Pionetr Day Revives Skills of Yesteryear Gaut ...\ <~.....\ ... .. "'<44,4À 5~<4<v4"4f ,,444 ~ Mi4 andMs.Jh ana Wny 4444 //<;4~~~4444~ ~ DramCleeseisre Lat/eethaswcsleCobeen oneraiosCnteccessfulponer se tei als n 4 *<,4/«,..,/,ahe tanmahiestodomuh f hew4k.S.nnng 4avngan qil m kig reskll andar st/l 4arie on oda andon h/rday ugut 17 tattainingpls sherehiProvincial owmavReg-l Spinmng wheel [ndetoestratedgon heInerandah ofohe BowmanvilleyMseum.an (righ4, Osborne demonstrate the art of quilt-making at the Conservation Centre on King St. They belong to the St. famaetasoatn By Mary Ann Warkman Paul's UCW. Mrs. Lee Jolliffe, a Training Co-Ordînator with the Ontario Museum Association in Toronto, visited the Bowan- r ville Museum on Tuesay, training session for museum A helpers and others interested in caring for a museum and its artifacts. Museum curators from Orono, Whitby and Oshawa were in attendance. Mrs. Jolliffee said a certifi- à cate is now being developed for museum workers by the Ontario Museum Association. Persons to be eligible for the certificate would have to attend a specified number of \44. seminars. A national inventory pro- gramme has now been esta- blished to catalogue museum collections. There is a backlog of information to be fed into the computer but when used itj means a subject punched into the machine would activate it to list all museums with .. ..... collections falling into the Oe category on which informa- o tion is desired. 80 U'6Fr 4< ~~~~One audio-visual aid Mrs. 80 U 6Fr 4. <~~ ~ «\ <~ Jolliffe offered to attenders was entitled "Handling YS rtiE H R!V LE H Museum Objects". The, aid Four-harness Ioom is used to weave wool into cloth. informed as to handling of R N objects and the moving of RN UP SA VINGS AND SA TISFY THE -00 them. Padded containers lmioo should be used and one piece NEEDS 0F-,J SCHOOL BOUND CH/LOREN ~4<4/4 <~ /at a time should be moved. 'V ~ '4,White gloves should be worn ~ 44~<by handlers when moving ......porous objects but not with items that are slippery such as marble. Gloves would also not be worn with items on which ..._ they could snag.JEN 44jItems should be studied as E % N S < ~' ~ ito how they should be handled and not grabbed. Thought ,jshould be given as to how an bv Leviý's G- object's weight is distributed.U wa h d '; 4< <,support should be from below.( Jewellery worn by handlers could be dangerous to S izes 8 to 18 valuable pieces and should be removed. Objects shouldn't be handed from one person to the 1 other thus increasing the risk ki of a fail. Some objects are too od and therefore too fragile to be moved at all. ONLY 4/44/444Silver should be displayed in closed cases and textiles should be stored by, being rolled into tissue lined tubes . «41 ..... ......44< trom i,, <.uuî.<.î i r I Use Your Visa I August 28 to Septem ber 1, 1978 I or Mastercharge fromJ! 9: 00 a-.n. to 3:30 P. m. Av Schooi Opening Tuesdlay, September 5..1978 ..... OSBORNE &SHANI< INSURANCEv i Dismisala2.-Op.M.AGENCY LTD. Dismssa ai2:0 p..108 Liberty Si.N. Bowmanville 42 KIng St. E. Bowmanvîlle Cail 623-25 27