DEADLINE MR CLASSUFIED ues., 12 nooit 623-3303 - 'olmmlImIe DARRACH - Nîna Lynn is -_pleased f0 announce the Clýitmas qift of a baby sister -Angela Michele, 6 lbs., V2 oz., born, December 25, 1977 at M morial Hospital, Bow,ýman- vie. Proud parets are ,George and Vicky of R. R. 2,ý Camrpbeîlcroft. Proud grand- Y re-nts are Mr. and Mrs. Don Yà ebert and Mrs. Goldie Dirrach. Special fhanks fo Dr. tSylvester and maternity staff. Ai KEN -LAt srahaven '-Nursing Homne, Biowmaniville, -udaJaniuary 1lsf, 1978, _Barbara Aiken, in ber 79th ,.year, beloved wife of Harvey Ai ken, Ponfypool, dear monther ut Isabelle (Mrs. O. Chalice), Orono, Margaret ,(Mrs. J. Kileen), Bowman- villle, Tom Pontypuol, Barbara (Mrs. A. Munneke), Orono, loing grandimotber 0f ten grandchildren and eleven q~reat-grandý.children. Private a amlysrvice was held in the ,,MqrisFunralChapel, Bow- - cniieo Tuesday affer- noun. Oticiating clergyman Rev.( Wiimer Graham, Pny pool. Spring interment Pont1'- opCemetery. Donations to' Fudation or 'Cancer Sceywouid be appreciafed.' -iN DA1EVITT -- Lena May. At' Memorial Hosptal, Bowman- viýlle, on Tuesda y, Dec. 27, -1977. Lena May Mahood ut 32 -James Sf., in her 89th year. Beloved wite ot the late Creighton Devitf, dear mther ut Nlrs, C. Hamilton (Evelyn); Laverne; Mrs. A. Bouker (Alena); As. G. Wilson (L.ýon). lsosurvived by two grandchildren and une greaf- g andson. Resfing at the Nrthcuff ýEîliotf Funeral Hornme, Bowmcanvilîe. Funeral service in thie chapel, 2:00 o,',-îo ck Friday affernoon. Infermnent t. J ohn's 1-iN SFridayE cemnber 30, 1977. ï(ormeriy o& Newtonville) in be 4hyear. SBeioved wieAu Franis Hle.ear othr cut o John, Jry Eihand RatphEl Daughte1_r u Mrs, Detta Ves- Sunerlnd.Resedai the ome.Funraiservi(ce was no n.rîng inferment La ke- Sview CemrYetery, Nwovle 1-1N McQUAY - Ol ga, Frank and Byron are doubly deligbfed to announce fthe bîrfhs ut Lara and Lesley on December 27, 1977 at 5:30 a.m. and 5:36 a.m. Pruudg randiparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ross McQuay, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sinclair, Toronto. Thanks to Dr. Ross and nursing staff. LYMER - At Bowmanville Hospital, Friday, December 30th, 1977. Olive M. Found, R.R. 6 Bowmanville, wife of the lafe William Lyrrer, dear sister ut Mary (Mrs. William Allin>, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, and Arthur Fuund, R.R. 2 BowmanvilIle. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Monday atternoon. Inferment Ebenezer Cemetery. -iN MASON - Baby girl ai Oshawa General Hospital on Saturday, December 31, 1977. Infant daughter ut Michael and Kafhryn Mason of Picker- ing. Rested at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. Privafe service was beid on Wednes- day. Interment Pickering Cemetery. -N ROENIGK - Markus I . Af Memoriai Hospiîal, Bowman- ville, on Thursday, December 29,,1977, Mark Roenigk ut 157 King Sf. W., in his 88th year, beloved husband ut Maude A. Patterson, brother of Mrs. H. T. Humby (Refa) father ut John Mayberry. Restedat the Northcutt Eliott Funeral Home, t ram Friday 3 - 5 p.m., 7 - 9 p.m. Funeral service 11:00 Safurday morning, St. John's Church. Interment Bowmanville Cemnetery.* M-N WHI TE - Gardon. At Memrorial Hospital, Bowmran- ville an Sunday, December 25, 1977. GrdnWhite ut 5 Parkway Cres. in his 581h yea r bloe husband of Helen Robi,ýnson, dear father of Mrs. K. Kilmer (Anne) and Debbie. Rested ai the North- cuft Ellîott Funeral Hume. Funeral service was beld at 2 o'clock. Inferment Bowman- Ville Cemetery. 