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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1978, p. 14

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ASPARAGUS roots and red raspberry canes. Phone 623- 4238. 18-3 TWC .icycles, one man's, one woman's, $20 each. Phone 623-4975 after 6 p.m. 18-1 SPRING brown leather acket, size 40, aimost new. Phone 623-9210. 18-1iN SHOP eariy. Bu y mom a gift from the past that wiliiiast. House' of Yesterday, 29 Temperance St., Bowmanvilie Ontario. Across from Bank of Montreal. Closed Monday, 623-2820. 18-2 15 ft. '69 RAMBLER house trailer, propane frig and stove, hitch, double tanks, $1400 or hest offer. Cali 987-5226 after 6. 18-1 N USED f ridges, stoves, washing machines, etc. We buy, se1il and trade and also make repairs on ail makes. B &K Sales and Services, 35 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa. 579- 5646. 18-1iN TEAKWOOD and Rosewood Scandînavian furniture, bed-I room suite, - 8 pc., dinlng' room suite - 9 pc., chesterf ieid and chai r, etc. AIl1 Brand new, reasonable. 1-247-4377. 3-tf. C EDA R posts sizes, after 6 p.r 1975,16' FI1BRIE huit1, 40 horse E, bench seats, windshieid, .co and tarp. Cat i Shrubs, ÉE andiT Baggec and s EIGHT piece suite, Moffat (30"),, standar (new), girls 10s antique tabl -,resser, flc -mbination i radio, 8 track% Normende cab[ record player.1 after. USED furn 'tu ý liances. FPdd am pton. 263-2 HOUSE traiter bedrooms, 700 castie Trailer inq available. F &for MI FRE toa godhom, 1/2 1973 PLYMOUTH 318 cc. A FEEod femaheGerman ood runner. Needs new tires. ~hepherd. Excellent with New parts f itted. $450. or children. Good watch dog. nearest offer. Phone 623-6853. Phone 1-786-2712 after 5 p.m. 18-1 18-1 . TH E Oshawa Obedience Association offers summer. dog training classes. Novice classes starting June 7th in Oshawa. Advance reg istration only. For information cali 623-5686 or 655-4356. 18-5N PUPPIES, smati, short- haired Terrier Spaniet. 6 weeks oid. $5. Phone 1-983-5734. 18-1IN La Joy's Poodie Clipping and Grooming <Also Smnaîi Breeds) BY PROFESSIONAILS Please cati: 623-6676 16-tf N DOBERMAN Pinscher puppies. Regîstered. Black and tan - red and tan. Phone 623-2805. 17-2N ers s To sae i SALE 0F SCHOOLS .m. 786-26N. BY TENDER 14N The following ciosed school EGLAS boat, tri properties are to be offered for E-v!nude mtor, sale by public tender: Evnrdemoor (1) Bethesda School waktrough Pt. Lot 10, Conc. 6, former onertible87-top Darlington Township. Town of ~ftr 6 98-436. Newcastle. Lot sîze 1.04 acres, 172N one classroom, brick veneer buildng with washrooms and rgree ns (2) ewdey School rre.Pt. Lot 29 and 30, Conc. 7, J topsoil Hamilton Township, Lot size sand. 1.75 acres, 2 classrooms,. cement block building. plus 623-3412 frame portable. 16-7N Conditions of Sale 1. Deposit of 10 percent of each eechesterfileld tender by certified cheque, eectric stove payable to The Nonihumber- rd boys bike land and Newcastle Board of speed bike, two Education, to accompany fles, antique tender. or o lisher, 2. Successful bldders must recorX player, arrange to pj balance in cash with speakers, within 60 ays of tender )[et radio with ciosîng. Phone 987-4589 3. The Board reserves the 17-MN ight to reject any or all - edr.tenders 4. Separate tedr Io be submnitted for each property. ~ ITE'S 5. Tenders, in seaIeJdeenvel- AITE'S pes clearty marked as to TOWE R$ content,willibe recelved at the 's, UHF,VHF North, Cobourg, Ontario not Is, Rotors& later than 4:00 p.m. Monday, Repairs May 15, 1978. 6. These properties may be 576-5606 inspecled by arrangement wihthe Plant Department of E. WHITE the Board of Education. COURICE 7. Att envelopes shoutd be COU TICE addressed to:- M. A. Mac Leod, ire and ap-. Business Administrator and Idy 's Market. Treasurer 41. 