Well-Dressed Couneillors? The Durham Region is seriously considering the color and cost of purchasing officiai jackets for staff and councillors. "Nobody is going to force anyone to wear a jacket," said Councillor Joy Thompson last week. However, she suggested that the, Durham Region needs an officiai jacket that could be worn by councillors attending conventions and trade fairs on behaif of the region. She said the jackets could be purchased by councillors or any members of staff who requested them. S"I'd want my people to wear an Oshawa jacket,' replied Oshawa Mayor Jim Potticary when Council- lor Thompson made her'suggestion. Mayor Potticary said the idea of corporations having officiai uni- forms is out of date. "I realiy don't want a jacket or uniform to differentiate me from the p eople I live with and work with," said Councillor John Aker. Despite a few objections, Durham Region council voted to obtain information on the color and cost of the clothing. BLACKSTOCK It is with mixed feelings 'I am announcing a new reporter for the Blackstock news as of January 3th. 1 have found myself swamped with new obligations and no longer have as mucb time as needed to report the Blackstock news. Beth Scryburt will be the replacement and will be more than bappy to assist anyone witb their news. I wisb ta thank ail those ,who bave reported tbeir activities and events in tbe past 20 months and given me tbeir, ful support. My very best regards ta Beth onher new endeavor. Please contact Betb with information at 986-5015. SMr. and Mrs. Gord Pereman of Columbus were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin were Sunday'evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson of Cannington. Mr. Pete Keuning returned home on Tuesday following an extended vacation in Holland. Sympathy is extended to tbe friends and relatives of Milton Oster wb 'o passed away in Oshawa recently. Bad weather was no obstacle Friday, January 2tb when a dinner party was held to celebrate Larry Scbry- burt's birtbday. Dinner guests included Jack and Lasha Pikaart and fatnily fromn 62 JACKMAN ROAD BOWMANVILLE, ONT. LiC 2C9 (416) 623-6023 W. H. Clipperton & Associates Mt. REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS for Mortgages - Capital Gains Tax Purchase and Sale Expropriation - Estate Values' lnvestment A nalysis PRIVATn E SALE, Raised Bungalow: 1650 sq. ft. of living area. Upstaîrs, largeliving and dining room, spacious kitchen with eating area, 3 bedrooms and 4 pc. bathroom.. Main floor: spacious hall, 4th bedroom with 2 pc. bath (can be rented for $100.00 nonthl, nearly finished family room, laundry room and woerk area. Single car garage, paved driveway, hardwood f loors, broadloomn in living area. Complete with 2 appliances. Only $2600 down. For appintment caîl 623-7684. rfSnI~,LkOnly our name _ has changed 1iwJ COMPARE $53,900.00 Attractive 2 storey home with 4 bedrooms, eat-in kitchen, 2 and 4 piece baths, spacious living room and dinling area, attached garage and fenced yard. Ail tastefully decorated and in mint condition. Caîl Ed Jeans 623-7152 or 623-6622. YES YOUJ CAN AF FORD THIS 19.6 ACRE FARM' Only 15ý minutes from town nestled amongst the rolling countryside on a paved road. A wood burning Franklin for your relaxation. Beat inflation with plenty of room for a veqietable garden. Huqe L-shaped barn to raise your own beef and a pony for the, kids. Just listed $75,000. Owner anxious. Cal Gail Churchill 623-6622 or 986-4304 for further information. COUNTRY LIVING AT ITS BEST This qu ality built home has many features such as: cozy family room with waiI to wall, flbar to ceiling fireplace, carpeted throughout, double parage and electric heat. Together with a panoram c vlew and extra large lot, this is indeed a very desirable property. Priceonly 563,900. Terms. Cal Peter Feddema 263-2042 or 623-6622. BRAND NEW COUNTRY SIDESPLIT Three bedroomrs, attached grage on large lot. Custom built! Reduced to seil at 54,000. Termns. Cal Peter Feddema 263-2042 or 623-6622. GOOD FAMILY HOME Comfortable place to raise a family. Thiis three bedroom bungalow semi includes attached garage with door into basement - great in wet or cold weather, paved driveway, beautiful kitchen and above ground pool in the fully fenced back yard. To ask why aIl this costs only $42900.00, phone Gord Barnes at 623-6860 or 623-6622. Oshawa and Don and Joanne Russell and family from Blackstock. Larry and Beth Schryburt accompanied Carol and Dave Andrews to a dance in Oshawa Saturday evening where Dave had bis first