10 The Canadian.Staesa.Bowmanville. January 25, 1978 Section Two Enniskillen Michael Holmes and Linda Sharp were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mrs. G. Lyons, Michael, Linda, Debbie Poliard and John Avery were Sunday dinner guests with Mrs. Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dor- land, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. J 'oe Rekkar and family, Newcastle were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Avery. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Taylor, Solina, were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. Miss Betty Wright spent Wednesday, with Miss Bever- ley Wright, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin were recent visitors of Mr. 'and Mrs. Sandy Moore, Shirley Road. Mrs. Linda Sweet attended a baby shower for Carol Alex- ander and baby Meredith on Sunday afternoon at. their home. Mr. and Mrs. Weir Swamn were Monday callers on Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ern Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Gary- Hanewich, Oshawa were Sunday supper guests. Ern and Berta Werry attended the reception at Hampton for Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary. "Congratula- tions folks." ' They called on M~r. and Mrs. R.J. Metealfe after the reception. Lois, Richard and Eiisabeth Worden were Sunday guests of Margaret and Orville Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. John Burton, Eric and Brin, Wayne and Barb Patfield were afternoon and dinner guests of Mrs. Winnie Ferguson and Clarence Sachs. Large crowds are eported at Enniskillen Conservation Area on the weekends enjoy- ing winter sports. A beautiful but cool day brought forth sixty-five wor- 'shippers to our- combined Sunday School and Church Service at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday. The nine member Senior Choir Number was "Amazing Grace" under the direction of their choir leader Ulah Chambers at the organ. From the chancel our minis- ter's children' story was "Gimme-Get-and Give-which does not make young or older foll<s really happy but "ie does miake us happy. The inision prayer was repeated and during the Cildren's Hlymn the Sunday School Classes and teachers went to have the, Sunday School session in the Sunday School room. Rev. Kempling entitled bis sermon "Fate, Destiny and the Will of God." He used many illustrations fom T.V. and periodicals to show that God uses everyone and every- thiing and God's will can be done by us. Thbis week's notices were Monday evening, Senior Citizens meeting. Monday, 8:00 p.m. The Annual Official Board Meet- ing was held in Tyrone United Church Hall. Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 p.m. Week of Prayer services were held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Bowmanville. Wed- nesday, U.C.W. meeting was held at Jessie Slemôn's home. Report next week. Advance Noice - Februamy 11, 6:15 p.m.