33tf The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education , $13,400. Two P.O. Box 470, D'Arcy Street Ssq. ft. New- North, Park. Financ- Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L2. Phone 725-6969 17-2 for details........FNi COLLECTOR'S Items, - limited quantities of Queen Elizabeth Jubilee China, hand btown weather glass, and pewterByford's Gift Shoppe, KingSt. Newcastle. Phone 987-5426. 16-TFN CERTIFIED' SEED GRAIN OAtS BARLEY BEANS CORN Treated ready to sow. CERESMORE FARMS LTD. 623-3552 and 623-7233 10-12 N SH ËEFmanure, welT rottedi. Any quantity. Load your own. 623-5817. 17-3 TOP soil, dlean. Weed and otone free, no sods. 623-5817. 17-3 Holiday and Chevron Trailers Large selection of truck caps from $259.00 insta lIed. Ca msport Traiter Sales IlighwaYs 115 & 35, Newcastle Phone 987-5174 9-tf VITALIZING! Phone 723-1155 for Rustproofing on new or used vehictes. Written war- ranty. Durham Vitatizing, phone 723-1155. 47-tf USED) Furniture and Ap- pitances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf CASH forgod silver, coin s, guns, cdgoc'ks, ewelleny, dishes, furniture, crocks, raintings, sealers, app ljd fces. r nl lea -Manket, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf e d-, es NOTICE TO CREDITORS INTHE ESTATE0F SIDNEY MILES SCOTT, late of the Cty ý of Oshawa, in the Regionai MunicipaIiy of Durham, (his residence being Hillsdale Manor, 600 Oshawa Btvd., North, Oshawa, Ontario) formerly of the town of Newcastle, in the Regionai Munici plity of Durham, (252 King tretÏ, East Bowman- ville, Ontario) Retired Pharmaceuticat Satesman, who died at the said City of Oshawa, on the llth dey of January, 1978. Creditors and others having dlaims agalnst the said De- ceased or his estate are required f0 send full particu- lars and full proof f0 the underslgned on or before the 5th day of June, 1978, after which date the assets of the estate wiil be distributed having regard ta the dlaims then recelved.* Dated at Town of Newcastle, this 28th day of April, 1978. L. C. Mason, Q.C. 135 Welngton Street, P.O. Box 129, Bowmanviite, Ontario. Li C 3K9. Sotlicitor for the Executrix, said Executrix bein9 Marion Elizabeth Bîrks, 295 Anthony Buffalo Grove, Illinois, U.S.A. 60090. RABBITS, pigeons, chîckens, etc. Phone 1-885-6661, 18-1iN WILL pay double face value for dimes, quarters, 50 cent: pieces, silver dollars, before 1967. Also guns wanted. Phone 985-7057, Port Perry. 17-2N Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobî les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN "AUTO WR ECK ERS* Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-f '76 PINTO, 10w mileage, automatic, witi take trade. Phone 987-4884. 18-1 N 1968 FIREBIRD Sprint, 283 4 speed, good running condition, mag wheels, 8 track stereo. Immaculate interior. $1000 or best offer. Ask for Brian at 623-5555. 18-1iN 1974 NOVA, 2 door hatchback, 52,000 miles, wili be certified. For information cati 623-7738. 18-1iN 76 HONDA XL25O, 900 mites.. Best reasonable offer. Phone 623-7596. 18-1 1967 PONTIAC, as is, not certif ied, rebuilt engine 327- 300 horse power, $175 or best offer. Phone 623-4302. 18-1 '78, 3/ TON Chevy Sport Van, two tone brown, fuily equigped $6900. or best offer. P one 623-9209. 18-1 N 1971 PINTO, only 49,000 miles, in great shape, 4 speed. Certif ied. Asking $800. Phone 987-4883 after 4 p.m. 18-1 1972 OLDSMOBî LE, Delta 88, 4 door, 350 engine, automatic, power steering and brakes. Very dlean interior. Certif ied. Lic. CAR5O3. 1972 Datsun 120,0, 2 door, vinyl top, 4 speed, radio. Certified. Economy. Lic DZY35. 1967 Chev 1/ ton, V-8, standard, with camper cap, reconditioned and certif ted. Lic T31829. Phone 263-8172. 18-1 N 1972 FIREBIRD, 350 auto. matic, power steering. Good condition. $1800 certif ted. Phone 623-4124., 18-1 N '63 FORD truck $600. As is. Phone 987-4994. 