BAY 0F QUINTE 1480 Best buy because you have to finish it yourself. Cape Cod sided bungalow overlooking bay. Cathedral ceilings, 4 bedrooms, fireplace, 10w taxes. Reduced to. $46,500. Chuck S11k, 476-2177, or 476-6055. QUINTE WATERFRONT 2562 Winterized cottage with full, high and dry basement. 2 bedrooms, cozy kitchen, living- dining room, 21/2-car garage. 70' x 290' lot on Hwy 33. Only $46,500. Chuck SIik, 476-2177, or 476-6055. COUNTRY RETREAT 13T85 Charming storey and a haîf Early Canadian home with heavy hand-hewn, exposed beams in kitchen and dining room, good condition. 70 acres dlay loam soul. $78,500. Chuck SIik, 476-2177, or 476-6055. PLUMBING BUSINESS 13P62 EXECUTIVE WATERFRONT 2960 n Picton. Old established business, going Beautiful superior-bult 4-bedroom home on concern, excellent turnover. Buildings, stock, the Bay of Quinte. Excellent boating tacilities equipment and 5 trucks included. Owner and choice shoreline. Above-ground retiring. Excellent opportunity at $79,900. swimming pool, large lot. $1 25,000. Helga or Guenther Wetzel, (613)476-2177, or Helga or Guenther Wetzel, (613)476-2177, or (613)476-3155. ,(613)476-3115. PRINCE EDWARD BAY 1901 Beautiful setting on a 4 acre landscaped lot for this chalet-style year-round home with choice 300' shoreline. Separate guest cottage. Asking $89,900. Helga or Guenther Wetzel, (613)476-2177, (613)476-3115. PICTON BEAUTY 1230 Partial commercial. Ideal for dentist, doctor, lawyer office with 5 bedrooms, living room, dining room, family room, large kitchen, doublegarage. $69,500. Pamrela Si1k, 476-2177, or 476-6055. WATERFRONT MOTEL 2571 10-unit superior-built brick building in tourist oriented village. Separate coffee shop and 3- bedroomn bungalow. Roomn to expand. Excellent financing. Year-round. $174,900. Helga or Guenther Wetzel, (613)476-2177, or (613)476-3115. HISTORICAL HOME 1667 n aIl local history almanacs! Location suitable for business on main street of Picton. On one acre treed lot. Potential galorel $74,500. Chuck Sl1k, 476-2177, or 476-6055. WATERFRONT-BAY 0F QUINTE 1684- $27,900 for this superb property close to Highway 401. 236' x 355' lot with a spectacular view. A pertect setting for your dreamn home. Owner will finance. Helga or Guenther Wetzeî, (613)476-2177, (613)476-3115. CASH CROP FARMING $95,000 13G44 Best Buyl 200 acres of good dlay loam land. Excellent for corn. Machine shed 60' x 70'. Metal clad barn, 5-bedroom aluminum home in mint condition. $95,000, terms. Chuck Slik, 476-2177, or 476-6055. BUSINESS OR PLEASURE 2881 Fronting on East Lake near Outiet Beach, year-round home with a smaîl shop set upfor fishing tackle & boat rentaI. Zoned tourist commercial. Reduced to, $39,900. Helga or Guenther Wetzeî, (613)476-2177, (613)476-3115. ,È R AN K FG-36 FC-36