s ., .w EASY living, 1 and 2 bedroom apeartments with stove and *frdge. AIl utilities peid. Now aVailable. $230. and up. The Concord Apartments, Port Hope. 885-6580. 24-TF BACHELOR apertment, com- plefely furnished, with stone fireplace. Ail services includ- ed, $250 a month, central Orono location. Phone 8:30 to 5, 983-9171. 26-1 BACHELOR epartment, cen- tral location . Avallable July 20th, phone 623-5784. 26-1 SPACIOUS new 4 bedroom ranch-house in Kendal HuIs. Lae wded o and gerden. App y o Advertioýser 763, c-o T h Cnadian Sttesmen, P.C., Box 190, Bowmanville. 26-1 N Working Manager for new ORONO ARENA and COMMUNITY CENTRE Year round employment start- ing August 14, 1978. For applicaton form and 1st of du t es and responsibilit les, please write to: Orono Amateur Athletic Associationr Box 165, Orono 26-1 N NEWCASTLE ARENA MANAGEMENT BOARD requires an Arena Manager for contract for 1978-79 season. Terms of reference avail- ableby witig f0: NECASTL E ARENA MANAGEMENT BOARD P.O. Box 455, Newcastle, Ontario LOA 1 HO Appl ications wil11 be received until July 31sf, 1978. 2- Manderley Turf Fa rms (near Kendal) require$ TRACTO R DRIVERS famiîiarwith the operation of varlous types of fa rm equipment. Appicants must also be prepared to do mnanuaf work, F rom ',a.mr. - 6p Ca Il 797-2880 or 797-2588. 26-1 N For Shift Work in Nursina Home a art time RE*','5T E RED NURSES ASSISTANT and NURSES AIDE Must have own transportation. Write Advertiser 762, c-o Canadien Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville, Ont. 26-1 N Rti red Maintenance Man FOR PART TIME WORK. NO SHIFT WORK. References requ ired. Write Advertiser' 764, Canadian Stafesmnan, Box 190, Bowmanvilîe, Ontario, Li C 3K9. 26-2N Orqanist and Choir Director for Alberf Street United Church commencing Septembor, 1978. Appîy in wrlfing, stating qualifications and experience. Mn. William Watts, c-o Albert Street United Church, 33 Olive Ave., Oshawa, Ontario, Li H2N7. 26-1 N new stove, refnigerator, sîeeps six. 1 -986-4264 26-2N OFFICE space on King St. in Bowmanvilîe. 600 sq. ft., carpetted, immediafe occupancy, leasee movîng, assume sub-Iease. Phono 623- 6555. 25-TFN EXECUTIVE office, suitable Iawyer,, generel insurence, presentiy accounfent's office above Four Seasons Travel, 600 sq. f t. Phone 623-7664. 26-ff . 1..1-.. mu.. PAPE RBOY -GIRL to deli!ver The Canadien Statesman just for the month 0f Jul y. Brown, Victoria and Albert Streets, consisting, of 15 papers. Start. immediately. Phone 623-3303. 26-1 MATURE person, non smok. er, needed to babysit in my home, weekdays 8 to 5. Phone 623-4867 after 5 p.m. 26-1 FULL time nights for S and S Petroleum Limited. Please apply in person. 96 King Street East on Thursda yJ une 29 befween 9a.m.and2p. 26-1 HAIRDRESSER wanted for Bowmanville full or part time. Operators are fully covered for sick benefits, dental care and health plan. 725-8710. 25-2 PAPERBOY- GIRLtf0deliver The Canadian Statesman in the area of Queen St. consist- ing of 9 papers.- Available immediately. Phone 623-3303 26-1 Service Parts Person required for inside ser vice f0 tag and label imprinting machines and forý inventory 1control of parts. Applicants she&uid ..e g~ ch~4~{y TctI~dw~4h-a backgrd&ind in machine repair. Applications taken in person at DENNISON MANUFACTURING 200 Base Line Rd. East Bowmanvi île 26-1 N Need Extra Income Work days, evenings or take orders where you work. Set your hours, set your income qo ai in your own business. For interview cal Mrs. Green 623-9302 between 4 and 6. 