4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. March 1, 1978 KENDAL Mrs. Margaretta Stevens spent last Thursday with Miss Catherine Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Garland Cathcart and Mr. Arthur Thompson last Wednesday to help celebrate Arthur's birthday Returning h orne last weekend from holidays in the south were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carscadden who had been in Texas for three weeks, also Mr. and Mrs. David Skerratt who had been ini Florida for nearly three weeks. Mrs. Julia Jackson is visi- ing her daughter Margaret and her husband in California. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Westlake are also holidaying in Florida. At the car d party last Friday evening in Kendal Orange Hall there were twelve and a haîf tables. The prizes were won by the following: High lady-Mrs. Violet Suteliff and low lady-Mrs. Mary Thompson. High gent-Barry Downes and low gent-David Perceli. The 50-50 draw also was won by David Percell. At church on Sundày morning, Roy Patton and Garland Cathcart greeted friends at the door. It being Baden Powell Sunday, Kendal Brownie Pack was in attend- ance. Those present were, Brown Owl Dora MacDonald, Snowy Owl Lexanne Kemp, Brownies Karen Kennedy, Lesley Barrabail, Sandra Atkins, Krîstine Woods and Paula Robinson, also two Cubs, Randy Frank and Peter Fonk. Rev. A Tizzard chose as his sermon "His Abusers" it being the third Sunday in Lent. Sunday afternoon, Rev. Tizzard conducted the devo- tional services at Nel-Gor and South Haven Nursing Homes in Newcastle with Helen Wood being the organîst. Mrs. Margaretta Stevens with Mr. and Mrs. J. Helebust and family, visîted with her son, Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens and son of Ottawa last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harland Elliott spent Sunday evening with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott. Solina 4-H The Solina Cute Cuts opened the fourth meeting with the 4H pledge. The roll caîl for this meeting was "One way Iamb or veal is served in my home." Shelly read the minutes of the last meeting. Mrs. Hilis announced that there won't be a meeting on March 20 because it is in the March break but that it will be postponed until March 27. Our record books have to be in by April 4 to the leaders. Mrs. Hlîs handed out and talked about the pamphlet "Cooking Lamb.....for the sheer pleasure" by Mme. Benoit. We thenk proceded to the kitcheni to cook "Veal Paprika and Lamb Shoulder Chos". Mrs. Hilis discussed lamb and veal and their different qualities. She passed around different herbs and spices that are commonly used with veal and lamb. We used the arm and blade chops of lamb and veal in the recipes. We returned to our seats while the mùeat was cooking. Tina dis- cussed veal and 'Mrs. His discussed lamb and gave us large charts on lamb cuts. Mrs. Hilîs demonstrated carving in the kitchen. The Veal Paprika was served with Black Current jam and the Sour Cream sauce. The Lamb Shoulder Chops were served