6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Septeni ber 20, 1978 Section Two FiveGenerations Get Tg ther Here On Monday, Sept. il, 1978, the five generations in the photograph herewith met for the first time at Strathaven Nursing Homne in Bowman- ville. They range 'fromf Mrs. Maud Rawlitison in her 96th year, througb Mr. John Fletcher Rawlinson, Mrs. Ju4ne Jelley and Mr. Ronald j elleY to-Miss Laura Jelley, aged 2, and Miss Andrea Jelley, aged 5 months. As the four older generations live in Bowmaaville, Severn Bridge, Ottawa and Montreal respect- ively, convenient time and place for a meeting were bard to arrange but the occasion of the wedding of Roa's sister Diane in Toronto on September 9 brought a gatherîng of the clan. Ethel Maud Belle Peart, was bora in Cainsville, near Brantford, on December 4, 18M2, shortly after the death of ber fatber when a train crashed into bis horse and buggy at a level crossing near bis home. The liability of the railway company for the accident was established only after lengtby litigation over many years whicb reached the Privy Council in London, Englaad. The family, consisting of mother, six daugbters and a son moved to Pickering to be near Mrs. Peart's father wbo was a farmer. Maud remembers produce from the farma being taken for sale at Port Hope, evidently then a more important market tban Toronto. As the cildren grew older, grandfather decided tbat eacb should learn a trade (Maud's was bookkeeping) and arraaged for thema to move from Pickering to Toronto to benefit from the larger opportunities for employment. Maud obtained a job witb the precursor of Bell Canada, and rose to be a long-distance operator. She remembers placing calîs for senior members of the Eaton family. In July 1903 Maud mharried George Rawlinsoa wbo had come to Canada from Market Rasen, near Lincoln, England, because bis healtb was thought to be endangered by consumption, now known as tuberculosis, or TB. His new environment suited bim so well that be ived to be 85 aad did not die until 1954. For maay years be was employed by Eatons as a butcher, a trade be bad learned rom bis family in England. George and Maud bad t'heir first cbild, John Fletcher in 1905 followed by Evelyn in 1914 and Hubert la 1923 - truly a well-spaced family! Apart from two years in Vancouver in 1951-3 by wbicb time the children had lef t home, the, Rawlinsons lived la Toronto altbougb Maud took several trips to Europe in the forties and fifties establishing contacts witb George's family as well as sigbtseeing. Fletcher was mecbanically minded and after some years in the automobile business set up bis owa garage in Leaside. Contacts be made tbere led bim to join the Leaside Fire Dept. ia wbich he rose to be District Cbîef before retiring in 1970. lHe was an ardent fisherman and hunter for many years but since bis retirement bas contented himself w'itb golf at Severn Wha you don't know can tum people off. Bridge in the summer and Mesa, Arizona, ia the wixfler. In 1928 he married Violet Parker, youagest daughte]r of Albert and Elizabeth Parker wbo bad come to Canada fromf Kent, England. Fletch and vi lived in Toronto where their oaly daughter June, was bora and raised. Other tban ber family, ber interests are needlework and travel. Ia July, 1948, June married William Jelley of Newmarket who, after serving in World War II, was graduated from the University of Toronto in Electrical Engineering An 1949. He obtained employment with Bell Canada for whom hie stili works as Project Director of the International Division. His career has sent him to several cities in Ontario as well as Montreal and in recent yearsfor short visits to Peru; on some of these June has accompanied him. Bill and June have two chîldren; Ronald born in August 1950 and Diane born in May 1952. The former is the fourth link ia the five generations and the third to be employed by Bell Canada, hie is in the computer field. He has a great interest in antiques and genealogy and has been the chief instigator of the five-generation, get- together. In August 1973 Ron married Wilma Simpsop of Montreal who shares his4enthusiasm for "1ah tbings old and beautiful". Their daughters, Laura and Andrea, complete the five generations. Maud Ra'wlinson has lived in Bowmanville for five years, first with Mr. and Mrs. Weyburn Adams at 98 Cburch Street and latterly, when she required nursing care, at Strathaven Nursing, Home where she is one of the two oldest residents. Two further contacts of the family with Bowmaaville are provided by Maud's ,oaly daughter, Evelyn, who is married to Norman Smith, aow retired after forty years with Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, and your present scribe. In the summer moaths the Smiths live in a "graadmother" apartment in the house owned by their younger daugbter, Elaine, who