WATERFRONT COTTAGE 6Tl52 Port Perry 2 miles. Frame cottage on 70' lakefront lot. Guest house, boat house with electric winch. Only $49,000. Fred or Mark Smith, 985-7386, 985-7639. WVAIUUt-HONI MOMEt 6Tl55 Port Perry 5 mi., (4-bedroom backsplit on beautiful lot. Kitchen, dining room, 11/ baths, rec room, stone fireplace. Walkout to patio. $85,000. Ken Middleton, 985-7386, or 985-7639. PORT PERRY 12 MILES 6T132 2 year old. 4-bedroom, 2-storey brick & aluminum home. Family room with fireplace on ground floor, 1½1 baths. 100' x200'fenced lot overlooking lake. $49,900. Lawrence Morrison, 985-7386, or 786-2319. Whit6by Tel: Whitby (416)688-6171 Toronto Lin e(41 6) 368-0663 LAKEFRONT COTTAGE 6T159 Only 5 miles f rom Port Perry. 2-bedroom f rame cottage with n ice sandy beach, garage. Vendor will take back mortgage. Only $35,900. Fred or Mark Smith, 985-7386, or 985-7639. PLEASANT POINT 1047 4-year old, immaculate, brick & aluminum sidesplit. 100'x200' lot, access to Lake Scugog. 3 bedrooms, Kingston stone fireplace. asking only $48,900. Lawrence Morrison, 985-7386, or 786-2319. UXBRIDGE AREA 6Gl07 99 acres productive loam, spring fed stream. 8-room home in excellent condition. Double garage, adequate barns. Asking $145,000. Good terms. Ken Middleton, 985-7386, or 985-7548. IMMACULATE BUNGALOW 17IW42 5-room brick, on a 52' x 115' lan dscaped lot. Many extras incltlded. Asking $54.900. Olive Howe, 668-6171 or 668-5853. MODERN DAIRY FARM 6G83 Oakwood area. 200 productive acres, stream, pipe line milker, 500 gallon bulk tank, stable cleaner, silo. 2 houses, 2 other barns. $300,000. Lawrence Morrison, 985-7386, or 786-2319. BEAVERTON AREA 6G96 100 productive acres, 2 road frontages. Large barn, implement shed, silo & unloader. 5- bedroom brick home. Suit beef or dairy. $130.000, good terms. Bruce Currie, 985-7386, or 357-3392. 77 ACRE HOBBY FARM 6G105 Port Ferry 3 miles. 300' Lake Scugog frontage. Excellent duck hunting, ideal for private club or retreat. Viewing a must, Asking $1,49,000. Lawrence Morrison, 985-7386, or 786-2319. NOW IS THE TIME 17Wl4 To enjoy the in-g round pool in the yard of this 3-bedroom bungalow with finished basement plus many more lovely features. Priced at $65.900. Kay Rogers, 668-6171, or 668-4592 *)FRAM FC-42 Ty- umbus Hampton rono Clare n * 1 [ h- di 2 1- - """ 1 il M khain P,,kýr, \ ý2 Whitb Dý 'gt- -3ý D"2""' ý pl- f1ý L) jjax _g shawa ugh 'y P-- C