18-1 N 1973 TRIUMPH Spitf Ire 1500, excellent body, 50,000 miles, not certifled. $1900 or best cash offer. Phone 623-6541 afterS5p.m. 18-1iN J and M TIRE- Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf 1972 FORD Grand Torna -wagon, power brakes, steer- ing 351 Cleveland, certified. $1200 or best offer. Cal after 5:30,623-6743. 18-1 N GOING CAMPING BucksIice Tent and Traiter Park on KUSHOG LAKE in the HALIBURTON HIGHLANDS For more information and reservations please write or phone TOM and JEAN GEDDIS R. R. 2, Minden, Ontario KOM 2 K0 1-705-489-2808 18-2N BOWMANVI LLE apartment, 4 rooms and bath, heated, cable TV, free parking. Avail- able now. Reasonable plus hydro. Phone 623-7523. 15-TF PROCESSING plant, 4000 sq. ft. suitabie for retail operat ion, with offi!ces. Steam, water and hydro in building Reasonable rent for suitabie tennant. Phone 623-5444 f rom 9 a.m. - 12 noon. 18-1 PART-TIME Secretary to the Heritage Comm ittee for the Town of Newcastle. Apply ln writing to Advertiser 757, c-o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 199, Bowmanvilie, Ontario Li C 3K9. 18-1 PART-time help in Ladies' Accessory. Shp. Please cati 623-6139. 118-1 HAIRDRESSER wanted, full lime or partý time, exper- ienced. Cail 623-4901 everyday 9-6. 18-1 EbOMERCIAL property with self contained apartment. Close to downtown. $600. 16-TF N SPACIQUS one bedroomn apartment, stove, fridue, al utilities included, fuliy carpetted. $225 per month. Write Advertiser 756 C-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanvilie, Ont. 17-2N APARTMENT, one bedroom, centrai, frip, stove, availabie July 1. Write advertiser 758, c-o Canadian Statesman P.O. Box 190, Bowmanviiie, Ont. 18-1 CENTRALLY iocated large house on King St. E. Bowman- ville. Beautiful garden. Avail- able May 15, $350. per month net. Phone Orono 983-9171 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or 623-2473 after 6. 18-1iN OFFICE space on King St. in ,1owmanvilîe. 600 sq. ft., carpetted, immediate occu- pancy, Ieasee moving, assume sub-tease. Phone 623-6555. 6-tf N PASTURE for- 60 head of young cattie. Good supply of water. G. Kovacs 263-2330. 18-1 Tim,'s Janitorial COMPLETE JANITOR SERVICE Includes: HOMES, OFFICES, etc. RUG and CARPET SHAMPOOING WîNDOW WASHING 263-2752 TIM GILKES 16-4 INSTALL an Esso furnace, boiler, humidifier, heater or air cleaner. Combination wood and oit. Financing avait- able. Furnaces cleaned. Parts and service poiicy. Cati Harvey Partner, your Esso service dealer. F ree esti- mates. Orono 983-5206 or Bowmanvitte 623-2301. 24 hour service. 35-tf N SAV E $$ $ VER WEY'S CAR PET CLEANING 576-2639 15-4N WATCH REPAIRING HOOPER'S JEWELLERS ILTD. 29 King St. E. Phone 623-5747 1 0-tf N, GENERAL' REPAIRS and Maintenance Odd Jobs FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-9132 17-tf N AN DE RSON INSU LATION 623-5181 or 579-2060 Biown Cellulose Fibre for Attaic and RAPCO FOAM for Walls. CITY and COUNTRY HOMES , 7-tf N SERVICE station attendant requlred. Part time help wanted for weekends and summer wgrk,. Apply Imperlal Oit Service Centre, Hwy. 401 and Waverley Rd., Bowman- ville. 18-2N WANTED reliable weekly cleaning lady for home on Waverley Road. Own trans- portation and references required. Caîl 623-4162 after 6. 18-1 CAN YOU QUALIFY? AS A Trelephone FASHION'TWO TWENTY Canvassers BEAUTY CONSULTANT inthefolowing areas: and would you enjoy teaching ORONO, NEWTONVîLLE, other ladies to care for their BLACKSTOCK skin and apply cosmetics Choose your own hours and correctty? Would you like ta work from your own home. earn high income, set your own hours (full or part time)? Good remuneration. Bonuses. If ou qualify, we will teach Phon 6234595 you ~ow. Contact: Phon 6234595MRS. GREEN, and ask for B ETTY Caîl Collect 1-986-5655. 