Best Cubs of Year Hon ored at MapleGrove The Best Sixer Award at Maple Grove Cubs went to the sixer of White Six, Stacey Zealand (left) - The other membersof the six are, from lef t to ight, Billy Walmsley, Todd McPhee, Scott Hanthon, John Van Epxtel and Mark Van Leeuwen. Buttery will be attending the 1~VW AJII111VSummary. N e wt nvitUnit Leader Sharon Buttery Ourfeiciatonstotbre nd doted flloedby hepresented the programn, ~Mrs. Inez Bougben attended Ou eiiain otre addpeflow bth opening witb the Roll Caîl. tfie "Three days' Scbolar people, wbose birtbdays ail financial report. This was "Namne one way Ftebekab Assemnbly", held occurred Wednesday, June 21, The afghan was displayed the world food shortage could recently at the Royal York namely: Mrs. Mabelle and admired, and the question be alleviated. If you bad 100 Hotel, in Toronto. Leushner, of Niagara Falls, of selling tickets on it, was left acres of land, what could you "Ur. and Mvrs, Doug Drink- Rev. R.C. White of Oshawa over, untîl later. go? water of Port Hope, were and Mrs. Gertie Rowe of The trophys for the two This was answered b y the Monday supper guests, with Newtonville. students at our local school twenty members present, in Mrs. Bea Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ton were displayed. and Amelia various ways. Tuesday visîtors witb Mr. were at Lakeburst, over the Lancaster and Bea Jones will Leta Samis gave a reading and Mrs. Wilfred Paeden were weekend.1 present them on Monday. "The Farmers' Calling", after Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown, from N e wton ville W omen' s Discussion followed on the whicb our speaker, Miss Cookstown. Institute met at the home of idea of taking a bus trip, Penny Webster was in- Visitors tbe past week with Mrs. Sharon Buttery, on during tbe holiday period of troduced. She is a graduate of Mrs. Gertie Rowe included Wednesday afternoon, June July and August, and the Trent University, wbere she Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rowe, and 21, and President Bermice President and Secretary obtained bier Bachelor of Faye of Port Hope. Milligan opened witb tbe Ode, finally agreed to try to Science Degree in Biology and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Rowe followed by the Mary Stewart arrange matters, perhaps in is presentîy employed at the and Donna of Newcastle, Mrs. Collect. July. Some of the money Neil O'Connell, ,of Cobourg, Minutes of previous needed for this trip, will be and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowe, meetings were read by Secre- taken from the Special Fund. and Tiffany. tary-Treasurer Jean O'Neill, Cheryl Vardy and Sharon 'Jf l N l-ow Available at C &C MC)C 4 The Care fre Car. The Froent Wheel Drive CaIr Durham Region's First SUBARU Dealer. 1160 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa Phone 728-0181 Newcastle Conservation Center. She passed around an inter- esting assortment of reading material, on various forms of Solar Heating and ways to save energy and money, in the home, etc. as well as the advantages of Re-Cycling. A Quiz was beld, al members taking part, and slides were shown, illustrating various ways of saving electricity, etc. completing a very thorough description of the work being done, at the center, as well as some of their plans for the future. Violet Gilmer expressed the thanks of all to Penny and she received a gif t in appreciation. The District Fun Fair will be held in our Community Hall in October and Olive Hender- son and Inez Boughen agreed to be a Committee, to look after our part in the proceed- ings. Next meeting will be in September, witb Queenie Fletcher's Group in charge. Lunch was served by Sharon Buttery and ber group,, with Olive Henderson having the lucky cup. Leta Samis was congratu- lated on ber recent tbirty-first wedding anniversary, and May Burley expressed the appreciation of all to the hostess. Congratulations are in order to two couples, whose thirty- second wedding anniversaries were last Thursday, namely Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gilmer of Islington, and Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones. The Gilmers visited bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer on Monday evening, and tbe Jones' were taken out to dinner at the Dutcb Oven, Thursday evening by Mrs. Bea Jones and Mrs. Leone Lane. Mrs. Bea Jones attended tbe funeral of Susan Tbompson of Kingston, formerly of Port Hope on Friday in St. Mark's' Anglican Churcb, Port Hope. Sbe was a former pupil of Mrs. Jones and died as tbe result of a bicycle accident. Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Montgomery of Peterborougb were Friday evening visitors here, with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boughen. Mrs. Montgomery bas to use a wheelcbair, but we are glad to learn she is improving and able to enjoy a drive. Our U.C.W. ladies catered for the Cooper-Tisnovsky wedding in Newcastle, Saturday evening, witb one bundred and fifty guests. It meant a busy time and a lot of work, but reports are that everything went off, very well. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher were amonig those attendinïg the Senior Citizens' Picnic atý Darlington Park, Thursday afternoon, with about tbirty in attendance. Various contests and games were provîded and all reported a very good time. Mrs. Rutb Chidley and Mrs. Clarke, of Little Brîtain were Tbursday afternoon callers witb Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Helen and Edna Elliott were the greeters at our cburcb door, Sunday morning, and the choir sang the old favorite, "How Great Tbou Art'", with- tbe congregation joining in, on the chorus. Rev. Tizzard's sermon was on "Communion" and the Sacrament of Holy Communion was admînîs- tered at tbe close witb Elders Amelia and Sidney Lancaster, Bea Jones, Jack Kimbaîl and Melville Jones, -assisting the minister. July is holiday month, on Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 28, 1978 13 GoId Medalists at Kirby Cen tennial School While there wasn't any- outstanding class winners at Kirby Centennial Public Sehool, there were 12 gold medalists. Receiving gold fitness awards were: (back row from left) Michelle Henry, Jason Carleton, Kelli-Buckley, Stephanie Hood, Brian Kennedy, Paula Robinson, Paul Quantrili, (front row from left) Mary Taisma. Tarri-Lee Carleton, Annee Van Dolweerd, Jackie Van Dolweerd, and Denis TPhibodeau. The awards were inresented bv the Ministrv of Health and Welfare Canada as part of its participation program. The winners h ad to perform a number of physical exercises at a certain rate over ap eriod Of time to qualify for a erest. The ability of a person to comnplete the tests to certain standards determined the level of his award: be it an excellence award, gold, silver, bronze, or simply a participation pin. this charge, so our next cburch service will be beld, August 6tb. Recent visîtors witb Mrs. Agnes Burley were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burley and daugbter, Mrs. Tom Smith of Port Hope, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilmer of Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher visited son Don in Oshawa, Sunday and after lunch, enjoyed a drive to Agincourt and other points north coming back to Don's for supper. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray and girls of Orono, were Sunday callers with Mrs. Leone Lane. There were some two bundred relatives and friends attending the Golden Wedding Anniversary celebration, beld Sunday afternoon in our Cburch Hall, in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stapleton. Ladies pouring tea were Mrs. Otto Coatbam, Mrs. Olive Jones and Mrs. MNdary Morris, and the daughter and sons al YELVERTON On the baIl -field this past week or so Yelverton girls bowed out to Pontypool by a few runs and then clobbered belped in various ways, as well as tbe twelve grand- chîldren. The latter sbould be mentioned, especially as even the boys were adept at wasbing, and putting away dishes! We understand they also went home, early and had most of the milking done when the parents got tbere. Our congratulations to the happy couple, and also to the members of the family wbo had tbings arranged s0 nicely - providing an enjoyable time for ahl who attended. Mr. and Mrs. George Sanson of Toronto were visitors witb Rev. and Mrs. Aubrey Tizzard, Sunday, after attending our morning service. the Betbany ladies in their other game. Yelverton Men lost two games in a row to Maw Bell's boys on Wednesday evening in Oshawa and on Sunday to Port Perry by a few runs in each game. On Sunday, Janetville took tbe first game 9-5 in the 14th inning of a 7 inning game to break the tie and lost 4-O in the second game. Standings in the Lake Scugog League as of 9 p.m. Sunday night are as follows, Scugog Island 6 wins, 3 losses, Pontypool 5 wins, 1 loss, Bell Oshawa 5 wins, 3 losses, Port Perry 5 win, 3 losses, Yelverton 4 wins, 4 losses, Nestleton 3 wins, 5 losses, Kedron 2 wins, 5 losses, Janetville 1 win, 8 losses. TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. Income Tax a nd Related Accounting Services 67 King St. East - Suite 2 Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 1N4 GEl HERE EARLY and SAVE Valsle UP TO 50% 1415 King St. E. (Town Line) Oshawaý Ilinn M Ww# N.MRIu mUm dollars in, assets l isted iUn Victoria and Grey's haif yearly report. A milestone in the history of Victoria and Grey Trust, serving more and more people sinGe the latter haif of the l9th century, was achieved in the irst haif of its current year when assets were shown to have exceeded the two billion dollar mark. The fourth largest trust comnpany in Canada, Victoria and Grey has close to sixty offices in Ontario and is now spreading rapidly in Alberta. VICTORIA and GREY [ETRUST VELTRI COMPLEX .68 King St. E. Bowmanville Telephone 623-2504>> . . . . . . . . . ....... ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i