23-ff N THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD OF EDUCATION Invites applications for the tol lowing position. Duties to commence Septem ber5, 1978. ONTARIO STREET PUBLIC SCHOOL A Teacher's Aide fo assist the teacher in e grade one French Immersion ciess- room. The epplicant must be bilinguel and able to commun- icete, both verbaiîy and in written fomm, in French and le appîy in writing stating qualifications and ex- perionce to: MR. W. R. HEINBUCH, Principal 116 Ontario Sf., Bowmanville LiC 2T4 PHON E 623-5437 26-1 PROGRAMMER -ANALYST Reqired for our Computer Centre presently equipped with an R.J E. UN IVAC 9200 system and planning conversion by the end of the year to a mini computer. The successful applicant will be responsible for programming and capable of working wifh minimum supervision. Applicants should have a minimum of two yeers experience in analysis and progremming with knowledge of R.P.G. and COBOL. OtherI anguages would b e considered an asset. Expected starting date to be approximately August 1, 1978. Salary, wilI be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Written applications stating qualifications and experience will be recelvedl until 3:00 p.m., T hursday, July 6, 1978 et the office of: Mr. M. A. Mac Leod Business Administrator and Treasurer Box 470 834 D'a rcy Street Cobourg, Ontamio K9A 4L2 26-1 , *s s q USED Furniture and Ap- piîances. Peddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241., 26-tf DININGROOM suite, welnut, oîd one preferred. Georgian style if possible. Phone 725- 1271. 26-1iN CASH for gold, silver, coins, guns, cdocks, jeweîIery, dîshes, funiture, crocks, aintings, sealers, appliances. r, Ïn Fiee M\arkot, 23 King West, 7 5-9783. 9-tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-ff BOWMANVILLE apartment, 4 rooms and bath, heated, cable TV, free parking. Avail- able now. Reasonable plus hydro. Phone 623-7523., 15-TF HARDTOP trailer, sleePs four, wili rent by weekends, week or month. For more information cail 623-6342 anytime. 22-tf LA'RGE 3 bedroomn apartment in Orono, fully broadloomed. Phone 1-983-5337 or 1-983-9165. 24-tf N T HE Stonegate. Very nice 1 and 2 bedroom apartments with view and many features' in Port Hope - 885-6500. 24-tf N DEVELOPING AND UPGRADING CONSERVATION AREAS The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority invites contractons fo submif tenders on equi pment and maferials needed f or deveiop- ment and upgradincg facilities et verious Conservation Areas. Tenders will bo received up to 12: 00 noon Wednesdey, July 5, 1978. Tedri? orms may be Centrai Lake Ontario Conservation Authorify, 1650 Dundas Street East, Whitby, Ontario LiN 2K8 The iowest tender will not necesseriiy be accepfed. 26-1 Ontario ROOFING CONTRACTORS ~RO6fY r ëPIis TO Isîwa";î, House, FPine Ridge School, Bowmanville, Ontario. Tender No. LI N-78-050 - P67271 Sealed tenders will be receiv- ed until 2:00 p.m. LOCAL TIME, JULY 18, 1978., Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of 'Government Services, LindsyReg ional Office, 322 Kent treet West, P.O. Box 7000, Lndsay, Ontario. NOTE: For further informa- tion regarding this tender, please caîl Mrs., E. M. Neale at the above address. Telephone: (705) 324-9188. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. The Rogionel Municîpeîity of Durham, Cities of Oshawa and Peterborough, Towns of Whifby and Pickering, and the Township of Uxbriduge Co-operativo Teénder for T ho Deîivery of Sodium Chioride WD 36-78 Tenders wiiI be received by the Regionai Cierk until 2:00 f M.Tueday Juy 18, 1978 .27,150 tons of sodium hoie Tender forms and specifica- fions me y be secured fmom the office of tho undersigned. Lowest or any tender flot necessariîy accepted. D. P. Thurgarîend, Manaer of Supply & Services, 605 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby, Ontario. LiN 6A3. I Ref rigeration and Appt lance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration -Milk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days .............. 623-5774 Nights............. 