The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Marchi 1, 1978 3 49 Years Ago, when over 150 attended the Thursday, February 14, 1929 sWTiptuous banquet. Charles Stewart, Mrs. Bruce The Town Council on John MacKay Co., is el aim- Lunney, Mrs. Jim Thompson, STuesday evening finally ing $2310 in damages from the Mrs. Ray Abernethy, Mrs. granted the request of the town for flooding and faultY Francis, Thompson, Mrs. Bowmanville High Sehool bridge construction during a Keith Longmuir, Mrs. Joe Board to provide $98,000 to recent flood in the district. Mr. Barton (convenor). build an d equip a. much Morden dlaims the bridge is s0 Dr. Jack Hare, son of Mr. needed addition to the school.* poorly constructed, debris and Mrs. Percy Hare, Newc- Opening today is the Walker collects and backs up the castie, was honored last week Stores, Limited, in the store water into the Cream Of when he was appointed Chief formerly occupîed for many Barlev Mill. and damaged 825 of the Obstetrical Department years by S.W. Mason and Son. bags of Pearl and Pot Barley of the St. Thomas General The store will be under the valued at $2310. Hospital. Management of Mr, C.B. The Historyof the Maple Hurley, Brockville. 25 Years Ago Grove Community dating Over one hunidred friends Thursday, February 12, 1953 back over 160 years bas been and relatives of Mr. W. Van Members of St. Paul's compiled by a research group Nest and sons Jesse and Arnot Evening Woman's Association of the Maple, Grove Women's gathered at their home near who cooked and served the Institute. The first record of a Sol ina on Tuesday evening, to delicious turkey dinner school teacher is dated 1866 at honor tbem on the eve of their enjoyed at the officiai. opening a saîary of $280 a year. departure from the family of the Lions Club new wing on Alfred E. Armstrong, homestead. During the even- Monday evening are Mr5. Clarke Township chicken ing each of the three Van Jack Welsh. Mrs. Thornton farmer saw three years of' Nests were presented with Anderson, Mrs. Alex Lyle, hard work go up in flames club bsb Messrs. Yellow- Mrs. Geo. 'Graham, Mrs. early Monday mornîng, lees, Hardy and Baker. Donald Lawson, Mrs, Ron destroying bis fîve floor Hampton Women's Ixnstitute Hetherington, Mrs. Howard floor chicken barn, located on celebrated their silver jubilee Corden, Mrs. Margaret the Don Gibson farm at a loss nt the church on Thursday Perris, Mrs. Manseli Stacey, Of $40,000. Mrs. Donald Boe. Mrs. Maplqe Grove C ub Ne 2,W s 1Our last paper and bottile drive on January 7th was very .Èuccessful. Your support was mnuch appreciated. The winners at Liberty Bowl on january lltb are as follows. Lane eight,' Mark Van Leeu- iven 139 points, Lane' nine, Paul Martin, 189 points, Lane Ïen, Tim Van Leeuwen 234 points, Lane eleven, Lee Quinney 223 points, Lane twelve, Andy Davey, 223 points. Keep up the good work. January 9th tili January 3tb .9,1 boys were busy building birdbouses with their dads. January 15tb Group Commit- tee meeting at Mr. and Mrs. Quinneys. January 2lst al leaders spend the day at a training course. At present al boys are, busy building their Pine Wood Derby cars. We will be racing the cars on March 4 at Pontypool Com- munity Centre. Good luck and have fun. The foilowing boys have earned and received badges. Readers Badge, Keith Gallagher, John Chamberlain, Team badge, Kyle Smart, Paul Martin, Donald Snowden,. Dean Smith, Tim Van Leeuwen, Marcus Ryan. Pet keepers badge, Jobnny Jeffery, Bobby Jeffery, Scott Hanhorn, Artistsbadge, Andy Daven, Musîcian badge, Brent McColi, Cycist badge, Chris Baylis, Collectors badge, Biily Waimsley, Mark Van THE lFemiinine Look, Is Here! We have one of the largest selections of Spring and Summer dresses in the Durham Region. Choose f rom a wide selection k 0f shades and styles.. for Business- Pleasure and Leisure. Sizes range f rom 5 to 20. ~arte'~ ot~onOSHAWAe Bond Towers Shopping MailSHW 44 Bond St. W. Downtown Oshawa 576-7 152wq "A SpecWo Shop for SpeCiol Women" SQUARE Leeuwen, Carpenters badge, Jimmy Kozak, Anglers badge, Stacey Zealand, Danny Van Hemmen. Toymakers badge Bill Van Boxtel, Sean Clark, Kenny Wright, John Van Boxtel, House orderly badge Edward Colliss, Peter Kozak, Handyman badge Lee Quinney. Congratulations to ail the wînners on Wednesday, February at Liberty Bowl are Lane one, Andy ýDavey 223 