17-2N 14-tf N INSIDE SA LES Two pol required b4ygrowing manufacturlng company for insid les positions. Must h ave pleasant personality, and be able to work well ln customner relations. Saies exper ience to wholesalers, a very definite asset. Please forward resumne indlcating past experience and satary requirements to: Advertiser 754, c-o Canadiafi Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvitle. 17-2N SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS, (Part-limne) We require drivers from the areas of Bowmanville, Newcastle, Newtonvitle and Orono for schoot runs and charter runs. No ex perience necessary. Fuit training by qualîfled Instructor. Cost of training and license paid by the company. For interview cati Charterway's Transportation. 723-7171 or 623-3811. 18-1 N GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phone 623-5187. Mon. - fni.8: 00 -5: o Sat. 9-12 noon Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Ftoat Mirrors Patterned and Cotored Glass and Glazing. 9-tf N Robert Van De BeIt PAINTING <Intenior and Exterior) ODD JOBS 263-2113 10-tf GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario e; W n e ý ...* Gloria's Canvas & Upholstery Custom Made Awnings Trail1er - Boat -Sail1 Covers AIl Types of Canvas Repairs Boat - Skidoo - Motorcycle Seats Recovered BOWMANVILLE 623-4654 18-5 TRUCK FOR HIRE MOVING JOBS CLEAN YARDS etc. HAUL TO DUMP CatIl 797-2088 after 5 p.m. 18-1 BOY wilI cut grass - dlean yards, any ofher odd jobs around the house or business. 623-4654. 18-1 M. Brooks CARPE NTRY REMODELLING CUPBOARDS - VANITIES GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 623-5566 10-tf Ail kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149 SCUg0g St. Bowmanvi île 623-2756 13-tf WATER Wells bored, 30 file. Ward's Weil Boring. Tete- phone 342-2030. Representa- tIve Ha rry L. Wade. Tete- phone 987-4531. 16-tf OXFORD Brick la yers and Stonemasons Mt. G. VAN LONDEN MASON RY BRICK, BLOCK, STONE AND FIREPLACES. Phone 623-5114. 28-52 5 Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Bowmanville Siding - Soffit Fascia - Trough Shutters - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 FOR FREE ESTIMATE. NOW HANDLING VINYL SIDING 3-tf N Pa u Is Home Iprovement SPECIALIZING IN ALUMINUM SIDING, SOFFIT, FASCIA, SEAMLESS EAVESTROUGH and STORM DOORS and WINDOWS 623-6296 14-tf N Ref rigeration and AppIliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Deys .............. 623-5774 Nights .............623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC (Our fireplaces do flot smoke)____________2t Orono 983-5606KAREN'S 98-506 18-tf KLEANING VACUUMI NG SPRING CI.EANING Lloyd Barnes DUSTING - FLOORS Plu mbi ng OFFICE CLEANING Covering Bowmanvilte and Carpentry, Renovatfing shawa Area Ail General Repairs KAREN SLACK REASONABLE RATES Poe6323 263-2288 27-tf D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Rec Rooms Repairs of a It types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS - FURNACES SCLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O.Box 3 -Bowmanville 30-tf Don Brooks'& Son Genera I Contra ctor and Custom Builder Phone 723-6176 New homes, additions, altera- tions, jec roomns, garages, rep rs of al types, etc. 25-tf MUTTON MASON RY Att Types of Cement Work - Brick, Bliocks, Chimney etc. SPECIALIZING IN CONCRETE FLOORS 623-5981 14-tf N MINE R'S EXCAVATING FOR TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AND SEPTIC TANKS. PHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4995 No Sunday Catils 17-tf Plaster Repairs a nd 1 Dry Wall Taping - Spray Stucco Celings Pa inting WALLY LUCYK Orono 983-5518 ODO JOBS YARD and BASEMENT CLEANUP RUBBAGE REMOVAL LIGHT MOVING PAINTING Have truck wilIl move. Phone Andy 623-9379ý 13-tf Steve's Furniture Shop Furniture Refinishing Dining sets ta occasional pieces. We do