1-MN Morris FaneraChpi E-STABLISHED 1881 4 DIVISION ST. 6358 BOWMANVI LLE TWO OFF STREET PARKING AREAS THOUHTFLNES -CONCERN -SERVICE ConCerne eple often inquire about pre-arangmentof funeral details. Infor- maincan be simply and thoughtfully Týhis is prtof our serviCe to the community. .511DIViSIN SREET, BOWMANVILLE SIMPSON MEMORlALS Monuments - Markers - Inscriptions 49 Lavinia Street Port Hope t. 885-6434 HOME APPOINTMENTS GLADLY ARRANGED 41-1 UShafwa Monument Co. Famly emoial -Markers %i Dein adLettering Done by Us n Poie - NO S A L E SMEN INVOLVED - Please Tetephone 728-3111 for Full Details RUTTER RANITE COMPANY Estabished 1846 P.O. Box 176 Port Hope, On.ta r io WSMNHP.OU-ALTY L1 A W 24-tf PLAZEK - Mr. and Mrs. David R. Plazek are pleased f0 announce the arrivai of their son, Jonathan Ross, on Wednesday, December 21, 1977 at 7:04 p.m. Proud randp~arents are Mr. and rs. Ear I Sheph erd and Mrs. Anne Plazek, ail of Bowman- ville. Special thanks f0 Dr. Sylvester and maternity staff at Memorial Hospital, Bow- manvîlle. 1-1 ROGERS - John and Debbie (nee Minaro) are pleased f0 annYounce the arrivai of their f irsf born, a son, 6 1lbs. 15 ozs., Randy John, at Memoriai Hospital, December 28, 1977 at 9:15 a.m. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. S. Minard and Mrs. Betty Rogers, ail of Bowmanville. AIl doing fine. 1-1 WILLIAMS -- Michael' is delighted to announce the birth of his 7 lb. 7 oz. brother, Ryan Patrick Liam on Decem- ber 21, 1977 af Etobicoke General Hospital. Proud parents are Harvey and Patfy of Seagrave, Ontario. An early Christmas gift for grandpar- ents Llew and.Mary Williams and Jim and Dot F ir, a il of Bowmanville. Thanks tn Dr. Peffle and staff.11 Mrs. Allan J. Werry, R.R. 1, EnniskHlen inv .ites relatives, triends and neighbors f0 a trousseau tea in honor ot her daughter, Sandra on Satur-. day, Jan. 7, -1978 from 2- 5 in the affernoon and 7 9 in the evening.52-2N The familles of Leslie and Neta, Robin and Myrtle Aldred, invite relatives and friends f0 an open house on the occasion ot their 4th wedding anniversaries on January 8, 1978, 2- 5 p.mrni the Oddfllo's all Orno.Best wishes only. i The family of Oscar and, Olive Morrison are looking forward Io greeting triends and neighbours on the occas- ion of the,7ir pa,-rents Sth weddinig anniversa3ry . n oen house wi!ýL--e el aéingi ParkDeanAve.,. saa from 2- 5 on Sýa tur day January 71h, etwshso please. - memory of our dea parent,, mother U(M ary Haîrne-ssiwho passed away (January 2, 1968 and Dad "(Mathew) who passed away April 24, 1942. Just as you were, you wîll always be, Treasured forever in our memory. - Lovingly remembered by their family. 1il ADAMS - In loving memory of a dear son Garry who left us December 27, 1957. In the Book ut lite there are 1memor ies,ý 0f the happy days we knew And recorded in love are the blessings 0f a wonderful son like you. - Aîways rememnbered in love and affection by Mom and Dad and famly.1il COLLIS- In loving memory ut my dear wife Bernîce who passed away January 4th, 1977. We loved you, yes, we loved you But Jesus loved you more And He has soffly called you To yonder shining shore His loving arms were open His genfle voice said -Comne" And with farewells unspoken You calmlv entered Home. - Sadîy >missed, husband Art. 1-1 GIBNER - In loving memory at our dear Grama who passed away Jaruuary 7, 1977. Our Grama is someone speciai We'love ber verymucb, Althougb she left us in despair, We'Il aiways keep in touch. We always tbink about ber, She cared an awtul lot, Wby she ever lett us, Is'sucb a dreadful thoughf. She always was su gentie ln'ber kind anud luvingways We always wiil remem ber ber ln ber golden days. - Loved, always by your g randchildren Kim and Meather. 