623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-ff Ca rpentry and Renovating Roof ing Aîiuminum Siding - Fencing and Concrete Work FREE ESTIMATES 623-5699 623-6629 24-tf N INSTALL an Essb turnace, boiler, humidifierr heater or air cleener. Combination wood and oil. Fînencing ava il- able. Furnaces cleaned. Parts and service policy. Caîl Harvey Partner, your Esso service dealer. F ree esti- mates. Orono 983-5206 or Bowmanville 623-2301. 24 hour service. 35-tf N Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Bowmanvi île Siding - Soff it Fascia - Trough Shutters - Windows 623-4398 MOU NTJOY FOR FREE ESTIMATE. BACKHOE NOW HANDLINGSEVC VINYL SIDINGSEVC 3-tf N SEPTIC TANK and TILE BED INSTALLATION Paul'sTRENCHING, BASEMENTS, Home Improvement STONE, CRUSHED, SPECIALIZING IN GRAVEL, SAND, TOP SOIL ALUMINUM SIDING, PHON'E SOFFIT, FASCIA, BAKTC SEAML ESSBAKTC EAVESTROUGH 986-4737 and STORM DOORS 2- and WINDOWS 26-1________ GFX LETTERING lamM To Be Done- 623-6296 For cards. dispiav for 14-ffb SANRIDGE Sand & Gravel - L. GILBAN LQLacsck n-9646 BcSERCES nt 8646 SANE R A E L TOPD SOIAVL AGORGASO BULLDOZING LOAING- TUING 20-14 000 JOBS YARD and BASEMENT CLEANUP RUBBAGE REMOVAL LIGHT MOVING PAINTING Have truck wili move. Phone Andy 623-9379 or 623-5340 22-fl ALL-TYPE ROOFING Shingies new or Remoof ing Flats hot or cold procoss. AIl roof and chimney repeins. FREE ESTIMATES REYNOLDS UPHOLSTERING Modern, Traditional and Antique. Free picku p and delivery. FREE E STIMATES PHON E 263-2132 R. R. 1, Hampton 8tN GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanvlle, Ontario. Phone 623-5187. Mon. - Fr!. 8:0- 5:00 Sat. 9 - 12 noon Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Coloredl Glass and Glazing. 9t MUTTON MASON R Y AIl Types of Cernent Work - Brick, B locks, Chlmney, etc. SPECIALIZING IN CONCRETE FLOORS 623-5981 William Grootendlorst Ltd. BRICK BLOCK STONEWORK Special izing in FIRE PLACE S FREE ESTIMATES 623-3966 19-26P BOOKKE E Pl ACCOUNTING MISC. CLERI( Cen work et your promuk mine. FRÊEE Estimai K. D. Sioan Phone 623-695 D& R CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM CHAINSAWING Phono Onono 983-5005 or 983-9627 il tf T&C Smal Engine Repair Service Lawn Mowems, Roto Ti 1lons, Motf Mowers, Snowbîowers, Garden Tractors. R.R. i HAMPTON Phone 263-8469 - 22-5N GENERAL REPAIRS 1and Maintenance Odd Jobs FýREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-9132 17-tf N Installation and Repairs Procision Air Systems, eetn nd Air Conditioning. BES1T PRICES IN TOWN 623-4360 or 623-3662 26-5N windowsandsigýné aàr-&mcthe house. FOR INFORMATION CALL Mr. John Gerrits' 90 Martin Rd., Bowmanville 623-4697 26-4 BOB'S LAWN CARE We Specielize in Shrub Pruning - Sod Laying - Weoklýy Maintenance - Complote Landsceping Oshawa-----------..723-0726 Newtonvilîe--------.786-2308 24-ff N GORD SIMPSON Phono 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Pa inti ng Paperhanging Ca rpentry Remodelling General Repairs' Inferior Exterior 14-tf Gloria's Canvas & Upholstéry Custom Made Awnings ----U- ioaft=-Saiî Cover Biiipes ofCanvas Repair Boat - Skidoo - Moforcycl Seats Recovered BOWMANVILLE- 623-4654 NEED a pressure system Wafer Softeners? Repairs I ail makes. Harvey Partnoî Omono 983-5206, BowmanviIi 623-2301.-35t Robert Van De Beit PAINTING Intemior and Extemior) 000 JOBS 263-2113 10-t Steve' Furniture Shop Furni -ture Refinishing Dining sets f0 occasional pieces. We do upholstery. FREE ESTIMATES R. R.ý 1, Omono 983-9630 Steve Johnson 8-fl Don Brooks & So n Genera I Conitra ctor and Custom Builder Phone 723-6176 New homos, additions, aeltema- fions, jecorooms, garages, rep irsof alitypes, etc 25-tf DARLI NG TON, MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf MINE R'S EXCAVATI NG FOR TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AND SEPTIC TANKS. PHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4995 No Sunday Ca Ils 17-tf G. VAN, LONDEN MASONRY BRICK, BLOCK, STONE AND FIREPLACES. Phone 623-5114. 