4 The Canadianl Statesmnan, Biowmanville, May 24, 1978 Section two Well Known Bûroadcaster Visita, Van Be11e's stocky plants will give you the best resuits, because they probably are already "hardened off" (exposed to a cooler temperature so they will adapt quicker ini the soil or garden outside) and will transplant easier because the roots are in a better condition to take hold in the soil. To prepare a bed for annuals it is wise to dig over the soul to depth of 6 inches then add sorne peatmoss to the soul, by spreading this over the dug area at the rate of 1 inch over the whole area and then add some plantfood to the Soul either in the forrn of manure such as sheep or cow manure or use a general purpose -garden fertilizer such as a 5-10-15, then dig this slightly into the soul and rake the soil level, go you see exactly where the annual plants can be planted. 1 always plan where 1 arn going to plant, if it is a complete annual bed with different plants and different heights always work it out on paper, then you will know eypetly what to buy, and where to place them, a good example would be a flower bed filled wîth flowers that can be used for cutting and using a variety of different annuals. We would Slace the tail zinnia at the ack then follow up with a row of snapdragons followed by a row of asters, then bordered with the srnall petite rnarigolds or the dwarf snapdragon, you can use your own imagination to corne up with different patterns. For a circle bed which is to be filled only with annuals, place sorne Canna's in the centre, then a row of salvia,' then a row of zinnia's (shorter variety) or a row of carnations or asters then follow up with petunia 's and if space permits a row of white or purpie alyssurn, or the white or blue aR9eraturn. A you can see -there ,are multiple ways of planting an annual flower bed, but plan first then lay out the plants in the soil. It is always wise to water the plants in wîth a starter solution of Upstart or the other plant starters such as Transplanter, this will give thern a faster start and will result in a better growth. Some of the annuals that will do well in the shade are t he impatiens, coleus and tuberous begonia's, and in the sun almost ail the other annual plants will give you excellent resuits. Oshawa Garden Club meeting scheduled for May the l3th is postponed to May 20 in the Midtown Maîl, due to the weather since this will be Tulip Show.. Entries will be Se holarship Programi Ontario Graduate Seholar- ships, valued at $3,000 for a two-term academic year or $4,500 for three terms, are being offered to 1,200 out- standing graduate students throughout the province. The scholarships'are awarded on the basis of academie menit to students who intend to pursue received during the morning and will be on view during the afternoon until 5:30 p.rn. On June 5th there will be a panel discussion with Mrs. Earl Sandford, Mr. Merle Slute and Mr. Lloyd Johnston, at 8 p. m. Parish Hll, St. George's Anglican Church. Until next week, happy gardening. fuil-tirne graduate studies at Ontario universities in 1978-79. Awards declined by any of the top-rated students will be offered to other applicants in order of acadernic menit. 1In making the announce- ment, the Honourable Harry C. Parrott, DDS, Minister of Colleges and Universîties, noted that the number of scholarships bas been- increased more than, 25 per cent to help compensate for the exclusion of rnost graduate students frorn the grants portion of the Ontario Student Assistance Prograrn, which provides most of the student assistance in the province. Applications for the Ontario Graduate Scholarship were reviewed by a selection board chaired by Professor Vivian C. Abraharns, Queen's University. Other members were Professors W. Douglas Baines, University of Toronto; M. Philip Bryden, University of Waterloo; -Frank-. innes, University of Windsor; A. Barry P. Lever, York University; Ausonio Marras, The University of Western Ontario; and Carl M. Wallace; Laurentian University. STOP BOTH DIRECTIONS FOR A SCHOOL BUS 77 king Street East Bowmanville values Eff ective at Bowmanville Store Only TH& IRD WEEK 0F PRIZES 100% VEGETABLE OIL' SEEEO Fleischmann s TUBS"9 ý Soft Margarine Well known broadeaster and gardening expert John Bradshaw was in the 1 .