1il GIBNER --ln loving memory ut a dear mother Gladys Dorofb y G-;ibner wbo passed away J nuary 7, 1977. Memories are predlous, they dan' be bought witb gou But in our bearts they are treasured always Along wifh our love untuld. - Ever remembered by daugbter Joan and son-in-law Dave. 1-1 PEARCE --- ln loving memory ut a dear busband and tather, W. Howard, wbu passed away on December 28, 1974. Sadly missed along liie's way, Quiefly remembered every day.norliet he No longer î iet hr Bw in oaur hÛ'*she's, a'Yays f here- -Sadiy rmibsed bY Wife, Margaret and famrily. HAPPY NEW VEAR -of1978 to DR. K. SLEMON DR. R. SINGAL DR. E. G. LONG Also to nurses on first floor, special care and third floor. May God Bless You Al Mel McNulty The family of the late Verna Hepburn (Pound) would like to thank friends, relatives and neighbours for cards, floral fribufes and donations f0 the Heart and Diabefic Fund as well as the Gideon Bible Society. A word of thanks ta Rev. Lavender of King St. Pentecostal Church, Oshawa for his comforting words and f0 the Morris Funeral Chapel for their help and undersfand- ing af the time of our bereavement. Special thank So oMrs. Annie Wright, r.PgyWade and Mrs. Wînni Ferusonfor their many acts of kindness. Russell Hepburn Mari and Joe Piper and fam ily Don and E ileen Stephens and tam ily Muriel and Tom Walker and famiil The family ut the lafe Mrs. Jean Love Holmes wish f0 express their thanks and appreciation for kindness shown us during our recent bereavment ut a loving Moiher, grandmother and friend. We would like f0 give speciai thanks for ail fiowers, cards ut syrnpathy and dona- tions to the Cancer and Heart Funds. Special fhanks to Morris Funeral Chapel, Rev. John Peters, Dr . H.B. Rundie, staff of Memoriai Hospital Em1ergency Wing, relatives, friends andneigbbours. Byron Holmes andtfamily and Charles Payne Wewould likefo express aur apprediation for the kindness and care aiven us by the nurses and staff ut Bawman- ville Hospital during our stay fhere, aiso visfsram frends and Rev. Ln E r . eStad G r -a SIte phý1ens I would like to tbank al! wbo sent tlowers, fruit or cards and those wbo visited .or called witb expressions of good wishes during my recent sfay in Memoriai Hospital. Appre- ciation f0 Dr. H.B. Rundle, nurses and staff. Garnet Rickard 4561 "Flowers with Feeling" For any Occasion Bowmnanville Drama Workshop Generai Meeting and Casting For Spring Production Thurs., Jan. 5th at 7:30 p.m. Uptairs at the Lions Centre B e e ch Ave., Bowmanville 1-IN OLD TYME DANCING . in - OId Tyrone Hall on Jan. 7, 1978 Music by WlLLI E & BOB Adm: $2.50 per person Sponsored b y L.O. A. Boy Scout PAPER DRIVE (Papers On ly, No Magazines) Sat., January l4th Please have bundled and on curb by 8:30. 1-2 Orono Country Jamboree, Sunday, January 8 at 2 p.m. in Orono Town Hall. Starf 1978 with Country music and fun. Aduits $1.50, children .50. M-N APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel N EWCASTL E "Middle Road"'ý Fr!. and Sat. Jan. 6 -7 Dancing 9 -1 1-1 N FREE FILMS Tues., Jan. lOth 7 -8:15 p.m. APPROXIMATFLY BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY WINTER GOLF Keep in practice and help your community. See our ad on the sports page and becomne a part of this major sports casc BINGO N EWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tues,, Jan. 17, 1978 Early Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Pr! zes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Spansored by NEWCASTLE LIONS, 1 -2N J EN DON CERAMICS There are a tew apenin gs left in the nexf session ut classes starting the week ut January 9, 1978. Evening or affemnoon classes availa ble. Also ail supplies and firings. Phone 623-3868. 623-3377 Sundays and Holidays Ruth 623-7259 49-tf Say it Best" DAI LY Delivery to... Oshawa- Bowmanville Area Phone 623-4441 FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanville Mall 623-3365 PROMPT, COU RT EOU S, SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR FLORAL NE E S w Kinsmen Bingo ALTERNATE TUESDAYS ORONO TOWN HALL Cash Prizes Early Bird Games 7:30 p. m. NEXT BINGO Januaryl 1i E-AR, PIERCING $8.00 (no appointment necessary) Plus 10 per cent off first purchase of earrings with tf release slip. - Hooper's Jewellers Mt. 29 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-5747 1-ff N SEAL point Siamnese, temale, 3 years old, between Cemetery Road and Training Schooî' Road on Highway Two. Phone 623-2090. 