- A men's rally will be held in St. Stephens United Church, Oshawa. SALEM period with a New Year's poem after which hymn 581 wvas sung. Mrs. Ruby Shackle- ton rend the seripture passage from Job 38, verses 19-22. Mrs, Welsh gave a very fine meditation on "Winter," followed by prayer and the singing.of hymn 15. Mrs. Kay Steven then read to us from the Peoples Almanac some choice bits of humour and philosophy. To name a few, "The fiat earth society", "Sari H-osea's 148 roomn monstrosity house" a sketch of the life of Alexander Selkirk the original Robinson Crusoe and "The womnan's ible" Mms. Shackleton conducted a contest after which lunch and a social haîf hour was ezmjoyed. Next meeting on Februamy 8th and ail ladies of the community invited. Spaghetti, Spaghettini, MAarvel Brancd - Seiced Ready-Cut Macaroni 24-OZ LOAF 2-L 4 9(LIéTà6LO.AVES PER CUSTOMEýR) A&P BRAND CTION PRICEDI 71/4-OZ PKG Vnlao utrcthRpl Mac& Cheese4fo99/ W E SGATFE TOMATO OR VEGETABLE ACTION PRirED! Heinz Soups 1lOil.oztin 19/R qAPtl1 11 VARIETIES ACTION PRICEDI 2.25.OZ PICG 0F 2 ENVS Lipton Soup Mixes 59/ FIL ITR BLUEWATER, FROZEN, THRIFT PACK Fish & hips 32ozpkg l.9c McCAIN, FROZENM, STRAIGHT CUT, CRINKLE, SHOESTRING French ies3Ipg ASSORTE-D FLAVOURs NEW 175 gCQNTAINI YoplaitYout3rl0 PLAIN, PROCE!iS CHEESE ACTION PRICEI Kraft Slces " 1-16pkg 1.6c ami pk lroll JANE PARKER ACTION PRICEDI M9OZ CAKE Spanwish'[Bar Cake 79/ JANE PARKER PKG 0F 12 Hot Céross Buns 1.59, (PKG Of 6 8v SERVE A STEW TOOAY WITN ONTARIO WINTER VEGETABL No. 1 Grade, Ontario, Excellent in a Stew or Sala4d C agr rotims 3Iclo Small No. 1 Grade, Ontario, Yellow Cooking, MExcellent inI a Stew or Boiled Onionbsib bag~ Apples WASý Tomatoes, CANADA, EXTRA FANCY ýHINOTON, GOLDEN DELICIOUS CRISP AND JUIC NO. 1 GRADE PICRIDA, FIRM, RIPE EXCELLENT SLICERS biîte, Yellow, Pir.k, Green "NEW" AT HROOP% TISSUJE LES S 1/ b69/ Ora ge FLORDA, TEMPLE, THIN SKIN Dozen 99 FLORIDA, WHITE, INDIAN RIVER, LARGE SIZE 36-a SWSIIT EATINO, PULL 0&4 JWCU Gîrapefruit 5 for 99/Cý Reieî-r- Begon las "r. a .69 WHITE SWAN, GIE Facial CHICKEN RICE, VE BEEF NOODLE Hinz Heinz1 ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, JANUARY 28TH, 1978. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTSI BtrPeaCherry ChipDe41s Food GemnChl.coate, MiIk Chocoa-ito Whtte CROCER 'ý8.5-01 id you k,,now that A&P is PK uts of fresh beef, a&I MA FRT-A,-OME STYLE" ACTION PRICEDI ru PO a1o Chi ps 200pkg89/ 9ý KLOG REAL ACTION PRICEDI M C Krispies 500 gpkg 9 9/ý DETERGENT 24-FL-OZ PLASTIC RTL. (PREPRICED) Frs Sunilight i-Liquid 74+ 2-Fe 4ý ORANGE PEKOE , PKG. 0F 120 IRISH. BEE, TURKEY--, CHICICEN 8F.ZTiN M V Clark Stews 3 for hoe r Carntio, Istat, ich or Marshmaîîow 11.oz pkg of 12 enva l SHt hoc-olate 1.3 1>plu IE HinzCeeas1.oPk59 CUT FROM ACAINADA GRi J Q ae Qas pkg75/Z» VP I EVLLED HAM OR DEVILLED HAM WLTII CHEESE 3-OZ'TIN C %Wordon Bleu sreads2L/79ç 1T Býorden's -ereame-!d U M * MPLE LEAF , GOD"R orkV Sau/9 m MAPLE LEAFI *MAPLE LEAF,> BOEESDIY ESTAL UEFPRNCH' -1e! H uMNION EA loFO IN Soups 4or 1-0 D Ee' E 25îFLZ BTL ýï Ketchu 99/ ___lai YORK - FROZEN, CHOICE Strawberries 9-or pkg 55/e CHOýCOL&TE SANDWICH, COEucREme, FINGESoRANG SNWCREGAL ASRMNWPR ~ K AMI - 'PUjRE" Apple Juice 4~lOhl5 fl ot îust a butcher shop with its k-undreds of îamb, veal and poulty.. NY 'SHOPS IN ONE!I aN PoutryShp- q lb ~DE "A" BEEF I s IbM, ER PREVIOIJSLY FROZEN SIED SCALLOPS FILLETS 39b MW ZN lb 2.79 FROZNf lb 79ý ~ces eekutA&P! eats12%oz Vac 98/ ÀR'1, THICK SLICED, GARLIC, ALL BEEF 16-oz Vac Pa-c 98& saes i,3 SIi e s 1iapa980 INR WL,>OKE:D, REA 'DY-TO-SERVE ulders 16198 MRichs, Instant WT USCUO M FEM M R nEIbA" I EM M i LIME NCOUPON PUR CUSTOMER. VALIO uNTILuSA., JAIAY Stm,19SV.C. M PdMMM MMMMMMM9 M MM0i ia 0a1a1M qr4aP qM M M71aM MMM aMMs N-,utrition W..k January 23rd - 29th Edood Nmtritio. Sponsor.d by th@ Ontarlo Dietetie Assoclatleu. ------------- ÏICK LL