I I I 0uR CLASSUFIED: rues.,.12. noon 623-3303 a 1 ANDRES - Reg and Cheryl (Williams) pralso and.thank yodl for his preclous giff, a ~.oMatthew Robert, welgh- lng 7 1lbs. 6 ozs. on June 1, 1978 af the St. Ctharines General Hospital. Flrst grandchlid for Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Wlliams, Bowmanvllle. Slxth randchildfo Mr. and Mrs. iliiom ndres Jr. of Niagora-on-the- Loke. 23- ANNIS- Brian ond Linda are pleased to announce the safe arrivai of their son Paul Brian, 7 lbs. 12 ozs. on Sunday, June 4, 1978. A brother for Jennifer. Happy grandporents are Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Annis, Hampton and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sha rpe, Brighton. Many thanks to Dr. Frimer and the maternlty staff of Memoriol Hospital, Bowmanvilie. 2- ETCHER - Miko and ili (nee Ormiston) are over- whelmed to announce the arrivai of Daniel Jack on Juno 4th, 1978, welghing 8 lbs. 1/2 oz. at Memorl Hosptal, Bowmanville. Ho is the first f randchild of Art and Glad tcher of Bowmonville and the thirdof Ello and Walter Ormiston of Oshawa. Mony thanks to Dr. H. B. Rundle and aIl the motornlty staff. 2- GRIFF IN -Gregory is happy f0 announce the arrivai 0f'his baby brother, Jason Lee, weighing 8 lbs. 1 oz. born May 28, 1978. Proud parents are Don and Judy (nee Lee). Proud g rondiprents, Mr. and Mrs. Elimer Lee and M r. and Mrs. Fred Griffin, al of Enfieid. Great grandparents are Mrs. Mobel McLaughlin of Caesarea and Mr. Howard Cowlinq, Whitby. Speciai thonks to Dr. H.B. Rundle, Dr. Sylvester, Dr. John Rundile and nurses on maternity fioor. 23-1 PERRIN- Lawrence ancl Lindoa (nee Campbell) of Dartmouth are pieased f0 announce the blrth, of their son, Lee Edward, on May 14, 1978, t the Grace Maternity H-ospital. First grandchîld of *MAr. and Mrs. Jack Perrin, Newcastle, Ont. and Mr. and Ars. Philip Misener, '--Dartýmouth, N.S. First great g rnichild of Mr. Herman vrrin, Newcastle, Ont. and M r. Dougas Keeping, Halifax, N.S. 23-1 WRAITH - Glen and Jane (nee Spratt) are proud to announce the safe arrivai of t4eir fîrst chiid, a son, Stephen WYAter James, born May 20,, 17,î wighing 6 lbs. 121/2 ozs. 1èithe f1ist grondchild of Mororie Wraith and Walter odLois Spratt alof Oshawa. 23-1 iMr, and Mrs. Milton Adamis, R.R. Orono, announce the forthcoming marriageo0f their daughfer Caroine Betty ta Normon Stewart Sherwin the son 0f Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shorwin, R.R. 4, Cobourg. The marriage will take place on Saturday, JuIy 22, 1978 at Orono United Church af 3 o'cock. 23-1 Mlr. and Mrs. Malcolm Kidd, Newcastle wish toaonnounce the forthcaming marriage of their daughtor, Debra Ma rie ta Stephen John, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.R. Sawyer, Orono. Thewedding wilI fako laceO 0 3'p.m. on Saturday, J une 17, 1978 in St. Jaseph's Church, Bowmanville. 23-1 N Mr. and Mrs. Jack Osmond Coîborne, Ont. announco the forthcaming morriaooftheir daughfer Lorelei Helen of edmontan, Aberta f0 Mr. Il mothy Raymond, son of Mr. ahd Mrs. Paf Klliher, Green- wood, B.C. the wedding will take place on Safurday, July lst, 19780f Sf. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanvilie, Ont. af 12:30 p.m. (Ail friends welcomne at tho church). 23-1 Mr. and Mrs. Doug las Wight of Bowmanviile are p oased ta annaunce th¶e forth- coming marriage of their doiugh er Carol Lorraine to David Christopher Laing, son of Mr'and Mrs. Earle Lin g of London, Ontario. The wedding wili toke place Sturday, July th, 1978, of 4:30 o'clock 'in Trlnlfy United Church, Bawmanvilie, Ontario. 