1-1 KITTEN in Elgin St. area. Phone 623-6694.1- F EMA,ýLE high school student. Phonie 725-4652. 141 F,ýE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CA LL MARGWI LL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 House of Arnber (Hampton Village) F EATU RES 20 PER CENT OFF ail items that are used for hanging and ail items which have some type of handle. Items feafured f rom December 27th until January 31 sf. Shop w!11 be cî1osed Ja nua ry 9 - 25fh inclusive. NEW SHOP HOURS Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. 9 a.m. - 4p.m. Cîosed Sunday and Monday PHONE 263-2981 1-3 ANTIQUE CLOCKSi - REPAIRED - Parts available for most antique dlocks, pocket wafches and modemn watchos and clucks, and'400 day dlocks. Our repairs are dune wifh modemn up-to-date equipment and qualified Swiss trained wafchmaker. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 SUNFLOWER SEED 50 Ibs. $14.50 Carnation Fîower Shop 33 Division St., Bowmaville 1-iN J and M TIRE Service for - Michelin tires, your une-stop radial centre, 299 Dean Ave., Osbawa. 576-1220. 46-ff * WHITE'S T.V. TOWERS *Towers, U HF, V HF Aerials, Rotors& Repairs - 576-5606 * Also Insu lation Blown Cellulose White's Insulat ion Free Estimates 576-5606 Hwy-. OATS and barley for sa le. $5 per 100 lbs. Straw 90 cents bale. Delivery may be arratiged. Evenings 623-5466 or 987-4091. 1-TFN ANTIQUE McLaughlin cutter. Good original condition. $900. Phone evenings 623-5466 or 987-4091. 1-iN 1971 S Kl1DOO Olympic, 399 cc. excellent condition. Best offer. Phone 263-2654.- 1-IN SINGLE continentalbed with headboard. Excellent condi- tion $25. Phone 623-3871. 1-1 SNOW tires, one pair, 13" radial, like new, reasonable. Phone 623-2913. 1-1 CHESTERFIELD suite, also black and white television with AM-FM radio and record player. Rëasonable. Phone 263-8883. 1-1 1971, 399 OLYMPIC Skidoo, electric, good condition, $550. Phone 1-983-5458. 1-1 SEVEN piece Stewart drumn set, grey peari, excellent condition, $200 or best offer. Orono 983-5210. 1-1 CHOICE applewood. $70 cord fin fireplace or stove lengths. -Phone 987-4888. 1-iN Lots of Used Pianos in Stock, Organs SToo! Ha m mond, He intz ma n OSHAWA ORGAN CENTRE 16 Simncoe N. (at King) 728-1675 3-tf PADDPY'S-Market now bas new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and also used turniture and applilances. Wiil accepf frade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf USED furniture and ap- ýIlances. Paddy's Market. ampton. 263-2241. 33-tf 46-tf FIR EWO D -FOR SL S80.00 A CORD Avalable at any quantity Lawn Gardens Hwy. 2, Newcast le Phone 987-4670' 49-t f N 50 PER CENT OFF On Most Gift Items ' 20 PER CENT OFF ON ALL PLANT MATERIAL Open Weekends Lawn Gardens 2 Newcastle Phone 987-4670 1-2 BOWMANVILLE apartment, 4 rooms and bath*, heated, cable T.V., free parking. Available now, $225 monthly, plus hydro. Phone 623-7523. 50-TF 2 BEDROOM brick bungalow on Hwy. 2, 1 mile west of Bowmanville. Possession February 1sf. Phone 623-3090. 1-11N BOWMANVILLE - basement apartment, partially furnish- ed, responsible single person opreferred. Phone 623-4217. 1-iN APARTMENT, central, heat- ed, available immediately. Phone 623-3585 or 623-7835 between 6-8 p. m. 1-TF 4 YEAR old, 3 bedroom semi, located close fo 401. 11/2 baths and finished rec room. Good sized completely fenced yard and paved driveway. $300 per month Plus utilities. Available early January. 