13,1978 13 U - Li.' I 's FOR CLASSUFIED Tlues., 12. noon 623-3303 -oAMERibI - iUJI, .baIIy ana Jessica happily announce the tr ri val of Kathryn (Katy) yýnn on Sunday, Septem ber 1O 1978, welghing 8 ibs. 1 oz. at Oshawa General Hospital. lroud grandiparents are Charles and Aima Langmaid *d Gordon and Doreen Barrie. ,37-1 CARR- Ivan and Sheila (MacLeod) are pleased ta annou 'nce the arrivai of their son,, Lee Michael, on August 19, 1978 weighing 7 ibs. 14 oz. at Memnorial Hospital, Bow- mianville. 37-1 FARROW- jan wouid like to announce the arrivai of 'her baby brother, Ryan Gien, 6 lbs. 2/ oz. at Memoriai Hospital on August 11, 1978. Our parents are Gien and Lynda (nee Cal). Grandpar- ents are Mr. and Mrs.' Clint Farrow, Newtonville and Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Cali, New- castle. Great grandpa Bowen, Bowpmanville and Great ,, dma Iva Farrow, ~ewtonviiie. 3- McALPINE- Alan and Donna (Gilbank) are thrilled ta' annaunce the' arrivai of their daughter, Meissa Anne, at Beileville Generai Hospital on Sept. 2,- 1978. Proud e andarents are Mr. and rs. ernard McAipine, Believille, and Mrs. E. L. Giibank, Oron.>. Another great granddaughter for Mrs. C. Lla ahan, Belleville and Mrs. H4 G. Freeman, Maple Grave. STROJWONS - Ed and Debbie (Oke) are proud ta announce the birth of their son, Gregory Scott, 6 lbs. 6 oZs., on September 6, 1978 at, Oshawa Generai Hospital. First g randchiid for Mr. and Mrs.,Russeii Oke of Bowman- viie and Mr. and Mrs. D.imitro Strojwons of Oshawa. Thanks to Dr. Miler and staff. of Oshawa Generai Hospital. 37-1 SYER- John Mrris praudly announces the arrivai of his baby brother Aaron Robert, 9 ibs. 51/2 ozs. on Tuesday, September 5, 1978. Happy parents are Claire and Karen. MIanks ta Dr. Cunningham and maternity staff. 37-1 CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St, Bowmanviiie 623-7141~ HOSPITAL and VJ~ SYMPATHY ARRANGEMENTS D FloweringPlants and Cut Flowers ALLISON - Eaith. ,At Memnoriai Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Thursday, September 1 1978. Edith, beloved wife of Norman Allison. Dean mother of Beverley (Mrs. Harvey lunney) and Trevor. Loved g randmother of Darryl, Jeffery, Sandra and Sharon Lunney, Norman and Eveý Allison. Sister of A. E. Gray of England. Rested at the Mrris Funerai Cha pel, Bowman- ville. Funera i service was .heid in the chapel on Satur- iday, September 9th. Crema- tion, St. James Crematorium. 37-1 N Mn. and Mns. Ross Ashtan, R.R. 1 Bawmanv'ille are pleased ta annaunce the forth- coming maniage af their daughter Beth Janette Helena to Frank lb Bra Nielsan, son of Mn. and Mrs. Aage Bra Niesen, Enniskillen an Octoben l4th, 1978 at 3 p.m. in Enniskillen United Church. 37-1 George and Helen Piper and Gardon and Lucille Sturnock are happy ta announce the forthcoming marniage of their chidren, Dale Elizabeth ta Donald Gardon on Friday, Octoben 6, 1978 at St. John's Anglican Church, Bowman- ville at 6p.m. 37-1 Mn. and Mns. Ra'iph Wagner of Kapuskasing annaunce the forthcoming maniage af their daughter Robin Lydia Becket ta C or y John san of Mnr.and' Mrs. Mrris IKuipers of Baw- manville. The marniage ta take p lace Saturday, Octoben lth atsp.m. i n Finst Baptist Church, Oshawa. 37-1 Mn. and Mrs. Robent Bickle, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, are pleased ta annaunce the engagement of thein daughter, Katherine Elizabeth Bickîe, ta, Mn. John Hicks, san of Mn. and Mrs. John V. Hicks, Paducah, Kentucky. The wedding s ta take place on Decem ber 2, 1978 at 6: 00 pm. at St. John's Anglican Ch u rch, Bowm an- ville. 