Mpolstery. FREE ESTIMATES R. R. 1,Orono 983-9630 Steve Johnson T &c SMALL ENGINE REPAIR SERVICE Lawn Mowers, Roto Tillers, Mott Mowers, Snowblowers, Garden Tractors R. R. 1 Hampton Phone 263-8469 17-5N Grass Cutting By the Foot or By the Acre R.R.1, HAMPTON 263-8469 Cati us for an estimate 17-5N AIL-TYPE ROOFING Shing les new or Reroof ing Flats hot or coîd process. Ail roof and chimney repairs. FREE ESTIMATES 623-5038 5f Ron's Floor Care Commercial and household cleaninc. Dry foam rua and carpet shampooing. Wax re- moval, watt washing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 33-tf DAN'S PLASTE RING DRYWALL P LAST ER ING STUCCO TEXTURED CEILINGS SPECIALIZING IN REPAIR WORK DANIEL CRIPPS 623-6899 Bowmanvilte 17-4N CARL BRINK BUILDER- Custom Homes, Additions Renovatiolis (formeriy with Glenn Reynolds Ltd.) Phone 623-2365 13-tf WILL babysit in my home Monday to Friday. Phone 623-3017. 18-1 NEED a pressure system? Water Softeners? Repairs to ail makes. Harvey Pa rtner, Orono 983-5206, Bowmanville, 623-2301. 35-tf N c E=- Antique Auction Wednesday, May 3 6:30 p.n'î. Preview4:00,p.m. NG At Ftying Dutchman Motor and Inn, Bowmanville. 3 original rery. coloured fiat-to-watts, hooded S cradîe, orange spinning wheei, stencilled chairs, 6 foot table, dolt's hooded cradie, 17 stoneware fiower pots with integrai saucers, 2 miniature 48-tf N redware pictures, blue -~ flowered crocks, decoys, woodenware includes a cow butter press, glass, china, lamps, etc., silver and gotd, *etc., paintings and folk art, fING books and textiles, 250 excel- lent items and the majority of items are from a private %27 collection and wlll be sold with il-tf absolutely no reserve. - Aucti 'oneer Norm Marpie. 519- 924-2611. 17-2N 263-2132 R. R. 1, Hampton D &R CUSTOM FENCING CUSTrOM CHAINSAWI Phone Orono 983-5005 or 983-91 1SPRI CLEAI 1Bob's1 Maintenî Lands< Commercial - Pruning, Sc Fertili Painting, Paperhanging a Ca rpentry Resident ofA Remodellinq Newtonviîîe General Repaîrs 786-2308 Interior Extenior STEVE'S FURNITURE SI SPRING SPECIAL 15, Percent Off Ail Ref inishî DINING ROOM SETS TO OCCASIONAL1 CALL NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATE Steve Johnson EXPIRES MAY 31, 1978 ýING N,-UPS Grass Auction Sale ance and Nwtnile arny t caping at 7:0,0p. m. - Residential Seliing the contents of a od Laying, Newtonvitie home and izing numerous antique articles indluding set of 4 pressback chairs, pressback armchair, rockers, oid ornate roll top Members of desk (hand made), cane Landscape bottom chairs, hi-boy chest Ontario' and dresser, single beds like ea 36 Years new, plant and hall tables, dishes, glass, T.V., double Oshawa pedestal office desk, ornate 723-0726 oak sampte chest (Beldîng, 723-726 aul& Co. Sitks), exerciser, bar, typewrîter taoie, 14tf N vacuum, cheque writer, kitchen set, Golf bag and cart, ~IOPteiephone answering machine, bikes, windmill (quite attrac- tive), conduit, pipe, gas ling engine, roto-tiller (3.5 h.p.) assnow bîower (3 h.p.), PIECES Cars shredder-bagger (leaf 'ES muicher 8 h.p.), lawn spread- 98-60 er, and numrerous other tioneers: Stapleton Bros. 18-2N 786-2244. 18-1iN Auction Sa le Saturday, May 6th at 12:30 . For Donna e lwood, vil- lage of Harwood. Inglis, automatic dryer (4 months old), Moff at 30" range, Frigidaire refrigerator, round oak dining roomn table, oak* buffet, 6 double rung chairs, antique oak hait table (ne- finished), centre table, 2 piece chesterfieid suite, platform rocker, 4 press back chairs, ~ressed back high chairs, um ack trunk, 5 piece partour suite, tibrary table, washstand, two rocking chairs, recliner chair, wooden chest, blanket box, small tables, 10 x 18 rug and underlay, bridge set, antique oak dresser with old pulls, Simplicity wringer washer, picture frames, antique bread maker, wash board,' power lawnmower, old kittie, dishes inctuding antique pieces, garden tools, antique cast iron firepiace, and numerous other items. Terms cash, no re- serve, Paul Lean, auctioneer. Phone 416-352-2403. 