2 Today's Woman, Suppement of The Canadian Statesman, Wednesday, June 6, 1979 These Ladies make it run!1 Without these three ladies, Maryanne's wouldn't bel Sa thank-you ladies for running the show. &4oeya1 île 33 King Street West Bowmanville Phone: 623-4351 rWe Would Like to Take This O10pportunity.. to 'sincerely thank our ladies, for, their dedicated service and loyalty. Thnank You Gayle and Jo-A nne fora job well done! Greeting you as you enter our office is Jo-Anne Bunker (left), our receptionist/secretary. Jo-Anne has been with Osborne & Shank Insurance for a year, and has attended seminars to extend her insurance knowledge. Gayle Windsor (right> is the newest licenced insu rance agent to Osborne & Shank Insurance Agency. Gayle has been involved in various aspects of the insu rance business for the past six years and has been with Osborne & Shank for the past three. She is presently furthering her insurance qualifications with studies through the Insurance Institute of Canada.1 108 Liberty St. N Bowmanville 623-2527' GiENERAL *NSURANCE Slmpson Avenue BowmanvIlle Lap- loch Slmpson Avenu. Bowmanville 623-4101 I *1 'i 1% MMUMUP