37-1 Mn. and Mrs. Nick Hemka, Bawmanville are pleased ta annaunce the engagement of hen daughten, Ellyn Roberta Davey ta Doulas Lee, son of Mn. and M s. Manford Gaadmurphy, Maple Grave Raad. 37-if Ernest and , Norma, Hockaday wish ta extend an invitation ta their relatives, friends and neighbours ta ceiebrate with themn their 4th wedding a n nive rsa ry, Saturday, Septemben 23rd, 1978 f nom 6 ta 9 followed by a dance in the Sauina Hall. Best wishes only. 37-1 bill and Beverly Snowden invite their frîends, relatives and neighbors ta loin with them in celebrating ther 25th weddi ng, anniversary Saturday, September 16,.1978 at Sauina Hall. Receptian 7-9. Dance 9-12. Best wishes only. 37-1 JOHNSON - Jane at Community Hospital, Part Penny on Monday, September 11, 1978. Jane Irvine, Tyrane, in her 84th year. Beioved wife af Bert Johnson, dean mathen af Mrs. 1. Rowley (Mabel), Abert William, John Irvine, and Mrs. E. Bent (Jean). Rested at the Northcutt Ei1iatt Funerai Homo, Bowmanville. Funerai service was heid at 1:30 o'ciack Wednesdlay afternaan. Interment Bethesda Cemetery. 137-1 N TH HF ULNESS "- N CE RN SERV;CE Service to your nee ds ... our first concern. So that '/ou wiIi be relieved from worry and detail. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 [7orrs Fune rai Chapel SIMPSON MEMURIALb monuments - Markers - Inscriptions s19 Lavinia Street Port Hope 885-6434 HOME APPOINTMENTS INI H DL ARRANGED4- RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hope, Ontario WORKMANSHIP QUALITY LlA 3W3 High Qua lity at m L Roasonablo Prices Phono 885-5216 J Home 88M-5222 ~- A 5th Annivensary Party, Howard and irene Farrow, Saturday, Sept. 16, 1978, 7*30 p m. ta 12 p.m., Centennial Hall, Bowmanville. Best wishesoniv. 36-2N Bill and Betty Vroomn will be having an Open House in honar of their 25th Wedding Anniversary at their home, 93 Jackman Road, Bowmanville fram 8 - 10 p.m. on Monday, September 18, 1978. Best wîshes only, please. 3- ADAMS - In loving memory of a dean fathen and grand fathen Charles Adams, who passed away Sept. 17, 1972, dean brother Ronald (Red) who passed away Sept. 2, 1961 and dean Uncle George who passed away February. 25, 1972. Years have passed and gone, Since our great sorrows feili- The shock that we received them days Na one could ven teli1 Someday we'll ail meet around God's throne Ti me may be near or far But memories alone console us hene When the gates are ieft a an - Sadiy missed and always remembened by son Bob, Rena and Bobby. 37-1 ASHTON - In Iaving memony of a dean husband and father, Bruce O. Ashton, who passed away sa suddenly Septem ber 16, 1961. To some yau may be fargatten To athers a thing of -the past But tai us wha i aved yau so dearly Your memary wiil always iast. - With much lave wife, Marie and family. 37-1 BIRD - In memary af a dearly iaved husband, step- father and g randfather, John, wha passed awa y September l7th, 1976. What we wauld give if we cauld say Hello John in the same aid way To hean yaur vaice, see your smile Ta sit with you and chat a whi le Sa you who have a husband and step-father Cherish him-with cane Fan yau'll neyer knaw the heant ache Tii you see his vacant chair - Lovingly nemembered by his wife Myrtie, step-children Wiilis and Joan Fawier, Katheline and san-in-iaw Milton Terry and 9 grand- children. 37-1 FERGUSON - James Gordan. In ioving memonyaof a dean husband, father and g randfathen who passed away September 12, 1965. As we laved hlm, so we miss hlm. - Lavingly emembered by, wife Hazel and famiiy. 