Public Schools. This hîstory wilI be available on May l7th aýt the Reunion. Cllass pictures and general information is being gathered. When was the first school built? Hydro, telephone, water, indoor toilets, these have not always, been a part of our school. Stories of "The Good Old Days" will add greatly to this history. Information is now being pieced together, Please phone right away with any informa- tion you wish to see in your "History of Mitchell's Corners Public Schools" book. Phone Sharron Lloyd 728-3636, MVarily1n Wicks 725-1792, or Jili White ey 723-1910. E Schneiders freezer Festl I .7Iri mi Pl( ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THRU SAT., MARCH 4th, 1978 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS!,1 CEE-- u t s e -, Vanilla or Butterscoticl Ripple 2 LITRE CARTON %Il Reg. Price 1. 5 7, BOUTIQUE TOWELS ACTION PRICEDI CHEEMASTER READY-TO.SERVE, 8 VARIETIES PKG 0F O , S FT 1-LB TUB4 9 0 HEINZ 8-FL-OZ 2 ROILS -89 MARGARINE SOUPSTI DflIfl5-LB DETERGENT2L 4 9 DECOR - WHITE, PINK, YELLOW, 2 PLY (REGULAR PRICE 1.29) ACTION PRICEDI PKG 0F 4 ROLLS Bathroom Tissue ,89W INSTANT COFFEE' (REG. PRICE 2.49 EACH) ACTION PRICED! MeIIow Roast 4ozar 39 SWETHEART - PINK OR LIME (REG. PRICE 1.09) ACTION PRICED! 32-FL-OZ PLASTIC BTL ULuid Detergent 89<1 BREAO & BUTTER (REGULAR PRICE 1i 25) OR SWEET MIXED (REG. PRICE 1.27) ACTIoN PR;C:EDI Heinz Pickles 32.fIozr9 9 VARIETIES (REG. PRICE 2 FOR 59c) 6-oz TIN Miss Mew Cat Food i4for 1.00 MITCHELLS, FANCY (REG. PRICE 46c EACI4) ACTION PRICEP' Apple Saucel4-f-oztin 3forl,00 BEEF, CHICKEN, MUSHROOM 10-FL-OZ TIN Cordon Bleu Gravies 4 for 1. 0 RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY, WITH PECTIN (REG. PRICE. 1.29) Aylmer Jams 24ozarl0 FOR DOGS OR CATS (REG. PRICE 29c EACH) 1 5-OZ TIN Budget Pet Food 4f,1l.00 Choice PeasfPeas & Carrots 14-f -or. Harvard Bets 15.5-f-oz i Aylmer Vegetables 35'f.,lOo Strained - Meatiess Varieties (Reg. Prices2 3c Tin) 4%-fl-oz Jar Heinz Baby Foods & Juices 5 for 1.00 (REG. PRICE 51c EACH) ATO RCD VANILLA, CH-OCOLATE FUOGE, CHOCOLATE CREAM 7.5-OZ PKG Monarch Icing Mixes 3/1.00û FLAVOUR SNACKS (REG. PRICE 65c EACH> 16-OZ PKG Mlkbone Dog Food 2f.11.00 KRAFT (REG. PRICF 1.09) ACTION PRICEDI Mayonnaise l6flozar 99< ROYAL -.- 7 FLAVOURS (REG. PRICE 28c EACI-) ACTION PRICEDI JeIIy 'Powders 3 9+kgfoLuQ 8otrsodChocolate, Rce, Tapica (Reg. Prce 59c each) I-io-i Nestie Puddings 2Zor.00) 7'VARIETIES (REGPRICE51ceach) 9.8-OZ POUCH- PACK CAKE MIXE S3 WITE, YELLOW, PINK FACIAL TISSUE Ct;OTTI ES 130XuE OF FOR1 0 TISSESHEETS2 YWE PICK THE BEST FOR OUR "GARDEN SPOT!" Sweet, Juicy 5-lb. cello bag FLORIDAI ORANG ES 1I. NO.' 1 GRADE, IMPORTED - SERVE A DAILY SALAD Lettuce each 49< ARIZONA, LARGE BUNCHES Green Onions 3f0r59< FLORIDA, CRISP, MILO Radiîshes 16oz cello pkg 39< CALIFORNIA, NEW CROP C arrots LARGE BUNCHEs 2f-79< FLORIDA, FINEST INDIAN RIVER, WHITE, SEEDLESS Grapef ruit SIZE48's 6fo,00 TEXAS, WASHED, PACKED FRESH DAILY S iach looz cello pkg 2 for 99<) * A Superb BIand, Rieh in Brarîlian Coffees