BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 13, 1978 SECTIONTW Somehingfor Everyone at Orono1 Fair Interesting entry in chlldren's parade. Beauty eontest winners, 1-r, ist Prineess Heather Ballard (D & R Sports), Miss Durham Central Fair, Kathie Lycett (W. Frank Real Estate>, His Worship Mayor Garnet Riekard (he was a sponsor not an entry) and 2nd Princess Nancy Reitmuller <Cowan Pontiae-Buic-k). The other three contstans wre Kare Atkins (Oronio C of C), Unda Buttery (Durham Farinrs'C-p dKath Gray (Nqewcastle C of C). Beautiful animais in four-horse team competition. Youngster bobs for an apple. Judges check over rabbit entries. Fair President Gordon Berry presents certificate, of appreciation to Dianne Woodley who took over duties of last year's Miss Durham Central. Wide open apple bobber. Two youngsters enjoy their balloons. Cow ~okes uerform in Western Pleasure class. WeII-dressed voun~ eauestrian in action. Cow pokes perform in Western Pleasure class. Well-dressed young ecluestrian in action.