CAMERON - Dayle and 'obert are pleased to imounce the arrivai of their <Mrst child, a daughter, Tiffany Lelgh, weighing 6 lbs. 111/2 ozs. on May 1, 1978 in Ajax Pickering Hospital, Proud g andparents are Mrs. Marg i nig, Bowmanville and Mr. ad Mrs. Jack Cameron, Orono. Special thaniks to Dr. Slwowicz and maternity staff. 18-1 CARPENTER - David and Kathryn (nee Johnson) proud- ly announice thebirth of their second son, John Paul, weigh- !ne in at 7 lbs. 1 oz. on Monday, April 17, 1978 at Oshawa General fHospital. A baby brther for James. Proud g rfndparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Car penter, Hàvelock and Mrs, Marion Jôhinson, St. Catharines. Special thanks to Dr. R. K. Lai an~d 4th and th f loor materni- tystaff. 18-1 BUJTZE R - Tony and Patricia (ýeatty) are proud to ainnounce the birth of their f irst child, a son Anthony Rbsseîî, 6 lbs. 8 ozs. at Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay April 28. Proud grandparenïs are Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beatty andI Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Butzer. First great grandchiîd for Mrs. Gladys Rahme and the late Russell Rahme. 18-1 HÀMMOND - Murray and Wilie (nee Bons) are plea sed f0 announce the safe arrivai of their f irst baby Jennifer Anne. Born Friday, April 28, 1978, 4:34 p. m., we ig h ing 6 1lbs. 103/4 ozs. First g randchild for Mr. an~d Mrs. Harold Hammond, se-venth grandchild for Mr. arod Mrs. Adriaan Bons, ail of Bowmanville. Great grand- father is Mr. O. K. Os borne, B$'wmanviîle and great gad mother is Mrs. F. C. Hammond, Toronto. Special thanks to Dr. Spear and the doctors and nurses at Oshawa General Hospital. 18-1 WEST - Steve and' Lori are very happy to announice the birth of their dau hter amm.ýirer Violet, weighing 7 _ s. 15 ozs. on April 24, 1978 in qouston, Texas. The proud gr-indparents are Mr. and ;Mýs -om Cowan and Mr. and M -". Junior West. 18-1 BEAUVAIS - Frank. At Oshawa General Hospital, on Tuesda y April 25th, 1978 Frank Bauvais. Dear uncle of Colleen (Mrs. Dayrell Pickering) of Newcastle. In his 76th1 year. Funeral services were held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, on Thursday, April 27. Interment Bond Head Cemetery, Newcastle. 18-1 N HOGG - Charles, Spencer (retired from Toronto Hydro) -,At St. Michaeî's Hospital, Toronto on Friday, April 28,, 1978. Charles Hog g, dearly loved husband oliDorothy Rickard, dear father of Douglas Spencer Ho gg, Janet (Mes. T. W. Greene). Fondly remfembered by his grandson Timfothy Charles Greene. The famiîy received friends at the "Humphrey Funeral Home", 1403 Bayview Ave. (at Davis- vil le Ave. ) from 2 - 5 p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m. on Sunday. Service in the chapel on Monday after- noon at 2:30 o'clock followed by cremation. If desired donations may be made to The Canadian Diabetic Associa- tion, 1491 Yonge St., Toronto M4T 1 Z6. Mrs. Jean Miehe of Orono announces with great pleasure the recent engagement of her eldest daughter Anita Frances to Mr. David John Dionne of Oshawa. The flowers of the fields wilI corne and go, but may their love bloom eternal. 