OnIy wth thîs Coupon m j OFFEE l1bg2 9 il LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER M VALID UNTIL SATUROAY, MARCH 4th, 1978. NO. 634 * A Sup.rb Bîsnd, Rich in frazijiun Coffeen Onir with this Coupon* iCOFFEE ba: .17 * MN *LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMERm M VALID UNTIL SATURDAY, MARCH 4th, 1978. No. 635 * Did you know that A&P is flot just a butcher sbop with ifs hundreds of cuts of f resh beef, pork, lamb, veal and poultry.. FRESH PORKLOIN OSS R ib Portion 7 BONE CUT - COUNT THEM PreViously Fi POR LIVE (REG. PRICE 2 FOR 45c) si Macron &ChSs DINNER I e 60_Reg. Price 34ý each11 ASSO RTED FLAVOURS (REG. PICIE 35c EACH) 6-OZ TUB B%0R NSFOR1OO YOGURT, BETTY CROCKER, 8 VARIETIES (REG. PRICE 8.5e) ACTION PRICDI 6.5-OZ69 HLFPflS PKG JANE PARKER (REG. PRICE 89e) ACTION PRICIEDI 19-OZ Spanish Bar Cake CAKE7 BLUEWATER, FROZEN, THRIFT PACK (REG. PRICE 2.39) Fish 'N Chips 32-ozpkg 219 Kelogg's, Frozen, -eulr-Bueery, Buttermlîk (Rg. Prie. 83c) Eggo Waffles n1-zPk75< FROZEN, STRAIGHT OR CRINKL! CUT (REG. PRICIE 1.75), ACTION PRICEDI 4-L8 PKG McCain Superfries 1.59 LOOK WHAT'S NEW AT A&P!, We now have a section in eaCh meat de- partment where you can select small portions for your convenience and clin- ing pleasure. We have steaks, chops, stewing meat, ground meats, chicken, sausage and small roasts. These packages are great for one or two people. Corne on clown to your friendly A&P and see w'hatwe are doing for you. A&P US MANY SHOPS UN ONE!I: 3 TO 31/-LB CUT A&P is a Country Farm PorkShop!1 rozen Fresh - Pork Side Loin K SPARE 3 PORK CTEI7 lbý IBSIIUCHOPS'îb11 A&P, SLICED 1LB VAC PAC SideBacon 1.58 MAPLE LEAF - SLICED, 6 VARIETIES 6-OZ VAC FAC Cooked Meats 54< 1b158 Everyduy Low Prices! SCHNEIOERS, FROZEN, PORK SAUSAGES FRESH - PORKý Frozen Beef & Seufood i m Sîzzlers b1.38 Back Ribs FROZEN' SCHNIEIOERS, FROZEN, FRIED 2-LB PKG FRESI4, RIB END, BONELESS HadoK FIesb.9 Chicken Legs 3.58 Prork Loin M-ARY MILES, FROZEN, BEEF 2-LB PKO SCHNEIDERS, FROZEN, BEEF OR BEEF STEAK FRESI4 - LOIN, BONELESS Sîteaketmtes 1.59àè Meat Pi es :oE68<Pumork COhops '6218; lb 1.88 125 'I CONNORS (REG. PRICE 37c EACII) 31/-OZ TIN Kippered Snacks 3fo,00â%' CLUB HOUSE (REG. PRICE 35c EACH) 25 g PKG Birown Gravy Mix 3forl.00 Spaghetti Sauce i .5-or Env or Spaghetti Sauce with Mushrooms .75-oz Chillo Mix 1.75-oz env (Reg. Price 35c Each) Action Pricedl French's Mixes 3forLOO%â" TOMIATO (REG. PRICE 1.19) 32-FL-OZ BOTTLE Ann Page Ketchuep 1.00 A&P BRAND (REG. PRICE 2 FOR 89c) ACTION PRICEDI Choice Peas î9-11-oztin 3forl.1*00 A&P - FANCY REG. PRICE 2 ýFOR 49c) ACTION PRICEDI Tomatojuci ce18 100-l ztn'5forl.00 A&P BRAND - CHOICE (REG, PRICE 55c EACH) Tomatoes 19-f1 oztin 2for 1.00) LIPTONS -10 VARIETIES (REG. PRICE 69c EACI4) CUP-A-SOU 4 ENVS2 SCLARK - CHOICE, WHOLE KERNEL (12-FL-OZ) OR Cream Style F100 CORV% NM 4-L-OZ FR* Pork Loin Quarters Cut Intoi 10OCHOPSj IN APKG lb 0I 2 Loin End Chops, 2 Rib Chops 6 Centre Cut Chops PREVIOUSLY FROZEN, MEATY COUNTRY STYLE Pork Hoàcks b58< 'Spýbovare Ribs- LE.