8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 28, 1978 Section Two Jyces 4th Bowmanvill97'11e Week Expected to Be Bigger and B1etter If aîl goes according ta schedule, thîs year's Bowman- ville Week festivities should be even bigger than last year's celebration. And last year, an estimated 8,000 to 9,000 visited the Soper Creek Park wbere head-, quarters for the -Jaycees' Bowmanville Week celebrations were located. That number doesn't include the large, number of spetators who simply watched the events such as the bed races and the parade from the Isidelines. Fourth Year The Bowmanville Jaycees are putting the finishing touches on plans for the fourth annual Bowmanville week celebrations. It ail begins this Friday and the events include sometbing for just about everybody. The week has outgrown the downtown core of Bowman- ville where the events were fîrst beld. Now, the Soper Creek Park off Simpson Ave. is the scene for such tbings as amateur contests, live musical entertainment, tugs- of-war, and the finish line for the bed races. Larry Pooler, a spokesman for the Bowmanville Jaycees, explained in an interview this week that the celebrations being held June 30 to July 8 represent almost a year of planning by the 35-member Jaycee unit in Bowmanville. rEarly Planning "This year we started early. We started last October and formed the original committee", Mr. Pooler said. He explained that all Jaycees have a part to play in the Bowmanville Week events. The Bowmanville Week this year will be dîfferent from four years ago when the entire operation was conducted by about seven volunteers. "It seems to have fulfilled a need in the community or it couldn't have grown as large as it has", Mr. Pooler said. To get some idea of the magnitude of the Jaycees' biggest annual project, you can consider just the cost of chips, sandwiches, peanuts and pop wbicb will be consumed during the next week. Total cost for these snacks is over $3,000, Mr. Pooler said. Records kept by the Jaycees from last year's operation indicate that something over 300 pounds of bot dogs were munched by visitors during the celebrations. The carnival atmosphere may have 'been dampened somewhat by ramn last year but the, Jaycees have responded this year by renting a larger tent which sbould make the week's events a lot of fun even if the weather is unco-operative. Bigger Tent This year's tent will be 40 x 120 feet to allow much more room for such things as the amateur night contest, the fiddlers' contest, the enter- tainment by local bands and ail of the other events that go on inside. In addition, there will be a food tent, a series of trailers for offices and change rooms and the Jaycees have to rent their own generator to provide electricity. Mr. Pooler described Bowmanville Week as an event which helps botb the Jaycees and the community in general. For the Jaycees, the week is an opportunity to recruit new members. With the spotlight on the Jaycees organizing the event, many inquiries are received. Mr. Pooler estimated that 10 new members recruited last year joined the club as a direct resuit of Bowmanvîlle Week. The celebrations also help the Jaycees develoX their skills in lealership, organizing and planning. Helps Community As a resuit of Bowmanville Week, the community is offered a wide variety of entertainment and events in which it can participate. With funds from the week, the Jaycees have money to spend on community projects. For example, the group recently made donations to arena-building projeets in this municipality and they have helped in the development of the Soper Creek Park. "We're a non-profit organ- ization so ail the profits go back into the community," Mr. Pooler said. Jaycee President Says Develolping New Units Key Aetivity By Syd Harmon Canadian Jaycee President It seems like yesterday, that 1 sat down and wrote my first article for the Canadian Jaycee as your President for 1977-78. The time bas passed quickly as we draw the curtains on another year; bowever