14 The Canadian Statesma,ýn. , w a 1- e avnber 14 1979 '%'n-623- Auction Sale Grist Mill Auction Centre Newtonville, Nov. l4th Wedniesday, 7:00 p.m. Selling the contents fram the nome of Mrs. Claytan, Port Hope. lncluding Westinghouse f rost f ree fridge, Westing- house 30 inch stave, Hot Paint, mini washer (10 mas. aid),: double Colonial bed, dressers, wardrobe, 7 pc. kitchen set, Dots and panis, glass, dishes. small tables, sealers, oak cabinet, frames, pictures, garden tools, e q ipment, hardware and ot h r gaod items. Terms: Cash or cheque with .D. Auctioneer: Frank Stapleton, 786-2244. 46-1 AUCTION SALE Shaws Public School NOVEMBER 17,1979 Open for Inspection 11:00 a.m. Auction 2: 00 P. M. Property known as Shaws Public School - Part Lot 3, Concession 1, Town of Newcastle, Former Township of Darlington. Lot size 1.47 acres, one classroom, solid brick building, plus one portable frame building, septic tank sysfem and well. Location: 2 miles east of the Town of Bowmanviile on ighway No. 2. CONDIT IONS 0F SALE 1) Sale by auction and sublect to a reserve bid. 2) Deposit 10 percent cash with purchase 3)Balance payable by certi. f led cheque ta The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education within 60 days tram date of sale. Auctioneer - Mr. A. Wotten, Hampton, Ontario. The Northumberland and Newcastle 'Board of Education, Cobourg, Ontario. G.W. Savage Telephone (416) 372-6871£1 Campis D~er a ai Cav._I 25rn'ontales S~~,ur2a. flvem e 2 McLaghlî ý;A isk hllsen5 sida Csv a ro rd oa gootiqel r s for replace- ment i vut c3mmpr-iAI herds. Te 7u ash no t-Oservs,Saeta 1:30 pým Arnot Wo -e-Sae Manager andi auction 263-2583, R. R. 1, Hamptan .45-3N Miai , l'tv"ber 19 Auctin t 16 Bond St. East, Os-a, t'ne astate cf tc-" 6f. csi Mrs. Garnct Thi-pa Cedar St., Wbitby, consît 1. f _ P. mahogary diningiaanstîe 4 pc. walnut badroorni b'e stgospinet type do, si L by side ratrigerator 31"wr-e range, oltic j"r ahîgmachine, 26" colt'a'T ,an înespnr îng wheel, 2a iigroom tablesnormivhoseholdl dishos ot"ar i ons, olus some le- begasdrumn 't ta,-O Pt- ie seat sets,r iap pn aba rap ted abO. at-. în able antitat tbf shaltables with tt A os, office cha*:rs .ct ;'çlt scales, modemroten dadtables, piri aiea r i tables, ,srg b , "' i8- rapes, 9 x 12Ct k rgDncan. Phye ia- "r qch!airs, 3 cedr toc ti abes, pine calfec i "et.-b,,, ne gun rack, idLoad (iahly cary- eti 'ii'cve a grapes). Excel I a-iues anti colte1libs -a tsgaýo modemn furniare. '0a-,ta atend. Lots of paring. vieing Sunday, dayMondaii'. Ross McLeani, Auctio eer -576-7550. if 46-1 (Please Teehoeà f o r FlDe-'-k ABOUTPRC What's your house worth? Wtiat's in 'b st o !be price you can get for it on the current maret? s t the price yau wish you coula uaP? lf a perly is priced way above actual market value, itsi e9v te. -u'Ish unsold. Its true value draps. Peopisle g ' ' atwhy hasn't it sold? What's wrong with tl? s t the price your neighbor sold for? NaolN urfe t hne I identical ta yours, and maintainsd d n ! too. Ech house is just a littie different: eacl-i rau 4îi he i-n-t 'varies a bit. Many factors have ta ho takeri intoacut au t 4ftae a price is set. What's your house worth? There's na eýt-ty Anw d set- ting an asking price is no job for r am', l the è pertise of a prof essional ta conu d- H F p.perty current comparables - even the mala.Gc i , ir- and corne Up wifh the right figure. When vau ,. t acy fa Put a price on YOUR house, cal ldvan Peat, .-8/4733. Wednesday, Novemnber 21 11 a.m. 75 Head Hosteins selling at ffhe Wilson Sales Arenia, 2 mi. north of Uxbridge. Ail listed. lnciudîng a group of fresh cows and hieifers -caws miiking up ta 90 lb. A fresh Kemp heifer selîs with a~ Clinton Cam p Ma lesty heifer caîf. Also a sharp frsh heife r bv Almerson Rockmfan Lester. A big powerful heifer by, Romandale Crusader. 