points, Lane two, Stacey Zealand 206 points, Lane three, Tim Van Leeuwen 188 points, Lane four, Danny Van Hemmen 226 points, Lane five, Kyle Smart 205 points, Lane six, Paul Martin 138 points, Smile keep on bowling. On Saturday, February 18 there were '68 people from Maple Grove who attended the Baden Powell dance in Tyrone Community Centre. On Sunday, February 19 we had a spiecial Church Service at the Mapie Grove United Cburcb, We bad a good 1turn'out tÉ;,al the Beavers, Brownies and Cubs. The flag bearers were Canadian Flag, Stacey Zealand, Beaver Fiag, Themmy Papinicolopoulos, Brownie fiag Susan Pinch. Cub Flag, Lee Quinney, Beaver Promise Terry Ormis- ton, Beaver Law, Dean Baumhauer, Brownie Promise by ail Brownies. Brownie law, Janet Magee, Lauren Soutter. Cub Promise, done by ail Cubs, Cub prayer, Don Snowden. Our £ayer Danny Van Hemmen. The Churcb Offering was picked up by Brownie Jennifer Quigg and Cub Keith Gailagher. The Beavers sang "He's Got the Whole World In His Hands. The Brownies sang "Hey, bey, Anybody Listening. The Cubs sang "The Lord is My Shepherd. Congratulations to ail, weli done. On Saturday, February 25th we had our Parents and Sons banquet at the Maple Grove United Church to celebrate the closing of the Baden Powell week. Our guests were Rev. Davis Buras and bis wife, Mr. Mel Smith of Oshawa and four Scouts, Tommy Colliss, Tim Hanstra, Ian Soutter and Stanley Zealand. After dinner Mr. Smith, Rev. David Burns and Mr. Scoutter were given T0 Celebrate let Birthday Hi! My name'is Julie Ann. I will be one-year-old on March 5th, 1978. My parents are Lyle and Pat Wichman of Bowmanville. My proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stàples of Courtice and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wichman of Oshawa. the jo b of judging the bird- bouses. It sure wasn't an easy job. Tbe winners were picked in tbree categories. First prize, went to Keith Gallagher and bis Dad for workmanship. Model, Pinegrove School. Second prize went to Kyle Smart and bis dad for unique- ness. Model Log House. Third prize went to Danny Van Hemmen and bis Dad for ecological Model Wren Motel. The prizes were, two Wolf Cub touque's and a Wolf Cub mug, three badges, Happiness is, Being a Cub. The birdbouses will ail be given away. This year, tbey will be handed out, on the Nortb Side of No. 2, in Mapie Grove. If interested, in getting a frýee birdbouse, give us a cali at 623-5301. This is tbe boys job to help the leaders to promfote scouting in our area. We bave been doing this Father Son pro ject for the iast 7 years. After tbe entertain- ment, the Akela, thanked al the ladies from U.C.W. for the excellent meal. Rev. and Mrs. Burns, Mr. Mel Smith, the four scouts, otùr group committee members, al leaders, Cubs and parents for makng our banquet a big success. The Akela,- was presented with a beautiful Wolf Cub pen set. On Monday, February 27 we wili ail be going to General Printers in Oshawa for a visit. Good luck to ail boys on Marcb 4 at the Pine Wood Derby races.' At present, ail leaders in Maple Grove are taking a Senior Standard, St. John's First Aid Course. On Wednesday, March 8 is our next bowling night. On Saturday, Marcb iith the Akela, Sher Kahn and Mrs. Quinney fromn Group Committee are going to the Regionai Conference in Port Hope. Our next paper and bottie drive is on Saturday, March 18. Yours in Scouting, Akela, Andy Van Hemmen. PONTYPOOL beveral Pontypool boys, members of the Millbrook Atom A's, participated in an Atom tournament recently in Norwood. The team came out on top in the tournament. Local boys were Dwayne Medd (goal), Chris Dunford, Kevin Bryant, David Gaynor, Andy Sutch and Randy Wood. David Gaynor received a medallion for being chosen Miilbrook's most valuable player. Manvers Ohd Timers played in a tournament in Millbrook on Saturday. They did remarkably, well considering the fact that tbey have beeni playing together for a v)ery short time. In the first game at 8:00 a.m. the teamn was defeated by Millbrook, and later came back and outscored Keene, In the B finals, Manvers was defeated by Scott's of Peterborough. We will be looking forward to watching our Old Timers next year in our own Manvers Arena. Mrs. Sadie Kirk was taken to hospitai early Saturday morning. Sbe is in the Inten- sive Care unit in Peterborough Civic Hospital. We certainiy