18-1 Mrs. Florence Grace and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Roberts are pleased to announce the forthco1ing marriage of their children Patricia May to Edward John on May 27th in St. John's Anglican Church at 4 p.m. 18-1 Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Gordon Garrod are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daug hter Cynthia Lee to Mr. Barry Robert Norton, son of, Mr. J. B. Norton, Kendal, Ontario. Marriage to take place at Newcastle United Church on June 3, 1978 at 4p.m. 1 18-1 Mr. and -Mrs. Ulrich H. Ruegger, R.R. 3 Newcastle, announce the forthcoming marriage 0f their daughter Cornelia Judith to Joseph Clarence, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mark, R.R. 1 Newton- ville. The wedding wiIl take place on Saturday, May 20, 1978 at two o'clIock, First Baptist Church, Port Hope. 18-1 Mr. and Mrs. Keith Sweet- man, Port Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Macolm of Blackstock are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their children Jennifer and Jamie. The wedding will take place Saturday, June 10, 1978 at 4 at Port Perry United Church, Port Perry, Ontario, 18-1 Mr. and Mrs. Marinus Vogels-announce the forth- coming marriagec0f their daughter, I rene Mehel ina to Mr. A. Donald Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alec Martin. The wedding wiIl take place at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 10, 1978 at Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Churçh, Port. Hopeý Ontario. 18-IN BROOKS - Edith. Suddenly, at her home on Thursday, April 27, 1978, Edith Hutchin- son of 10 Fourth Street, Bowmanvilîe, in her 84th year. Wife of the late Arthur George Brooks, dear mother of Mabel, Arthur, Donald; Mrs. H. Servage (Dorothy), Mrs. G. Kean (Gladys,) John, Alan, and Edith. Rested at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home, Sunday 2 - 4, 7 - 9 p.m. Funeral service was held 1:3G o'clock Manday atternoan. Interm ent Bowmanville Cemetery. 18-1 N LAWRIE - Helen. At Lambert Lodge, Toronto, an May 2, 1978 in her 96th vear, Helen Lawrie, belaved wife of the late William Lawrie Sr., Ioved mother of Maurice Wathem and William Lawrie Jr. Dear grandmother of Linda Spencer and Joyce Hayward. Frionds may cail at the Morris Funerai Chapel, 4 Division Street, Bowmanville after 7 p,m. Wednesday, Funeral service on Thursday, May 4, 2 p.m. Interment Bawmanville Cemetery. 18-1 N n. ry s e STURROCK - CATTRAN Dr. and Mrs. C.F. Cattran, are happy to announce the marriage of their. daughter' Jane Eizabeth to Mr. Daniel Howard Sturrock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sturrock, all of , Bowmanvil le. The marriage took place April 26, 1978 in Banff, Alberta. 18-1 Ross and Peggy Boyd, of R.R. 2, Newcastle, Ontario cordially invite their relatives, friends and neigh- bours ta an Open House on the occasion of their 25th Wedding Anniversary at their home on Sunday, May l4th, 1978 from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Best wishes only, please. 18-2 -= BECKETT - In Ioving mem- ory of aur dear father Oliver who passed away May 5, 1971. We wili always remember the way he Iooked, The way he spoke and smiled. The littie things he said and did Are with us aIl thewhile For down the laneof mem- ories Thelightisneverdim, Until the stars forge t ta shine We wil remember h im. - Lovingly remembered by the famiiy. 18-1 BOTHWELL - In Ioving memory of a dear mother-in- law, grandmother and great ,%randmother. Elize beth othweli who passed away May 2nd, 1964. Those whom we love go ouf of sight But neyer ouf of m id. They are cherished in the hearts Ofthosethe left behind. Loving and kind in ail her Upri h ýand just in ail her days. Sincere and true in heart and mind. Beautiful memories she ieft behind. - Sadly missed, ever re- membered by Bernice Bothwell andfamily. B-IRLEY - Roy. In iaving memory of a' dear husband, ffaheër-in-law, gra.ndfather-ý and great grandfather who p assed away Ma y 1, 19,75. Weca nnot have the aid days back When we were ail together But secret tears and loving thoughts Wiil be with you farever. - Sadly missed by wife Irene and family. 