4 The Canadian Statesman, BOWmanville, June 14, 1978 Section Two called forward and given an A.C.W.W. pin. Mrs. White joined Hampton WlI. in 1929 before ber marriage and wbile flot being a member for 25 consecutive years bas been associated with the WlI. over the years. Mrs. Macklin moved a vote of thanks to Rev. Mundie for bis talk, to Ross and Doug for their music, to Mrs. Caverly for her reading, to tbe ladies in the skit for tbeir outstanding creations and last but not least to the Committee wbo spent a great deal of time and effort to make this 75tb Anniversary sucb a joyous and memorable occasion. Mrs. Sadie Reynolds on bebaîf of the guest tbanked Hampton WLI. for being invited to tbis celebration. The evening closed by repeating the Mary Stewart Collect in unison and tbe singing of tbe Queen.e SHAWS Out of town friends and relatives of Brenda Brock who attended tbe Brock-Corden wedding in St. Paul's Churcb, on May 2tb included Mr. and Mrs. Roy Raymond, Orillia, Mr. and Mrs., Don Wilson, Arlene and Gary, Hastings, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Robert- son, Barrie; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Facey-Crowtber, Peter- borough; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Dollinger, Ms. Barbara O'Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Howden, Linda and Glenn Houlden, Ms. Wanda Reid, Members who received certificates at the 75th anniversary celebrations last Wednesday are shown here with the Ruest sp)eaker. They include, left to right: Mrs. K. Caverley, life member; Mrs. W. White, A.C W.W. Mrs J. Smales, life member; Mrs .PR Metcalf, life member; Mrs. T. Chant, life member and Mrs. L. Allun, the fifth member of the institute to receive her life membership last week. Ms. Sandy Dronyk and friend, ail of Toronto. Gordon, Doreen and Glenn Barrie attended the Convoca$ tion exercises at thi, University of Waterloo on Maya 25tb wben Heather receiveci- ber Bacbelor of Arts degree., Sincere congratula tions. Heather, fromn your Shaw'sý friends! Mrs. Peggy MIellor and' Dorotby of Newbury and. London, England, have been.' spending tbree weeksý holiday witb Mr. and -Mrs.~ Harold Robinson and famnily.' Mrs. MeIlor is very proud to- be a great grandmotber and 'Io be able to visit David, Nancy' and wee Tany a Joy in Sti oud.- Tbe Englisb visitors enjoyed tbeir fîrst trip to theý Halîburton area and Algons. quin Park as well. Mrs. Lily Krummenacber is > back borne again after a three week visit to her old home area in Switzerland and returning with bier to Canada is Andy's sister, Anna, who will be visiting the Krummeh- acber family during ber five week stay in Canada. The members of Unit 6 Trinity Cburch and their friends bad a deligbtful tinle last Mlonday when they toured the Trent Canal System and afterwards bad a delicious meal at the Holiday Inn, Peterborough. The committee in charge of this lovely eveflt were Helen Hamnmond, June Bragg and Ethel Hendry. He ad table guests at the anniversary celebrations. A skit by some members of the Institute took was part of the 75th anniversary program. OPP Wants Help in The Ontario Provincial June 6, 1978 at 3:15 p.rn. Police, Newcastle Detach- Joseph Riddle of Hampton, ment, are requesting the Ontario was nortbbound wben assistance of anyone wbo a soutbbound 1969-1970 Buick, witnessed the Motor Vebicle red in colour, came into bis Accident tbat occurred on lane. To avoid a bead-on Regional Road 57, 4 kmn north collision, Riddle swerved onto of Blackstoek on Wednesday, tbe west shoulder and lost a humorous look at the hat fashions of the future. The skit Liocating control. Riddle's vehicle, a 1978 Plymouth Station Wagon, rolled over twice. Mrs. Riddle received a minor concussion and minor injuries. Tbe Riddle vebicle received approxirnately $4,500.00 Witnesses darnage. The red Buick was not damaged. A motorist stopped te offer Mr. Riddle assistance. Lt is requested that tbis motorist contact Prov. Const. H.T. Burke, Ontario Provinêial Police, Newcastle, at 623-3384. WRINGER WASHER *Square porcelain tub * Heavy duty motor e Power pump *Safety wringer *FtiIi time filtering *3 models ta choose *2 yr. parts replace- ment warranty * 5 yr. transmission warratity Carnegie Pro Hardware 36 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-5408 The Hampton Women's Institute celebrated its 75th anniversary last week at a dinner 'n the hall of'the Hampton United Church. In this photo, Mrs. J. Smales (left) and Mrs. R. Metcalf (right) chat with the guest speaker, the Rev. Garth Mundie