[fi area on Saturday, May l3th when he visited Van Belle Gardens and discussed MMMÏm horticultural problems with many customers who were seeking information. He is shown here with Harry Van Belle talking over ways to improve plant ASSORTED FLAVORS growth. GayLe w~diauadéU~*u Fiesta Yogu LITS GEu.T GROWING!GARasi with Harrv Van Belle Bread Alabout wet weather gardening This has got to be one of the wettest and ltest sprlings we have had for a numlier of years. It sems that every week we have two or three days of rain by our calcula- tions the weather is about two weeks behind a normal year, so 1 think that we have to forget about looking at mue caienua!' ana etenci our spring planting season by two weeks a tthe end. 1 was ta lking to John Bradshaw on Saturday and he rnentioned the fact that the, soil temperature bas not been above the 42 degree mark this spning, which makes it ideal to, plant shrubs, trees and evergreens and other hardy plants but still is a bit too cold to plant the soft and greenhouse bedding plants, and specially the real tender plants sncb as impatiens and tuberous begoQma's sbould not be set out until the soil temperature goes above 62 degrees. Annuals Annùals are plants that are grown from seeds and that can be started in the honse under ligbts or are gi own in the greenhouse and then sold throngh the garden shops. The best resuits are always obtained by buying the best plants yon can buy, short James ns urance Agency Lmaited 24 King St. E. Bowmanville For all your insurance needs Nesta Akey or Doug James 623-4406 Accountancy, WILLIAM C. HALL' B. Comm. Charfered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephonè 725-6539 D. V. SNODDON 21l2 Liberty St. North Bookkeeping and.Tax Service Business: 623-7950 Residence: 623-7308 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 67 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 JOHN, P. WINTERS Chartered Accounitant 20 Coiborne St. W. Oshawa, Ontario Phone 5795659 or 623-5828 PR EMIUM QUALITY Attention Farmers! ýýmiW hy puy 1< "~ More? Saeon 'Premium Quality GASOLINE - DIESEL FUEL MOTOR OIL and FUEL OIL - PROMPT DELIVERY - Out-of-town calîs, please cail collect. REASONABLE PRICES DXOC)IL 668-3381 D WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Streef South Bow ma nv 1e Phone 623-3612 Chiropractic LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chiropractic 270 King St. E ast Bowmanville Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment LEONARD JAY, B. Sc., D. C. Doctor of Chiropractic 96 Queen Streef Bowmanvil'e Phone ô23-9297 Dental1 DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D. D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to09 p.m. including.Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional Bldg. Office Hours: Weekdays9-5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 PATRICKG. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 36 King St. W. Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:30 'tii 5:00 ASSDRTED COLORS Scottiesbw Facial Tisu 3BOXES O9 0F 100 ASSORTED COLORS Viva Pape r 2ROL Q Towels PKG.U ASSORTEO COLORS Lady Scott$ Bathroom Tissue 1.09 REGULAR DR DECORATOR > Scott Family Napkins PKG899* REFILI Cutrite Wax Paper 0FT59 R ELESS SK.$2R Confidets Maxi Pads OF8UP% DISPOSABLF Bahyscoti Regular Diapers OQ DISPOSARLE Babyscott Super ~ 19 Toddler Diapers 1119 Baby Fresh Wipes OF4 1.39, 0 ýPODC F U.S.A. CANADA No. 1 GRADE Toatoes LB. PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. B5unch C arrots Ec CANADA FANCY GRADE Granny Smith Apples ONTARIO GROWN CANADA No. 1 GRADE PRODUI SCookimg Oflions 'BAG 9Ucol( LB. 6à8 JCE OF CANADA ie Slaw CELLO PKGS.9 ASSDRTED FLA VORS. FLAVORED IValiant Drink Mix Crystals STOKELY. FANCY Peas or Cream Style Corn CAT FOOD Purina Tender Vittles SUNNYGOLE. AUSTRALIAN Seedless Sultana Raisins Zion Fig Bars REGULAR, RIPPLE. SALT AND VINEGAR OR BARBECUE FLAVOREO Hostess Potato Chips KRAFT. WHITE OR FRUIT FLAVOREO Jet Puff Marshmallows SYLVANIA. 40W6. OR 100 WATT White Light Bulbs' 17Z70 14-FL oz. TIR 9 1202 AO BA .59 225gn PKG.U~ OF249U BREADED PORK OR PEPPER STEAK Chun King Chinese Dinnersffl$ 1.09 FROZEN Holiday Farms Lasagna 'P-G.2.69n FRUZEN. CHOCOLATE, LEMON. VANILLA OR STRAWBERRY Sera tee Layer Cakes 1PKZ PRICES EFFECTIVE WED.. MAY 24, TO SAT.. MAY 27, 1978 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. CROCKERY COOKER WINNER Bruce Mutton 95 Concession St., Bowmanville CORN POPPER Barb Mitchell 56 Littie, Bowmanville OPEN DAILY MON.-FRI. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. SAT. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. SUN. 10 0.m. - 5 p,.m. Delivery in Town 623-4161 I 1517 Dundas St. E. Whitby BUSINESS DI RECTORY