18-1 HERRON - ln loving memory of a dear mother, who passed away May 4, 1974. Four years have passed and gone, Since one we loved s0 welI Was taken from aur home on earth, With Jesus Christ to dwelî The filowers we place upon her ara ve May wither and decay, But the love of her who sleeps beneath, Shahi neyer fade away. - Sadly missed by sons Lion and Grant and families. HERRON - In Ioving memory of Alice Herron who passed away May 4, 1974. In aur, hearts, she lives stili. - Lovingiy remembered, by sisters, 'd na, Ve ra and Beatrice. -18-1 HERRON- In memory of my wite, Alice Ruth, who went home f0 be with the Lord on May 4th, 1974. I have lost my soui's comn- panion, Aiifelinkedwithm yown; And day by day 1lmiss her more, As I walk through life alone. -As ever, Harry. MARK - ln laving memory of a friend Wiibert Mark who passed away May 4, 1977. - AIways remembered, Judy. 18-1 SANDERCOLK - Edwini A. who passed away April 2lst, 963. What we would give, if we cauld say, "Hello Dad" in the same old way. To hear your voice, and see your sm ile And sit and chat with you awhile. Sa you who have a Father, Cherish him with care, For you neyer know the heartache, Till you see an empty chair. - Sadly missed by son, Larry, iaughter-in-law Betty and grandchildren Julie and Jamie. 18-1 SMITH - n ioving momory of our dear father, George M. Smith, died July 28th, 1956 and our dear mother, Matilda Smith, died May 7, 1960 and our dear brothers William G. Smith, died October 23rd, 1970 and Sidney N. Smith, died Apnil l9th, 1935. They walk in God's own garden, Wit h loved ones gone betore, White we still wal k the path of lite, And miss fhem more and more. But one day we'll answer ta the cali, And aur work on earth will cease, Then we will ail be reunited, In a land of love and peace. 24-tf - Lovîngly remembered and sadly missed by the famiiy. We wish f0 thank ail our Ifriends of the Enniskillen Community and former neighbours, for the beautiful gifts presented to us upon our moving away. The f ire place accessories are going to b e so useful and the lovely cut glass, vase and rose makes such a bright spot in aur living room. Sincerely, Milton and Velma Stainton To one and ail who had any part in remembering, me on my eaving Ennis kIllen a special thanks. The set of luggage, gloves and hanker- chief are much appreciated. Velma and 1 give a special thanks to Ruth McGill for the lovely atternoon spent in her home with the neighbours alIso for the lovely necklace we each received. Elva S. Orchard Ab and Anne Piper, Brown St.,would like to thank their children, Anita, Jim, Norma, Frank, their children and friends for the ovely dinner held at the Marina on the occasion of their 5Sth wedding anniversary. Expect ,- ing this ta be a quiet family ceIebration we were deîighted ta receive flowers and cards from the Legion Ladies' Auxiliar y, relatives and friends. To ail, aur sincere thanks. 1- The family of the late Mrs. Edith Brooks wish ta express their sincere appreciation ta ail friends and neighbours for the many floral tributes, CN iB and Heart contributions, deeds of kindness and words of sympathy during their recent bereavement. Special thanks ta Rev. Peters. The Brooks f a mil1y. 18-1 The nieces'and nephews of the late Wm. 