28-52 DURHAM CUSTOM FARM FARM, FIELD, LAWN and GARDEN Mowing, Reking, Bale,. Butching, Sowing, Discing, Culfivating, Plowing, Harrôwing STONE and TREE REMOVAL BARN DEMOLITION Phone 723-1308 23-4 M. Brooks CARPENTRY REMODELLING CUPBOARDS - VANITIE GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 623-5566 S10-1 AIl kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS P.i LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149 Scugog St. Bowmanville 623-2756 13-4 WATER Wells'bored, 30 file Ward's 'Well Boring. Tele phone 342-2030. Represente tive Harmy L. Wade. Tele. phone 987-4531. 16-ti OXFORD Brikklayers and StonemasÉons Lt. (Our fireplaces do flot smoke) Orono 983-5606 18-fl Lloyd Barnes Plumbing Cerpentmy, Renovating AIl General Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-tf D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Rec Rooms Repeirs of ali types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS.- FURNACES 1CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS' PHON E HAMPTON S 1263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 43 - Bowmanville 30-tf Ron's Floor Care, ommercial and househoîd Ieenin%.Dry foamf rua and car-pet sampoong. Wax re- moval, Wall washing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 ES ff o AN DE RSON ýr INSULATION e, 623-5181 or 579-2060 BIewn Cellulose Fibre foi Attaic and RAPCO FOAM for Wails. CITY and COUNTRY HOMES 7-tf N Auction Sale Saturday, JuIy 15 at 1:00 p.M., For Mrs. Glenne Griffin. Road Il - 1/2 mile south of No. 2 highway, known as Gravel Pif Rd. 21/2 miles west of Bow- manville. Large quentity of harness, trailers and furni- ture. Complete lisf of articles f ln next week's paper or e hand biIlîs. Terms cash or good cheque. Lawrence Harris, clerk, Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. -26-1 N Friday Evening, June 30 6:30 p.m. at BEACON'MARINA -CAESAREA Included in the sale are more flian 300 old bottles, one embossed handmade date 1868 from one of- Durham County's largest collectors, drift wood, brass tellers wicket from an old bank, milk cans, old hand sleig h, crocks and iug, iron kettîe, nail kegs, o Id irons, commode chair, bicycle, new bicycle tires, eleÉtric fan, radio, hand tools, silver tee pot, sewing machine, tele- phone table, small table, bed 100 years old, 2 implement seats, horse shoes, many other articles ýto be consigned. Stanley Taylor, Auctioneer, Grant Tripp, Clerk. 2- Auction Sale Saturday, July lst 10: 30 a. m. sha rp Household furniture and an extensive collection of fine antiques. The estate of the 1late E Jean L. McPherson, 1040 Finch Ave., Pickering, s Onfario, one mile west of Liverpool Rd., north side.r Saturday, July lst, 10:30 a.m. r sharp. Empire style sofa, r balloon back chair, parlour tables, carved walnut dining room table, antique side chair, F antque credenza, pedestal 1 table, anique dcs, brass beds, Sarou k rugs, cranberry and opalescent E perg ne,c carnival glass, Royal Doulion, l Limoges, Wedgewood, Ladro u Chrismes plate, large number r cups and saucers, Hurricane P lanferns, Gone With The Wind S lamp, antique organ, gramo- S honès. This is an exceptional-N FYgoo saewith hundreds of S r1 goo sale ifefins to be sold. Don't miss s this one. Terms cash. NO rE reserve. Auctioneers Earl cc Gauslln and Norm Faulkner. a 26-1iN 39 Saturday, July 1, 1 p.m. Furniture and Antiques Properfy of the late Mrs. Maria Jagers to be auctioned in the village of Port Perry et 253 Shanîey Sf. being the corner et Union a nd Shenley A complete sale of household items. A g ood sale weIl worth your ettenda n ce. 1-416- 985-2459. Auction service by Murray Jackson. , 26-1 Thursday Night, June29 7 p.m. at Orval1 Mc Lean Auction Center, Lindsay Highwey 7 et Counfy Road 4. 