piggott and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Piggott and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry and family spent Christmas Day witb Mr. and Mrs. Vern Perigoe and family, Brooklin. Mr. Russel Tabb, Hampton, spent Christmas dinner at Mr. and Mrs. Ern Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray, Mr. J.R. Ormiston, Mr. Adam Sharp, Mr. Michael -Holmes, ýSt. Catherines were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mar- shall and girls, Barton, R.R. 1, Miss Linda Avery, Nova Scotia are spending the holi- days with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and boys. Tbey ail spent Christmas Day witb Mr., and Mrs. Joe Rekkar and family, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Angus King, Little Britain, Mr. and Mrs. C. Oke, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Harte-Maxwell and Adam, London were recent visitors of Clarence Avery's. 1Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey, Miss Velma Dickey, Bowman- ville, Miss Laverne Orchard, Oshawa, spent Christmas at Milton Stainton's witb Laver-ne remaining for a few days visit. The Taylor family gathered on Friday night at Mr. and Mrs. Donald Taylor's, Solhna. Mr, and Mrs. Orvihlie Ashton were Christmas Eve and Christmas Day guests of Karen and Charles Ashton, Oshawa, Lois and Keith Wor- den, Bowmanville, R.R. 2. Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor were Sat. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. George Wil- loughby and family, Miss Gloria Ferguson, Oshawa were ast Monday night cal- 1er-s en Mrs. Wînnie Ferguson, Kevin and Clarence. Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor were Christmas Day guests of Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur- Toms. Mr. and Mrs. John Burton and chihdr-en, Oshawa, Mel- rose McCollan and Ruthie Redpath spent Christmas, din- ner with Mrs. Winnie Fergu- son, Kevin and Charence. Mr-s. Norma Bradfor-d, Miss Marguerite Wright, Oshawa, Mrs. L.M. Keith, Tor-onto were Friday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar- Wright and Betty. .Mr. and Mrs. George Lead- beater and chihdren had Christmas breakfast with Mr. and Mr-s. A. Lendbeater. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Leadbeater were Sunday evening callers. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick, Toronto were witb Mr. and Mr-s. S.. Petbick over Christ- mas. Mr. and Mrs, Dick Howe visited Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tordiff, Newcastle inchuding Donald's Aunt Grace Tordiff and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickson. Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Gorger-at, Oshawa were Mon- day night dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wally Griffin and Mrs. Lou Griffin. Symî--pathy to the famnily of t'bý laters. IRussel HèIpbur, R.R. 1, Enniiskilileni who pas- sed away Christmas Day in Oshawa Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Earh Trewin, Donald and Dee Fegan and Mrs. M. Horn, were Christmas Day visitors with Mrs. Jean Trewin and boys and Mrs. A. Wright, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. E. Trewin and Mr-s. M. Horn, Oshawa were Sunday after-noon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mal- com and Mr. Stanley Malcom and also calhed on Mr. Marvin Nesbitt and Mr. Ted Lennard, Nestieton. Christmas dinner guests of Mr-. and Mrs. Bob Selleck's, Bowmanville were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stainton and famihy. 5C2 King St. West Bowmanville 623-2453 CARLISLE. AVE. - Real good 3 bedroom semi- detached home with broadloom in living room and hall; modern kitchen and 4 p lece bath. Oul furnace. True value at $36,000. Terms available. KING ST. EAST -,lder frame home on a large loi measuring 83' x 330' with garage. Requires some repairs. Across fron, Plaza. Asking $48,000. Terms to suit. COMMERCIAL-5 room home very centrally Iocated and very adaptable for small office or store and living quarters, priced to seli at $36,900. Terms may be arranged. TWO HOMES -6 rooms and bath in each unit. Located on Church St. ln very good condition. Garage. Live in one and let the other help to pay for it. Asking. $59,900. Terms arranged. AFTER HOURS J. A. Barton.......................... 6338 P. Kowal Jr .............................. 