23-1 The0 families of Mr. and Mrs. Cocul Stapleton oxtend an jnivitaf ion ta relatives, friends a nd noi ghbours on the occasion of their 5th wedding annives 0f atNewtonville Church Hall, Sunday, June 25, 1978 1-5 p.m. Best wtshes oniy. 23-3 The fomiiy Oi Hattie and VirtiefWlson, Orono, would be pleasod ta receive frionds and relatives on the occasion of their parent's SOfh wedding onniversary 0f the .O.O.F. Hall, Orono on Saturday, June 17fh from 7 unfil 10 p.m. Best wishes only. 23-2N COLL IER - ohn Chries. Suddenly at his residence, 206 Simpson Avenue on Tuesda y, June 6, 1978. Jack Collier ln h Is 9fyeor. Beioved husband of Eileen Leaman, dear father of Janice, Mrs. R. Jones <Debble), and Darlene. Rest lng at the Northcutt- Elllot Funeral Home. Funeral service 1:30 o'clock Thursday affernoon ln the Bowmanville Pentecostal Church., Inter- ment Bowmanviile Cemetery 23.1 GRIFFIN - Mary Ethel af the Bowmanville Momorioil Hospital on Sunday, June 4, 1978. Ethel Stinson (loto of Blackstock, Ont.) beioved wife of the loto Lorne Griffiln, deor mother of Jean {Mrs. Alfred Garrard) R.R., 1, ýBow- monviile, dear grandmother of Barry and Lorl-Ann. In her 78th year. Restlng of the chapel of McDermoff- Panaker, Port Perry for service on: Wednesday at 2 p.m. informent Union Cemetery, Codmus. 23-1 McKEE - Mary Elizabeth. Suddenly 0f the Port Perry Community Hospitai on Monda y, June 5, 1978, Mary Henry, dearly loved wife of Lorne Mc Kee of Blackstock'. Dear mofher of Audrey <Mrs. Bort Shea) Janefviiie, James of Oshawa, Calvin, of Blackstock, Leah (Mrs. David Frew),- Nestieton, Maxine (Mrs. John McMillen) of Cosarea, also survived by 14 grandchildren. Sister of Mrs. Frank Wilson, Mrs. Frank Tripp, and Melville, al of Oshawa, Mrs. Jack Wilson of Tyrone, Mrs. Wlberf Reynolds of Bowmanvlle, Lloyd of Port Perry and the lofe Lewis and Gordon Henry. In her 67th yeor. Resting af the chapel of McDermoft Panabaker, Port Perry for service on Thursday 0f 2 p. Interment St. John 's Cemefery, Biocksfock. 23-1 BALL - Roy. ln Iovn momory of a dear husband, father and grandfather who poasdaway June 8, 1976. rhova heart holds dear Fond memnorios linger everyday Remnembrance keeps him noor. - Lovlngly remembered by wlfe Elsie, Ronald, Donna, Roger ond grandchiidren. 23-1 kU ITE R - Inlovilngemory of o dear husband ogndfather WaIly who passed away June 27, 1977. There is a, road we oel remembrance, Where thoughts and wlshes meet, We take that road ln thought 'today For the one we cannof greet. -Alwoys remombered by Norma and children. 25-1 STEPHENS - In loving memory of our dear father, and grondfafher, Robert M. Stephens, whe-passed away, June 15, 1966. and our dear mother, and grandmofher, Ruby Irene (Goyne) who csse d awoy, June 10, 1973. e offen thlnk, os the day growsdlm, Withouf, "Mom and Dad", whof our lives would've been. "God" must have known we needed you bath, Till we wereg rown mon and women 9fore leavlng your post. Your memories are golden, your pictures we share, In fact, we are selfish and wish y ou were here. But deep l n aur hearis aur love lot you go, As you are fagot her and wonted it so. Dear Mom and Dad, from al W our eleven, W now You're af resf wjth God ln heaven. But, If gronfed a wish that couldcame true, We would wish ail chlldren shared parents like you. By H.P.J.C., - Lovlngiy remembered by chlldren and grandchildren. 