1973 Chrysler Custom Newport,' 4 door hardfop, air condifioning, excellent condi- tion. Honda 90 trail bike,' Moped, appliances, furniture, some antiques, generator, wringer washer, sump pump, fishing rods, piano and stool. 1965 International 1800 Roadster cab and chassis, 7 reel power mower, bunk beds, large assortment of furniture, some dishes, portable color television, property of Ken Telford, and estafe of' late Irene Minty and others. Orval McLean, auctioneer 324-2791« or res. 324-2783 Lindsay. 26-1 Auction Sale Saturday, July Sth, 1 pa. For the estete of fthe laee George Pucketf, 2 miles south of BlIackstock on road 57, furniture and a large quantity of tools, 4 g uns, oîd grand father's cdock, one iding end one push lewnmower, band saw, two table sews, drill press gine vise, wagon lo0e more of small useful tools. List in next week's p aper. No reserve. Mrs. Rucketf is mnoving fo an apertment. Terms cash or good cheque. Look et the day and date again. Lawrence Harris, clerk, Cliff Pefhick, Grist MII Au-ction Barn Newtonville FRIDAY, JUNE 30th 7: 00 p. m., Seîîing a quanfity of antique furnifure including Boston, Salem, pressbeck and fancy high back rocking chairs, set of 4 press back chairs, hall seat, press back high chair, several hall tables, matching oak dresser and weshtanc, chesfs of drawers, corner cupboard and other good furniture and appliences, also ? od camPer tent treiler sleeps 5)and security sefe. Also there will be a sale Wednesday, July Sth, 7 p.m. A UCT ION E ERS Ste pleton Bras. - 786-2244 26-1 N AUCTION SALE Seturday, July 1 st, 12: 00 noon Sellîng fhe contents from the home of Ted and Maureeh Remington, Orono, on the west side of Main Street, lust north of Somerville Road. PIat back cupboerds, pantry cup- ,board, set of 4 bow back chairs, 2 Briggs armchairs and foot stools, Windsor chairs, weshstands, dressers, chests of drawers, pine trunks, walnut swinging cra- die (historical), 3 sfeined gîess windows, press back armchair, wardrobe, smll desk, drop leaf fables, Peter- borough - Boston - ladder back rockers, 3 piece settee (love- seat and Mr. and Mrs. chairs), w aln t g te eq fable, O gee clock, sideboard, round table tops, wicker pieces, 25 gal. crock and, othr crocks, lamps, old medicine boffles, new and old dishes, quilfs, butter print, decoyS, ice box, lan es, fief irons, oak barrel, Findî1ey wood stove, wood box, 0a kettles, bean Pot, luqae, peinfings (E. Waddel), tilt mirror, carpeting, walnut pieces, planks of birdseye meple, set of walnut dining> chairs, Slatene pool table and equipment (4 xý 8), ping pong table and equipment, camp stove, and' cooler, 2 air conditioners, co mpressor, pump, 5 hp Ride-em lewn- mower, 10 hp Case fractor wifh mower, plow and cultiva- for, power lewnmower, 2 fridges, vacuum, table and chein saw, 4 windows wi!th casings (duel pane 5' x 3'), geardein tools and equi pmenf, bi ke, hardware items, oil stove, heet reclaimer, Honda 50, minitrail bike, sing le bed frailer, etc. Note: PMan to attend this atiction as fthe Remingtons have been trans- ferred and everythlng Is to be c soîd. A good selection of c finished and unfinished anti-c que fumniture and aIl appli- c ences and equi pment are in L good condition. Terms cash. AUCTIONEERSc STAPLETON BROS. c 786-2244 t 26-1N r Set urday, July lst 7 Auct ion sale of farm - m ac h in ery, household furniture and antiques. The property of the laite George Henkl e Bidgod Lot 14, Con. 7 OfonabeeTwp. 