'E. (Bert) Stevens would like ta express sincere thanks to friends, relatives and Hampton neigh- bours for flowers and dona- tions to the heart and cancer funds and f0 Hampton United Church. A speciai thanks to Rev. Paul E rbe, Strathaven Nursing Home, Dr. Harold Ferguson, Dr. Hubbard and Northcutt Elliott Funieral Home anti aiso ta those in the pa'st Who sent cards, f lowers and gifts and visited him in the Nursing Home. 18-1 The family of the late Mrs. Lillian Mitchell wouid like ta thank their relatives and friends for their expressions of sympathy. Mr. Amecher, Mrs. Cale and Morris Funeral Chapel for their kindnesses and the staff of Strathaven Nursing Home for their tender loving care of Mrs. Mitchell. Helen Burdett, Doreen Barrie I wish ta thank relatives, friends and neighbours for their visits, cards, gifts and other thoughtful kindnesses during my stay in hospital. Sincerely, Meiody Hendry ~ "Flowers Say it Best" VAN BELLE DAI LY Deivery ta ... Oshawa - Bowmanville Area Phone 623-4441 43-tf FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowma nvil1le Mail1 623-3365 COURTEOÛS SERVICE FOR"' ' ALL YOUR FLORAL NEEDS CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St., Bowmanville 623-7141 SYMPATHY AR RANG EME NTS -.ý' Flowering Plants and Cut Fiowers 12-tf "Fiowers with Feeling" For any Occasion 623-3377ý Sundlays and Hoidays Bey. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259 il-tf, BINGO N EWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tuesday, May 9 Early Bird Games 7:30 Reg ular Bing 8:00 $400 in PRIZES PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsored by Newcastle Lions - 18-1iN SOL INA COMMUNITY HALL DANCE Saturday, May 6 Ray Avery's Orchestra EVERYONE WELCOME 18-1 N APPEARING AT' The Queen's Hotel NE WCASTL E "Gary Peters and Wiîdwood"'ý Fri. and Sat. May 5- 6 Dancing 9 - 1 18-1 N MOVIE WALT DISNEY'S "Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo" BOWMANVILLE LIBRARY Sat., May 6th 3 p. m. ADMISSION: $1.00 PRESCHOOLERS 75c 18-1 Sunday, May 7th is "SUN-DAY"', at DARLINGTON PROVINCIAL PARK Celebrate a non-nuclear future. Safe energy sources displa y ed, speakers, music, war k- shop, picnicking. FAMILY FUN! Bring your kite for the mornin9 " Kite Con test' Everyone Invited 18-1iN THE OH~ HANDIW EAV ER S andi SPINNERS GUILD ANNUAL SHOW and SALE McLUGHINLIBRARY Oshawa May 5th 12 Noon - 9p.m. May 6th 10 a.m. -6 p.m. YARD sale, Saturday, May 6th, 10 - 4 p.m. at 85 Waverley Rd., Bowmanvile. , 17-2 COU RTIC E SECONDARY SCHOOL BAN D presents "ýMusic Night '78"1 Saturday, May 6 at 7:30 p.m. in BOWMAN VILLE HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Admission: $2.00 at door. 18-1 N Kendal's Women's Institute, Penny and Bake Sale, May 13, Kendal Schaoi. Doars open 1 o'clock. Bake Sale 2 o'clack. Draw 8 p.m. Admission 35c. Lunch served. 18-2N Mother's Day Craft Thursday, May il 4 p.m. - 5:30 approx. BOWMAN VILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Tom perance St. ADMIS SION FREE Age: 6 and over BINGO Every Thursday Early Bird Game sta rts a t 7: 30 p. m. Jubilee Pavillon OSHAWA ' $550 Jackpot - Must Go FREE ADMISSION 16-tf N TYRONE COMMUNITY CENTRE DANCE 4th Saturday in each month March 25 -June 24 D.J. CARMEN SHIRI< Tickets available at door. 8-19N Prepa ration.for Rke-Emnpîoyment Clarke Hi gh School is con- sidering offering a new night school program (Preparation for Re-employment) to run this fali if enough persons are interested. This is an oppor- tunity ta brush up on your t y ing, dictaphone, reception duties and office procedures., To ciualify, one must have typing and a knowledge of the business office. For more information please contact MRS. DERRICK - 786-2607 -17-2N Rummrage and bake sale Bowmanville Library, Friday, Ma y5 at 1 p.m. sponsored by Shi loh U .C .W. and Starkville Social Club. 18-1 Yard Sale, 57 Liberty St. South, May 5th and 6th. T.V., antiques, many interesting items. 