is married to Douglas Barber, a local barrister and- solicitor. Record Secon'd Quarter For Goodyear Company The second quarter of this year, wbich protluced a quarterly sales record and the highest profit for aay second quarter in Goodyear Caaada's history, iadicated that the compaay had "turned the corner"~ toward continued improvement for the rest of 1978, president J. Robert Hicks told the receat quarterly management meeting. "Those resuits la the second quarter did't just bappen," be said. "Tbey were brougbt about by our cocerted effort. " (Second quarter sales of $103.4 million were $22 million bigber than the first quarter of thîs year and $8.8 million more than the corresponding quarter of 1977. Sales for the first baîf of this year reacbed an ali-time bigh for any six-moath period). Hicks said that because of a disappoiating first quarter, the compaay bas a major task abead to equal last year's profits. " ... but I am not willîng to coacede defeat at this point. In fact, 1 am bopeful you will agree we should not abandon our original objective of beating last year." Along Nvitb the Tiempo all-se ason radial tire, wbich be called "a big plus", Hicks said tbe compaay bas the tires to help it surpass the profits of 1977. "We are coming into the F32 season of the year, and we know no one can match us there, " be commeated, adding that the popularity of the Eagle Radial tire and the Unisteel radial truck tire is growing. In June, he said, more Unisteel tires were sold than lna ay previous montb. Hicks said tha t tire production is up, and substantial U.S. orders could be la the offing if costs and quality prove satisfactory. The Toronto plant organization under its manager Norm Pearson bas made considerable progress la the last few montbs, be said, addiag: " . b ave every confidence we can do wbat aeeds to be done to get those orders. " Bmuild Your IOwn BEAVERHOME -*-0 (10.13.1 Attitudes change- Like the way people feel about electricity Once, rnany people uised ait they could. Until it was discovered that electricity isnt a bottomless weIl Now more and more of us use electricity carefully Because waste of electricity like anything everybody really needs, can tumn people off. Today, if's better to turn off a light bulb than tumn off a frîend. Wasting eleeticity turns people if. This message is brought to vou by yeur 1 tydro on dIxhalf of peo6ple who care> HY8-3345 2550~3 2. MIl OlUfl 0 - t t ~ 206 SM It.# ,IY.#~ UMIUU 62.6,04 3 lU I BU Il -t Please Note that this version of the Dorset incorporates some specification changes from the Dorset shown ln aur 1978 catalogue. Dorset Economy Model COMFORrABLE, EASY LIVING, Wfll-ITH-IS ECONOMICAL. EFFICIENT FLOOR PLAN DESIGN. 936 SQ. FI. (86.957 SQ. M.) 1 Attractively designed exterior and interior. Featured design la the wellighted large living room, and a step-saver kitchen arrangement with adjacent country style eating area. ITwo good sized bedrooms, equipped with spacious closet room. IA dropped landing at the rear entrance, has ample coat storage space. Basic Package only For more information, plan to attend the home clinic being held at the Beaver Store in Bowmanville. Thursday Evening SEPTEMBER 2lst 7:00 p.m. Io 9:00 p.m. 246 King St. E. Bowmanville What is beautiful hair? It is hair that is sof t to the touch, yet strong. It is hair that has glorious body and sheen. Many products on the market today dlaim that they can make hair beautiful, but do thev reallv work? Your cosmetologist knows that to'maintain truly beautiful hair, hie or she must adhere strictly to scientific fact. Beautiful hair begins with structurally competent hair. And no matter what some advertisements may say, in order to have beautiful hair you have to know just how structurally competent it really is. What-determines whether or not, hair is structurally competent? Each woman's hair is di ff er e nt. Many variables, chemicai, physical and mechanical properties, to, namne just a few, determine the condition (or structural competency) of your hair. Now there's a way to accurately test and evaluate some of thse important variables. Through many years of scientific research, Redken Laboratories Inc. had developed a series of techniques in order to study in detail the condition of your hair. Salons now have the means to analyse the internai structure of the hair. This salon service is called Trichoanalysis, a new concept to enable the professional Cosmetologist to better understand both the physical. and the microscopic properties of the hair keratin protein. Two prices of equipment are necessary to perform this analysis, 1972 marked the beginning of major significant advances in hair research knowledge. It was found, that when a fl Todays J by Beverley 3 Quartz Red Compensator was inserted in a microscope along with two polarizers, a