18-1 Antique Auction Saturday, May 6at 1:O00p.m. Compete dispersaI auction of ail antiques, for "Now & Then" Antique Shop, tocated ir, Brooklin (north end) on Hwy. 12. Partial list includes: ornate china cabinets, oak roll top desk, secretary desk, drop front desks, pine fiat to wall cupboard, pine sideboard, pine sailmakers table, large selection of chairs, tables, dressers, "Guelph" pump organ (1894-excellent), elegant 6 pic. wash set, Mary Gregory tumbier and pitcher, art glass signed "Hawkes", stueben cat ln ocialine, chinese porcel ain water pot (C. 1796- 1850 w-authenticity papiers), cruetSi g ned ".Hoare" (1853),l selection of carnival, Bristol, Limoge, Royal Doutton, etc. various oul lamps indluding builseyes, antique, dlocks consists of O.G.'s Engtish fusee, schoolhousei etc. (àli ldocks' in good condition), sleigh belîs, swords, wooden ware, primi- tives, and dozens of other ,Items. Terms cash or gooc; cheque. No reserve. Giving up business. Lunch availa ble., Kahn Auction Services 985- 9161. 17-2 Estate Auction Bowmanville SaturdaY, May 1_3[h 12:00 Noon Setling the combination of two estates at the Bargain Barn on the southwest corner of Martin Road and Hwy. 2 includlng 5 pce. ice cream set, 4 poster bed, Bentwood cane rocker and several other rockers, oak twist teg hall table and oak oval hall table, Duncan Phyfe drop leaf dinina table, refnigerators, stoves, chestertield suites, dinette suites, bedroom suites, coffee tables, gardien and hardware articles. A detailed list wilt appear in next week's paper. Stapleton Bros. Auctioneers, Newtonvi1le 786-2244., 18-1iN CorneilI's Auction Barn Fniday, May 5,7 p.m. 3 miles east of Little Britain or 7 mites west of Lindsav on the Lindsay-Little Britain R-d. The property of Doug Cooper of Sutton. Pine chests of drawers, 4 poster bed, 3 piece bedroom suite, trunks, antique rocking chairs, wicker cha irs, press back- chairs, coffee and end tables, refrig- erators, Moffat electric stove, fern stands, parloir tables, coat oit lamps, pine armoire, table saw, quantity of wooden chairs, quantity of ptcture frames, quantity of handmade quilts, quantity of china and giassware plus many more antiques, furniture and house- hold items. Don Corneil, auctioneerat R.R. 1, Little Britain 705-786-2183., 18-1iN Saturday, May 6, 1 p. m. Property of Mr. and Mrs. L. Martens, f irst farm north of Burketon on the otd Scugog Rd. 2 cows, 2 dropped caives, 2 Seanling steers, one yearling ei fer, Fergus tractor wîth loader, 2 furrow plow, disc, manure spreader, traiter wagon with racks, loader for tractor, cattie oiler, 71 Yamaha, open hay elevator, (16' with motor), box traiter, water pump (piston type), 80 posts, snow feance and post, 40 rods new fence, New Idea 7' tractor mower, horse cutter, 2 lawn mowers, pine coffee table, 2 pine end tables, f ridge, stove, 3 piece bedroom suite, kitchen suite, washing machine, laundry tub, mirror, 2 guns, thunder mug, 2 tead coal stoves, other odds and ends f rom the house. Explorer cab, 32" hi gh, 1/2 squa 1re aluminum siding brown, 100 gai. oit tank, wheel barrow, cultivator, hoe, scoop, lawn roluer, gardien tools and a wagon toad of useful articles. Farm sold. No reserve. Terms cash. Lawrence Harris, cterk. Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 18-1iN -Saturday, May 6, 1:15 p.m. At Bannister's Auction Hall, Bewdley. Consisting o rocking chairs, end tables, kitchen table, cabinet and chairs, chesterfield and chair, arm chair, dishes, glassware, OBITUARY MARY ETHEL FOSTER Mary Ethel Foster, of Hope: Haven Nursing Home, Port- Hope died March 3th 1978. Born December 12, 1886, she- was the daughter of Charles A.: Conner and Judith Ann Conner~ of Mount Laurel, Virginia. She- was predeceased by her2 parents. three brothers. Ed., Luther and Bill and a sister,., Fleetwood. She was married to James-. Allen Foster December 15,'. 