"Indian Rock Paintings" is a travelling exhibition from R.0.M. Extension Services. Mounted on a display system of free-standing panels, it is especially suited to centres not equipped for specialized museum display. The exhibit is part'of the R.O.M. "Outreach" programme - now at the Bowmanville Museum. By Mary Ann Warkman the Bowmanville Museum "Indian Rock Paintings" from September 13 to October from the Royal Ontario 13. The travelling exhibition Museum will be on exhibit at was developed by R.O.M. in1 RES TA URANT MOND AY -THURSDAY 6 am.-2 pM FRIDAY -SATURDAY 6am.lam -SUN DAY SERVING DELICIOUS CHINESE FOOD TAKE-OUT ORDERS A SPECIALTY Free Delivery in Bowmanville onallOrders of $10.00 or More Full Course Meals in a Homne- Like Atmosphere co-operation with Outreach Ontario, a programme of the Ministry of Culture and Recreation. Selwyn Dewdney, a research associateof R.O.M., recorded hundreds of picto- graphs at remote sites throughout Ontario. Photo- graphs of Mr. Dewdney gathering information at the sites and painstakingly tracing the figures, comple- ment the reproductions of the paintings themselves. Three text panels provoke contem- plation of some of the paintings' more intriguing and mysterious aspects. Actually much about the rock paintings remains mysterious. They were painted simply, with fingers for brushes and lumps of dlay for paints. The paintings are scattered upon the cliff faces of the rugged Pre-Cambrian Shield and form an intriguing series of red silhouette-images and abstract symbols. They were adhered to the rock with bear grease or fish eggs. But who painted them, how old are they and what can the images of antlered dragons, ~SERVICE Ijý uîI299 DEAN Ii~ I AVE. OSHAWA Cargex knihtsof Columbus' TV BI1NGOe Cable Channel 10, 4 Big Games Every Wednesday beginning on Sept. 2th,,1978 storting ot 6:.30 p.m. Bingo Cards Avoulable at ALEX McGREGOR DRUGS 5 King St. W. BARRY'S VARIETY 114 Waverley Gardens Plaza FRANK'S CONFECTIONERY 43 King St. E. GISELA VARIETY 27 Second St. LIBERTY BOWL LIMITED Base LUne Rd. E. MR. SUBMARINE 136 King St. E. NORTH-END MARKET 101 Liberty St. N. TUTTLE'S VARIETY 87 Ontario St. SMOKER'S and GIFT CORNER Bowmhanville Mal SUBWAY SUB King St. E. horned beings and pipe- smoking moose be telling us about the belief s and culture of their creators? These ar< questions unanswered but which off er the viewer of such sights as the renowned Agawa Rock 'Mishipeshu' near Sault Ste. Marie, a glimpse into another world. Two centuries ago an Red images of power painted on a remoate cliff face. The fantastic rock paintings scattered throughout the Canadian Shield rïemain something of a mystery. Ojibway chief painted a man on norseback, a horneci panther and a crested serpent on a cliff at Agawa Bay. They were first recorded in 1851 by an Indian agent called Henry Schoolcraft at, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. He had been told that a great chief had led his war party across Lake Superior and celebrated bis victory with a rock painting. Schoolcraft had been given a birch-bark reproduction of the three figures. The description S E P TEMBER accurately fit the Canadian paintings but did not state where they were. Henry Wadsworth Long- fellow used Schoolcraft's material as background for his epic poem "Hiawatha" in 1855. In 1958 Selwyn Dewdney was determined to find the paintings. He did just that after 14 months of tracking down dlues. He paddled into Agawa Bay in Lake Superior, clambered over the rocky shore and discovered the immortal, fabulous panther. The Bowmanville Museum is located on Silver Street and is open daily except Mondays froMi 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Admission is 50 cents. Cable Cast Listings Thursday, Sept. 14 2:30 The 3R's with Separate Sehool Activities 3:00 Let's Find Out 3:30 Rescue 4:00 Summer '78 Recap 5:00 Education Scene 5:30 Evening Report 6:00 What Does the Bible Say? with Bob Kirkland 6:30 Motor City Bowling Roll-Offs 7:30 Expression 8:00 Sign Off Friday,- Sept. 15 2:00 Let's Discuss It... 2:30 Counterpoint 3:00 Education Scene 3:30 Conception with Host: Bill Jeanes 4:00 What Does the Bible Say? 4:30 Whitby Then & Now 5:00 Vita Italiana 6:00 Whitby Report with Mike Burgess & Steve Porter 6:30 The 3R's 7:00 Sign Off Join the Canadian mioity group, The Fit. ~UU~Vl~14 NELSON ST. presents RiS RI1YYVaU A COMEDY IN TWO ACTS By Bob Randali AT 8p.m. THU RS. FR 1. & SAT. SEPT. 21, 22, 23, 28, 29,30 Tickets available at - INFO PLACE, OSHAWA CENTRE * THE BOOK MILL, KING ST., BOWMANVILLE 623-466 *OSHAWA 576-2558 eAND AT THE D0013 TICKETS ADVANCE$2.50 AT DOO R$3.0 For Your Diining and Dancing Enjoyment. . . Dick Valleanu Trio' wth1 ohHil, vocalist. Saturday, Sept. l6th SUPPER DANCING E ntertain-11ment from 8: 30 p. m. I POACHEO TURBOT BONNE FEMME incud 1Mot d luror tte I~ro 8.3RAYA?0 p.unDAY WcliAL IISH PB AARINATED PKTEE GREAT! ~:ou orluicMO$T .2 IN HON:30p3m-3ut73 cosinvi Join the celebration!, Colo,3nel Sandeîs' 88th Celebrate the Colonel's 88th birthday with a Snack Pack for just 88e. That's one cent for each year, a real saving! A Snack Pack contains two pieces of 'finger lickin' good' Kentucky Fried Chicken, and golden brown french frics. Kentuck9 Fr'ed Ckike1t Coonel Sanders' boys and g0rs make it fnger lckinr good., OVER 100 LOCATIONS IN ONTARIO-SEE VOUR PHONE BO0K FOR THE ONE NEAREST YOU. IndianRock Paintings at Bowmanville Museum N ORMAN'S ETR Zénith SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS TELEVISION - STEREO MODULARS RECORDS and TAPES Bowmanville Mail Oshawa 623-4535 1218 Simcoe N., 579-2411 Hours: Mon. -Fri. 9 -9 Saturday 9 -6 "We're Not Big . .. Jus? the Best", ~Sunday Brunch A Great Opportunity for an Affer Church Get Together. 4 11la.m. to,2 p.m. $4,0,per person cphut the cfamtpj'6o, a î jjyàitciu &Ildoo a 1id Outdook C,4eated 9OOpg-* Liberty St. S. at 401 Bowmanv(IIe dm dm 9 Ring St. W. 623-5412 Cards 50c each or 3 f or 1.oO 3- Is -e -e -1