37-1 MORTON - In laving mem- ory of a faithful friend, Wesley Morton, who passed away Setember 12, 1973. "l'a same you may be forgotten, To others a part of the past, But ta us wha cared for and aost you Your memory wili aiways last". Wesie and Jeanne McMahon MURPHY -In laving memory of a dear father, Hubert Murphy who passed away SeptembeT 15, 1975. He suffened much he eanned his nest The Lord called him fan He knew best May his reward be as great as his sacrifice. - Lovingly remembered by daughter Vickie. 37-1 MURPHY - In 1ioving mem- ory of a dean father, James Hubert, who passed away Septem ber 15, 1975. Gone but not forgatten. For a ny Occasion 623-3377 Sundavs and Holidays Bey. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259 PORTEOUS -In ioving memory of my dear parents, Stanley (Dad)' who passed away September 11, 1975, Mother (Jennie) who passed away Septem ber 10, 1966. You asked for so littie in this i if e, And suffered more than your share, Your lives were devoted ta each other, With your love, loving hands and prayers. A tribute of love and remembrance,, To parents who were two of the best The joys that you missed in life's journey May you find it in God's garden of rest. - Always remembered and loved by daughter Helen, Clem, grandchildren, great grandchildren and twa great great granddaughters. 37-1 SINCLAIR -- In loving memory of a dear father ànu Srandfather, Harvey M. incia ir, who passed away September 17, 1969. No words can ever say What's feit within aur hearts today Sa rather than look back in sorrow May we offer a thought for everyanes tomarrow Passing can be a tragedy, That fis you with grief Or it can be a memory wîth a message that's brief Cherish the ones you love With each passing day For you know not how suddenly The Lord may take them away. - Ever remembered by son John, daug hter-in-law HIeien and grand daughters Cindy and Sandy. 37-1 STRONG- In loving memory of my dear parents, grand p arents and nephews, Effie Vera Strang wAho passed away June 13, 1952, David George Strng who passed away, Sepeber 12, 1955, two loving nephews, Ronald Strong who was killed July il, 1958 and Edward Strong who passed away February 19, 1966. Oft we think of you dear loved .anes, And aur hearts are f illed with pain For this earth would be a heaven Could we hear youn valces - again Years have swiftîy passed away 11 But stili we don't forget For in the hearts that love them best, Your memories linger yet. - Sadly missed and ever remembered b y daughter Mary an d grandchildren. 37-1 VICE - In loving memory of my dear husband, Russell Vice, who passed away September 15, 1977. - Lovingly remembered by wife Elva. 37-1 RE Sincere thanks ta aur many friends, neighbours and relatives for their cards, gifts and phone calis and ta aur family wha made ail the arrangements in making it a perfect 4th weddîng anniversary. Clarence and Ruth Bradley 37-1 The family of the la»e Lillian, Dilling woui'd iike ta take this apportunity ta express aur sincere thanks and apprecia- tian toalal relatives, friends and neighbours for flowers, donations, cards and many acts of kindness during the sudden sad lass of a loving wife, mother, grandmather and sister. Special thanks 40 Dr. Hubbard, the Memorial Hospital staff, the Ven. Tam Gracie, St. John's Choir, the Martha Gnoup, the Chancel Guiid and the staff of Morris Funeral Home. 37-1 Ivor and i would like ta express aur heartfelt thanks ta My sîncere thanks and appreciation ta the nurses on 3rd floar for their efficient care duringmy stay in Memarial1 Haspital and a speciai thanks ta Dr. Ewert and the ambulance atten- dants. Alsa ta my friends, neighbors and relatives for their f Iowers, cards and many acts of kindness. Eteika Clarke 37-1 s e - HOCKEY MOTHERS vi _ We wish ta express aur thanks and appreciatian ta aur relatives, friends and neighbors and Enniskilien U.NC.., for the many mes- sages of sympathy,_generous donations ta Heat F un d, the fiowers and kind thaughtfui- ness at oun time of sornaw on the death of aur dean brother and uncie, Dr. Jahn E. Dalton. Orville and Margaret Ashton and famiiy. . 