job as "the Music Man." Henry and Ann Aistein returned to Blackstock after a two week vacation in sunny Acapulco, Mexico. Glad to hear Mr. Tennyson Sameils is horne from Port Perry Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gibson from Osbawa were Sunday visitors witb Mr. and MËs., Russell Larmer. Mr. and Mrs. S.G. Saywell, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanCamp were Sunday dinner guests witb Mr. and Mrs. Jim VanCamp, Scugog Island. Due to extreme weather conditions on- January 1lth, Blackstock Nursery- School. beld its January meeting on Monday, January, l6tb. President Cberyl Vogel called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. Minutes of the last meeting were read by tbe Secretary, Judy Crawford. Joanne Lee gave a dance commiittee report. Tickets were distributed for tbe Valentines dance to be held February 11th. Many money making projects were dis- cussed because of the organ- ization's need for a large Recreationai Centre play- gi-ound fund. The future date of the montbly meeting bas been changed to the second Monday of each montb in hopes for larger attendance. Tbe meeting was brought to a close witb coffee, tea and of course conversation. 1Winners at the Senior Citizen's Weekly card party with 15 tables were: lst. Dorothy McDiarmid 107, 2nd. Bert Gibson 89, 3rd. Ann Taylor 87, 4th. Susie Harris 84, 5th. Edna Kerry 81, 6tb. Laurena Bright 80, Ilow prize- Edna Larmer. The Friday afternoon session of the Blackstock Nursery School enjoyed the afternoon at the Cartwrigbt Public Scbool in tbe Kinder- garten room. The Kinder- garten children made party bats and decorated birtbday cup cakes. Mrs. Crawford presented a movie entitled the Little Engine tbat could. Everyone sang Happy Birtb- day to Barrett Crawford; hie was 5 on Sunday, January 22nd. Ail of the children in the session will be attending kindergarten next year and were thrilled at speniding the afternoon at the school. , Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Samelîs, Peterborough spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson Sameils. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, Scarborougb visited with Mrs. Roy Taylor on Sunday after- noon. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Graham, Mark and Robbie and Mrs. C. Grabam were Wednesday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and girls on the occasion of Harvey's birth- day. Tbe Cartwright Dyno Snow- mobile club beld a very successful snowmobile rally on Sunday. Brian Bongard, in spite of good competition won witb flying colours. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fletcber and' family were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Cbarlie Woodard, Osbawa. Mary Lisko, autbor of "The Happy Looker" and "Tbe edvang IJFRELY LTD. Announcement Edmond Vanhaverbeke Happy Cooker" gave an inspiring demonstration at the Recreational Centre on Wednesday evening. Ed's note- We are deeply indebted to Mrs. Fletcber and tbank ber for ber contribu- tions. IMPRE~SSION REALTOR S623-4428 18,1 Church Street REAL ESTATE LIMITED Bo m nil ONTARIO ST. - This 4 yr. old brick bungalow has a lovely Angestone fi replace f loor-to-cel ing in the living room, a hug 42 x 13 rec room with fielidstone f ireplace in base nt 3 bedrooms and attached garage. House is also fully wired for intercom and stereo. Asking price is $59,900.00. TRY YOUR DOWN PAYMENT - on this 4 bedroom, 5 Sr. old semi with Hollywood kitchen, 2 bathrooms, roadi oom throughout. Private patio in a well Slandscaped yard. Asking $44,900.00. ANDREWS RD., ORONO - Priced at $48,900.00, this brick and aluminum sidesplit has living and dinfing room combination, large kitchen and 3 bedrooms plus extra room partly finished in basement. lncluded are 1 dishwasher and toolshed. SPACIOUS BACKS PLIT - Just east of Bowmanville, this fully broadloomed home has large kitchen and rec room with franklin f ireplace. Asking $54,900.00. N KENHOCKIN KENLTD. DEALTORRIALTOR BOWMANVILLE, 623-41.15 CAMPBELLCROFT Four bedroomr, two storey house ith garage, large village lot. House only 5,years old. Excellent famil y home, real value at 549,900. BOWMANVULLE ORONO 623-3393 983-9547 BOWMANVILLE Only 3 new homes remaining. Two with single garages - one a doubleg ara g . These executive homes. are fui y broadloomed, allhave fireplaces, and many more extras. Low down payment. Priced f rom $59,995. Cal Ron Hurst for f urther Information. NEWCASTLE COUNTRYSIDE Executive style 3 bedroom backsplit featuring garage, tireplace and large country