18-1 House Tour - Port Hope, May 61h '10 a.m. f0 4 p.m. 14 exceptioiai1 houses will be open ta the public. Tickets $5. at port Ho pe Chamber of Commerce, day of tour. Archi- tectural Conservancy of Ontario, Port Hope Branch. Ennilskillen Youth Group "Entertainment N ight', Commiunity Hall, 8 p.m. Friday, May 12. "Beauty Contest" - Dor Prizes. Tickets available - Y.,G. Members. 18-2 BICYCLE CARE CLINIC Advice o bcy iecre anid repairs. Sat., May .13, 1978 2 p.m. Please register in advance (it's f ree) at 623-7322 BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Temperance St. N., Bowmanville Sponsored by Bowmanville Public Library and D.& R Sports 18-2N FREE' FILM "EN ERGY: NEW SOURCES" from the Royal Commission on Electrical Power Planning Wed., MaY 3rd 8 p. m. BOWMANVILLE LIBRARY Everyone Invited Sponsored by S EA P for International Solar Day 18-1 N YARD SALE Fri. and Sat. May5and6 23 Second St., Bowmanville Tables, chairs, dishes, iewellery, dlocks, botties, fishing pales, T.V. game, CB radia, carniage, car bed, oooks, drapes, tools, golf clubs, etc. In case of rami, folowing week. COMING TO BOWMANVILLE'S BARGAIN BARN (south-west corner of Martin Rd. and Hwy. 2) MAY 11,12,13 TRACTOR-TRAILER LOAD 0F NEW BRAND-NAME BOX SPRINGS and MATTRESSES To save y ou $ these box s prings and mattresses wilI be sold directiy from the trailer. Dan't miss these sonsational prices, IN THE BARN, SEE OUR NEW Pine and Colonial FURNITURE and LAMPS "Fancy stores mean fancy prices. The only thing fancy about our barn isthe LOW, LOW PRICESV" While an the premises, preview our used furniture, appliances, antiques, misc. for aur GIGANTI C SPRING AUCTION Saturday, May l3th at 12 noon Free Draws SINK and table top reporce- lained An y information please caîllSady Magwood 623-9314. 18-1 MAL E , 5 mont hs old, ýbl a ck, white and tan Spaniel puppy. Lost in the area of Dom s Auto Wreckers. Please cail 576-2321. 18-1 N s s HUB cap, Concession St. E., last 1-hursday 623-2744. suM A COUPLE with one cat are looking for a one (or two) bedroomi house preferrably with a garape, but not necessary. Willing ta pay $200 - $250 a month or $300 with utilities included. References are available. Please write: Advertiser 759, The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box' 190, Bowmanville, Ontario, if interested. 18-2 WANTED- Bachelor apart- ment or fiat, prefer fridge. In Bowmanville or east. Phone 623-5388 or 623-2604. Leave message îor Dan. 18-2N Masffl Harry Voerman Insurance 181 Church St., Rnwmanvilîe, Ont. Phone 623-4428 Res. 623-75e7 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE INSU RANC E 28-f We wish to extend our sincerest congratulations to Bowmanville's newest senior citizen (our mother), Mrs. Elsie Murphy, who was 65 on Ma y 2, 1978. " Ha ppy B irthda y Mom". Love, Marilyn, Anna_ Jimmy, Coîleen, Michael, Eva, Vickie and Pat. 18-1 NOTICE 0F ITINERARY VISIT Gordon K. Alguire, Provincial Service Office will be visiting Oshawa Branch, No. 43, of the Royal Canadian Legion during the week commencing May 28, 1978. Any Leg ion mem ber or veteran wishing further information regarding pensions or disabilities contact Maurice Conway, 623-3524. 18-1 The winners in the l5th weekl y draws on April 26th, 1978 of the Legion Lottery are as follows:- ist prize $750 - ticket no. 2475, Oscar Pingle, Grant Howard and Stan Dunn, Br. 178, Bowmanville; 2nd Srz$10- ticket no. 1813, oet McManus, Mount Forest, Ontario; 3rd _prize $100 - ticket no. 2086, Fred and Peter Henderson, 34 Nelson St., Bowmanville, Ontario. 