40 open heifers seiiing including sonne grades and N.l1.P. HEIFE RS. These heifers are ail isted and suitabie for transplant heifers or ready ta take home ta breed. 18 head in this sale corne fram Delormes at Sturgean Falls înciudirig caives by Ultimate, Royalty, Perseus Mark. Also selling a Service Age bull. If you wish ta consi gn tq this sale please cai. SaieJ Manager anti Auctianeer Lloyd Wilson, Uxbridge, Ont. 416-852-3524. 46-1 Safurday, Novemnber 17 1-1 a.m. Auction sale of real estate, furniture and antiques for the estate of the late Gordotn Shunk, R.R 1, Port Perry. 1 mi. north of the Port Perry Fairgraunds on Con. 8 ('ust south of the former yel t 9w schoi house). Real estate- I bedroam bungalow ai approx. 2 acre lot, tuil basement, ail furnace. Terris on praperty $3,000 down day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Praperty sold subject ta appravai of executors. Con- tents include china cabinet, two piece parlar suite (antique), sofa bed wilh matching chair, rocking chair, sewîng machire, sewing cabinet, spoon collec- tion, sait and pepper coller- tion, cups and saucers (Royal' Meakîn, Queen Anne, Germany, Stafford, Windsor, Gadstone, Occupied Japant, antique cat tea pot, depressian glass, antique dishes, caok- ware, fridge, antique dressers, chest of drawers, si ngie beds, bedding, linen, dryer washing machines, f reezer, piaypen, high chair, carriage, wood stave, caftes table, end tables, bocks, pocket watches, bedroom suite, parlar table, TX.V antique radia, aid school desk, 1970%Mata-Ski (28 h.p.), assorý1 ed woad and aiuminum windows and doars, spacre heater and ail tank, caster with 6 batties, Gunstock chair Sressback high chair, oak itchen cabinet , harvest table with pine top, ash legs, and matching drap leaf table wiih pine tojý and ash legs, Crown sealers, Victory seaiers (1925), York peanut butter jars, oak frame and picture, tools, power lawn mawer, rota fiiier, extension iadder, plus many aherites. Sale at il a .Sale managed and sold b LloydWilson Auctions, U,,dge, 416-852-3524. 46- Auction Sale Saturday, November 17 at 11: 30 a.m. The property of Mr. Nel MacDonald in the village -f Myrtie on highway 12, 4 miles north of Braoklin. Househol i furnîture, numbt.r of antiques, coliectible items andt lcs also ta be offereti subledt I reserve bîd. ine rom home, bathraam and furnace, situai- ed on 2.9 acres with small barn- and garage. Terms on prope~r- ty $5,000 day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Terms cash art turniture. FarI Gausiir, auý.c;""neer,640 3079. 46-1 N GmtAucI ion Sale GitMiil Aucf ion Centre Newtonville, Nov. 16th, Fnida y, 7: 00 pm Sefi:ny a variety of dat-pet-, single batis, wardroba, 4 pcotct- bcd, odd chairs, smali fri-igo (good 2 yrs. oid), glass, dîshes, and numnerous othet- articles, also cil turnace (94,000). Terms: Cash or choque with .D. Auctioneer: Frank Stapleton 786-2244. 46-11N Maps indicating propose-'are for North/South roads and streets in the town of Ne.,.,- týe IIl be on display in Various. public places. (isted beIowt). BOWMANV1LLE' Durham Region Police 0Office Fire Department Library Post Off ice Town Hall Works Depot - Liberty Street Southi DARLINGTON Hampion M unicipal Office Hampton Post Office Solina Community Hall Tyrone Community Centre Works Depot -Taun ton Road CLARKE C'larke Public Lîbrary Newtonvîlle Community Centre Orono Posi Office Orono Works Depot VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE Community Hall O.PRP. Office The proposea names apl -o ; os roads and streets which are flotprstynaedb yLw Any questions o-,r Comrn"e i- i0 dreCted to the office of the undersigned. J. Dunhamn Director of Pubic Works, Town of Newcastle. Hampton. LOB 1iJO. 416: 263-2231 987-5039 Satudayl'~i~cmbr 17 The panRg. husehold furnHCura ana a-litasupplies of the latt -tfD,.ummond, Somrnerv C ) t, rno, Ont. lnclus.ed niascie