lot 100' x 150'. Panoramic view of Lake Ontario and surrounding countryside makes thîs an'attractive package at just $62,900. Terms. Caîl Bill Morrison Jr. KENIDAL HILLS - 4 ACRES Mature trees and outstanding view overlooking Lake Ontario. Excellent location. Paved road. AIl for onl y $35,900. Terms. Caîl Bill Turansky. MINI-FARM - HAYDON il acres with 4 bedrooms, 2 storey brick home. Large kitchen, 3 baths, fireplace, separate dining room, good barn. Asking $114,900. Terms. Caîl Bill Turansky or Ken Brown. HAMPTON -$43,900 Immaculate 2 bedroom bungalow featuring double car' garage and spaclous 1/2 acre lot. An excellent investment. Terms. Caîl Bill Morrison Jr. NE WTONVILLIE Just isted. 3 bedroom backspllt on 60' x 165' lot. Close to Hwy. 401 for easy commuting. This 5 yr. old home is in mint condition. Full basement with rec room. Asklng $55,900. Terms. Caîl Ron Hurst. 8¾/ PER CENT MORTGAGE GOOD 'TII YEAR 2009 On this 3 bedroom backsplit located on a quiet crescent in Bowmanville, just30mins. from Scarboro. Features include large country sized kitchen, family room, with, fireplace and much more. Priced at $48,900. Cal Joanne Swadron. $19,900 - MOBILE HOME On large lot in Sandown Park, Cobourg. Features include cedar deck, built-in china cabinet, built-in dressers in ail bedrooms, fridge and stove and much more. Caîl Joanne Swadron. WNEW LISTING! - ORONO 3 bedroomn brick home with carport. This immaculate- ly kept property is situated on a 160' x 100' lot. Built-in appliances. Finished rec room with billiard table. Asking $52,900. Terms. Caîl Ron Hurst. ORONO AREA - $45,500 Attractive bungalow situated on spacious country lot. Must be sold. Caîl Bill Morrison Jr. c*c Coast to Coast Real Estate Service N E ts",£ LIMITEPA$SA-Itj4ý't e'IN ', ieA eiz WAVERLEY CENTRE 104 Waverley Road! (Suite 202), Bowýmanville, Phone 623-6121 5JACKMAN ROAD, BOWMANVILLE, ONT. -OPEN HOUSE -aur 9 98 Thursday, January 26th and Sunday, aur 9h 98 From 12:00 noon until 5:00 p.m. Directions -- North on Scugog St. to Jackman Road, west on Jackman Road to Open House signs. Bowmianvllle- 623-3911 ORONO - 2 storey brick duplex on main street, com- mercial possi bilities,goodrepair. Lot 66'x 165', asking $60,000. VENDOR NXOUS. BOWMANVILLE - 4 bedroom brick bungalow with paved drive, rec room, central air conditioning and basement apartment. North area, close to school and church, asking $60,900. BOWMANVILLE- compact 2 bedroom frame bungalow with broadloom and garage on deep 165' lot. South area, close to school and park. Asking $37,900. BOWMANVILLE - 2 storey brick duplex on lot 89' x 107' with sepaýrate meters. Each have 3 bedrooms, 3 pc. bath and dining room, close to school and shopping. Asking $69,900. BOWMANV ILLE - 2 new 3 bedroom brick bungalows now being completed with broadloom and cushion f loor of your choice, q ui et north end area street, close to school. Asking $54,900. BOWMANVILLE - 4 bedroom 2 storey bric k and aluminum home on north end court, 11/2 baths, broadloom and cushion f loor, paved drive and attached garage, family room 12' x 18'. Nicely landscaped. Asking $64,500. V ENDORS ANX IUS. 52 Ring St. West 623-2453 OLDER HOME- on lot 83' x 380' ineast end of Bowmanville. Ideal propet-ty for a handyman. Priced at $48,000. Terms. $36,000.00 - is the full asking price for 5 roomn semi-detached home central y ocated and in good condition. See it aný try an offer. FIVE ROOM HOME -on small lot on Silver St., zoned commercial. Ideal spot for small store or office and living quarters. Asking $36,900. TWO ADJOIN ING BRICK HOMES - of 6 rooms each with separate furnaces and entrances.* Centrally located in Bowmanville. Live in one and rent the other. Asking $60,500. Terms. Must be sold to settle estate. AFTER HOURS J. A. Barton.............................. 623-3098 P. Kowal Jr............................... 623-5868 January 28 and 29' 1: 00 -4:O00pm OPEN HOUSE sto e to luxuyi one of t hese 2000 sq. ft. homnes on, barge ot i Orno with woods and creek behind, 3, bat s, 1/ fireplaces, 2 walkouts, family room, games room, double attached garage. $79,000.00 and, $83,900.00. Take Taunton Road to Main Street, Orono,ý go south to signs. - ---- ---- Don' .t e Mss Benjamin Moore Paclent s 120% off First qua lity lines- Gails. only 't" Moortone Pi nts Only, 8Gallon Reg ula rly to$14.95 Gai. Wallpaper SAV E F ROM Thousands of Rolis in Stock 'sale ends Tuesday, Jan. -3lst A bernethy's Paint and Wallpaper 55 King St. W. 623-5431 Bowmanville 12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 25,1978 à Am