1sf and last months rent required. Phone 623-5466 f or deta il1s. 1-1N FOUR 'bedroom, rec room. attached garage, paved drive, sunn y walkout kitchen, close f0 sc hool and shopping. Avail- able January 1sf. $390 monthl- y. Caîl 623-3441. 1-1 LARGE, 5-roomn apartment now available. No pets. Cour- tice area. Adulfs preferred. $235 inclusive. Phone 728-8086 or 725-4014. 1-IN MODE RN two bedroom apart- ments, with appliances, in downtown Bowmanvil le. Ref- erences. Write P.O. Box 144, or phone 623-7259 9 a.m. f0 3 p.m. only. 1-IN ROOM wifh own bathroom, use of kitchen and washer and dryer. Womani preferred. Cal after 5. 623-3802. - UPSTAIR apartmenf, six, rooms, separate entrance and b6throom, heated, adults preferred, 175 Liberty N. THREE bedroom house, third mie north of NeWcastle, available immediately, $350 monfhly. First and last month's' rent in advance. Phone 723-6952. 51-3N ~-ORbedroom -heuJSe,ý 1"2 baths and recreaation room.i Bl'acksfock 986-4927. -IN BEDSITTING roam for rent. Caliatter 6 p.m. 623-4045. TWO bedroomn, upstairs, heat- ed aparfment, hardwood and file floors, centrally located in Bowmanvile. Phone 623-5274. STOP BOTHq" DIRECTIONS FOR A SCHýý'OOL BUS >71 -=ý -a -e NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F HUGH McNEIL MOORE, DECEASED AIl persons having dlaims agalnst fthe estate ut Hugb McNeil Moore, lae uft fh e Town ut Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality ut Durham, wbo died on the 28tb day ut October,, 1977, are req ui1red f0 file proot of same wifb the underslgned on or befure the 30f h day ut January, 1978, atter whicb date the estafe wiII, be distributed with regard only f0 the cdaims ut whicb the undersigned shahl then have notice and the undersigned wiIl nof be hiable fa any persan ut whose dlaim they shalinqt, then have notice. DATED at Bowmanville, Ontario, this -28th day ut December, A.D. 1977. Douglas Henry Moore, Administrator by his solicitors herein, Strike, Strike & Van Nest, Box 7, Bowmanvilîe, Ontario. LiC 3K8 1-2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F FRANCES ELIZABETH MOUNTJOY, late of the Townshi p of Scugog in the Regional Muni cipality of Dur- ham (her residence was at Bîackstock, Ontario), Widow, deceased who died at Port Perry Communify Nursing Home, Port Perry, Ontario on the l2th day of March, 1977. Credifors and Others having dlaims against the said Deceased or her Este are required to send full particu- lars and full proof fo the undersigned on or before the léth day ot January, 1978 affer which date the assets of, the Estate will be distributed having regard to the dlaims then received. Dated at Town of Newcastle, this l3th day of December, 1977, L. C. Mason, Q.C., 135 Wellington Street, P.O. Box 129, Bowmanville, Ontario. L'IC 3K9. Solicitor for the Executor who is Sydney Hamilton Ferguson, 62 Lakeview Road, Newcast le, Ontario. 50-3 USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, H-ampton 263-2241. 26-ff FAIR price paid for old wind-up manfle and wall dlocks, working or not or ail apart, 1-839-4540. 52-2 CA8SH for gold, siu mns. docks, iewpil THE Oshawa Obedienýy' Association DoCIg Tr ,inji * Classes star'ing J an iuary 1 in Oshawa.' Aso a Shoic Handling Class, starting January 1th in Bwavle Advanced registration onfly. For information cali 623-5686 or 576-1167. 49-6N Poodie Clipping and Groom ing BY PROF ESSIONALS .,1- tf N AFGHAN puppi"es, regisiered, exofîc colours, ltrained, de- wormed. Excellent temiper- ment guaranteed. $7' 5 Up. Newcastle 987-5083. Don't wait, these gorgeous babies won't last. 1-1 N TO Qive away f0 good home, 2 month old kittens, litter train- ed. Phone 725-3947. 