is a suite in r~ srco--ndition, Heinrt- apryipiano in pet'-cti aa4'n alcolm and Hîl i-s,; lae berocmn suite, sec say itables, tw.n anttrut, t,îchairs, Philips ts a etintity of trar~s o a u astrunks, Colat ; î1c'wre, bock ca os, -co aneEnter- prise ao, onition, 8, ber h - Frigidaire Wasla- nt 'y ,: e new, quoi it, gad dtati tacs, antique ab cr ge, quanti- ty gad tal lsapproxi- tF', lae monb peihtk i Reid, aucuaaar Irvnce and Chat-t-cl eleks. g46-1 Sa'urdav navmer 17 For a tblaWst nu~~;' th-pcis'ments. ba~k &Dec. radial arm SdW N~'an tiiasaw with stand i t2"range, Mottat au e atîdt-yr, Thor wringr vtr 1e l(cvitiator r' ~t (-e as pcea tentai ~ va),Attnx stove, sh'e~~~ a-itet iker iz.le..hîa r î~ ý,wth linen draarhurp îcktrunk,. patista taleancwash "ta~~~ ci t hairs, bt-dg.~ i t-tophead r,,'c, ma- chair, Atirita ~rtantiwhite B'bi, 1< ,~l ,..itlself c'crîî . s r i.id suite, da.,}c t sa pod rugs, Simpid aeset pri dryer, va ut ie i-broom, brass tr iro Hns and screenaid s ar wooden waa w'e s,'tam cans, china i asae electric ,..i"ht ie , kîtchen- ware, a s lInon, and nure u a'er msTerms cash \~reserve. Nortura -t-' , Auction Servi r> . aaiLean, auc t rMa .t'3522403. 46-1 7 mi!o "'.ut'nsa y on the Lindsayt ti ",în Rd.The prop ery' A-and Mrs. OavdP .ddP î 'tLndsay who . c ravn~westplus othe ~ a. 3piece mode a eJ u, sitegreern Mot.s~ efe. i orrocking chrs irt stcmaiic va.ht-. îrr t, M-n suite, calt- V." tah alftchina sabr- x- cobi na tict ci4 utIrawers, Clc n t', r atching chai*r, '"î g chairs, refigat-ct'r i-ingtables, dresse , u )fr'i new fence wt-tlathe, 14 ft îj g . as '20 h.p. 1969 t.MsAouette snowr e il, -1 bchain s~a" -frftiil ic anîchess Menr trtcer.' Liuton pictes ,,aaa o ified) Pius raîy"ot.aniues, fur-""r" ,.. ue hold ices ' t (ornieit, au i,, ' H ,, Lttie Eriv-2i1 13b 46-1 N thoir ovr Nov. Itt andiM- Devuv i on worrt ttmet',a falto "' h'aW eld ti or Thurs. lit om f Mr. t .î AI coim. -lAgnes dc ii'meeting le li l" The ý,'navned by b - etheme c : t-iýi beseti L idaread e s uject >, uotken TAKE Ntsf ItCEr1 HAT a PuOitc Meein tof Th'r!t quorLictente Botaarr fi t- ho w h ineied ai T i i-E Rn (A I Lrn' E.tGION, f17 t-JF/ "t H-T, PETER- a DRa!Jtt- OT UtO, on 1979 itithe- ýo',rt Oo'.-ct-kin the totenoo,rai wht o ,ime the Board wil eapin atiomnsfar newti,"- jdante with Te Lquoi Uhetc' Act,1975 and Pegulafi:st erri rer The talloiots top ta t tk fiet as applit t o a it"ofatht"e cass ndictet-, and tre apiication w i an nite a tri dai t'- atore- mentioaocalOion and time. ttowrnvinceZooRestautrant Townî ot Nt-atie (MA: 3- D'n t: t Bowm tss DtnW tL & atte AN-D t-atk-hî r t "ICIC t at arîypet or: tr t.' d ntin fihe anctp. , d wo at. es ttrnxev-,r v.. t a treiatitcf ih ap ar ,halak t-"nteir ohrns a: o t ai 'oard rwrir:ng Drnttori the tnt: ng, or tr per t t 't'p leof r t i r red to Ille a pli c - 't- tf - t recfor, ttqort oard of Ortarto, 55 a3-, e-iard East, j: t: vI517 IA4ý 'St nt- tfi M RAN D P ONTYPr»hOOL St. Thomas More's Catholic Women's, League held their November meeting on the 7th at the parish rectory ini Millbrook. Plans 'were finalized for theirChristmas Bazaar in November. Posters with details are going up SOOn. The December CWL meeting will be on the evening of the 5th et 'the home of Mrs. Carolyn Johnson in Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Curtis and family moved into their new home on the 3rd line over the weekend. Visitors with Barrie and Lynda Sytnyk over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Plunkett and family of Cumberland Beach. We send speedy get-well wishes to Agnes Mangan who spent part of lest week in hospital in Mississauga. She was there when ail patients hed ta be evacuated due to the train derailment and escaping ges. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mangan and family were also forced to leave their home and were among the many gathered in the Square D Shopping Centre. Jack Mangan was spending the weekend witb his son and reports that, at the time of the explosion, his bedroom was brightly lit up and the new bouse, just two years old, was vcry badly shaken. Ail came home ta Pontypool on Sunday. It will probebly be days bef are the femily can go back into their Mississauga home. We are glad that Karen Neals was able ta return home from hospital la&t week. It will bc a wbile before she returas ta school. .1 The Manvers Ladies Auxilîary bas had cook books published. These are now on sale and may be purchased at stores in the township and from euxiliary members. Tbey would make excellent Cbristmas'gifts. In the teen bowling on Fridey night higb singles were rolled by Jim Stewart and David, Fellis witb 195 and 194 respectively. David bad higb double of 387 and Jim followed witb 349. In the Ladies Bowling League on Monday Alte Curtis again topped the bowlers with a single 256 and a double of 428. Sedie Kirk returned home tram John Chapter 4: 7-15. Tbey then sang a sang "Young Jesus, Friend of Women". Another poem "A Woman's Creed" and the devotional was ciased with prayer. The rail ceil was answered by 14 members wîth 1 visitor, present., Secretary Thora Gray read the minutes. of previaus meeting. Audrie Brown gave the Treasurers report revealing a tidy profit from the Roast Beef Dinner et Thanksgiving încluding the Bezear. Eileen Malcolm provided the Ftruit and Flower repart. A sum of money was vated ta the Committee for Christmas treets for sick and ahtn nd treets for the Sunday Scbool. Mrs. Jeanne MeMahon of Bethany gave a very informative telk on Jury Duty. Linde Ff oh thanked Jeanne and presented ber with a gift. $15.00 was voted ta the Indien Home for Girls. At the December meeting the members are expected ta hrîng gifts for the girls at the on Sunday following a week's visit with her sister and brnther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. MeNutt, in Grand Prairie, Texas, which is not far from Fort Worth. Sadie enjoyed ber flights very much. Her trip home was on, a brand new plane, just recently off the assembly line. Michelle and Bradley Morton of Blackstock spent the weekend with their grand- parents, Cliff and Yvonne Fallis. Morris and Marilyn Jackson and girls of Mississauga were spending the weekend with Fred and Kay Youngmnan when tbey heard on the news about the train accident and evacuation of homes in the area. They are staying with their parents until they are able -ta return to their Mississauga home. Miss Marg Scott was in charge of the Sunday morning service in Pontypool United Church. During the Remembrance Day Service Frank Stacey sang as a solo, "God of our Fatbers." Miss Scott told the girls and boys a very interesting story on the meaning of bravery using as an example a flower blooming in tbe midst of a forest which had been destroyed by fire. Congratulations are sent ta Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baldwin wbo were married in Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. Baldwin was the former Joyce Hamilton Ford. Attending tbe wedding fromn this area were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton, Mrs. Barbara Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Beggs, Mrs. Ralpb Porter and Mr. Paul Mucha. Mrs. Grace Fallis visited with ber rýiother, Mrs. Spade- man in Toronto on Saturday. Saturday night and Sunday were spent at the home of Katby and Cosmos Carchidi, Janetville. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dewar have as their house guests, Keith's cousin, Bill and Louise Crumley of Malden, Mass. Ray and Gail Cameron have sold their home and will be moving to Janetville. The new owners are Mr. and Mrs. Rose wbo will be movîng bere from Bethany. Victor Home for Women in Toronto. Plans were completed for the, serving af lunch at the Norman Wilson Auction Sale on Nov. 10. Mrs. Linda Pfoh gave a repart on the rally beld in Bobcaygeon in October. Agnes Hawe introduced the new president of the Lindsay Presbytery - Yelverton's own Linda Pf oh. Hearty congratulations are extended ta Linda on baving this honor conferred upon ber. The nominating committee for the 1980-81 are ta be the present executive of the U.C.W. plus Doris Rowan. A delicious dinner was served by the hostess Eileen and Brenda Malcolm. Mr. Terry Malcolm and Mr. Floyd Stî,nson have eech enjoyed a weeks deer hunting in their respective camp. Mr. and' Mrs. Norman Wilson beld a successful furniture and farm implement sale on Set. Fartunately the PADDY'S MARKET New and Used Furniture and Appliances Trade-Ins Accepted on Appiances - Easy Credit Terms Available - Telophone 263-2241 Hampton THE CORPO RATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE NOTICE 0F HIGHWAY CLOSING TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, at a Council meeting to be held at the Council Chambers, Police Building, Bowmanville, Ontario, on Monday, the 3rd day of December 1979, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, propose ta pass a by-law to stop up and close and ta authorize the sale of thase parts of Third Street and the unnamed lane lying within Part 1 on Plan 1OR861 which praperty is part of Lot 9, Broken Front Con- cession, in the former Town of Bowmanville, more particu- larly described as fol1lows: ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle,'Regional Municipality of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed 0f: FIRSTLY, ail of Third Streef lying befween Blocks I and F, and Blocks L and G, according to the Smart Estate Plan of the former Town of Bowmanville within Lot Nine (9) in the Broken ýFront Concession, extending t ram the Easterlv limit of Simpson Avenue ta the Westerly limit of Block H, and ifs production Northerly. SECONDLY: ail of an unnamed lane lying between Blocks G and H, according fa the aforesaid Smart Estate Plan of the former Town of Bowmanville wifhin Lot Nine (9) in the Broken Front Concession, exfending Northerly from the North limit of Second Street ta the Easterly production of the Southerly limit of Third Street aforesaid. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE thaf the Council intends ta authorize the conveyance thereof ta abufting awners. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that before passing the ssid by-law Council, or a Commitfee of Council, shaîl hear in person, or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any persan who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the by- iaw and who applies ta be heard. DATED at the Town of Newcastle this 31sf day of OCTOBER, 1979. J. M. MIcI LROY, A. M.C.T., Clerk Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario 44-4 The Science and Beauty of Hair Beautiful hair, hair that's dlean and strong, has shimmer and iight. You see it in the way each strand bounces with body and life. The beauty of it - and the science - hinges on the fact that structurally the hair is approximately 97 per, cent protein. The remaining 3 per cent is composed of pigments, minerais and trace lipids. Each strand is made up of three layers; al three must be in optimum condition for your hair to look its best.' The outermost layer, the cuticle is a shingle- like formation of keratin protein. When the cuticle is in good condition, the shingles lie flat and are compact. The next layer, the cortex, is composed of protein and moisture delicately in balance, one with the other. If this balance is upset, the hair becomes unmanageable. The hoilow shaft within the cortex is called the Medulla. At present its function is not certain. inclement weether pramised failed ta materialize. On Saturday a goodly number