6 The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, September ,~ 1978 Section Two Annual Diocesan -Holy Hour Planned for The annual Diocesan Holy Thec Hour will be beld again this of repr year at the Peterborough Churcli Memorial Centre at 3:00 p.m. area ch on Sunday, September 24. The choir fi guest speaker is Father Joseph Marcel Gervais, a noted childre, Scripture scholar and director have r of the Divine Word Centre in First C London. His topic will be "A Sion wi] Cal to-Holiness," the Bi The Mass will be concele- reserve brated by Bisbop James L. Doyle and the priests of the In the diocese. It will be preceded by tbe Ho: the recitation of tbe Rosary, revised led by Mrs. Josepbhilnner: Marroc President of the Catbolic' respons Women's League, and commit members of ber family. bas bec BETHA] "Alil is quiet at the Saddle childrei Wood Ranch" as children eigbty-1 leave Mr. and Mrs. Smith's every e wonderful bospitalîty. Thes Four sessions of fun, and and ne> lessons was the summer be back programme, when youngsters Teaci participated in the many another activities, some of which were expecta swimming in the beautiful return pool provided, trampolining, acheduli horse back riding lessons witb kindergi jump obstacles, tennis, anticipa basketball, films, etc. etc. The are in children were allowed to visit level. P the Bethany store three times the firç during tbeir stay and fun was adjustii hilarious in the bunk bouse whatevi and the meals were delicious success and most appetizing for one's se cbildren engaged in outdoor betterg strenuous activîties. Mrs. public Smith says it's so quiet and instruct lonely when tbey leave to foundati return to classroom lessons, educatic but the children look forward Correc to returning to the ranch again put Chri next summer. The setting at rung toc Saddle Wood Ranch is ideal is doinf with Mr. and Mrs. Smith's ma nagei many improvements for the Zellers choir reserl Iurc] from h). n of receiý Comn ril be fshop ,d ar )y B~ dby sibilit tee, ,ome P eterborough ýr will be composed Catholic interest and yearly itatives of the City attracted some 5000 oirs the outlying participants. The Holy Hour hes (and possibly a Committee is confident that 1the Sisters of St. this year, with the deatb of Once again the Pope Paul VI and the election ,the diocese wbo of His successor Pope John ived Confirmation Paul I focusing world rnunion or Confes: attention on the spiritual ,e special guests of aspects of life, attendance will ýp and 'sit in a be even greater. rea.a Father Gervais will conduet st four years, since theme "'Caîl to Holiness", on lour program was Saturday, September 24 at St. ithe late Bishop Peter's auditorium. There will and made tbe be three sessions: 10:30, 1:30 ty Of a special and 3:30, all are welcome to this annual event bear this, distinguished- ýe a focal point of Scripture scbolar. N~Y NEWS an's pleasure and the five riding borses are cild's dream. summer bas flown by xt week everything will à to normal. iers and pupils begin -school year with great ations and the churches ito the regular des. Cbildren entering garten are filled with otion and other pupils a g!rade of a higher uils in high school for st year have mucb ng to do. However ver the situation, sdepends largely upon cîlf. "What greater or gift can we offer the tban to teach and tour youth? and The on of every state is the [n of its youtb." >tion - I was trying to is Kloepfer on the, top Squickly. However, he ig very well in bis Dr training course for ;in Cornwall and DELO1TIE, HASKINS & SELLS LIMITED Trustee in Bankruptcy Bell Canada Building Oshawa Centre TELEPHONE 579-8202 P.O. Box 800 Oshawa Li H Mi knowing Chris he'll put fortb every effort ta reach bis goal. Mr. and ers. Heënry Jakeman, Mr. and Mrs. Perey Jakeman and Mrs. Marjorie Coppins, attended the marriage of Mr. Robert Bain, son of Mrs. Elsie Bain, to Miss Helen Myers in tbe Zephyr United Churcb. Robert is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jakeman of Betbany. Mr. Bernard Neals would like to inform bis oiù patrons that bis telephone number has been cbanged to 277-2959. He is available to dlean oiù furnaces if you give him a call. The Bethany "Get Acquainted" Tea was a buge success on Wednesday, August 20,, wben approximatey seventy-five ladis plus Rev. Wainwright, Mr% raham and George Neals, met in the Parish Hall to meet new citizens of the area and to renew old acquaintances. The U.C.W. and the A.C.W. would like to tbank the many ladies who helped in sa many ways and the young women and girls who served sa proficiently. Mrs. Ruth Jenning, with Mrs. Lillian Fallis accompanying at the piano, led