23-1 TURNEY - ln lovlng momory of a dear mother and Srendmother Clora who.dled une Sfh, 1974 and a dear father and grondfafher, Ernest, who dled July '6fh, 1966. As time unfolds another year Memorles keop f hemn ever near Sulent fhoughts of fîmes fagot her- Hold memnorles thof wili 10lsf forever., - Always remembered by the family. 23-1 VANSLYKE -In Iavîng memnory of a dear mother,. sister, aunt and nephews who possed away June 14, 1974. Though hem smiie Is gone forever ' And hem hand we cannot touch Sf111 we have her in aur momorios Of the one we loved so much. God has her in his keeping, We have her in aur heamt. -Sadly missed by son Ernest, sister Myrtle, niece Betty, nephews Ermie and Kenny. 23-1 l' wlsh to thank friends, neighbors and relatives for fiowers, fruit and cards sent to me whlle ln hospital. W. J. E. 'Hi' Ormiston 23-1 N I- want f0 fhank ail my friends and relatives for the cards and gifts I received whiie in Memorlal Hospital. A special thank you to my sons and their wlves andm daughter and her husbaný Rev. Paul, Erb, Dr. Keith Siemon and the nurses on the f lrst f loor. Mrs,. Florence Stainton 23-1 We wish to thank the mony people who have given us assistonce since our home was destroyed by ftire. Speciol thanks are sent to ail the firemen who respode 5 gickly; to Zion Pentecosta I hurch, Millbrook; to the Salvafion Army; ta the T'oronfo-Dominion Banks; to the local C.B. Club and to ail the others who .5o generousiy donated money, clothing, furniture, etc. in aur time of need. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith, Pontypool 2- THANK YOU THE COMMITTEE0F THIE MANVERS TOWNSHIP ARTS and CRAFTS SHOW wish to express their -sincere appreciation to ail those who made our show iasf weekend so successfui. 23-1 1 wouid like ta thank everyone who donated and participated In the Yard Sole, g oceeds dono ted to Cancer ocletyiln memory of Brian. Spclal thanks to Yvonne and Nancy. God Bless Everyane I Muriol 23-1 I wish f0 thank everyone for the Ioveiy f lowers, cords and visifs during my stay in Peterborough Clvmc Hospital. Avery spociai thank you f0 ail who took care of my chiidron duringfthis fime. Shirley Carscadden 23-1 "My sincere thanks ta frlends,' relatives, and organizaflons for f Iowers, cards and many, acts of klndness during my stay in Mamorial Hospital. Also o, speclal fhanks .to .Rev. Amocher, Rev. Erb, Drs. Long and Ewerf and nurslng stafIf in Intensive Care and flrsf floor. H-osken Smith 23-1 To ail thoso who donated and affended our fareweli party, a very speclal "fhank you'. Deug and Sue 23-1 Very special thonks to Dr. Siemon and Dr. Long for their very efficient care while i was ln Memorial Hospital. Aiso speclal thanks ta those wonderfui nurses Who took care of me, also friands and family who visited ,.and brought f lowers and gifts. 1Mary Fowler EAR PIERCING' S$0.00 (no oppolnfment Necessary) Plus 10 per cent off first purchase of earrlngs with release slip. Hooper 's Jewellers LtVd. 29 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-5747 23-tf N IT'S MORE THAN A SAMPLE IT'S A FRAGRANCE EX PE RIENCEI Millions 0f Canadian women are receivlnp Avon samplers. Make sure that experience us yours. Ca Il Mrs. Mowat- 725-9696 23-1 N CARNATION' FLOWER SHO1P 33 Division'Sf., Bowmnanville 623-7141 HOSPITAL and ARRANGEMENTS and CutF lowers 12-tf VAN BELLE DAI LY Delivery to -... Oshawa. Bowmanviile Area Phone 623-4441: 43-f "Fiowers with Feeling" For any Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Holidays Sev. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259< FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanville Mail 623-3365 jendon Ceramics Children,*s Classes Timne - Month of Jly Tuesday or Wednesday mornings or afternoens 9:.30- 11:30 a.m. 1:30- 3:30 p.m. Price - $12.00 (4 classes-w this Includes greenware,, flrings and plazes). Tools are extra. Limited openins, sign up flow. 623-3868 23-2N Dance - Pontypool Com- muiy Centre, Saturday, June 10 . 9: 00 p.m..- 1:.00 o.m. Larry Adams, and Midnlg ht Country. $6.00 cou pie. Chabedof ComecéPOt praceeds for upkeep of Ponty- pool, Communlty Centre. 23-1 Plan to attend Yelverton's gardon party on. Fridoy, June 9startIng af 5 pm. Admission -adults - $3, children under 12 - $1, pre-schooiers - free. 23-1 ST. GEORGE'S CEMETERY Decor at ion Day and Service Sunday, June 18 at 2:30 p. m. 23-2N BIG SAVINGS ANTIQUE SALE at, HOUSE of AMBER ANTIQUES and GIFT SHOP (north end Hampton Village) Ail coliectors item s being cieared at great savings. 50NOTroing ouf of business) 0PeCetOff Many Items Cranberry gilass, tables, cha:irs,r depression glass, platr peanuf jar, wainut dIning room table, and six chairs, hanging iighf, oak china cabinet and more. DON'T MISS OUT! Shop hours Tuesday thru Saturda y9 - 5 Sunday and Monday by chance 263-2981 23-2N Al i nferested Manvers citizens are asked 'ta meet with the Manvors Arena Board on Wedinesday, June 14' at 8 p.m. ln Monvers Com- munity Centre. 23-1 N Spring supper at St. John's AnglicanChurch, Blackstock, Safurday, June 10f h, beginnlng 0f 5:30 pa..Aduîts $3%5. ChI idren 12 and under $1 .25. Pre-school - f ree. 23-1 N STRATHAVEN NURSING HOME willI hold, A Springf est Boutique June 14, 1978 5:30 -8:30 p.m. Proceeds to further Arts and Crafts Program 23-1 N PROMPT, LAM RE COURTEOUS EAMRE SERVICE FOR o be held af ALL YOUR DARLINGTON FLORAL SPORTS ARENA NEEDS Hampton, Ontario on THOUGHTFULNESS -CONCERN -SERVICE ConCern for the demands upon y0u ... Our first consideration. To ensure- you the helpfulness you need. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 4DSINSMMOIL Monuments - Markers -Inscriptions s 1 491Lavinia Street ,Port Hope 885-6434' lviHOME APPOINTMENTS MVA GLADLY ARRANGED. 41-1 RUTTER GRANITE~ COMPANY 1.LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 o 11 Port HopeOntarioa oWORKMNSHIP -QUALITY L A 3W3 High Quality'at L Reasonable Prices 'Phone 885-5216 j Home 88!1-5222M Julys, 1978 ARTS, CRAFtTS and ANTIQUES. S23-2 N BOWMANVILLE BOY SCOUT PAPER DRIVE Saturday, June 17 23-1 BINGO Every Thursday Eamly Bird Game starts at7 30 p.m. Jubtlee Pavillon OSHAWA $550 Jackpot- MutG FREE ADMISSISO SOPER CREEK NURSERY SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Thursday, June 8 -11:30 ami. 1 -3:30 p.m. Registroflon for September, 1971 wli be avoulable, 0f this 1.time. 98 Concession St. E. Phono 623-3613 22-2' T'he Proutfamily plcnic wll be heid June 18 at Haydon Community Centre. Supper 0f 5. 2319 Hampton Women's Institufe Stawberry Dessert Tea will be held June 21 ln the C.E. Wlng - 1:30 - 4:30. Admission - $1.50. Door prizes. Chlldren under 6 f ree. 1 #23-à TYRONE COMMUNITY CENTRE DANCE 4th Saturday in each month March 25 - June 24 D.J. CARMEN SHIRK 24-ff Tickets available at door. 8-19N .EBENEZER SUNDAY SCHOOL. ANNIVERSARY June llth SServices at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. 