6 mi les east f E p t rborough on Hwy. 7 fo 6fh W Con. f Otonebee (Keene V g Roadi, 5 miles south, i mile ( west and 11/2 miles south or i s mile west of Keene and i mile r( north W.D. A-C row crop gas bi fractor, Oliver 20 disc. seed tc drill, poteto digger, M.H. ( Binder, side rake, New si Holîand, No. 67 Baler and M fhrower, M.H. hey- loader, fe Ofaco tiexibië nerrows wîin cc evener, drag herrows, set of cê ,seighs, farm hand tools, dr many other items. i Beach l Ambassador and i Beach bz Champion Wood Range wifh C Narming cabinet and ec reservoir, box stove, Moffaf m electric range, 2 extension p tables, smel I fables, antique sideboard, beds, dressers, ffi chesfs, numerous chairs, of' Mozart piano and bench, th Victor Victrole,_ New Williams ai antique sewinq machine, fur Sa coaf and fur pieces, 2 an tique LI, sheving cabinets, wooden U lour barrel, miîk cens, antique.ironîng board, fruit jars, crocks, churn, butter vorker, butter print and ladies, frunks, cutter seat, picture trames, antique foweî rack, child's fable and chairs, ock dryers, wooden egg carts, 2 copper boiler iR ids, antique kitchen cebinef with flour bin, guns, auto arp, deep f reeze, 2 studio 26-1 N Pethick's Auction Barn There wiil be no sale et the barn this week. We wii be back on Saturdey, JuIy 8fh. 26-1iN Auction Sale Thumsday, June 29th, 6 p.m. The properfy of the late Allen Gray, househoîd furni- ture, antiques, '72 Oldsmobiîe, Iawnmower and moto tiller, C ls a number of tools, to be eîd et Stouffvuile Sales Barn. Terms cash. Norm Faulkner, auctioneer. 26-1iN CORNE IL'S AUCTION BARN Friday, June 30th afl7p.m. 3 miles east of Little Britein or 7 miles wesf of Lindsay on the Lindsey, - Little Britain Road. Pine faf-to-wail cupboerd, Ansonia wall dlock, round pedestel table, quantity of press back chairs, ginerbmead dlock, chesferfieîds and chairs, dressons, washsfands, coffee and end tables, broad axe, walnut armoire, Moffatt electric stove (bronze), quant- ifv 0f oak chairs, oil Deintinas. coins, wicker chairs, rocking chairs, quanfity 0f antique tools, quantity 0f china and qiessware, quantify 0f hand tools, 1968 Mercury 1/2 ton truck (nof certifled), plus meny more antiques, turni- ftume and househol d items. Tuesday, July 4th at 7p.m. Pine chest of drawers, china cabinet, oek chairs, oak buf- fet, Hoover spin-washer, me- fmi gerator, eiectric stove, oak extension table, q uanfity of occasionai chairs, h ail tables, chesferfieids and chairs, three horse power Evinrude motor, coffee and end fables, dres- sers, gas Iawnmower, quant- ify of hand tools, plus many more antiques,. furnitume and household ifems. Don Comneil, auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain, 705-786-2183 26-1 N Setumday ovening, July 1sf Auction sale of 6 building lots. The properfy 0f Lloyd Ashmore, R.R. 3 Lindsay, Ont. Sale wiil be heid on properfies. At 6:30 p.m. Lot -No. 1-209' x 209' part of eest hait 0f Lot'10, Con. 3 Veruiamn Twp. 1/4 mile trom Sturgeon Lake wifh access fo water, Iocefed 13 miles north 0f Lindsa y on Hwy 36 to Cedar Glen Road and 1'/2 miles norf h (Dunsford Area). At 7:00 p.m. Lot No. 2- 206' x 206' part 0f west hait or Lot 9, Con. 4 Verulam Twp. located 13 miles norfh of Lindsay on Hwy. 36 fo Cedar Glen Roed, 1/2 mile north, furn ripht 1/2 miil, (Dunsford Area). At! 730 p.m. Lot No. 3-150' x 290' Part of norfh east 1/4 of Lot 8, Con. 14 Emily Twp. At 7:.45 p-m. Lot No.'- 150' x 290'-part of norfheasf 1/4 of Lot 8. Con. 14 Emiîy TWp. Loceted 11/2 miles South of Dunsford and 1 mile easf. Lots 3 and 4 are- very scenic lots. At 8:00 .m. Lot no. 5 - 150' x M9' part 0f north hait Lot 2 Con. 13 Enmiy Twp. 3 I miles south 0f Dunsford and 11 mile wesf on l4fh con. line. 8 c miles northeast of Lindsay At L ý8:30 p.m.'Lot No. 6-209' x 209' Part of north hait Lot 2, Con. 13 Emiîy Twp. 21/2 miles south of Dunsford and 1 mile wesf on- iAfh con. lino. Terms 25 per cent down, day 0f sale. Remainder cash in 30 days unless previous arrangements made with owner. To inspecf properties guided tours on Safurday, June 24fh andr Sunday, June 25th et 2:00 p.m.r M4eet et Dunstord Public School Yard 1/2 mile weosf 0 Dunsford. Properties will be signed. Ali lots subject f0 Iow reserve bid. For brochuresc contact Carl Hickson, ' auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705- 24-9959. 