more importantly to plant the seeds for the years abead. I've discussed a numnber of items this year tbrougb the various links of communica- tion; however one topic not discussed by myseif bas been the development of Jaycees into new communities. Yes, we caîl tbem Extensions. The unselfish act of repaying the Jaycee unit that brought Jaycees to the existing unît that we belong to. Offering the benefits of, a world wide organization to the young people of another community. Througb my years as a Jaycee I have been actively involved in a number of Extensions and involved directly in the cbartering of Jaycees in Hespeler, Colling- wood and Bowmanville. In looking back only one of the units weathered the infancy years and that was Bowman- ville. Wby, may you ask? To he a successful Jaycee unit you bave to do sometbing and that something usually is related to the betterment of the communîty. The chartering members have to seek out the needs of their community and then commit tbemselves to getting the job done. Jaycee units can be started in every community in Canada; regardiess of the population or location. Actually the smaller communiies are easier to start, as the community needs are easily recognized and everyone knows everyone else. The first key is to devleop some contacts in' the community; wbo in turn will form the nucleus of the new unit. Best, 'are people who have been raised in the area and bave somewbat permanent ties, perhaps because of involvement in a family business, etc. This type of person knows the community, bas an interest in it because they'll be there for years and also knïow the people who should join the, Jaycees. These, contacts can be developed through discussion witb the local Mayor, Chamber of Commerce, newspaper, fellow members who have relatives, friends or business acquaintances in the Jaycee community to be. Initiative and followup is the key. You have to ASKEM, ASKEM and ASKEM. One contact leads to anotber. Everyone you talk to can provide you witb a contact. Find out what the community needs and then discuss this need with the contacts. "This communîty needs a park, or a community centre or a new arena; how would you and your friends lîke to belp provide this need? We're having a meeting on Tuesday night with other concerned young people from the community to talk about how we can o rganize ourselves to, better the community, better ourselves while at the same time having a lot of fun. " The key is to promote the organization on a simplified basîs. Keep it simple, promote the areas of involvement. Far too often we feel that we have to explaîn every nitty gritty about the organization. Just tell them that we have a lot of fun, we better the community and we better ourselves. "Do you want to be part of an organization that spans 83 countries with somne 550,000 Rememiber To Buy A Bîutton This year, buttons will be required for ail visitors to the Bowmanville Week festivities at tbe Soper Creek Park, Buttons iwilI serve as a passport lo the week's events and they can be purchased at the places listed elseýwhere in this edition. One button is goo)d for the entire week. Shop Canadian members? Now is the time to join-," Involving every member frorn the outset is vital. You are not a Jaycee until you get involved. You only get out of this organization what you put into it. Thus the, initial projects shouid be: Charter Night, a Fund Raising project and a Community Involve- ment project. Projects should mnvolve minimal risk, and not be ton lengtby. Resuits are immediate and the experience gained from the initial comnmittee work can lead to more challenging projects. Once the unit bas been cbartered it is important to encourage them to become Jaycees. Get tbemn out to meet otber Jaycees and encourage tbe units to visit them. It's through this exchange of ideas and fellowsbip that we truiy start to understand the concept of our world wide organization. The Regional Director is vitally important in assisting the new