i BOBCAVGEON VILLAGE 16P23 Commercial complex contains two stores Plus tWo self contained apts. Gives business plus 3 rentaI incomes to assist with mortgage payments. Asking $99,900. Norma Long, (705)738-2327, 368-4392 (Toronto Line), or (705)738-2438. bUBCAYGEON VILLAGE 16Wl03 BOBCAYGEON 16Wl04 Spaclous bungalow and attached garage. 3-bedroom, maintenanÇe-free bungalow with Extra 24'x20' cernent block building with attached garage and enclosed breezeway. commercial zoning. Asking $61,900. Family kitchen, nicely treed front yard. Gerry Tew, (705)738-2327, 368-4392 Reduced for test sale. $39.900. (Toronto LUne), or (705)738-2181. Wib Mark, (705)738-2327, 368-4392 (Toronto Line), or (705)738-3812. 1 UNUEUN LAKE 1 16T90 immaculate 3-bedroom apartment over wetslip boathouse. Excellent water frontage! Priced at $54.900. Dick Taylor, (705)738-2327. 368-4392 (Toronto LUne), or (705)738-2147. BOBCAYGEON 16w9 Older 4-bedroom, two-storey home with estate type setting. Modern kitchen, 2 baths, stone fîreplace, garage. Asking $65.900. M.L.S Gerry Tew, (705)738-2327, 368-4392 (Toronto Une), or (705)738-2181. 1 UHULUN LAKE 16T75 2-bedroom waterfront home. lmmaculateîy maintained home and property. Stone retaining wall. Near golf course, close to village. Asking $52,500. Dick Taylor, (705)738-2327, 368-4392 (Toronto Line), or (705)738-2147. BOBCAYGEON AREA 16T94 BOBCAYGEON 16W96 Sensibly priced, large county lot, 3 year old, 3 Cozy 2-bedroom cottage on large lot in bedroom brick and aluminum bungalow with village. 2-piece bath, fully furnished. Close to full basement. Garage, excellent garden soif. Sturgeon Lake. Only $20.900. Oniy $42,500. Jim Thomas, (705)738-2327, 368-4392 Wib Mark, (705)738-2327, 368-4392 (Toronto (Toronto Line), or (705)738-2859. LUne), or (705)738-3812. BIG BALD LAKE 16T93 100 ACRE FARM 16G8 Pan abode on weii treed lot. 2 bedrooms, Near Bobcaygeon, speciaiizing in pigs. New, porch, 3-pc. bath. On Peninsula, both deep Modemn steel barns, harvester silo, large 2- and shaiiow swimming areas. $50.000. storey, stately oid-brick home. Creeks and Jean Detior, (705)738-2327, 368-4392 ponds. Asking $125.000. (Toronto LUne), or (705)657-8092. Jim Thomas, (705)738-2327, 368-4392 (Toronto LUne), or (705)738-2859. FC-1 0 BOBCAYGEON 16P25 lst bldg.-2 storey brick construction, main floor renovated and leased, upper floor approved for .2-bedroom apartment 2nd buiiding-over a century oid and restored. Front bottom portion rented, remaining 3- bedroom apartment can be used as either living quarters for owner or as rentai. '3rd buiiding-2-storey barn at rear for retail o0utiet or rentai income. Reduced to self at $68,500. Dick Taylor, (705)738,2327, 368-4392 (Toronto LUne), or (705)738-2147. BOBCAYGEON AREA 16T88 $12.000 buys you this three-room cabin situated on a picturesque river-front lot. Clean, ,clear waterfrontage, year round acceas, hydro. Furnished. Norma Long, (705)738-2327, 368-4392 (Toronto Une), or (705)738-248. EL!~ANKI 'N FRAýN1K