18-1 Newcastle Arena April 25th draw winners: ticket no. 1743 - $500 - Mrs. Carl Berney, 51 North St., Newcastle; ticket no. 1733 - $250 - Laurie and Susan McLean, 345 Beaver Street, Newcastle; ticket no. 2170 - $100 - Terry Gillie, 2111 Rocke Crf., Mississauga. 18-1 I have left' MaryAnne Fabrics ta iloring business and have opened my own Tailorinci Shop in Mother Mod store at 34t3 King St. West, Bowman- ville, Ontario. Look for ad- vertisement elsewhere in the paper. 18-1iN .Helen Francis Winner of Manvers Olçt Timèers Hôkay raiffe, April 29th, D. Fraser, Oxfordi Street, Oshawa, ticket no. 146. 18-1 MAY 6 PAPER DRIVE CANCELLED due to overload by buyer NEXT DATE JUNE 17 Please hold papers for your neighborhood Scouts 18-1 B. * BE A BIG SISTER! Volunteers are needed in this area ta be a friend to girls aged 7 - 17, who are need of supportive relationships. Cail Simcoe Hall Settement House at 728-7525 16-4 THE GANARASKA GAMBLE BY EMINENT FINANCIER Richard'Whitney AT SELECTED BOOKSTORES $ 1.00 THE BOOK MILL 31 King St., Bowmanville RaH BOOKS 12 Queen, Port Hope COST PLUS DISTRI BUTORS 101-341 MacLaren St., Ottawa 18-1 N czae lors 74 S COTTY house trailer, 13', A-i condition, sleeps 4. $1875. utter 12' aluminum boat, one year as a aid, 311/2 h.p. outboard motor, A-i condition. Compete $475. Cali 26 Liberty St. S. or phone 623-9240. 18-1 MODEL B Allis-Chalmers tractor needs overh'aulinq, 12N older model $350. Sick le-bar, 18N Pullev. Trail piouqh-2 furrow N e $100. Spike-tooth harrows $510. Phnre- Farm" trailer $50. Phone Ph-I 623-3908. 18-1 PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances, T.V.s and stereos and also used furniture and appliances. Will accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf FIREWOOD FOR SALE $80.00 A CORD Available at any quantity Lawn Gardens Hwy, 2, Newcastle Phone 987-4670 49-tf N NORTHERN Spy apples. Roy Orchards. Phone 263-8430. 17-2N STRAWBERRY plants, (Red- coat), Rhubarb roots, Forsythia, Bieeding Heart, Tiger Lily, Iris, Peony Roots (pink), Chrysanthemums (bronze, yellow), Perennial Phlox (taîl) and Dwarf Asters. 623-7490. 17-3 FARM MACHINER'V Two B-275 Diesel Tract One Sprayer and One 6'. Rotary Grass Cul Will seli separately or - unit. Phone 1-668-5621 or 1-668-4362 17 cu. fit. COMINATICI frigerator ,freezer.F HARD top tent trailer "Silver Liner", sleeps 6. Good condi- tion. Phone 1-983-5734. 18-1 N YAWL 34x10x5.6 1970 glass on oak hard chine dis. 9.5 wheel. Diesel, long keel, aluminum spars, Rouler reef. electronics, five births. R. LeGresley, Newcast le, 987-4655. 18-1 N 14 FOOT aluminum boat, deck, windshield, controls, running lights, electric start, 15 h.p. fast twin Evinrude. motor plus trailer. Phone 623-4543. 18-IN ONE Starline house trailer, $600 or best offer. Phone 623-6979. 18-1 TENT trailers with mat- tresses and spare tire, choose from four. $350 each. Phone 623-3528. 18-1 N YARD SALE Fri. and Sat. May5and6 9P.M. - 4 p.M FURNITURE, BEDS, KNICK KNACKS, ODDS and ENDS, TREADLE SEWING MACHINES etc. 80 Queen St. E VE RGRE ENS Fiowering Shrubs, Hedging Shade Trees Ail Reasonably Priced Brunt's Nursery South side of 401 at Liberty St. Exit Ph. 623-3971, 18-5N DU7 ALLIS Chalmers 6 cyl. diesel tractor, also 3 pt. hitch for samne. Motor in excellent condition. Phone 263-2185. 18-1 N Load y SmaII LARI Private guitar lessons, classical, folk and rock. Also 5-string banjo instruction available. For further information please cali 623- 6139 and evenings 623-9103. SWAII 16-TF N R.