61f 2nd ind 3rd MVORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE - 5 year te-rmq - 0pen Mortgag àes - No p aymeýnts7 for th reé - No boniYusesý - No 0Creif Checks - NoJ in quiry from-r neighbors -Confi dentia a,,ragmet maeinyorhm -Borrow ,,as low as si1.400 Fm Fas. srvice -First M,.ortgages a!lso arraniged Cali Mr. WiIks7 Mota ebuight and sold (OshawaWb, Ajax) steng i brakes, radial tires, bujcket seats, radio , etc. C'ompletelyreoctond Cerf îfied $1475. Cali evenirlgs 623-5466 or 987-4091. -I '76 MONTE Carlo, 18,000 original miles, twjo tonred red, white iteior ul y IoadeçlAI condition. Phonie 623-5188. 1-:N '70 BUICK LSbe 350, in ý ood running ordeýr, ars is, _$600. hone 986-4896. 1 1 N 1972 DODGE Colt W-igoný. Rebulî 4 cylinder motor and new paint job. Equipped with aufomnatic trans., snow ires, radio, etc. Cerified. $1275. Phone evenings 623-5466 or 987-4091. 1-lN 1976 GMAC 1 ton truck, dual wheels, dumrp body and snow pîough, 8 cylinider, automnafic, pwer steering andbrks Only 14,000 miles. Trades iver, coins, considered. Phonie evecninigs ierv., dish- 623-5466 or 987-409 1, 1-1 N es, furniture, 'crocks, paint- ings, sealer-s, appliances. Friendly Flea Market, 23 King, West, 725-9783 9-tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcyc les Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-f Bowlers wanted for second schedule on Canadian Forest- ers league, Friday nights at 9. ~ m. You do NOT have to be a ores fer to bowl. Anyone interested cali Margi Poliard (sec.) at 623-5018 or Crystal Santerre (treas.) at 623-5345. Winners of the Bowmanvilile Hockey Mothers' Christmas Draw: 1sf - T.V. - John Paille, 532 Grenfell1 St., Oshawa; 2nd - Afghan - Nick Pronyk, 609 Stewart St., Whitby, Ont.; 3rd - Radio - Emiiy White, 666 Terrace Dr., Oshawa. Winner of Kinsmen Christ- mas Cheer Draw, Wayne Lehman, Waukesba Wisc. U.S.A. 1-1 Harry Voerman Insurance 181 Church St., Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-4428 Res. 623-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE INSURANCE - 1 28-f MINISTRY 0F REVENUE ASSESSMENT REGION NO. 13 605 Rossland Road E., Whifby, Ontario To AIl Owners or Tenants in Durham Region: Take notice that pursuant to Section 40 of the Assessmenf Acf, Chapter 32, (as amnendeçi) RSO, 1970, I have on the 4fh day ut Januar y, 1978 deiivered or caused to be' delivered ASSESSMENT NOTICES f0 ail owners o r tenants in this region. The lasi day for appealing the Assessmen-t Notice is Fe,7bruary 9th, 1978 and the Assessmenf Roll may b e examîned, at the Municipal Office during regular busiîness hours commýencIng January 2th, 1978. W. H. Parni, RegionalIAsssetComm isýsioner. 1-1 74 PONTIAC, 350 aulomiafjc, 2 door hardfop, powver sfeering and' brakes, alir coniionfýýng, AMv- FM 8 frksfereo, new paint. Certif led $1795. Phone 623-387.1-iN 1973 CHRYSLER New Yorker Broughamn - i owner, fully equipped, autcMatié air con- ditioning, power trunk, seats, locks, windows, antenna, multiplex search radio, cruise control, radial ires, etc. Excellent1 condition. Brown with cream vinyl roof. A luxury automobile for onily $1395. Phone 623-6023. 1-iN '76 FORD panielîed van, 6 cylinder, custom wrkcomy- plete. Must seli. Best o11F-r. 623-5747. 1-IN J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-sfop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf VyiTALiZMNC- ! Phone 723-1155 for Rustproofin g on nePw or used vehicles. W1'riten war- ranty. Durham iVifa izi ng, phone723-155.47-tf WE'RE EXCITlED about our besf year ever. Andwer lookingfor àa mature pe UoI the Bowmýranvilleýareatdhr in our girowtih. Wieitrin. WNrife A. Q.- Dick, Pres., South- western Pet 1role-um, 87 West Dr., .Bramnpton, Oif. LeT 2j6. R E CEPTIO NIPEST BOOKKýýEEPER Some legal experieýnce, must be,'able fo type vwell, able to use dictaphone. Write Advetiser 737, c-o Canadian Saemn Box 190, Bowmanville, Ont,. LIC 3K9. 1-1 N deliver The Canadian Stafesman in the Waverley, Strike anici Little Ave. area. The route consists of 53 papers. Phonie 623-3303. 52-tf I 0