from thîs area motored ta Toronto ta hear niece Karen Malcolm and enother gel put on a recital jointly under the guidance of Mr. William Perry on Lindsay et the Royal Conservatory of Music. FollQwing the evening's entertalament around 100 of those present gravitated ta the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Malcolm of Don Milîs for ligbt refresh- ments. Among those present from the local scene were Mrs. Gladys Hendron, 'of Bethany, Mrs. Ray Robinson- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russo, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm and Cendy, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Malcolm and Mona, Miss Jane Connolly and Marti Malcolm, Mrs. Emma Malcolm of Uxbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Kent of Orono. Speedy convalescence ta aur minister's wife Mrs. Art Rogers who is currently in hospital in Toronto recoverîng from a toe aperation, but expects ta be home thîs week in Janetville. To romote the beauty of your naît-, une oi the most remarkable thing-ýs your stylist can offe.,r you is a service cal]e-1 Trichoanalysis. This is a highly effectivc - scienific procedureý--- which determines your hair's condition and gives vital answers on how to improve it. The Science and Beauty of Ski'n Beautiful skin is flawless. Every square inch is supple, smooth, moist, clear. To touch it is to feel velvet. To see it is to know radiance. The more you know about your skin, the easier it will be to make it beautiful. Your skin is a protective envelope that separates you from your environment. By using properly formulated skin care and make-up products, you can maintain your skin's natural beauty. Some soaps, skin care products and make-ups may adversely affect the stratum corneum, the uppermost layer oIf the skin. This twenty layer cellularbarr protects thedepr living skin! system fo the environme, Composed of non-livingýr celîs made up of fibrous keratin protein. the stratum corneum is constantly being discarded and replaced by epidermal ceils -which, in turn, die in the process of becoming xeratrnizect. The hard keratin structure contains moisture which helps keep the skin smooth, and supple. If this essential moisture is lost, because of repeated use of aikaline, produets, low relative-,- humiîty, wind or adverse temperatures, the surface of the skin may become dry, chapped, cracked. The stratum corneum also contains a group of chemicals called the Natural Moisturizing Factor, whieh serves to hold this moisture to the skin's protein structure, keeping it flexible. The stratum corneum is protected by the natural acid mantie; it is a mixture of oiîs, water and water soluble materials that coats the skin's surface. Many common soaps, skin care products and make-ups which are out of balance- with the skin's natural aeid: mantle may lead, to unnecessary dryness, flaking and chapping. The produets you use on your hair and skin should be formulated at ai PH of, 4.5 to 5.5 to conormto your hair anid skîn's natural, slightly acidie protective mantle. Be-verley is the owner of a local beauty salon, The Style Shoppe. Any beauty related questions may be sent to Beverley in care of the Canadian SÙtesman Steak-on-asË H ot Pork San c Mushroom I te oni y $1, Abovedorders served wtveles, pftoc eo e A. Egg roi!l B. ý-gg roll Sweet and sour chicken Beef with mushrooms Chioken fried rice Chieken fried rîce Cookie, coffee or tea Cookîe, coffee or tea Your choice - L$1.5 We change our full course dînner nmenu every day. Served from11 am. -9 p.m Friday OnIy SatudyOnfil Baked Spa rer ibs Pot Roasi with vegetables Bee Dinner $3.25 -3~5 Above orders include chefs salad or tomnato juice, dinner rails abufter, poatfes, vegetables, rice pudding, coftee or tes. FOR FAST T'AKE-QU-. T and CALL: 5 9 K ing t 0Bomnil Today om,,an by Bev;erley Maiitin Nè