22-2N 3rd ANNUAL GIGANTIC JUNE BAZAAR held ila the DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE- Hampton Saiturday, June, 17 10:Oa.m. - :Oop.m. Sunday, June 18 1:OOp.m. -5: 0p.m. -Ail the usual items for dlipla.y and sale plus some first.time exhibitors among the sixty booths. Comne and bring your friends. Plenty of parking FREE ADMISSIO1N Maple Grove Sunday School1 Anniversary J unel18th Service at 3:30 P. M. Ouest Speaker: MR.,MEL SMITH of CKLB Radio Cartwri ght - Union Cemneter, Decoratlon Day Service, Snday, June 11, 2 L.m. Guesf speaker Rev. Eric Brr. .23-1 N Former students asso ciato teachers and frfends are cordiliy, lnvited to attend a retirement tea in honour of Mrs. Glady Greenwood at Lockhart Public School on Jun 14, 1978, 3:30 - 5 p. m. and 7:00 -8:30p.M. 2- The Wood Fomily Picnic wiIi be heid at Thistie Volley Park, Bowmanvllle, Sunday, June leth, 1978. Supper at 4 o'clock. Sports at 2. 23-2 GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 10, SUNDAY, JUNE il 38SD2.4p.m. 38AHALE CRES., BOW. 23-1 YARD SALE Saturday, June 10 1f rom 10 -5 at 20 Centre St. IN BOWMANVILLE 23-1 Thursdayf Friday, Saturday June 8, 9, 10 27 Frank St. (iusf south of Dominion) Rocker, Rangette, Wood Table (antique) plus other household items. 23-1 N GARAGE sale, 103 Waverley Road, Saturday, June 10. 23-1 YARD Sale, Safurday, June 'îOth af 10 a.m., Nestleton. On. concession north of Country Store on south-west corner. 23-1 N YARD sale. Ail articles ln good condition, some aimost new including life jackets, swivel rocker, children's ice skates, games and oars, border foncing, antique baffles, 2 Caleman ugs, port- a-sink and many ofýor useful items. Mondoy - Saturday, 45 Porkwoy Crescent. 23-1 YARD sale, Safurday, June 10 af 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 32 Queen St. Household Items and purebred husky. 23-1 LAKESHORE Road, quarter mile east of, Hope-Clarke Boundary, white. house, four pillars north side, Saturday, and Sunday, June 10oand 11-9.9 5. 23-1 N GARAGE SALE Thurs., Fri and Sat., JU ne 8, 9110 Nine to Five WH ERE? On Base Lino Road, fhree miles west of Woverley Road, third houseo n south offer tracks. Many Items ta choose from. Antiques, collectables, furnilture, household furnlsh- lngs. Everyfhlng from Iamps and laundry tubs fo Iawn mowers and pumps. Lisfs of articles posted ln bath laundramats. 623-7490 inýstr ctîos Western Canada School of Auctioneering Ltd. Canada's flrst, and the 'only omplCetely Canadian course offered onywhere. Llcensed under the Trade Schools Licensing Acf, R.S.A. 1970, C.366' For particulars of the noxt course write: Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta or Phone 782-62 15. 15-9 ONE tent, 9 x 12, no floors, used three weeks as dinlng font. $50. Phone 623-5975. 23-1 N 15' BOWR ID ER, with 80 horse Evinrude and trouler. Phono 1-986-5188. 23-1 16' BOAT trailer, 2000 lb. capaclty, also '69 Pontilac convertile. Phono 263-8288. 23-1 N CHESTERFIELD suites, 2 four pieco sets, new. 1 - 3 piece coffee set, tea wagon, hall stand, uprlght china cabinet. Phono 579-5662. 23-2 SWAG iamp, lown mower, large side by side frldge- freezer. Beaufiful- Toppon stove, bedspreads, curta uns, snowmoblie, boy's suifs (size 14), other Items. Phono 723-2798. 