25-2j Saturday, July eth Aucf ion sale of farm, machinery, househol'd furniture and many antiques.' The g roperty of Albert Dew and he ateZina Fields (of Millbrook) East haîf Lot 21, Con. 9. Cavan Twp. 5 miles South of Peterborouah Bv- Pess on .Hwy. 28 and 3/ mile wes. Int. 45ý Baler PTO, Cockshut 422 combine, Int. 3-11I's ace plough, Int. dreg cultivafor, M.H. tractor menure spreeder, M.H. 6 Power mower. M.H. seed drill. potafo digger, double disc, hand fools,_ 1969 Ford Torino 30.2, radial tires, 2 door eufomafic. manv other Pieces, of farm machinery. Limoges, Joinston tsros. Nippon, Ruby, Cernival, Depression, Dresden '(many p eces of ebove glass and chine),.- Sterling silver, silver plate, in-laid silver in glass, 3 cedar- chesfs. 2 oek square fables,& smai tables, setfee chair, '2 chesterf ields, drop front desk, 2 stoves, 2 ref rig erators,- Westinghouse freezer, bedroomn suife, pne dresser,. side board, od d dressers, mirrors, 2 werdrobes with- mirrored doors, oiî paintings-- and orints, pine hall seat, pine deacon's bench, 2 B-W televisions i new, compiete tee set, cabait blown glass. vase, mentie radio, oîd books,- oid cook books, set 12 wine gasses, large q uanfify of~ cuPs, seucers and odd d ishes'? and china, wicker rocker,. wicker chair, 2 spin washers, brass floor iamp, number of- smîl brass pieces, Lion Paws rocker, Press back chair, 2 settee chair petit point covers. Very large collection of, antiques weii worth your- attention. See sale posters for complefe lisf. Terms cash. Na reserve. Farm mechinery et 11:00 a.m. Furnifure and antiques et 12 noon sharp. Car Hickson, aucfioneer, Reeboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 26-2 Saturday, Juiy 1sf, 10:30 e.m." ,Antiques, furnifure, antique dishes, dlocks, old' tools, stoves, horse cutters, colIect. ables. Properfy of Ronald Fiewel Con. il Mariposa Twp. 6 miles South of Woodý ville on Highwey 46 or 2 miles north of Highway 7, Contents from.century home including large assortment of. antique furnifure, cupboards, settee set, chairs, pinning whel, school bel, wicker baby carniage, dresser, chesf. weshstend,' spool bed, cradle, box stove, Quiebec heater, cracks, silver, brass peul, cruet set, wesh basin set, churn, picture frames,8 cIocks, anfîiu hand tools, etc. La rge sae f quall tyý nteresfing items in goodl condit ion, some refinished, come earîy and register. Sale 'ime 10:30 Sharp, absoIuteiy- no reserve. Orval McLeen' auctioneer, 324-2791 or 324-ý 2783. 26-1- Th ursde y eveni n., June 29, 6 p.m. Fumnitr -Car - Antiques Auction sale including 1973ý Buick Sedan fully equipped- with air etc. (wiI be, erfified). 4 pc. chesterfieid, like new), 3 pc. chesferfieid,. several tables, 6 pc. dining, room set, Iamps, rocker, uffet, coder chest, refri gera-, r, wesher-spin dry, dryer (900d), deep freezer, porta ble 5ewinci machine (liko new),. Aantie cdock, 3 antique Miephones, sofa and chair, :olour T.V., bunk beds, single ýapte ms bed, dresser, chest of irawers, office desk, 5 chairs, awnchairs and fable, antique Dathtub with pedestel sink, .amping equipment, hockey ?uipment, besebil equip- 'ent, f ireplece set, hall table, lus many other items. The )roperty f Bob and Marion eftchwell. Go 11/2 miles north 4 Uxbridge fo Beever Rd. ion 1/2 mi leeasf fo sale. Sale i6 p.mn. Lunch aveileble. ale managed and sold by Ioyd Wilson Auctions Ltd. jxbridge, 416-852-3524. 25-2 Sqehoo1i nting at the Courtice Sout ible Sehool, the Lord Elgie ibi School, the M.J. Hobbs ior Public Sehool and the tral Publie Shool ip» )wmanville. ieal nc ads svealvisummer foxi id hery falcîîguecows l-pal )l hefroers Catle eio- Pu led fro Jese ale Men. 3f3 Pu aterloo Ave., Guel ph, Ont., Cer one 519-821-1130. JohniB Ynt, auctioneer. 25-3N