623-5868 REALTOR Il 623-4428 REAL ESTA TE L M T D B o m n il WELL-LANDSCAPED - brick bungalow backing on farmland, but easy access to shops and school s. 3 bedrooms up and one down. Extra large rec. roon,, 13 x 36 with bar. Spacious living and diningroom. Priced a t $64,900.00. NEAR ORONO- Exceptional decor in this 3 bedroom sidesplit. Panelled den and rec room, workshop in lower hait of the s plit. Main floor laundry room. 100 x 150 lot. Ask ing $74,950.00. QUI ET STREET- in Orono. Older 3 bedroom 2 storey home with sunporches on front and side. Detached garage wilh storage lIoft. Ail sel on 67 x 167 lot. Only $46,500.00. PLEASANT. SEIV-DETACHED - backsplit with 4 bedrooms and 2 baths. Rec room is drywalled and ready for completion. Hollywood kitchen. Pvate patio a rea. $44,900.00. also raises funds for projects within communities. Above, two members of the association, left to right, Norm Stacey and Ray McCoIl present the donation to hospital admîistrator Dick Elston and board director, Harry Locke. BOOK BEAT By D. M. Dineen, Chief Librarian, Newcastle Public Library System With Christmas over,, it's time to relax and remember the good times. For the day, there are winter sports, but in the evening, a warm bouse Mrs. Jessie Slemon and' Mrs. Helen Milison spent thé holiday witb Mr. and Mrs. Bill Murphy, Toronto. Monday guests at Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey's were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stain- ton'and family and Mrs. Dave Bothwell. Mrs. Bothwell is spenidîng a few days with Clarence, Shirley and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Henderson and famiiy were witb Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Henderson and family, Cavan. Mr. Henderson played bis, fîrst game of hockey, in 15 years and managed to stay on bis feet tbe wbole time. Two very worthwbile CuciServices were attenid- ed for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in our Cburcb. They were both very well attended and enjoyed by ail. Happy New Year to the Editor and staff of the Canadian Statesman. and a good book should ease anyone's mind. One of this season's new novels might be just the thing. Close to the Sun Again - Morley Callaghan "Commander". Ira, Groome's- life changed in a day - to one that was cold and unfeeling. Tbirty years later he rememïbers how it bappen- ed. A Victim of the Aurora In the early years of this century, antarctic exploration was taken quite seriously and the men on the team were band picked. Sometimes, bow- ever, there was a mistake, wîth fatal resuits. The Soul of Anna Kiane The operation to remove the tumour from Anna's brain was a success, but sometbing is now missing from ber life. A lawyer and her father attempt to prove that human beings do have a souil and Anna's bas dîsappeared. Snlowbôound Six This is a spectacular tale of man against nature and against man when a search and rescue team tries to save six people lost in afier-ce storm. BOWMANVILLE ORONO 623-3393 9394 KENDAL HILLS - 4 ACRES With outstanding view and south slope. Mature trees. Paved road. Perfect homesite, for investment of $35,900. Terms. Caîl Bill Turansky. IMAGINE,.. LAKE ONTARIO Just outside your door. You can have it in this imaginative 3 bedroomn bungalow in Bowmanville. Features include cathedral ceilinps, skylights, stone fireplace, large fireplace, large living room and dining room plus 26' sunroom facing the lake. Priced to selI a t $49,900. Terms. CalI Joanne Swadron. 12 MILES N-E OSHAWA - 36 ACRES Custom built 4 bedroom, 2 bath home on wooded land with view of Lake Ontario with stream and strong springs. Suitable for troutponds. Many extras. Please contact Pat Yeo for further information. Asking $129,000.00 wîth terms. ËC.*c Coast (o Coast Real Estaie Service REALTY 110 BROKER e dvan NECASILE, ONT. 987-4733 623-4439 R EALT0ORe.M0RTGAGESoAPPRAlSALS COUNTRY RETREAT HOME 1 acre plus a 3 bedroom bungalow in a quiiet wooded setting in the scenic Kendal His area, Full dry basement, good well and septic system. Jusýt isted et $41,900. Hurry on this one, it won't last long. NEWCASTLE AREA A dlean, Weil decorated 3 bedroom home on a targe rural lot. Excellent location for commuting. $44,900, M. L.S. Cali1 for detailIs. INCOME OR LARGE FAMILY 8 room home presently being used as two-two bedroom aparfments. Could easily convert fo single family, double detached garage, large lot in Bowmanville. Just listed $49,900. KENNEL LICENSE 3+ bedroom brick backsplit on 2 acres in Maple Grove. Finished family room, breezeway and attached garage. Asking $70,500. PRIVATE SALE No agents, Newcastle village. L-shaped brick bungalow on large fenced lot. 4 bed- rooms, (2 with siliding glass doors onto large L7shaped private deck>, 2 4-piece, bath- rooms, sitting roomn, living room, dining area. Large kitchen, finished recreation room, water softener, newly decoratedi. In good condition and ln good area. Purchas- ers to makeown financial arrangements. For appointment phone 987-5229 or 987-4202.