unit. Encourage tbem to follow the Blue Chip programme as their guideline to success. A strong well balanced unit bas strong internai programmes whicb includes good meetings, membersbip programme, regular communication, recognition of members, fellowsbip activities that includes the family, a plan of action and budget for the year, and also the unit sbould offer leadership training courses, participates in programs beyond the unit level (Regional, National, and JCI) and meets the needs of the community. Extensions are a matter of attitude. It's a Jaycee project that involves a committee, a committed entbusiastic cbairman, a plan of action and the desire to make the project a success. Now is the time to quit being self isb. I'm a Jaycee today because in 1958 the Toronto Jaycees tbought that there sbould be Jaycees in Etobicoke. You're rigbt, I'm not a member of Etobicoke. However in 1963 the Etobicoke Jaycees brougbt Jaycees to Brampton and in 1968 wben I was old enougb to be a Jaycee; two Brampton Jaycees, Roy Brown and Brian Holstein told me the best decision I could make in my life was to join the Brampton Jaycees. They were rigbt. I bad the opportunity to join. It's your responsibility to offer that opportunity to tbe young person in every community. So, bow are the Jaycees of Smitbers Kimberley, Fort Saskatche- wan, Sherwood Park, Battie- ford, Melville, Brandon, Kenora, Goderich, Walkerton, Aurora, Trenton, Carleton Place, Quebec City, Edmun- ston, Greenwood, Antigonish, my namesake Sydney, Summerside, Port aux Basques and the list goes on. You say I forgot a few. Sorry, how about Osoyoos, Fort St. John and Co., Vermillion, Val Caron, Dresden, Beamsville, Port Perry, Winchester, Hammonds Plains, Caraquet, Deer Lake and the list still goes on and on. Now is the time to make that commitment. It'll be the best tbing you ever did for yourself and for the organization. From The Canadian Jaycees i BOMAN VILLE JAYCEES * 17978 CALENDAR 0F E VENTS BO.WMANVILLE WEEK *FRIDAY, JUNE 30 * 12 a.m.-12 midnight - AT SOPER CREEK PARK FEATURING LOCKERBIE, Sponsored by Canadian Tire SATURDAY, JULY 1 12 a.m.-12 midnignt - PARADE and OPENING CEREMONIES * ~- SOPER CREEK PARK - FEATURING LOCKERBIE, Sponsored by MacDonald FordI * - FIREWORKS DISPLAY, Sponsored McGregor Hardware *SUNDAY, JULY 2 * ~- AT SOPER CREEK PARKI - KIDDI ES' DAY, Sponsored by Lap-Tech, Darlington Auto and Hayden MacDonald - BAKE SALE I - CAR RALLY *MONDAY, JULY 3 * 12,a.m.-12 midnight - AT THE MARINA - CANOE RACE and LOG ROLLING CONTEST, Sponsored by Bowmanville Audio-Vision. (Contact Wade Coburn - 623-5720) I- AT SOPER CREEK PARK FEATURI1NG REDWING, Sponsored by Port Darlington Marina, * Hotel TUESDAY JULY 4I * 4 p.m.-12 midnight - SI MPSON AVENUE - BED RACE, Sponsored by Barry's Variety * (Contact Harry Moroz - 623-3662)I * ~- AT SOPER CREEK PARK FEATURING BLUE GRASS MUSICI BY PINE RIDGE TRADITION, Sponsored by County Chrysler-Dodge *WEDNESDAY, JULY 5 I 4 p.mn.-12 midnlght - AT SOPER CREEK PARK * - FIDDLERS' CONTEST, Sponsored by Dykstra's Delicatessen and Food Market (Contact Bill Boyd - ý623-6320)-,m * - FEATURING REDWING, Sponsored by Jamieson Tire *THURSDAYJULY 6 4 p.m.-12 midnight- AT SOPER CREEK PARK -AMATEUR NIGHT, Sponsored by Cowan Pontiac-Buick * (Contact Don Gillespie - 623-4367)I * - FEATURING COUNTRY EXPRESS, Sponsored by Hooper's JewellersI FRIDAY, JULY 7 4 p.m.-12 midnight -AT SOPER CREEK PARK - BASEBALL - CHOO RADIO vs BOWMANVILLE LEGION * ~- FEATURINGCAESARI * - MEMORIAL PARK - BALL TOURNAMENTI SATURDAY, JULY 8i * 12 a.m.-12 midnight- AT SOPER CREEK PARKI * - FEATURING CAESAR * - MEMORIAL PARK - BAIL TOURNAMENTI * Additional Facilities Sponsored by Leisure Living - Marianna Developments. Buy aButton I OnIy15 0 19178 Your Passport to Bowmanvllle Woeki sImmmmm mmmmmmmmmCLIP andSAEm m m m m m m m mm Buy a Button -19178 Available at Barry's Varigty- Bowmanville Audio-Vision.- Frank's Variety - Shirk's Variety Jim's Fina - Mr. Submarine - T-D Bank YOUR PASSPORT TO BOWMANVILLE WEEK