1909 by Rev. J.W. Boudin at - Mount Laurel, Virginia. They,' moved to Teeterville Ontario in 1928 where they grew tobacco for a number of years. -. She was a member of the' Teeterville Womens' Institute - and the United Church Women. Mr. Foster died in 1937. Mrs. Foster lived with ber, children, in the 'Kendal area. until hier recent move to Hope Haven Nursing Home in, September, 1977. She is survived by a sister,- Fanny (Mrs. Claude Dodd> of" Virginia; five sons, Allen of- Kendal, Bernard of Tennessee, Edwin of R.R. 4- Port Hope, Martin of R.R. 1- Campbelcroft, and Roy .f-, Kendal; three daughters-, Frances (Mrs. Leightori, Walsh) of Victoria, Bessie', (Mrs. Jim Short) of Barrie-» and Rachel (Mrs. George- Russo) of Buffalo, New York. She was predeceased by a son,: Hatcher, ini 1972. Also surviving are 39 grand-, children, 72 great grandchild-, ren and three great greaj- grandchildren. Funeral services were held: at the Ross Funeral Chapel,, Port Hope, on Saturday, AprilE lst, 4:30 with Rev. A. Tizzard- officiating and at the Dalton- Shine Funeral Home in Delhi-^ on Monday, April 3, 2 p.m. -, Burial will be at Delhi Union- Cemetery with the Rev. - Gordon Williams officiating. ...Be a RMED CROSS~ vol unteer. * ~0 - DARLI NGTON MASONRY RYOD Brick, Block, Stone RYOD CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES, UPHOLSTERII CHIMN EY CLEAN ING Modern, Traditionala Antique. Phone 623-2176 Freepick ~anddeliv 45-tf FRWEE uSTIMAT Ee PHONE Auction Sale Pethick's Auction Barn Saturday, May 6,7 pm. One mite east of E nnisk!î, ten. 2 fridges, new electric. stove, new chesterfieîd, new bedroom suite, washing machine, dishes, small tables. This lot comes f rom an Oronq home and others. Terms cash. Ctiff Pethick, auctioneer. 18- 11N Thursday Evening, May 4 7 p.m. Farm Machinery Furniture and Antiques - Auction sale of tractors,; farm machinery, baskets, turniture, etc. The property of Mrs. Lelslie Rutiedge in Myrtie, 1/j mite east of Hwy. 7 and 12 on Myrtie Rd. E~ (across from fire hait). M-F 235 diesel tractor (tike new - 130 hours) wlth Allied hy-- draullc loader, large snow bucket, Int. cub tractor with, scuffiers (excellent), CocK- shutt No. 1 transplanter,' traiter - 6 x 12 bed, trailer 6 x 8 bed, 3 scuff lers, set harrows, M-F 110 manure spreader. (tike new). Carrot washer,- forks, hoes, tadders, hand, seeder, 1100 bushel baskets- (sonne new), 750 6 qt.- baskets,: lawn mower. Furni ture: set of 4 antique arrow back chairs7- chesterf ietd and chair,,- dressina table, dishes, çgRteleg,ýç table, quilt frames. Int. 14Q Sas tractor wlth scufflers excel lent).' Note: Th Ès is an excellent i uaiiTy saie. Sale will be held in lardeï' storage shed and will start ai-?- p.m. Lunch available. Satei managed and sold by Lloy,., Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. Monday, May 8,6:30 p.m. St. John's Church, Pine Street, Port Hope. Consistlng of piano, ornate oak chairs, waI nut side chairs,, wash stand, chests, sterling and silver articles, lamps, dishes, glassware, trunks, frames, wagon wheels, banjo, guitar, met ai cabinet, appliances and other articles too numerous to mention. Roger Bannister, auctioneer 416-797-2651. 18-1 N FzINE OUALITYI MONUMETAN MARKERS L ook f or thi s 4a 1. lts your guarantee of permanence. STAFI-ORD BROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers Monu ments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St, E. - Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . ........... 1 WF T.V. Toweri it,,,Aeriai M%ý, ý 1 ArE

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