of the Trinity United Church in Cobourg. Mrs. S maies and Mrs. Metcalf were made life members of the institute last week. Hamp&-tonti W.I. Celebrates 715 Yiears of Achievement The 75tb Anniversary of Hampton Women's, Institute was beld on Wednesday dune 7 in the CE.,wing. Registration, took place at 6 p.m. At 6:30 Mrs. Mountenay, our President, welcomed tbe guests. MIrs. Caverly,,lead us in singing the Institute Ode followed by the Institute Grace wt Mrs. J. Burrows accomipanying on the piano. After a delicious dînner pre- pared by the Hampton members and served by some of tbeir daugbters Mrs. Mountenay introduced the bead table - Mrs. A. Macklini, P.R.O.; Mrs. T. Chant, Federated Representative of tbe District, Mrs. M. Bryant, District President, Mrs. C. Yeo, Secretary, Rev. G. Mundle, Guest Speaker Mrs. C. Bradley, District Secretary Mrs. J. Burrows, Vice-Presi- dent and herself Mrs. O. Mountenay, President. Tbe ladies in the kitchen were asked to corne out and accept our thanks for their belp. Mrs. Bryant brougbt greetings from the District. We were very fortunate to bave witb us Hampton's two well known musicians, Ross Metcalf and Douglas Dewell. Ross favoured us witb three selections, Tbe Old Refrain, MeNamaras Band and I Love Life and 1 Want to Live, accompanied on the piano by Doug.ýMrs. K. Caverly gave us a verîy interesting reading. Aging'- Everyone is Doing t. Tbe entertaining music anci reading were ,tboroughly enjoyed by all. Mrs. T. Chant introduced the guest speaker, Rev. Gartb Mundle of Cobourg who took as bis topic Women in tbe Home. He compared tbe roll of Women in our gï-andmotber's day to women of today and then on to the roll and decisions the Women in the Home of tomorrow are going to bave to, make. Mr. Mundle witb bis wit and wisdom was an outstanding speaker and will be long remembered. In~a lighter vain a skit - The Atomic Hat Age - was put on by Institute members, Mrs, Chant, Mrs. Winnacott, Mrs. Allin, -Mrs. Alice White, Mrs. Clemens, Mrs. Helen White and Mrs. Kantor modelling bats tbey bad created witb commentary by Mrs. Hall wbo also modelled ber creation.' Back to a more serious note Mrs. Bryant asked Mrs. Nellie Cornisb to, corne forward and accept a plaque of the Mary Stewart Collect decoupaged by Mrs. Cbant for ber mother, Mrs. George Armour, wbo joined Hampton W.I. in 1930. Then five very surprised ladies were asked to corne forward and accept life mernbersbips - Mrs. Srnales joined Solina WlI. in 1926 transferring to Hampton in 1948,;- Mrs. 'Metcalfe joined Maple Grove WlI. in 1946 and transferred to Hampton in- 1964, ber pin being pinned on by son Ross; Mrs. Cbant joined Hampton W.I. in 1946, ber pin being pinned on by daugbter Carol; Mrs. Caverly joined Hampton W.L. in 1945; and Mrs. Allin wbo joined Hampton W.I. in 1945, ber pin being pinned on by daugbter Helen. Mrs. W. White was THAPAR DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 163 Simcoe St. South Oshawa 579-8752 Open mon. to Sat. and evenings - by appointment only COuLOUR BLACK' cand WHITE SERVICE CALL SPECIA L ALL SERVICE ON LY- CALLS WITH $75 TH ISADT Guarantee on aIl Parts and Service FAL"CO 0aNT aV. 426 Simncoe St. S. Oshawa 723-0011 WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL OURSELVES m GROW A GREAT GARDEN iff with FLOWERS FROM FRED'S See our selection of beddi ng plants and vegetable starters. Al-so beautiful hanging baskets, including ivy geraniums. -We hav in Try or ta ke tl - our! m.,RD ve Garden Fresh Asparagus- n large or small1 amounts. our fresh crisp App les. .. he family home a "sweet treat" special maple syrup or honey. SFRUIT MARKET Hwy. 115 1 mile south of Orono PADDY'S MARKET New and Used Furniture and Appiances Trade-ins Accepted on Appiances -Easy Credit Terms Available - Telephone 263-2241 Hampton Liquidation Sale continues. Thousonds of yards of carpet to choose from. Look at these examples: 100 per cent Nylon Non-Wax Artificial SHAG VINYL TURF From $3 SQ. YD.From $ . '9s. Y D,,, rm$30 . ~YD. 100 per cent Nylon Level Loop, SAO YRubber Back PRI NTS SAXONY CARPET$ .9 $7951SQ. YD. $.9From$2 SQ. YD with 1/2" pad included From SQ. YD. HARDTWIST From6 SQ. YD. BLThe arpet Wareouse7_ 110 KING ST. W. OSHAWA 728-0292 Yes, We Instali Hours: Free Estimates Mon.-Fri. 9-8 Free Parking Sa4, 9-5 INSTRUTOSNEEDEDNFORUEVCLEING CASS .L f If you have skill or knowledge which would permit you to be' employed as an instructor of other aduits in an evening class, please Coli:e GA RTH GILPINê4 Evening Class Principal, ut 728-5146 (School) or 623-2997 (Home)