- R. 2 Western Canada .Schoolof We have Auctioneering Lt. Bariey in Canada's first, and the anly se l completely Canadian course We also ha affered anywhere. Licensed Located ti under the Trade Schools Licensing Act, R.S.A. 1970, C.366 For particulars of the next course write: Bo0x 687, Lacombe, Alberta or Phono 782-6215.o 15-9 FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CAL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hamptn 6-2721 PrHope 885-5274 Certif ied Seed Potatoes Also Excellent Table Potatoes $4 for 75 Ibs. - medium size $3.50 for 75 Ibs. JOE BOUMA 623-2847 17-2 N J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre, 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf CARPET - The famou.- Harding Hawthorn ,twist, Arlan'and nylon. Reg. $14.95 sq. yd - Sale $10 .95. Colour limi, no repeats. F. A. Kramp Ltd., 37 - 41 King St. E., Bowmanville. 17-tf N BLUE SPRUCE SALE NURSERY GROWN, DUG and POTTED. 15",1- 18,11- $5.99 18"' - 24" - $9.99 Open 7 Days a Week Pontypool - Sam Manetta 705-277-2715 17-4N ELEVEN'piece Spaiding, Ieft hand golf clubs. New, neyer used. $75. One Guerney wood stove $75. One Remington portable typewriter $30. One 14' f ibreg las boat, 40 horse power, Mercury motor, trailer life jackets, complete $700. Phone 623-7058. 18-1 N DUMP trailer, on air, 10 x 20 tires, 1 cat D4 with blade, '58 Chev. dump truck, good condition. Phone 263-8046. 18-1iN LAWN riding lawn mower. Phone 987-4948. 18-2 N 1973 HARDTOP camper, plus add-a-roani and spare tire. Sleeps six. A-i cond1ition.ý Asking $1050 or best offer. Phone 623-7351. 18-1 23 CHAN NE L Citizen C B Base station and aerial. Phone 623-6510. 18-1 IROQUOIS tent trailer, spare tire. Phone 987-4391. 18-1 4 - 15'" CH ROME big bolt mag slotted rims, '$1d0. Phone 623-5231. 118-1 WHITE birch, 10 ft., $7.50, Regular Spruce and Blue 5pruce 4 ft. $5 and $12. Phone 987-4430, S. Hartemink, R.R. 2, Newcastle. 18-1 USED dining room, suite, 8 piece, 2 odd dressers. Phone 623-5435 after 6. 18-1 THREE seater seat for van with seat belts, green. Phone 623-2005. 18-1 WESTINGHOUSE refrigera- for and stove, also 4 piece Colonial livingroom suite. Phone 623-4496. 18-1 9 PIECE Chippindale bedroom suite. Mahogany and walnut dining room suite. Round oak pedestal table. 2 Victorian chairs, Buffet $95. Night stands, poster beds, etc. Dusty Corner Antiques across from Oshawa Shopping Centre. 576-6732. 18-1 N SANDY LOAM TOP SOIL ',ou rcar ....................$.00 Irailer............ .......... $2.00 BRING YOUR OWN CONTAINERS ALSO RGE SELECTION 0F PANSIES AND VIOLAS plant them today DRONO GARDEN CENTRE KM. WEST 0F HWY. 115 ON TAUNTON RD. 983-9308 18-1 N N SEED CLEANERS &DEALERS LTD. B LAC KSTOC K Established 1947 Registered, Certif ied end Canada No. 1 Oats and stock, along with hay, pasture, soya-bean and lawn I lat reasonable prices. (Large orders are eligible for 1discount) iave an-efficient cleaning systemn now in full operation. firee miles south of Blackstock on the old Scugog Road. For inquiries or appointments caîl: 416-986-4331 16-4 iHAWA SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY SCREENED SAND GRAVEL &STONE L iM ESTON E PRODUCTS ALL SIZES FOR ~j DRIVEWAYS & %' PARKING LOTS TOPSOIL & DIRT FILL Phone Oshawa 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 1 Mile North of Hwy. 2 Morris Fune rai Chape i ESTABLISHED 1881 4 DIVIîSION ST i3 5 8 BOWMA'CNVI LLE C o TWVO (OFF ST REET PARKING AREAS Jîunjerat 3,lomt THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN SERV, Service to your needs .. . aur first canceri So that you wilI be relleved fram wari and detail. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 0 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street ~ ..-- Port Hope, Ontario WORKMANSHIP. QUALITY LIA 3W3 High Quality at L Reasonable Prices Phone 895-5216 J Home 88!1-5222 1 ti- 1114 a 1