37-1 Mrs. Grace Couch wauId, like ta express her apprecie- tion and sincere thanks ta ail he? doctors, nurses, friends, and relatives for their cancenn during her recent iiiness. 37-1 IG iay) f irst with ers 23-tf N E hiid. bev EAR PIERCIN $8.00 (no appoîntment Necesse Plus 10 per cent off purchase of earrings release slip. Hooper's JeweliI Ltd. 29 King St. E. Bowmanvi île 623-5747 CHILD'CARI Best of care for your ch Proper meals and propi clothed. Lots of Loving Central location. 623-6629 BE A BIG SISTER Volunteers are needed ii a rea to be a f riend to gj aged 7- 17, who are in r of suppotative relation. CALL SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOU at 728-7525 GIANT YARD SALE (4 HOUSEHOLDS) Saturday, Sept. 16 9 a.m. - 4p.m. 1 Parkway Cres. Bowmnanviiie 37-1 GARAGE SALE Sat., Sept. l6th lOa.m. 99 King St. E. BoWmanvi lie Many interesting and useful items. Somethina for evorvone. 37-1 N YARD SALE Saturday, Sept. 16 (RAIN OR SHINE) 93a. m. - 4:30 p.m. 47 Fi rst St. (at Centrai Public Schoi go narth an Elgin St., aven bridge, turn ieft.) Furnituro, rugs, girl's bicycle, baby carniage, toys, ciothes, ' etc. Bargains for Everyone 37-1 N SPLASH Garage Sale Saturday, Sept. 16 10 a.m. - 4 p.mn. 38 Centre St. Chiidren's penny cannivai, plus other interesting items. 36-2N Sat., Sept. 16 1Oa.m. -5 p.m. Furniture, firepiace, dishes, toys and hause plants. 20 Centre St. BOWMANVILLE 37-1iN SATURDAY and Sunday, Sept. 16 and 17, 5 Prince St., starting 9 a.m., househoid items, chiidreni's ciothes, baby buggy etc. Ail in goad condi- tion. 37-1iN YARD Sale, September 16 and 17, north end Bunketon, last house on west side north of train tracks. Hausehold items, dishes, furniture, misceilaneous. 37-1 YARD SALE 84 Concession St.ý W. BOWMAN V1LL E Saturday, Sept. 16 10 a.m. -5 p.m. will hoîd their annual USED SPORTS EQUIPMENT SALE Sat, Sept. 16th <day of B.M. H.A. tryouts) 9 a.m. Bowmanville Arena We wiil have a gaad selectian of used sparts equipment, skates and used hockey< sacks at 50c pr. Used- C.S.A. approv- ed heimets 55.00 each. Anyone having equipment ta danate please phone: Carrai ClemenS 263-8465 or Gerny McArthun 623-5207 -We wiii selI on consignment any article vaiued at $10 or mare fan 20 per cent fee. Al consigniment articles placed at youn own risk. Hockey Mothens General Meeting Monday, Sept. l8th Coutroom No. 2 -7:30 p.m. Please p la n to attend. 37-1iN J EN DON CE RAM ICS There are stili some apenings un evening classes. Aisa Antique Porcelain Reproduction Doiîs Seminar. For funther information cali 623-3868 37-2 Classes Manday evenings stants Oct. 2 $8.00 for 20 ho uns 37-tf Beginners Leather Tuesday evenings stants Oct . 10, 7 - 9 p.m. Adlvanced Leather nf this Safunday mornings stants irls Oct. 14, 10 -l2 pm reed $20.00 for 20 hou ns shp ROWAN TRE E JSE 133 Church St. 623-9122 37-1iN 2-fN Cadmus Nestietan Presby- tenian Chunch weicomes ail ta the 133rd Anniversary an Gest e v. '; Fred Sann. Music by Sanya Samanîtan Singers. 37-1 N REBEKAH LODGE PENNY SALE Friday, Sept. 22nd 2:30 p.m. Centennial Hall 140 Queen Street Afternoon Tea, Home Baking and Variety Table Draws for prizos 8 p.m. 37-2 MAPLE GROVE UNITED CHURCH Turkey Supper Sat., Sept. 30, 1978. 5 p.m. and 6:30 p-. Muts $4.50 ChilIdron under 125$2.50 1For tickets phone 623-4670, 623-2813 or 623-4829. 