ail wisb Sadie a very speedy recovery. Mrs. Jirn Stanley had the misfortune to cut one of ber fingers quite badly on Friday while at work at Piy Design, Orono. We trust that Heather's înjury will not be too painful. Sympatby is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Sytnyk on the very sudden passing of Barrie's step-mother, Mrs. William Sytnyk of Whitby on Friday. Mrs. David Preston and Mrs. Bert Riel of Betbany left on Sunday for Deland, Florida. Again we remind you of the Library meeting this Tus day, March 2n1d at 8: 00 p. m. in the Pontypool Comimunity Centre. Ail interested' in having a library in the village are urged to attend., Anyone wishing a ride to Betbany for the World Day of Prayer kindiy contact Dorothy Dewar at 277-2828 or Yvonne Fallis at 277-2183. Two local ladies celebrated their birtbdays over the week- end. Mrs. Grace Fallis was honoured at a 'birthday party on Saturday beld at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cosmo Carchidi, Janetville. Mrs. George VanDam Sr. was presented with a birtbday THE (416) 987-5021 g~TALISMAN EMPORIUM Hwy. 115 and North St. P-0. Box 521, Newcastle Open Saturclays, Sundays and Holidays 10:00a.m. -5:00Op.m. The Energy S&-avers Theood ~~sheise s- a*1 hours burning on one Ia of ' eod .* -eb çk lned a 10 pear quarantee o 5 models 10 choose iro a i o GRANDMA dsly Glass Doors After thet ie goes out, glass doors make sure the heat doesn't " eniergy saeîng and sate " avaitable in many finîshes f0 suit pour decor " standard or cusoo sizes W-1 MI & I- hoeatilator: Patented, controlled, heat-circulating system mark 123C is both a reai firepiace and auxiliary heafîng system in one unit Carr be ducfed to help mvarm one or fwo rooms, Fan Kit Ava0ible OvER 25'. EFFICIENT B ,i 1re further ,I-rirlc ,"rIf oo t, be a alu o Q o VISIT OUR SHOWROOM TUES. - SAT. for a omplete selectior o f stov-. fireï[ocf The doors and accessor e', 900 Hopkrs r, t Burns Firoepliooe Plus, WHITBY 6F68 3192 cake at the dance on Saturday night and on Sunday, had several birthday callers. Con- gratulations to both ladies on their, 39 plus birthdays. The Chamber of Commerce dance was well attended on Saturday night with, good music provided by Larry Adams and Midnight Country, Mr. and Mrs. David Smales and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Combdon were in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McMullen visited with Lucîlle's parents on Sunday - Mrs. Hyland in Nestieton and Mr. Hyland in nursing home in Port Perry. The Cliff Fallis' and Murray and Sandra Thompson of Bailieboro were Sunday dinner guests of Brian and Carolyn Morton, Blackstock, Miss Michelle Morton was celebrating ber 3rd birthday. Mrs. Virgie Evans, wbo has been staying with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fowler since coming out of hospital, is moving into the village home owned by Neil Curtis. On' the Sunday morning following the Monte Carlo night at the new Manvers Communîty Centre, it was discovered that a new 100-cup West Bend coffee percolator was missing. If anyone knows its whereabouts would tbey kindly contact Jim Kloepfer at 277-2011. The Janetville Brownies and Girl Guides had graciously donated two such percolators to the Community Centre and ail feel quite badly that one has s0 mysteriously disappeared. As the gE rcolator was in a cardboard ox, someone might have taken -it by mistake and now feels guilty about returning it. If so, the Arena committee would certainly appreciate its return and no more will be said. We are very glad to, hear that Mr. Sid Powers bas been released from bospital and is staying with his daughter, Mrs. Bill Sheppard, at 1361 Holloway Dr., Peterborough. He will be there for at least a month. Anyone who would like to caîl on Sid and belp hlm pass the time is very welcome. We' understand that Holloway Drive is not too far from the Civic Hospital. Ten tables of euchre were played at Ballyduff Commun- îty Centre on Friday nigbt with winners-Alice Mantle, Janet Lee, Derena Clark, Bob Brown,; Leonard Cain and Murray Clark. Several cases of chicken pox have been reported in local homes. The flu bug is still prevalent as well. Last Monday evening the local Brownie group held an Enrolîment Ceremony -when Holl1yand Pam Arthur joined the Brownies. Visitors with Mr. andl Mrs. David Smnales over tbe week- end