September 12, 1978 Judge J. Addison, Toronto, presided with Acting Crown Attorney G. Pollîtt and Duty Counsel Mr. McGregor. Bench warrants were issued for Lorraine Beavis, Richard Miller, Derek Ross, Malcolm McDonald, Kevin McDougal, Bench warrant in discretion for Christopher Ward, Edward Robinson, Duncan Bain. Clifford Blair, 448 Loring Ave., Oshawa, Steven R. Popovics and Wayne F. Thiele, 20, both of 126 Barrie Ave., Oshawa, pleaded 'guilty' to having in their possession a C.B. radio knowing',it to have been obtained by inidictment. Each were placed on probation, to keep the peace, after which a conditional discharge wilI bie given. Michael Ilimes, 27, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, was charged Juýne 28 by P.C. Logan 'did drive after consuming over .08'. Ie pleaded 'guilty'. Ife was observed eastbound on IlighWay 2 and struck a hole. Tests were .14 and .13. The fine was $175. and costs, in default 15 days. License suspension three months. Theodore Deriet, 43, Orono, was placed on probation for 18 months after being charged August 18 'did unlawfully and without excuse damage the property of Durham Region Police by kicking at a cruiser door.' Const. Rudman, Hayne and Smith were investigating a domestic dispute. lie bad been drinking heavily. lie was belligerent. lie is to report to P rovincial Court prohation officer as reqUired after which a condilional discharge wiII hbe given. The judge advised hlm to seek he]p for bis alcoholic problem. Ile is to keep the peace between bis wife and children. Neil Robison, 23, 70 Cambridge Ave., Toronto, pleaded 'guilty' to a, charge laid August 20, 'did drive af ter consuming over .08.' Const. Whiteley observed him westbound on Hlighway 401 in beavy traffic driving erratically. Tests were .14. The fine was $175. and costs, in default 15 days. Robert Wilson, 24, 108 King St. E. Bowmanville, was sentenced to three months in jail with recommendation it can be served under TAP. Ie pleaded 'guilty' to a charge laid July 17 at Bowmanville 'did drive after consuming over .08.' PC. Payne observed a vehicle being driven and squeaiing the tires. Tests were .20 and .19. lie was also p]aced on prohation for two years and during the first year, he is flot to drive anywhere in Canada. Scott Walker, l9, Minden, pleaded 'guilty' to driving while disqualified on August 15. P.C. Tucker and Rudman observed hlm southbound on Hlighway 35. Ie failed to stop for a stop sign. Ife was sentenced to 30 days in jail to be served intermittently until full sentence is served. This will he followed by probation for one year. lie is not to operate a vehicle for six months. Several young people received a $100. fine and costs or 15 days after pleading 'guilty' to possession of marijuana. Michael Yarrow, 17, W.R. 1, Bowmanville, Donna J.N. Adcock, 18, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, Leonard B. Corvers, 19, R.R. 4, Bowman- ville, (harles Newton, 26, 39 Leahurst Ave., Scarhorough, John B. Lammers, 19, 1 Thomas St. Cobourg, George T. Chapman, 21, 787 Willett Ave., Windsor, William Cberewaty, 20, 1111 Cloverdale, Oshawa. John A. Ilineman, 18, 32 Water St. Cobourg, Kenneth George, Morrow, 21, Oshawa, Paul T. Oster, 24, 37 Leahurst Ave., Scarborough, Bradley Charles Trimble, 23, R.R. 2, Newcastle. Two 16 year' olds charged with possession of marijuana were placed on probation for one year after which a conditional discharge will be given. Shelley Murdock, 243 Liberty St. N. Bowmanville, Maynard Paul 'Hialloran, 192 Badat St. Toronto. David and Linda Woolner, 10 First St. Bowmanville, were eacb fined $200. and costs or 15 days after pleading 77 King Street East Bowmanville Values Effective at Bowmanville Store Only Kevin Crago at the Orono Fair. Time and Patience Nleeded to Raise Prize-'Wlyinning Caif For the second, year in a row, 17-year-old Kevin Crago will be the only 4H Club member from Durham County to compete in the Queen's Guineas Competition at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. The grade eleven student from Courtice High School will be up against some stiff competition this year with 465 entries from across Ontario registered. "It's a challenge," says Kevin. "Last year I entered just to pick up information on showîng and breeding." 1 The Royal is two months away, but Kevin began making plans to exhibit last January when he chose bis prize caîf. If there hadn't been a good enough caîf to exhibit James' Insurance Agency Limited 24 King St. E. Bowmanville Forall vour insurance needs Do ug James at 623-4406 Accountancy WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 3612 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 O. V. SNODDON 212 Liberty St. North Bookkeeping and Tax Service Business: 623-7950 Residence: 623-7308 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.k 118 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 JOHN P. WINTERS Chartered Accountant 20 Co 1 borne St. W. Osnawa, Ontario Phone 579-5659 or 623-582à on bis parents' farm, Kevin says he would have bought one. From January until the day of the competition there's plenty of work to be done to the caîf, enough to keep Kevin busy during after school hours. An exact record of what the caîf is fed per month must be kept in order to watch how much weight it gains. The caîf must also