37-1 N Pottery Show by Bill Rowland September 13 - 17 11 a.m. 5pO.M. Demonstration on the wheol Septembor 16 - 17 at Kendal1 H i s Arts, Crafts and Antiques on Durham Raad 9, 2.8 miles east af Kirby (hwy. 115 and 35) 983-9339 37-1 N FRIDAY NIGHT BIBLE SCHOOL will1 be heid EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT at the Rehoboth Christian Reformod -Church 7 to8: 30 p.m. SING SONGS, BIBLE STORIES and CRAFTS. For informatian an trans- portation please cali 623-2365 an 263-8161. 37-1 Septemberfest 7 8 September 14-15-16 DARLINGION SPORTS CENTrRE- 35-3 BOWMANVILLE DRAMA WORKSHOP Auditions for -James Thurber's Carnival" wilIl be heid at Bcwmanvil le Lions Centre 26 Beech Avenue Wednesdlay, Septem ber 20 7:30 p.m. BACKSTAGE CREW ALSO RIEQUIRED. EVERYONE WELCOME. I NQU IR IES -623-6396 ovenings. DEAR FRIENDS HOUSE 0F AMBER GIFT SHOF (North-end Hampton Village) invites you to attend aur 4th PRE-CHRISTMAS TEA October 13, 14 and 15 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. See aur, beautiful Christmas Selection of gifts ta give ya' custamer, the most wonderful Christmas ever. Tea, coffee and homemade cookies wiIl be sorved. ADULTS ONaLY PLEASE Cali Hampton, 263-2981 - SALAD) BAR-- DESSERT TABLE- September 16, 1978 5: 00P. M. - 8 :00 p.m. ReCreational Centre, B aCkstock AduIts ... $5.00 Students ... $3.00 Preschool Free SPONSORED BY BLACKSTOCK UNITED CHURCH 37-1 N BOWMANVILLE BOY SCOUTS NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE SAVE YOUR NEWSPJAPERS FOR US. PAPER PICKUP Saturday, September l6th Have papens bundled and on curb by 8:30 a.m. (na cardboard on magazines) Next pickup Novemben 25, 1978. "Flowers à"Say it Beýt" VAN BELLE DAILY-Deliveny ta... Oshawa - Bowmanvile Anea Phone 623-4441 FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanvil1le Mail1 623-3365 PROMPT,V COURTEOUS SERVICE FOR ' ALL YOUR FLORAL NE EDS Creative Dust Ceramics GREENWARE, FIRING SUPPLIES and CLASSES (Iimitod space in classes> Cai l Debra now 623-2989 37-1 TUTORING - Teachen with faunteen years experience, wishes ta assist students wha are experiencing difficuities in any subject, grades one - four. 623-7490. 37-1 PIANO lessons, ciassicai and 'ppulan. B einners and advanced ppis.Bort Payne. Phone 623-2697. 36-tf N ELEVEN Wooden Decoys. Phone 1-986-5310. 37-1 N FORAGE Harvester New Holland,770, 2 row narrow corn head, ha pick up, other accessories. Jew idea 325-314 narrow picker sheller. Cockshutt 588 semi-mounit plow, 5 furrow 18'or 20". AIl excellent. Pedwell Farms 98- 4078. 37-1 N 17 FOOT house traiter, Rambler, furnace, f lush-o- matic toulet, 3 burner gas stove, 2 way fridge, sleeps six. $2500. Phane 623-6554. 37-1 N 10 PAIR curtains. Mirror 4' x 6'. Phone 623-7263. 37-1 LLOYD baby carniage, in excellent condition. Phone 623-2612.1 37-1 MACINTOSH apples. Fist road east of Zoo, turn north, 3rd house east side. Herman Bandstra. 623-2106. 37-4 GIRL'S raincoat with hood - bright blue - size 14T. Girl's brawn plaid winter coat - size 9 - 10. Some good blouses and sweaters, boy>. light blue suede, leisure suii - size 18. Ail in excellent condition. Reasonable. Phone 623-5068. 36-1 Nf GARAGE 20'x20', DOUBLE. Must be removed from lot. MAKE AN OFFER. Phone 623-4039. 37-1 N FIREWOOD FOR SALE $80.00 A CORD Avaltable at any quantity Lawn Gardens Hwy. 2,,Newcastié Phone 987-4670 49-tf N ANTIQUE hutch- $100. New bathtub and fixtures $100. 2 newly upholstered French Provincial couches in cut velvet. $300 and $350. Bean bag couch.$150. Cali 1-983-9378 or may be seen Saturday, September '16 at Yard Sale, Junction 35-115 hwy. 37-1 79 SKI-DOOS. Citation, Olympic, Blizzard. Best pnices. Ont. Sport,-,Orano. 