were Mr. and Mrs. Pete Butt and Michael of Port Perry and Deanna's mother, Mrs. Fay Pritchard of Oshawa. We have just received word that Alvin Olan was rushed to bospital on Saturday evening and is in Intensive Care, Civic Hospital, with a heart attack. We hope that Alvin will soon be on the mend. The Brownies, Guides, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts attended the regular morning service in Pontypool United Churcb on Sunday. Several of their members took part in the service. Monica Mcllmoyle said the Brownie promise, Teresa Slute, the Brownie law and Angela Werk, the Brownie moto. Denise Brown explained "What it means to me to be a Brownie." Kim Medd said tbe Guide law and Anna Slute, Prayer for Thinking Day. Andy Smales gave the Beaver law, promise and motto. The Cubs and Scouts spoke in unison. It was good, to see mnany of the parents of the children in attendance. A brief meeting followed tbe purcbasing dividers for Sunday School classes and fixing the staîrweil whicb is badly in need of repair. A further meeting is pianned for Tuesday, night. Tyrone Eighteen tables plus, were in play at the weekly Senior Citizens card party on Friday evening. First place was won by Bruce Bright, then the ladies took- over. 2nd Anne Manns, 3rd Ethel Goble, 4th Hazel Smith, 5th Helen Mil- lson. Ladies low' Pauline Alldread, mens low Clarence Woodley. 50-50 draw Edna Vivian. The special choir will be singing on Sunday, Marcb 5tb at the Churcb service. The U.C.W. will hear guest speaker Mr. Allan Dixon, of the Presbyterial Executive, at their monthly meeting March 8th. The Tyro boys enjoyed an outing to a hockey game in Oshawa on Thursday evening, February 23rd. Drivers were Ralph Bowers, Pat Wernham and Tim Byam. A large turnout enjoyed the Teen dance at the Community Hall Saturday evening. Letter to Erditor March is Red Cross Month Hello, Once again I am asking for your continuing support for Red Cross in our area. You have always given your best before and I know that you will continue to do so in the future. Our aim for March 1978 is to inform everyone of the fact that Red Cross is here and to help where the belp is needed. We are ail volunteers and any assistance, no matter how small is gratefully appreciated. May we all continue to work together to help others in. tbe name of Red Cross. Thank you, (Mrà. Pat Griffin President and P. R. Chairman Rotarian R aises $400 >A hand crafted jewvehiery box that was the top prize in a Rotary Club Draw raised over $400 for various projects that the club supports financiahly. The winner was'A. Spencer of 1337 Cedar St., Osbawa. Bowmanville Rtarian Jan Oegema designed and carved the jewehlery box himself for the club's latest fund-raising scheme, which encourages the members to use their creative abihities to bring in support for charitable projects. The draw was made at the club's huncheon meeting hast Thursday afternoon. Family Asthma Program A Family Asthma Pro- gramme, funded and operated by Durham Region Lung Association, (local affiliate of the nationwide Christmas Seal Organization), wii begin at the, Pine Ridge, Training Scbool, Bowmanville, on Sat- urday, April lst from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. This Programme, offered, free of charge as a Christmas Seal Service, will run for seven consecutive Saturdays, and participatîng cbildren (aged between 4 and 16 yeairs) will be sbown breathing exer- cises, designed to control distressing asthmatic attacks, symptons of wbicb are often aggravated by fear as breath- ing becomes increasingly dif- ficuit. Ail procedures will be under the direction of a icensed physiotherapist. Lectures on the physical, medical and psychological problems of asthniatic child- ren are given by medical professionals to parents at- tending the' Course- and interested, persons shýouId con- tact Durham Region Lung Association, at 723-3151, as soon as possible. TiiOPICAI lSOTMME 30 KING ST. WEST BOWMANVILLE PHON E 623-447 10 Special PriCe Isn't ail that makes It specil eLively overhead valve engine that's stingy on gas *Power assisted front disc brakes e*Efficient rust-înhibitors eSpeedometer in mph. and km/h. *Flow through ventilation *Front buoket seats *Lots of interior room *Ample trunk space Add It ail up vid you'l get a vsry speclul car. 1300 Dundaa St.E. Whety e68-6828 mr -i ea