23-1 N NEW Holland 268 baler P.T.O. side delivery rake. New Idea- cut dit ioner - cut only 25 acres. Allis Chaimors front end loader. Allis Chalmers 3 furrow Iplow. Phono 576-2479. 23-1 N 25 ACRES of standing hay. Phono 263-8430. 23-1 AIRF OAM mattross vith cover, double bed size. Practlcaily new. Phono 623-3265. 23-1 KING Kamp font trailer, very good condlt ion wlth drawers Ins de, slees ,osking $300. Phono 6-27. 23-1iN 1952 MODEL D Case tractor wlth mounted 7' hay mower. Good condiltion. Phono 1-flW4609after 6. 23-1 N ONE cement mixer. Phono 623-6226. 23-1 N BICYCLE - CCM - 10 speed, broad, axe, hay knife, buck saw, adze. Phono 623-2913. 23-1 N '78'PONT lAC LeMans V-6,1'59 Ford 4 cylinder diesel backhoe, H. D. boat trailer, HDL truck cap. Phono 263-2124. 23-1iN ANTIQUE Victorian sofa and three parlour tables. Excel- lent condition. Phono 623-9291. 23-1 N GO-CAR T wlth new Honda engine, $300. 1970, 350 Honda, $450. Phono 263-8455. 23-1 N MANUFACTURERES Outiet -new 27" - 9 ply skate board, wheels, trucks, and procision boarlngs also ovaila ble. Coul 623-2473 after 5p.m. 23-1 EVE RGRE ENSý Floweri'ng hrubs, Hedging Shade Trees Ail Reosonably Priced Brunt's Nursery South si de of 401 af Liberty St. Exit Ph. 623-3971 23-4N 10 H.P. CASIE-gardon fractor with gang mowers, tiller, wheelbarrow and snaw plaw accessories. Asking $600. Phone 1-705-277-2979. 23-1 N WOODS Tent Trouler,_ sleops six. Phono 623-2886. 23-1 C.C.M. Exercycle, used 1 yeor, $60. reg. $90. Phono 623-2604 offer 5 p. m. 23-1 SHE.ERS - three panels sheers, off-white, 130" x 84" each. Cornelli hem. Phono 987-4237. 1 23-1 CHESTERFIELD and choir, bed chesferfield, antique wlcker rocker, dresser,. 2 aid trunks, house fan. Phono 705-277-2898. 23-1 N RABBIT shelter, cages, chicken cages, water founfains, commercial exhoust fan, born boards, booms, roof pales, cedar rails, used lumber. Phono 705-277- 2898.1 23-1 N DOG and CATF ONE~ green shag carpet, two white curtai ns- floor Iength, two mauve scatter mats, one white dress uniform- size 12, curling iron, one girls 26"1 bike. Reasonable. 623-2962. 1 1 1 23-1 WOODS tent trailier, sleeps 9, hoe623-3639. 2$450. HARDTOP camp 1er, 1970 Sahara, stovo, sink, ice box, heater, hydro, water tank, mirrors and full size add-a- room. Llcensed. Compete $975. Phone 623-3528. 23.1 N 44 MASSEY diesel wlth hydraulics and Massey Harris trailplw Phone after 6 p.m. 263-2674.0. 23-1 HAY wagon with racks in good condition. Phono 723-3241. 23-1 N 1973 HOUSE trailer, 22 foot; fully eq uipped, $3500 or best offer. CIl after 5 - Orono 983-5180. 23-1 N FIREWOOD FOR SALE $80.00 A CORD Ayaliable at any quantlty Lawn Gardens Hwy. 2, Newcastle Phono 987-4670 49-tf N FI REWOOD - cut your own, cedar posts, ail sizes - cheapi Call 623-2670, al1so chisel plow - $150 and 1963 International dump truck - runs, $150. 23-1 N FRESH asparagus and red rhubarb. Phono 263-2501 after 5. 23-1 1974 9Occ KAWASAKI. Askui i $500 or best offer. Excellent condition. Phone 623-6979 affer 5. 23-1 N 1974 PROWLE R house trailer, 171/2 ft. sleeps six, all conveniences, includes awhing, jacks and spare tire, excellent condition. Phono 623-21731. 23-1 22 cu . ft. D E EP -freeze, antique pump organ, stove, fridge, phono 623-5752. 23-lx 5th WHEEL traluer. 23 ft., $5500. Phono 1-705-277-2258 Pontypool. 23-MN 17 ft. MAAHOGANY plank boat, 100 h.p. Johnson motor, heavy duty trailer, good condition. Phono 983-5005. 23-1 BILUE SPRUCE SALE NURSERY GROWN, DUG and POTTED. 