983-5444. 37-4N SEED GRAII Fali Wheat and Banl Custom CIeaning and TrE CE RESMORI FARMS LiT 623-3552 EVERGREEh Shado Troos, Hedg " SPECIAL FALL PR Ig 37-1 N Blue Spruce - 54.50't - Brunt's Nurses South side of 401 at Liberty St. Exit Ph. 623-3971 Holiday and u, aur Chevron Traile Large seloction of truck fnom $259.00 installei Ca msport Trail Sa les 37-5 Highways 115 & 35, Newi Phone 987-517, USED turniture and ap- p iances. Paddy's Market. Hampton. 263-2241. 33-tf Pick Your Own Fresh Vegetables FRED EYMAN FARM COU RTIC E Fnom Hwy. 2 take l3th lino * north one block. * Phono 725-8288 32-tf N Forage Wagons For Hire (DRIVERS SUPPLIED) Two self propeiied, fast, efficient forage wagons. Phone W6-2961 35-7N USE D 30" electric stove, gaod warking arder. $50.00. Phone 623-7996 after 5. 35-tf N OSHAWA SCREENED SAND GRAVEL &STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS r ALL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAY.S & PARKING LOTS TOPSOI L &Di1RT FILL Phone Oshawa 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 1 Mile North of Hwy. 2 GIRL'S raincoat with haod, bright blue - size 14T. Girl's brown plaid winter coat, size 9 -10. Some gad blauses and sweaters. Boyv's light bl ,ue suede leisure suit. Size 16 Husky. Ait in excellent condi- tion. Reasonable. Phone 623-5068. 37-1 N WEEKEND PLANT SALE at CARNATION FLOWER SHOP Hanging foliages, f lowering plants, tropical plants at very owprices. Also Sweetheart roses at 39c'each. (ail cash and carry specials) 33 DIVISION ST REET Phone 623-7141 37-1 N BLUE SPRUCE SALE BUY DIRECT NURSERY GROWN DUG and POTTED '15,,- 18"-$5.99 18" - 24" -!9.99 Othen stock avai lable Open 7 days a week Pontypool, SAM MANETTA 705-277-2715" 35-6N Shrubs and - Evergreens Bagged sand and Topsoil H. B. EVANS Line il north, 7/8 mile north of- Na. 2 on west side. 623-3412 35-5N WIDE barn boards for nec room. Beams 12" to 20" square for fineplace. Phone 263-2284. 37-1 N WHITE 30" Admirai stave, excellent -condition. $100. 42 wooden Nord spindies (36"). $2 each. G. E. floar polisher. $10. Phone 623-9235. 37-1 MASS EY Super 90 diesel, witI, cab, new tires, paint, necent ovenhyaul. AskiniQ$U500. $4000- less cab. Jim .Harris, 705-939-6879. 37-1 N ley 1967, 150 SUZU KI, 6,000 miles, eating $250. 1970, 350 Honda, 12,500 miles, $450. 1800 used bricks. E Phone 705-277-2603. 11 37-1iN SESAME Street bedspread 35-4N and drapes, like new. Phone - '__ 623-,4303. 37-1 Y s CEDAR lumber, cut to arder, nu vaniaus sizes. 623-6629.37N 1CES up 1977 - 250 cu. in. 6 cyl. MOTOR, 25,000, miles. $400. Phone Iry 623-5190. 37-1 DISC 3 Pt. hitch, 28 biades, excellent, ready ta go, $450. Phono Weicome 753-2360. 3- 237-iN 3-4N 3-N WOODEN silo, 12 x 30, tangue and groove $400. Wooden appie picking ladders, 20' long $18 each. Two steel, ers beited car tires, 8.25X15, $25 k caps each. Phone 987-4294. 37-1 N i er DRY stove woad, by single card or bush cord. Cal iate 987-5452 afters p.m. 1 37-1iN OAK whiskey barrel, $25. Phono Orono 983-9402. 37-1 N Fireplace Wood Ail dried handwood, mapie, birch, beech, aak andoapple. Cut and spiit. Reasonab le. Deivered or get discounts on picked up ordens. Phone 623-4550 33-tf N BRO WN egg iaying hens, peacacks ail ages, foreign finches, Muscovyý ducks, 200 egg incubator nearly new. J. God 623-2730. 36-TF N PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and also used furniture and appliances., Wiii accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, yaun ane-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY ESTABLISHED 188 4OMANVI DIVISION ST. 6 35 8 TWO OFF STREET PARKING AREAS The Cafiadian Statesmân. 81 1 1-l"", --