be trained to stand quiet for a judge. Training takes a great deal of patience and time. Each day Kevin will tie the caîf to a post for a few minutes. Gradually, as the time the caîf is tied up each day increases, it will become. accustomed, to standing still. A taîl, well-muscled caîf with a straight back, is what judges look for. In order to build muscle on the caîf it bas to be exercised. Kevin says be walks bis caîf about one mile each day to build up good muscle. After painstaking grooming and training the caîf will be WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 Chiropractic LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chiropractic 270 King St. East Bowmanville Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropracior Office: '15 Elgin Street Corne±r of Horýey Street Phonc 6,23 5509 Office Hours: By appointment LEONARD JAY, B. Sc-, D. Cý Doclor of Chroprn,i 96 Qu<n Sfr,-I Bowm-n,Jij;- Phoncr ,.'i' /9/ ready for the Royal. It must be in its staîl one day before the competition begins so judges can see how neat and tidy competitors keep the barn area assigned to them. "Last year I spent one-and- a-half days just clipping my caîf," says Kevin. "When you're clipping you try to get the hiait on the head and body in proper proportion, otherwise the head may look too small or too large," hie added. Clipping is a tricky business. Properly clipped the calf's hair can cover blemishes such as warts, or hide hollows in the back.' The Queen's Guineas competition commences at 8 arn. and by 2 p.m. all 465 calves will be auctioned off to a meat packing company. A year's work will be gone, but the competition and the challenge not forgotten. Give Heart FundM DXPREMIUM D '~QUALITY Attention Farmers, ýl Why Pai Save on Premium Quality GASOLINE - DIESEL FUEL MOTOR OIL and FUEL Ol - PROMPT DELIVERY - Out-of-town calls, please cail collect. REASONABLE PRICES DXOIL S668-3381 1517 Dundas St. E. Whitby IL Dental1 DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D. D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 1 '9:30 9 pm. including Saturday Tel ephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Stre'et Fasi Professional BIdg. Office Hours: ,Weekdays9 5 Telephone 623 7412? If busy 623 4731 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPy CLINIC 36 KingSt. W. 623-4473 Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Frn. 8:30 'tii 5:00 FRESH! SHOULDER Otbrest îBP16 ork DUTI B 9 Sausage PKG.169 Roasts Lý9 SCH NEIDER 'S Oktoberf est 1-LB. Pork Burgers PKG. SCHN EIDERS Oktoberf est Sauerkraut' $ln6gFR ESH I 50069 Pork PKG49e Side Ribs %0IU3v OPEN DAILY MON., TUES., SAT. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. WED. - FR1. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. SUN. 10 a.m. -' 5 p.m. Delivery in Town, 623-4161 CHOCOLATE CHIP<700-g), CREME ASSORTMFNT (700-g) OR BIG VALUE(231/2 DZ.> $4 f McCormick's Biscuits PKG.69 MR. BIG, CRISPY CRUNCH, ROSEBUDS, JERSEY MILK, MALTED MILK, ASSORTED BARS OR SWEET MARIE Neilson's PKG 0F 4 7Ole Candy Bars-REGULAR SIZE BARS I i REGULAR, RIPPLE. SALT & VINEG-AR, DR BARBECUE FLAVORED Humpty Dum pty 2259 RO Potato Chips PKG. 9 LIQUID JavexFL z ura B Ieach PLASTIC BTL. MFG. PREPRICED $1.99 Fleecy 12-F. O. PLASTIC Fabric Sot tener BTL. 18 POWDERED ArCtic Power 6 LITRE $9~ Detergent BOX 2 5 FACIELLE ROYALE WHITE OR YELLOW 2 ROLL Cfl Bathroom Tissue PKG. %J Listerine 500 i S1 Mouthwash Bi[1 .9 RIGULAR ONLY ,' S1 $ ColgateToothpaste im 1ý ShicklB Razor Blades POLY, 26- X36-, 15 MII Catchal Garbage Bags .Maxwell House Istant e $lm4 CEREAL Posi Alpha-Bits 450-g9 11 BOX IGA 160O-1 Raisin Bread LOAFI IGA Apple Pie SIZ'EEA. 89e PRICES EFFECTIVE WED., SEPT. 20 TO SAT., SEPT. 23,1978. ONTARIO GROWN CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Cau Iiflower' 2FOR$1 q hmmmâ ONTARIO GROWN99 MushroomsLB ONTARIO GROWN DE 2-LB 99 CANADA No. 1 GRADE -3 sB S Greenhouse FOR$ DE à% à%- Seedless umbr U BAGS FROM THE REPUBLIC 0F SOUTH AFRICA ;h 4f FOR $1 Vaencia Oranges ::OZ.~ ~5 TREESWEET, UNSWEET ENED FROM CONCENTRATE 48-FL. D Z. TIN RDMAR 90, ALL BEEF 1isOz S~ Dog & Cat Food 3 TINS 1i HIGHLI1NER, FROZEN Boston Fillets 16 D. 9 9 e- FROZEN, APPLEDORAPPLE CRUMB S4If cILMrs. Smith's ies 26-DZ. PKGq1 KRAFT MILO CRACKERBARREL 8DOZ 9 Cheddar Cheese PKG 99 10000 PURE FROIM CONCEN-TRATE UNSWVEETENED 64-FL $ 9 FBI Orange Juice DZ. BTL $1.2 100' PURE VEGETA LE OIL 1 LB - 9 Monarch Margarine PKG. OF 50 12.89 'guilty' to failing to file an income tax return for 1976 as requested by the Bellevilp office. Dennis Richard flanc, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, pleaded 'not guilty' to driving while ability was impaired by alcohoI or drug on March 2. Consts. Partridge and Rudman followed a car north on Liberty St. at a high rate of speed to Taunton Rd. where the car was somnetirnes weaving from lane to lane. Ie was taken to the detachmentý for a breath reading. lie refused to take the test after calling bis lawyer. Const. Milîs said 'There was a strong odor of alcohol on his breath.' The-impaired driving charge was dismissed as there was some doubt. lIe was convicted for refusing the test and the fine was $100. and costs, wîth license suspension. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Et-.1m't-T--. iï. lietifl, àk -6 DEVO Pie.'C'es ,,Ste Mmmwm@ý.