certain color p henomenon appeared in the hair keratin structure. When a hair sample was placed on the stage of the microscope at a 45 degree angle in relation- ship to the two polarizers and the Quartz Red 1 Compen- sator, four vivid colors could be seen in the cortical fibers, green, blue, magenta (or red) and yellow. The analysis is based on the way these colors interact and the diameter of the hair shaf t. This instrument is called a Trichoscope. To achieve a complete and thorough analysis you also need the help of the Electronic Trichogram. This is a sophisticated precision instrument which records the force in gramns necessary to stretch a hair strand to its yieid point (the point where hair will spring back to its natural resting state), also the per cent elongation at break point or what per cent of its original length the hair strand will stretch before it breaks. Armed with these scientific facts a profes- sional Cosmetologist can determine how structurally sound a clients hair is. Whether it wîll accept a permanent wave and achieve the curl they want, or whether that curl will drop out in a week or two or become dry frizzy and breaking. AIso it can determine whether a color will take evenly and hold without fading. If the analysis shows a clients hair is not strong enough f or, these services we have the means to recondition it and Make it strong enough to accept these chemicai services (perm, colors). SHOP EARLY AND SAVE ON TAX INCREASEI, DOWNHILL BEGINNER'S PACKAGE Blizzard Ski PolYglass.-. .. .. .. $1235.00 Tyrol Std. Bndg...... s 50.00 Col Pole. . . *,. . . .1 3.00 Munari-gp Boot...... $ 59.90 Complote ...........$247.90 SALE ......$199.oe0 ~ 77/78 .0OT SALE SCOTT ICASTINGER SANI MARCO MUNARI to4O% OFF SKI SWEATERS By DEMETRE SALE25,%OFF g. e SKI CLOTHING D. S. REID, DITRANI, ANBA INNSBRUCK UP TO 50%oFF OSHAWA'S ALL SKI SHOP Kel Day, CertfIfled Ski Mechanlcs in Shop. CROSS COU NTRY JACK RABSIT .SALE So110 T/Plast Ski. .. .. $49.50 Finngrip Bndg.;. .. .. . $ 1.50 Exel Fiber Pole .... .. .$13.50 Soho0 XIC Boot .. .. .. .$29.50 Reg. -. ..... ...... .$100.00 Sale ...... $ý9 SKI TUNE-UP ALPINE Fiat Flille Hot Wax ...... CROSS COUNTRY Base Clean & , $5.00 Mot Tar...... STRETCH SKI PANTS Dy D. S.REID Reg. $89.00 . S$129.95 A- A ~ Knight's Apple Don Frut Ltde Coiborne, Ontario Announce the opening of a Juice-loading Facility, complete with sca les at Wavorley Road. Bowmanville Apples wiIl be picked up in 400 bushel roll on - roll off containers. Cali1 Col Iect 355-2510 or 349-2521. formulated reactive reconditioning treatments, there was m -ruwih ot much either of us Uâ'#/ coulddo about your hair problem. You see, usually the groblem lies nartin within' t e hair's. structure, or the cortex- as it is referred to by There is a c-omplete prof essional! cosmetolD- range of hair recondi- ogist. So coating the tioning treatments, hair shaft (or its outside each formula in the cuticle layers) in most treatment range is cases does flot help to~ designed to react upon get to where the' the hair's internai problem lies. Each one> molecular structure and of these special treat-ý upon the outer cuticle ments is designed to do: ceils which surround somethîng specific to each individual hair the structure of your~ shaf t. The hair. Why special manageability of our treatments?. Weil hair and its general well special because' they being depends upon a actually work and what delicate balance of more, the effects will protein amino acids and last a. long time. That is, mois ture particles, of course, if you don't go because basically that is upsettin g its. natural what the complex balance b using your, molecular structure of favorite alka 1 me our hair is made up of shampoo that grandma' protein and' moisture. recommended many Sometimes the crucial years ago! Your profes-. balance of protein and, sional cosmetologist moisture in our hair ýwill assess and' becomes upset causing determine which it to become unmanage- problem your hair may able, difficult to style, have and then decide duIl and brittle or limp which one of the range and lank. Sometimes it of treatments will just will not hold a overcome it. Your permanent wave; color cosmetologist will even evenly, or hold a roller explain how your hair set or blow dried style might have got into bad for more than a few condition in the first hours. But don't always place and whats more blame your cosmetolo- important, how to' gist, or even yourself for prevent it doing so in the, your problem hair future. because, until recent In summing up, with highly advanced science on our side how scientifically can we go wrong. 14 I'S TU G H Sales tax goes Up i Otober E1340 Iux. Don't Wait and be Disappointed! BUY NOW AND SAVE! ASSEILSTINE'S YAMAHA BLACKSTOCK - ONTARIO See and Buyatîë Port Perry Snow Show, Se ptem ber 22, 23, 24