in a sing song of, old favorites beginning with "The More We Get Together" and ending with "Blest Be the Tie that Binds." Mrs. Marion Wood welcomed the many guests and then called on Mr. and Mrs. Graham and Rev. and Mrs. Wainwright to say a few words. Mrs. Mary Capeil decorated the tables with red, yellow and white flowers and name tags corres'ponding were distributed to allow the ladies to mingle with the newcomers of the area, whom we found most friendly and trust they will enjoy living in Bethany. Mrs. Rene Smelt, president of A.C.W., and, Mrs. Georgie Scott, president of U.C.W. poured tea from a beautifully decorated table. "lA communîty with a friendly spirit is prîceless!" We are pleased to see Mrs. Frances Jackson with the cast off her leg and also to see Mrs. Margaret Wright walking relatively well after her hip operation. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jones have moved into the home vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Walton, and we see preparations being made for a restaurant on the Jones's premises, which is certainly a welcome addition to the village of Bethany. We welcome Mr.. and Mrs. Jones and children to our area. The Walton's are building a beautiful new home on the Glengarry Road in Bethany. Mrs. Violet Carr has her brother-in-law and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carr, visiting her from St. Cloud, Florida. Mrs. Ada Baum from- Florida bas been visiting this past week wîth her brother and sister-in-laW, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rowan. The executive of the Senior Citizens' Bowling Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Clark, and organized captains and teams for the season beginning on September 12 at 1:30 p.m. at the Millbrook Bowling alley. Any seniors who would care to join us, please give your name to Pete Borrow and he will put you on a team, or if you would care to be a "spare" they are always welcome. The "Ladies' Bowling" is again being organized by our president, Mrs. Yvonne Fallis, as the first game of the season will be played on Monday, September lith at 1:30 p.m. Anyone who would care to bowl this year phone 277-2183 and submit your name so you can be placed on a team. "Spares" are always needed. A Manvers arena auxiliary has been formed to help meet operating expenses by catering for wedding receptions, banquets, etc. Help with preparing and serving at these functions is urgently needed. Auxiliary meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month. Come and offer your services or caîl one of the following auxiliary members: Peggy- Staples 27-7-2608, Leah Ryley 277-2097, Linda Sytnyk 277-2377, Irene Sutcb41-93 9496. We are sorryto hear Mr. Harry Preston bas been admitted to Civic Hospital' after suffering a stroke. A speedy recovery is the best wishes from ahl who know Mr. Preston. Marilyn McGill is entering another phase in her education as she enters Dental College in Toronto. Good luck, Marilyn and we hope you enjoy your course. Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Graham were Miss Susan Hogan of Kingston and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Craig of Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Palmer and Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Palmer toured Western Canada and called on Sharon at Coquitlan B.C. and their sister at Belle Plains, Sask., then down to Florida for a quick trip. Avoid Uneven Front Street A revision in Bowmanville's zoning byv-law naote-d bv - ~Utg~î( ~3Jç~dding On Saturday, June 24th, 1978, at 3 o'clock, in Rehobotb Christian Reformed Church, Bowmanville, Reverend Anthony De Jager united in marriage Florene Visser and Donald Arend Prins. The bride's parents are Mr, maids were Annette Rypstra and Mrs. Donald Visser, and Jayne Bradley. Bowmanville, and the groom's, Best -man was Jim Te Velde, parents are Mr. and Mrs. and the ushers were Eric Fedde Harm Prins, the Stam and Donald Prins. Netherlands. Matron of honor was Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Prins are now Fred Mars, and the brides- residing at R.R. 1 Enniskillen. ProincalParks Council Will Meet in Peterborough An invitation to attend a A.C. Auld. City. meeting of the Provincial The meeting, to be held in The Council advises the Parks Council in Peterbor- the Algonquin Room at Rock Minister of Natural Resources ough on Friday, September 8, Haven Hotel, Highway 28, on provincial park operation was extended to Ontario, Peterborough, will begin at and management and is residents today by Naturaf 7:30 p.m. This is the first time holding discussions with Resources Minister James the Council