1511 - 18,11 - $5.99 18"' - .24"" - $9.99 We also have other shrubs and f rees, Open 7 Days a Week Pontypool - Sam Manetta 21-4N BRAND new 4 piece modemn chesterfield plus one 2 piece day bed suite. Sacrifice. Phono 623-3034. 23-2 1976 SINGER sewing machine, Stylist 514, $250. Phono 623-7710. 23-1 N Holiday and Chevron Trailers Large selection 0f'truck caps from $259.00 insfalled. Ca msport Trailer Sa les Highways 115 & 35, Newcastle Phone 987-5174 9-tf PADDY'S Market naw has, new furniture, appliances, T.V.s and stereos and aiso' used furnifure and appliances. WilI accept frade-ins. Paddy's; Market, Hampton, phono 263.ý 2241. 33-ff 10 kg. Purîna Dog Chow............ $6.20 10 kg. Purina Do g Meal ....... ..... $6.73- 5OOgm. Purina Tender Vitties ....... $ 96 Vanstone Flour & Feed Mili King St. W. 623-5777 23-1 PICTURE FRAME CLEARANCE SALE Thousands to Choose From Lowest Prices inI Canada 2 DAYS ONLY Tuesday, June 13 and Wednesday, June 14 10 a.rn. - 8 p.m. FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR INN LIlberfy a 41,Bowmanvilie Bring Your Own Ruier and Prints. 23-1 N OS HAWA SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY SCREENED SAND GRAVEL &STONE LIMESTONE-- - PRODUCTS ~ ?~.~9 ~ ALL SIZES FOR <IL' ' DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS I TOPSOIL &DIRT ~ FILL Phoneo_'Oshawa 725-0232 SOIARD. N. H- -JY 1 Mile North of Hwy. 2 ---r- --i r- FREE Heavy Duty, E lectric ' Edger Tri mmer ($79.95 Value) with 700 Series 6 Speed ModelIs in present stock LIMITED OFFER TREWIN FARM EQUIPMENT Blackstock' 986-4283 A ALLIS-CHALMERS LAWN AND. GARDEN FOIJIPMENT 23-1 N WHITE'S T.V. TOW ERS Towers U H F, V HF ~Aeriais, Rotors& eRepairs - 576-5606 J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial contre, 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf NOW AVAILABLE fromn SHARON BRITTAI'N UniqueShower and Wedding Ginfs Came and browse in the showroom a, FANCY THAT l26-Wellington St. H4AND T HROWN STONEWARE POTTERY Dlshwosher Safe - Oven Proof Lead Free 623-4712 Afternoons and Evenings 22-2N VITALIZING! Phono 723-1155 for Rusfprooflng on new> or used vehicles. Written war. ranty. Durham Vitalizlng phono 723-1155. 47-tf Shrubs, Evergreens and Trees. Bagged topsoil1 and sand. Phone 623-3412 1&-7N 1968 DODGE water truck, compflote. 1700 galion stailess steel tank. ýGood working condition.' Also 1700 galion steel tank and rocks mounfod on aider truck. Phono 725-0302. 22-4N 19' J ET boat, 1974 Panther, 330 h.p. $4500. f irm. Phono 987- 4078 evonings. 22-2 N USED furnifure and ap-ý pliances. Paddy's Market.' Ham pton. 263-2241. 33-tf Sh rubs, Evergreens a nd Trees. Bagged topsoil and sand. Phone 623-3412 23-4N FREE Stirling Silver, Hampton or Bowmanvilîle charm (House of Amber's own design) with every purchase of $30 <before fax) or over, from June 1sf to 30th. House of Arn ber Antiq ue a nd G ift Shop (31/2 blocks north 0fl Hampton Villaae church') Hours: Tues. - Sat. 9aà.m.5pm Sun. and;Mon. by cance HAMPTON 263-2981 OSHAWA Antique Gun Coilectars show an 'd soie, Kinsmen Comniunlfy Centre, 109- Coîborne St. W. Oshawa. Sunday, Juno 11, 1978, 9 ar. ta 1 p.m. Ladies' silver dollar drows. Admission $1. Ladies f ree. 23-1 N RADIO for GM truck, pet barricade for stofionwagon, swlvoi rocker aIl in very good condition. Coul 623-299. 23-1 TEAKWOOD and Rosewood Scandinavian furniture, bed- roomn suite, - 8 pc., diffing roomn suife - 9 pc., chesterfiela and chair, etc. Ail Brand new, reasonoble. 1 -247-437. 3-tf îr