re Overîooking ST. LAWRENCE River 12T215 This specially designed ail-brick split-level home has so much to offer. Situated in a parklike setting with picture windows & a huge cedar deck. $79,500. Bep. Fransman, (613)544-4111, or (613)546- 5907. 8 MILES FROM TOWN 12T186 On a beautiful. lot, 150' x 182'. Very well insulated, 3-bedroom home. Weil landscaped with very fertile land. Priced at $34,900 and anxious to seli. Bep Fransman, (613)544-4111, or (613)546- 5q07. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITV 12P69 U T R TC E KRO D1 l8 Well-built restaurant, living quartes, separate What a super address for this 4-bedroom coin laundry, gas business on over 12 acres custom-buiit home, a party-sized rec room with 900' road frontage. $89,000 with terrific with fireplace & wet bar, a double garage and 9% mortgage. huge lot. Price $79,500. Margaret Wooîfrey, (613)544-4111, or Margaret Woolfrey, (613)544-4111 or (613)376-3141. (613)376-3141. WATERFRONT COTTAGE 5T232 130 feet of Sturgeon Lake shoreline. Five bedrooms, brick fireplace, 4 pce. bath, mature trees, double boathouse septic & weli year round road. $49.500. 'Irma Thomson, 364-9941 (Toronto Line), (705)324-9126, or (705)745-8020. COUNTRY BRICK HOME '2T 19- Ali brick, 3-bedroom elevated burgalow. Carpeted throughout. No recreatioD room but a nice, raised fireplace for starterd 150' x 200' lot. Asking $48,900. Margaret woolfrey, (613)544-4111, or (613)376-3141. ONLY 11/2 MILES FROM CITY 12T182 Can you imagine a better buy thai these freehold townhomes at $37,500 & $,-8,900.;3 bedrooms, 112 bathrooms, single garage and completeîy sodded lot. A.H.O.P. assstance. Gwen Mayîing, (613)544-4111, or (6113)544- 2641. WE HAVE AN ANXIOUS VENDOR 12T188 The snow has aimost gone and we can show you this attractive and well-kept home in the area of Hartington. Lot,, 140' x 170% cedar deck off dining room. $46,500. WEST 0F KINGSTON ,12T1 92 Charming and spacious, this home is overiooking Lake Ontario at Milîhaven. It boasts a large living room with a corner fireplace. Ali on a beautiful lot. $56,900. Bep Fransman, (613)544-4111, (613)546- 5907, or Arthur Ackerman, (613)544-4111, CENTRAL INCOME PROPERTY 12W264 In the downtown core. Monthly income is $670. Four 2-bedroom houses. $7,000 to $10,000 down and the vendor will help, you with financing. asking $58,500. A REAL CITY BARGAIN 12W277 $19,500 is the asking price on this central duplex. With $1,500 down the vendorwilî hold a 10% mortgage. $320 is the present monthly ncome. Bernie Smith, (613)544-4111, or (613)549- 0077. ONLY $16,900 5T236 2-bedroom cottage approx. 9 miles from Lindsay, with access to Sturgeon Lake, Lot size 56' x 200'. Act quickly on this one, owners rnuving toAustralia. MvLS., Bert James, (705)324-9126, or (705)324-4770. POTCTINGE-R STREET 5W425 REAL VALUE FOR YOU 5W43 pUTMUlus HOMe and w407o Well-designed home with 3 bedrooms, 11/2 A very economical 2-bedroom, brick semi- 1288 sq. ft.tpuh aae n aku baths, separate dining, room, panelled rec detached. Readytomoveinto. Lot52'x105', basement, wit imagination and quality in room and insu lated garage. Large lot closeto garden, well landscaped. 4-pce & 2-pce bath, every room. Extras include bath ensuite and river and park. MLS. $45,500. rec. room, iaundry. Asking only $31,900. huge fireplace. $55,500. M.L.S. Bruce Bagshaw, (705)324-9126, or (705)324- EarI Jackson, (705)324-9126, (705)324-0234. Libby colterjohn, (705)3249126,or (705)799- 2847. 5601. FC-24 é 8 À MA