bas met in that ministry staff from' September 7 to September 9. Mr. Auld said that the public may bring before Council any matter related to provincial parks at the September 8 meeting. There are nine provincial parks -- Emily, Serpent Mounds, Mark S. Burnham, Petroglyphs, Ferris, Presqu'ile, Darlington, Balsam Lake and Peter Woods Nature Reserve - in the Peterborough area. "There bas always been a great deal of public interest shown in Council meetings wherever they have been held in Ontario," Mr. Auld said. "Anyone who is interested in our provincial parks, or wbo bas ever camped in or visited any of them, is welcome to 'attend and participate in the September 8 meeting." YW CA 0f fering Progvrams The Oshawa YWCA is offering programs at St. John's Anglican Church in Bowmanville again this year. Rhythm & Rhyme which is an introduction to music and creative movement, is offered for the two and three year olds. The Music and Movement class for the four and five year olds covers creative movement, rbythm, body awareness and listening, skills. These classes are offered on Thursday mornings for a period of ten weeks. The instructor is Carol Snaith. Keep Fit for Women is offered on Thursday afternoons with instructor Donna Davidson. Babysitting is available at the church for the afternoon program. Registration for all, the classes is at the Oshawa YWCA, Simcoe and McGrigor streets, weekdays 9-5 p.m. or at St. John's Churcb on Temperance Street,# Thursday, September 14, 1:30 -3:00 p.m. For more information cal 576-8880. Request La.rgne r Pit A sand and gravel company operating a pit near Leskard is seeking permission to extract 750,"000 tons of gravel per year. On Monday, August 28, New- castle council learned that Salco Sand and Gravel Limit- ed bas a contract to deliver 500,000 tons of granular material for Ontario Hydro. At présent, Salco is llmited to extracting 350,000 tons of aggregates per year. But following the contract witb Hydro, Salco asked the Ministry of Natural Resources for permission to increase its quota. The Ministry, in turn, asked that the Town of Newcastle comment on the request from the sand and ýgravel company. Speaking at the council session, last week,. councillor Bob Dykstra said he wondered~ if the extra amount of gravel would increase truck traffic on Leskard Rd. "If there's more gravel there will be more trucks" Mayor Rickard replied. "This could develop into a 24-hour-a-day project," said Councillor Ted Woodyard. When asked about the possibility of re-routing trucks through otber roads, the' town's works director said it would be costly to improve other roads, to accommodate truck traffic. "There are alternate routes but 1 tbink the improvements would be NEED A RUG CLEANED? Why flot have it done FREE of-CHARGE Kirby Company of Newcastle wiII deep clean and shampoo Up to 180 sq.foot of carpeting with a home domonstration of the Fabulous KIRBY CLASSIC 111 CaIl 623-4595 9 a.m. - 5p.m. proposed in the zoning by-law would allow the municipality to, consider new projects on King St. on their own merits. 1Development could proceed by means of a site plan agreement aithough buildings could bc set back eight feet from the street line, they vvould flot have to be set back Lhat far. Councillor Bruce, Taylor suggested during the meeting Lhat it c(>uld bc an advantage for the town to have some structures set baek from the street. "Is it rcally important that we keep everything in a straight line?" he asked. He suggested that by keeping the stores on front street in an even row, the municipality rnay be sacrificing some open space which could be used in the future. F. Alan Lawson C.A. Vice- President TRENT UNIVERSITY UNOSHAWA Applications are now being acc epted for a new business program INFORMATION SESSION: Durham College - Sept. 7, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Prof essor Harry Ki tchen, the director of Trent University»'s new legree prog ram in Administrative Studies, will, be in shawa with two counsellors from Ju lian, Blackburn Col lege to answer questions and accept applications for this progra m. Economics 100, one of the core courses in the Administrative Studies prog ram, wiII be offered in Oshawa this fait, a long wit ou ther support courses: Accounting 200, History 100 and Politics 100 and 200. If you are interested, corne to the foyer of the Admistration Block at Durham Cotlege on Thursday, September 7, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Enquiries about these and any of the other 17 courses starting on September 18 wiIl be welcome. Julian Block burn College, Trent University, Peterborough, K9J 7B8 Phone 705-748-1428